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Learning To Exist in a World Without My Jewish Dad – Alma

| June 15, 2024

As the world prepares to celebrate the secular holiday of Fathers Day through a barrage of Home Depot commercials featuring George Foreman grills and flash sales on fishing equipment at Dicks Sporting Goods, I am encountering an unfamiliar anxiousness. A holiday that once filled me with an overwhelming sense of pride as I would scour the aisles at CVS in search of multiple Fathers Day cards, because just one couldnt match his eclectic personality and dry sense of humor, now leaves me feeling broken. My father, Ned Goldberg, zl, died less than six months ago from metastatic prostate cancer

National Council of Jewish Women Decries Bump Stock Ruling That Prioritizes Guns Over People – National Council of … – National Council of Jewish…

| June 15, 2024

Policy Statements June 14, 2024 With the US Supreme Courts decision today in Garland v. Cargill, a case about whether a rifle equipped with a bump stock an attachment that transforms a semiautomatic rifle into a weapon that can discharge at a rate of hundreds of rounds per minute simply with one movement by the shooter is a machinegun, National Council of Jewish Women Government Relations and Advocacy Director Darcy Hirsh issued the following statement: Today the Supreme Court removed an important gun safety deterrent by invalidating the federal policy that classifies bump stocks as machine guns a policy that subjected owners to criminal liability

Lena Dunham and Stephen Fry Connect With Jewish Trauma and Family in ‘Treasure’ Kveller –

| June 15, 2024

Stephen Fry and Lena Dunham are not related yet talking to them, it feels like they are. The connection is palpable in the new movie Treasure, in which the celebrated British comedian and the Girls creator and star play a very special father and daughter duo, Edek and Ruth. The film is based on a book by Lily Brett about the authors journey back to Poland in the 90s with her father, an Auschwitz survivor

A lonely Jew in New York: Wearing a Jewish star in public in 2024 – The Jerusalem Post

| June 15, 2024

Excuse me, let me move my cup, I say to the woman at the table next to me at my New York co-working space.

Jewish immigrant men abandoned their wives in droves a century ago. Their stories are getting a new look – JTA News – Jewish Telegraphic Agency

| June 15, 2024

In December of 1912, Nathan Goldfarb, a Jewish watchmaker in New York, had an affair with a boarder who was staying in his home named Minnie Schechter. After Goldfarbs wife, Lena, caught the wayward couple in the act, the pair absconded, leaving behind Goldfarbs three children

How To Have the Most Fun Jewish Summer Camp Reunion With Your Besties – Alma

| June 15, 2024

Hello and welcome back to Hey Almas advice column on all things Jewish life check out whatour Instagram audience had to say about this weeks issue, read on for advice from our resident deputy managing editor/bossy Capricorn Jew, andsubmit your own dilemmas anonymously here. Hey, Hey Alma, Me and three of my friends from summer camp, who havent all been together in the same city for 3 years, are finally reuniting this summer. Were looking for some fun and Jewish-adjacent activities that can both scratch that nostalgic itch while also honor the fact that were adults with like, jobs and responsibilities and stuff.

How a Palestinian/Jewish Village in Israel Changed After October 7th – The New Yorker

| June 15, 2024

The villages system of self-governance can be slow.

Key Takeaways from AJCs 2024 Survey of American Jewish Opinion – American Jewish Committee

| June 15, 2024

Hamas massacre of Israelis on October 7, and the war that it started, has unleashed record levels of antisemitism in the U.S.

AJC Survey Shows American Jews are Deeply and Increasingly Connected to Israel | AJC – American Jewish Committee

| June 15, 2024

The majority of American Jews are not running from, but rather embracing their Jewish identity and support for Israel. That is one of the key overarching takeaways from American Jewish Committee's2024 Survey of American Jewish Opinion.Despite or perhaps due to record levels of antisemitic hate in the U.S., the surveyfound deepening connections between American Jews, their Jewish identity, and the State of Israel. Amid a sometimes raucous public debate around U.S.

Aliyah Commandos: Fighting to save North American Jews – The Jerusalem Post

| June 15, 2024

Despite being warned in yeshiva high school that Israel should not be his focus, Josh Wander, an oleh from Pittsburgh now living on Jerusalems Mount of Olives with his wife and six children, was destined to become an aliyah advocate.

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