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Helma Goldmark, Holocaust refugee who joined resistance, dies at 98 – The Washington Post

| March 30, 2024

Helma Goldmark, an Austrian-born Jew, turned 12 in 1938, the year it became evident that she was no longer safe in her homeland. In March, Nazi Germany annexed Austria in an event known as the Anschluss

New German citizenship test to include questions on Holocaust and Israel’s founding – Middle East Eye

| March 30, 2024

Questions around Jewish life in Germany, the Holocaust and Berlin's relationship withIsraelwill soon form part of Germany's naturalisation test, the country's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Tuesday. "Antisemitism, racism and other forms of contempt for humankind preclude naturalisation.

Memorials and 100,000 repayment for tram role in Holocaust –

| March 30, 2024

Amsterdam has announced that it will repay 100,000 in recognition of the money the city made from tram tickets to take 48,000 Jewish people on towards Nazi death camps during World War II. Following the release of the film Verdwenen Stad (Lost City) by Emmy-winning film director Willy Lindwer, investigating the role of the city tram service in collaborating with the Nazis, the city has announced a repayment and memorial boards at major stations. The question was never answered of how is it possible to get 80,000 people out of a city like Amsterdam, in a little over a year, Lindwer told Dutch News

Northeastern Performance Shares a Holocaust Survivor’s Story – Northeastern University

| March 30, 2024

Everything you will hear today is true the events and the stories. Thats how Andie Weiner, the 2024 Holocaust Legacy Foundation Gideon Klein Scholar, prefaced her presentation at the kick off of Holocaust and Genocide Awareness Week at Northeastern University. The presentation, also her capstone project, was a solo biographical performance that told the story of how her grandfather, Jack or Joop Groothuis, escaped the Netherlands as it was under Nazi occupation and fled to the United States

Jewish comedian Lena Dunham discovers her family’s Holocaust story on PBS’ ‘Finding Your Roots’ – JTA News – Jewish Telegraphic Agency

| March 30, 2024

(JTA) Jewish actress and writer Lena Dunham is the latest Hollywood star to discover that her family has ties to the Holocaust on the PBS celebrity genealogy series Finding Your Roots. Dunham, the sometimes controversial comedian who was born to a Protestant father and a Jewish mother, has previously described herself as very culturally Jewish, and she stars in a forthcoming film, Treasure, that features a family grappling with its Holocaust history.

Out & About: Lessons of the Holocaust focus of Thetford interfaith event – Valley News

| March 30, 2024

THETFORD Two Upper Valley congregations are joining together to host an event that encourages people of different religions to discuss faith and the Holocaust. Faith Among the Ashes: Lessons From Holocaust Survivors is scheduled to take place Sunday, April 14 at 1:30 p.m

University Medallion recognizes Holocaust survivors who entrusted testimonies to USC Shoah Foundation – University of Southern California

| March 30, 2024

The University Medallion is a symbol of USCs lasting commitment to use these visual and oral histories to educate, enlighten and shape a future without hate, Folt said. The granting of the University Medallion comes at a time when antisemitism is on the rise globally in the wake of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and the subsequent war in Gaza

The Real Family in Hulu’s We Were The Lucky Ones | TIME – TIME

| March 30, 2024

The author Georgia Hunter grew up hearing that her granduncle kept a fake penis foreskin on hand in case he had to show proof that he wasnt Jewish in Warsaw during the Holocaust. As the story was told to Hunter, her relative, an architect named Adam, was so desperate not to be discovered as Jewish that he stuck a bandage on his member with an egg white and water mixture

Germany set to add citizenship test questions about Jews and Israel – The Washington Post

| March 30, 2024

BERLIN Those seeking German citizenship could soon have to answer test questions about antisemitism, Germanys commitment to Israel and Jewish life in Germany. The catalogue of more than 300 questions from which citizenship test questions can be selected is to be amended shortly, the interior ministry said in a statement, pending final approval. New questions, German magazine Der Spiegel reported, are to include: What is a Jewish house of prayer called

Holocaust Drama ‘We Were the Lucky Ones’: TV Review – TIME

| March 30, 2024

Among the many misperceptions about the Holocaust that well-meaning Hollywood creators have unwittingly perpetuated, the most damaging has been the idea that Jews were passive victims, complacently herded into airless train cars to be exterminated at death camps. Bloody revenge fantasies like Quentin Tarantinos Inglourious Basterds aside, realistic accounts of Jewish self-defense in the face of Nazi annihilation have been few and far between

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