Israel intercepts Gaza-bound vessel
simmons | July 20, 2011
July 19 - The Israeli Navy intercepts a French vessel carrying aid and activists as it attempts to break Israel's blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza. Lindsey Parietti reports.
simmons | July 20, 2011
July 19 - The Israeli Navy intercepts a French vessel carrying aid and activists as it attempts to break Israel's blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza. Lindsey Parietti reports.
simmons | July 20, 2011
Defying Israel's naval blockade on Gaza
simmons | July 19, 2011
This is a response to a movie posted by Freethemasons who blocked me from comenting.
simmons | July 19, 2011 • BMD1134; Aired on 22 Oct 2009 Today we present excerpts of Chapters 2, 10-11 of the Book of Isaiah from Judaism's Holy Tanakh. The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, and the ancient writings of the Talmud, embody the beliefs and practices of Judaism. Present in every aspect of the religion is a single, omniscient, and compassionate God
simmons | July 19, 2011
Following the peaceful interception of the Al-Karama ship by soldiers from the Israel Navy, the Al-Karama passengers transferred to a Navy speedboat. The Al-Karama ship, containing French protesters, declared it was headed towards the Alexander port in Egypt in order to deceive the Greek authorities.
simmons | July 19, 2011
The Israeli navy has seized a French yacht carrying pro-Palestinian activists intent on breaking the blockade of the Gaza Strip.
simmons | July 19, 2011
The Israel Navy peacefully boarded the Al-Karama after it declared unwillingness to dock at Israel's Ashdod port. Not long ago, Israel Navy forces began towing the Al-Karama to Israel's Ashdod port.
simmons | July 19, 2011
This is a response to a movie posted by Freethemasons who blocked me from comenting.
simmons | July 19, 2011 Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain declares that it would be his policy as president to consider any attack on Israel an attack on the United States of America.
richards | July 18, 2011
I recently learned that March is Holocaust Awareness Month, and having come from German heritage, I wanted to show you all the truths of this terrible event.