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Prabhakaran’s brother claims sections of Tamil diaspora defrauding people in the name of late leader – Deccan Herald

| June 7, 2024

Colombo: The brother of Velupillai Prabhakaran has for the first time publicly admitted that his brother and his entire family were killed in 2009 and warned of a bunch of Tamilians defrauding people by claiming that the late LTTE founder and some of his family, especially one daughter, are alive. Velupillai Prabhakaran, his wife and their three children are dead, all of them perishing in the final stages of Sri Lankas war in 2009, Velupillai Manoharan has declared publicly for the first time, according to LankaFT portal.

Advancing the Abolition of the Death Penalty Among Belarusian Society and Diaspora: Workshop in Vilnius – Council of Europe

| June 7, 2024

A training workshop on the advancement of the issue of abolition of the death penalty in Belarus among Belarusian society, including diaspora, took place in Vilnius, Lithuania from 30-31 May. The event was opened by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Jonas Survila on behalf of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, together with Sebastien Potaufeu, Council of Europe Coordinator for the Abolition of the Death Penalty and Alexander Shlyk, adviser to the leader of Belarusian democratic forces, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya. Organised as part of the activities under the Council of Europes Contact group for Belarus in co-operation with Belarusian civil society organisations, the Viasna Human Rights Centre, and the Belarusian National Youth Council RADA, the advocacy event aimed to equip young activists with the tools and knowledge needed to effectively advocate for changing public opinion on death penalty.

Iran’s cyber attacks threaten the world – The Jerusalem Post

| June 7, 2024

In todays interconnected world, the threats we face are not only physical but also digital, insidious, and pervasive. In 2022, I sounded the alarm that Tehran was mapping out the Jewish community in the UK ahead of planned attacks on Israel and Jews worldwide. This warning, later confirmed by UK Minister for Security Tom Tugendhat, underscores the persistent and evolving threat posed by Irans cyber operations

Top Diaspora Rabbi Says Israel Must Develop ‘Contingency Plan’ for Europe’s Jews as Antisemitism Spreads – Algemeiner

| June 7, 2024

A top European Rabbi is calling on Israel to develop a practical contingency plan for the absorption of European Jewry in Israel, as antisemitism spreads across the continent. We are in a battle for the continuation of Jewish life in Europe, European Jewish Association (EJA) Chairman Rabbi Menachem Margolin said last week. Jews in traditional dress or those with mezuzahs on their doors are experiencing relentless harassment.

October 7 proved the resilience of global Jewry – The Jerusalem Post

| June 7, 2024

Before October 7, it was easy for most Jews in the Diaspora to forget that they are Jewish. Sure, they will remember as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah approach, or when invited to the occasional Bar or Bat Mitzvah, but 2,000 years of connection, history and wisdom have by and large laid dormant for many Jews around the world. That is, until now.

Canada’s South Asian diaspora follows Indian election with interest as Modi forced to rely on allies – The Globe and Mail

| June 7, 2024

Open this photo in gallery: The results of Tuesdays election were enough to hand Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi a third mandate, but a diminished one.Adnan Abidi/Reuters Ganesh Patil stayed up until 3 a.m. Tuesday morning watching the results of the election in India from his home in Ottawa. His phone dinged constantly non-stop messages from the Indo-Canadian Facebook and WhatsApp groups he belongs to, their members passionately debating the results.

Blog | Why The Indian Diaspora In UK Is Leaning Towards Tories – NDTV

| June 7, 2024

When Londoner Anoop Dhallu's father and uncles left Punjab for Britain in 1962, they had little idea they would face overt racial discrimination in their new country. At that time, British society was predominantly White, with only a small percentage of South Asians and Caribbeans adding diversity.

Special duty exemptions for goods brought into the island for diaspora projects – Jamaica Gleaner

| May 30, 2024

The Jamaica Customs Agency has implemented a special duty exemption for persons bringing tools and goods into the country for Diaspora Day of Service projects on Thursday, June 20. State Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Alando Terrelonge, made the disclosure at a recent Jamaica Information Service (JIS) Think Tank, where he provided details about the Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference, slated for June 16 to 19, at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in St. James.

Ukrainian diaspora in the US rally to voice support for Azovstal defenders – Euromaidan Press

| May 30, 2024

Dozens of people joined a rally in Seattle, Washington, on 19 May to raise awareness for the plight of Ukrainian soldiers still held in Russian captivity. May marked the second anniversary of the defense of Mariupol, where thousands of Ukrainian soldiers were taken prisoner after the siege of the city ended on 20 May 2022.

Empowering many: A young Kyrgyz woman in the diaspora creates opportunities – European Union

| May 30, 2024

In Poland, Danaker has expanded its membership, created new partnerships, and diversified its activities.

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