A Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Part 1
simmons | October 1, 2011
Created by Newscoop and ACS-Athens high school students Special Thanks Camilla Warrender - for her help Jamie Lopez - for his incredible footage
simmons | October 1, 2011
Created by Newscoop and ACS-Athens high school students Special Thanks Camilla Warrender - for her help Jamie Lopez - for his incredible footage
simmons | September 28, 2011
Iraq-born, Jewish professor Abe Sion, explores Palestinian Israeli history claims jootube.tvFrom:democastViews:383 12ratingsTime:38:59More inNews Politics
simmons | September 28, 2011
IRDA - The Israeli Racing Driver's Association, present: "The action during the years 1984 - 2009" Rally-Cross, Rally Sprint and Rally.
simmons | September 27, 2011
Learn the facts
simmons | September 22, 2011
This segment on the Ayalon Institute was featured in part two in The History Channel's "Cities of the Underworld" series.
simmons | September 18, 2011
http://www.shalomtv.com Following the Obama Administration's criticism of Israeli West Bank settlements, Shalom TV offers a summary of the history of West Bank sovereignty from 1920 to the present and the legal issues relating to Israeli settlements.
simmons | September 15, 2011
WATCH THE FULL FILM ON YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com The Official trailer for the acclaimed, comprehensive documentary covering all of Israel's wars, from the War of Independence in 1948, through the Six Days War of 1967, Yom Kippur War of 1973 up to the Second Lebanon War of 2006. Also covered extensively is Israel's army - the IDF, with a complete covering of its history, arsenal, special operations, air strikes and land strategies. A must-see film for everyone interested in the wars and conflicts which have shaped Israel and the IDF.
simmons | September 13, 2011
Biblical Israeli History (Introduction).wmv An extract of my upcoming video clip on Biblical Israeli HistoryFrom:WordsworthYangViews:57 0ratingsTime:04:30More inEducation
simmons | September 10, 2011
Next: http://www.youtube.com http://www.gbtv.com It's a 30 minute comprehensive guide to the religious and political importance of Israel. It takes you from the days of early Abraham through the Camp David Accords in the 1990s. It also shows the historic importance of Jerusalem to the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions -- and explains why it must remain in Israeli control to preserve some of the holiest sites in the world.
simmons | September 9, 2011
Learn more - http://www.tanknutdave.com Israeli Sabre - http://www.tanknutdave.com Israeli Merkava - http://www.tanknutdave.com Israeli Magach series - http://www.tanknutdave.com Israeli Sho't - http://www.tanknutdave.com