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A leading evangelical says nixing West Bank annexation could cost Trump the election. Others disagree. – JTA News – Jewish Telegraphic Agency

| July 17, 2020

WASHINGTON (JTA) Israels potential annexation of parts of the West Bank may not be a top election issue for American Jews, or even a top issue right now for most Israelis. But some evangelical Christians in America are hoping to make it an animating issue for evangelical voters in this falls presidential election.

White Supremacy Was Her World. And Then She Left. – The New York Times

| July 17, 2020

None of that seemed so bad to her. Black people could celebrate their roots, Hispanic ones too. It stood to reason, Ms

Fary Isnt Joking About Race in France Right Now – The New York Times

| July 17, 2020

His comedy club, Madame Sarfati, is named after one of the most famous characters in French comedy: The parody of a Jewish mother played by lie Kakou, who died in 1999. Modeled after North American clubs, it is one of only a few venues in Paris that offers near-daily performance opportunities for French comedians. It took the investors, who include the theater mogul Jean-Marc Dumontet, two years to find and renovate the venue, a former restaurant chosen partly for its location near the Chtelet station, a transit hub easily accessible for suburban visitors

Things to Do: Upcoming Food & Drink Events in Houston this Summer 2020 – Houston Press

| July 17, 2020

Mark your calendars, because you dont want to miss these deliciously fun culinary happenings: Caracol, 2200 Post Oak, has added two botana (meaning appetizer or snack) family meals to its menu, spotlighting the coastal Mexican kitchens popular seafood items. Features include the Botana Caracol, with a dozen camarones a la talla (wood-grilled head-on shrimp), half-dozen ostiones asados (wood-roasted Gulf oysters with chipotle butter), pulpo al carbon (grilled octopus with chipotle tomatillo sauce) and a dozen small blue corn tortillas; or the Botana Costea, with a pint of red snapper ceviche, a pound of boiled shrimp with chipotle mayo and cocktail sauce, and a half-dozen Gulf oysters on-the-half-shell with salsa bruja and lime.

Resettlement Agencies Decide Where Refugees Are Initially Placed in the United States – Immigration Blog

| July 17, 2020

Nayla Rush is a senior researcher at the Center for Immigration Studies. In an appearance on French television at the end of May, French-American journalist and author Anne Toulouse reacted to the violent protests that followed the death of George Floyd in the United States

Ilhan Omars challenger raised $3.2M this past quarter 7 times more than she did – Forward

| July 17, 2020

Image by Antone Melton-Meaux Candidate Antone Melton-Meaux and family Minneapolis Representative Ilhan Omars primary challenger, Antone Melton-Meaux, raised $3.2 million between April and the end of June, compared to Omars $471,624 during the same period, the Star Tribune reports.

UK Jews nervous that Israel’s new envoy has too much of the Right stuff – Plus61 J Media

| July 15, 2020

COLIN SHINDLER: Mainstream UK Jewish organisations have put out a tepid welcome to Tzipi Hotovely the first Israeli woman ambassador to the UK IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY of an Israeli ambassador to maintain intimate links with his fellow Jews, in whatever country he serves. If you have a Jewish heart and soul, how can you not want to be an integral part of a Jewish community when you are representing the Jewish state? So spoke Yehuda Avner, a much-respected former Israeli ambassador to both the UK and Australia in the 1990s

Beware of A Wolf in Sheep’s ClothingMohamed Hadid’s Polemic on His Palestine – The Times of Israel

| July 11, 2020

Details Details Say there was a shocking Instagram post by a man whom you dont really know other than he is a tremendously rich celebrity, but the content of the post is so disturbing that its been discussed in many different news outlets. You know the one Im talking about, it showed a caricature of an IDF soldier pressing against a Palestinian mans neck while embracing an American cop whos choking a black man with his knee. That image was the impetus for learning more about the man behind the post, perhaps to understand his motivation for publishing the type of material that does nothing to promote peace and dialogue but instead, it fixates on historical revisionism that ascribes to Israel the worlds afflictions and fuels the nakba (catastrophe) narrative

We Aren’t Who We Think We Are : Code Switch – NPR

| July 3, 2020

GENE DEMBY, HOST: I'm Gene Demby. SHEREEN MARISOL MERAJI, HOST: I'm Shereen Marisol Meraji.

Embattled Trump team cools on Netanyahu’s annexation bid – The National

| July 1, 2020

Support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's planned annexation of much of the occupied West Bank appears to have waned in the US this week, with the Trump administration beset by a barrage of political setbacks. On Wednesday, Mr Netanyahu's self-imposed deadline, Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said it was likely there would be no announcement.

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