simmons | January 3, 2012
01-01-2012 15:48 Beautiful photos from the Land of Israel. Photo Credits: Danny Yannai, David Rabkin, Eliyahu Alpern, Gady Cojocaru, Hagai Nativ, Ilan Rosen, Meir Levavi, Nachman Hellman, Nir Ben Yosef, Ofer Zilberstein, Shay Levy, Tomi Junger, and Yehuda Poch.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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simmons | January 2, 2012
01-01-2012 00:54 Most tourists who visit Israel go to Tel Aviv, the religious sites in Jerusalem, or the Dead Sea. But more people are now choosing to tour the occupied Palestinian territories, a place most governments advise against visiting.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Israeli tourist company holds West Bank tours – Video
simmons | January 2, 2012
02-01-2012 03:57
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on PM Netanyahu: ‘Israel Overcame 2011 Upheaval’ – Video
simmons | January 2, 2012
01-01-2012 23:55 The Muslim Brotherhood movement may bring the fate of Egypt's peace treaty to a referendum. Results from Egypt's recent parliamentary vote, which saw considerable gains for Islamist factions such as the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice party and the radical Salafi movement's Al-Nour Party, have caused some to question the future of Israel's 1979 peace treaty with its neighbor to the north. The deputy chief of the Muslim Brotherhood Rashad al-Bayoumi said that Egypt may choose to revise its peace treaty with Israel.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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richards | January 2, 2012
17-10-2011 22:16 Just a fun video that we did for our class project for US history. Over 4 hours of set time and 3 hours tinkering with editing and finalizing! Hope you enjoy it! I DO NOT CLAIM ANY OF THE MUSIC TO BE MY OWN: - 300 violins metal remix - Lose yourself instrumental - Girls generation - Gee - Kong fu fighting song - Vietnam war song.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on History video 1, Korean negotiation. – Video
simmons | January 2, 2012
23-09-2006 09:51 The Passion of the Christ: Edited for Sensitivity An Anti-Defamation League-Simon Wiesenthal Joint
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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simmons | January 2, 2012
29-12-2011 23:15 According to a study commissioned by the National Insurance Institute of Israel, the recent years have seen a significant rise in the number of employed people in the Arab sector, mainly among women. The study also pointed to a general growth in the number of employed women, and in the past two years -- a rise in the number of ultra-Orthodox men joining the labor market. According to the study, the employment rate of the entire population dropped 2% in the past decade.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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simmons | January 1, 2012
30-12-2011 08:29 Two French nationals accused of being involved in a hit and run incident that caused the death of Israeli Lee Zeitouni are asking to be tried in France, raising concerns among Zeitouni's family and friends in Israel. Duration: 00:26
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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simmons | January 1, 2012
28-12-2011 15:08 This year, 2012, will be the most important year in Israel's history. The world will never be the same again. With revolutions erupting across the Middle East, elections in the United States of America and the European economy in turmoil, NOW IS THE TIME to stand with Israel
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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simmons | January 1, 2012
29-12-2011 00:07 Israel and India may soon partner up in the field of water management, as the Israeli government is reportedly exploring a possible partnership with a Gujarat-based company. Prof.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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