Mixed feelings about Palestine’s UN bid in Ramallah
simmons | August 9, 2011
The Palestinian leadership is making its application to UN for membership status its top priority when the General Assembly convenes in September.
simmons | August 9, 2011
The Palestinian leadership is making its application to UN for membership status its top priority when the General Assembly convenes in September.
simmons | August 9, 2011
http://www.realzionistnews.com thebrothernathanaelfoundation.org
simmons | August 9, 2011
Inside Story - In Israel "it's the economy, stupid"
simmons | August 8, 2011
While Arabs call for democracy, Israelis want a country they can afford. More than 300000 protesters fill the streets of major cities to demand a lower cost of living. Al Jazeera's Hazem Sika has more.
simmons | August 8, 2011
It has been a summer of discontent in Israel as hundreds of thousands of protesters have held rallies across the country against the soaring cost of living. Speaking to Al Jazeera on the significance of the protests, Joseph Dana, writer and journalist based in Tel Aviv, said the protests have been spontaneous and unprecedented. But he said that protesters and protest organisers have specifically been silent on the issue of the occupation of Palestinians
simmons | August 8, 2011
On Saturday night, more than a quarter-of-a-million people took to the streets in Israel in the latest show of discontent with the government. That's after three weeks of protests over the soaring cost of living with activists demanding the Prime Minister steps down. Benyamin Netanyahu has responded with a promise of great changes in Israel's economy.
simmons | August 8, 2011
Food for thought on Israel's streets Street food is enjoying a revival around the world ... and the Israeli street is packed with mouth-watering morsels
simmons | August 7, 2011
Israel is bracing itself for a fresh wave of massive anti-government protests. Activists are planning a third weekend of rallies across the country.
simmons | August 7, 2011
These pictures brought to you by Pablo.
simmons | August 6, 2011
Palestine Applies for UN Recognition Representatives of the Arab League met in Doha, Qatar on August 3, to finalize details on Palestinian's United Nations application, for official recognition of a Palestinian state. The Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, said the application will have a positive impact on the peace process: "Our request for UN permanent membership for the Palestinian State with 1967 borders and capital as Jerusalem, doesn't aim any kind of confrontation or conflict but it is only to maintain the option of two states and to preserve the peace process," Erekat said.