Iran President on Holocaust Denial
simmons | May 30, 2011
At the United Nations, CBS News' Katie Couric challenged controversial Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over his prior denials of the Holocaust during World War II.
simmons | May 30, 2011
At the United Nations, CBS News' Katie Couric challenged controversial Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over his prior denials of the Holocaust during World War II.
simmons | May 30, 2011
Syrian author Muhammad Nimr Al-Madani publicly claims "Hitler was falsely accused of genocide against the Jews" on Iranian TV.
simmons | May 29, 2011
simmons | May 24, 2011
Do you believe that the Holocaust was real?
simmons | May 22, 2011
Holocaust deniers claim that the holocaust did not take place but what is it that they are denying?
richards | May 19, 2011 What historians are saying about the Roques thesis... ...from now on researchers will have to take his work into account... —Alain Decaux, member, Académie Française Had I been a member of the jury, I would probably have given a grade of "Very good" to Mr. Roques' thesis. —Michel de Bouard, Institut de France This […]