admin | June 26, 2022
A forever future of bliss or an afterlife of pain? Ben Esposito and Angel Pixels newest first-person action runner game Neon White gives players a choice to decide their fate during the games final mission
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admin | June 23, 2022
MIDDLEBURY, Vt. June 24 marks the first student arrival day for the Middlebury Language Schools, known internationally for their full immersion approach to language teaching. This summer the Language Schools will welcome over 1,500 students and 300 faculty and staff to the campuses of Middlebury College, Bennington College, and the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey to study Abenaki, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
Category: Hebrew |
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admin | June 23, 2022
How do you say spyware in Hebrew? Until recently, Hebrew speakers who wanted to talk about the Israeli company NSO and its notorious Pegasus spyware had to rely on the English term, Israelifying it to fit their cadence and pronunciation and tossing it into the torrent of Hebrew vernacular.
Category: Hebrew |
Comments Off on For Israel’s language czar, reviving Hebrew means bringing it down from the tower – The Times of Israel
admin | June 23, 2022
(JTA) In the global reckoning with sexual abuse by powerful leaders, no religious movement has escaped scrutiny and censure, including the broad spectrum of Jewish denominations. Major Reform and Conservative bodies have mounted investigations or issued detailed reports on abuse and cover-ups within their ranks. Lawsuits have been brought against longtime accused abusers such as Baruch Lanner and institutions such as the Orthodox Union for protecting them
Category: Hebrew |
Comments Off on A new book explores abusive rabbis and the Jewish institutional culture that protects them – JTA News – Jewish Telegraphic Agency
admin | June 23, 2022
Daily ScriptureWEDNESDAY 6.22.22 Genesis 39:21-23, 41:9-16, 37-41 Genesis 39 21 the LORD was with Joseph and remained loyal to him. He caused the jails commander to think highly of Joseph. 22 The jails commander put all of the prisoners in the jail under Josephs supervision, and he was the one who determined everything that happened there.
Category: Hebrew |
Comments Off on Vaulted from pit to prime minister, Joseph gave God the – Leawood – Church of the Resurrection
admin | June 23, 2022
Picking a baby name can be a tricky task for many parents. And throw in a name theme for a family like names that all start with the same letter the task of choosing a baby name is even more difficult
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Comments Off on 20 Baby Girl Names That Start With Z – Romper
admin | June 23, 2022
(JTA) On June 9, 2009, Javier Sinays father sent him an email with the subject line Your Great Grandfather. The email linked to a Spanish translation of an article written in 1947 by Mijel Hacohen Sinay. The First Fatal Victims in Moises Ville detailed a series of murders that had occurred in that village, the first rural Jewish community in Argentina, between 1889 and 1906.
Category: Hebrew |
Comments Off on How the murders of Jewish farmers connected an Argentine writer with his familys past – JTA News – Jewish Telegraphic Agency
admin | June 23, 2022
When studying Scripture, it is always helpful to understand more about the particular historical, cultural, and linguistic setting in which the story of the Bible unfolds. Michael Heisers 2015 book The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible has introduced many ordinary readers of Scripture to a new concept with ancient roots: the divine council
Category: Hebrew |
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admin | June 23, 2022
Researchers have identified some of the worlds earliest examples of our ancestors cultivating fruit remains of a 7,000-year-old olive and fig trees. They say they must have been deliberately planted because neither tree grows naturally in the Jordan Valley, southern Israel.
Category: Hebrew |
Comments Off on The wealthy grew olives and figs in Israel 7,000 years ago – ISRAEL21c
admin | June 23, 2022
Zelensky tells Israeli students he is disappointed by governments level of support Stressing the close historical and cultural ties between Ukraine and Israel, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says that his country is disappointed by the level of material and diplomatic support it has received from the Israeli government. Unfortunately, for most items of assistance we would want to get from Israel, we cant say weve gotten any of that assistance, says Zelensky, speaking by video to students and faculty at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem a day before the four-month mark of the Russian invasion. Please remember how close we are linked, how our ties are, and what should be the level of understanding between us, he continues, after referencing the Israeli pioneers who grew up in Ukraine, including prime minister Golda Meir, author Sholem Aleichem, and president Yitzhak Ben-Zvi
Category: Hebrew |
Comments Off on Students heading back to classrooms nationwide as teachers strike halted – The Times of Israel