911 tape released from Israel Hernandez arrest – Video
simmons | August 15, 2013
911 tape released from Israel Hernandez arrest New details on a police chase that left a South Florida teenager dead. By: WPBF
simmons | August 15, 2013
911 tape released from Israel Hernandez arrest New details on a police chase that left a South Florida teenager dead. By: WPBF
simmons | August 15, 2013
Israel's plan to destroy 35 Bedouin villages while expanding illegal settlements - Truthloader Israel and Palestine have resumed peace talks for the first time in three years but already they look doomed to fail. While Israel has stuck to its agreement... By: Truthloader
simmons | August 14, 2013
Orthodoxy at a Turning Point: A National Conversation. Panel #2: Women and the Future of Judaism There is no more far-reaching, exciting, and controversial development in Orthodox Judaism in our time than the turmoil about the status of women in Jewish l... By: Kesher Israel
simmons | August 14, 2013
Israel frees 26 Palestinian prisoners before talks Israel released 26 Palestinian inmates, including many convicted in grisly killings, on the eve of long-stalled Mideast peace talks, angering families of tho... By: sabcdigitalnews
simmons | August 14, 2013
Over 100 Palestinian prisoners to be released by Israel Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/reuterssubscribe Aug.
simmons | August 14, 2013
Kerry optimistic about Mideast peace as Israel releases Palestinian prisoners Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/reuterssubscribe U.S. Secretary of State Kerry remains optimistic for Mideast peace as Israel releases Palestinian prisoners. D..
simmons | August 14, 2013
Israel frees Palestinian inmates before talks Israel has freed 26 Palestinian prisoners as part of a US-brokered deal to restart peace talks. Eleven inmates returned home to a hero's welcome in the West ...
simmons | August 14, 2013
ISRAEL TEL AVIV Tel Aviv foi fundada em 1909 nos arredores da antiga cidade porturia de Jaffa (em hebraico:יָפוֹ, Yafo; rabe:يافا, Yaffa).
simmons | August 14, 2013
ISRAEL NAZAR A Nazar moderna est sobre em um plat, a cerca de 350m acima do nvel do mar, situada entre em meio aos montes de 1 600 ps que formam a parte mais ao sul ... By: Chico Chagas
simmons | August 14, 2013
ISRAEL MAR DA GALILEIA Grande parte do ministrio de Jesus Cristo decorreu nas margens do lago de Genesar. Naqueles tempos, havia uma faixa de povoamentos volta do lago e muito ... By: Chico Chagas