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DEFAMATION – Theatrical Trailer

| May 16, 2011 Intent on shaking up the ultimate sacred cow for Jews, Israeli director Yoav Shamir embarks on a provocative - and at times irreverent - quest to answer the question, What is anti-Semitism today? Does it remain a dangerous and immediate threat

Why I Left Judaism

| May 16, 2011 http

Rep. Wasserman Schultz Recognizes Jewish American Heritage Month 2009

| May 16, 2011

May is Jewish American Heritage Month. This month, Rep

Jewish American Heritage Month » B'nai B'rith International …

| April 3, 2011

Fighting hatred and prejudice has long been a basic tenet of B'nai B'rith, which was founded in 1843 to help new Jewish immigrants fight the hatred and prejudice they faced in their ...

Jewish Professor: Israel is a client state to the US in the region

| January 1, 2011

Ihab Salim-Sandviken-Sweden-Iraqi News Agency INA: The Professor American Jewish (Noam Chomsky -82 years) - said that Israel is a American military base in the Middle East in a television interview for discussion of foreign policy toward Israel and Afghanistan. He said: ( Israel is a client state to the US in the region..Israel is the heritage of the United States in the violence, aggression and terrorism, the same thing with the other client states).

Robot Surgeon Comes to Israel

| December 25, 2010

Dr. David Samadi brings first robotic surgeon to Israel

Brush Fires Rage on in Israel

| December 4, 2010

International crews arrive to help Israelis

The Samson Option explodes one of the world’s most closely guarded secrets—the secret of Israel’s atomic arsenal.

| November 19, 2010 The Samson Option explodes one of the world’s most closely guarded secrets—the secret of Israel’s atomic arsenal. It relates, for the first time, the political, diplomatic, and military repercussions that have for decades been concealed from the world. It is also about America’s ability not to see what it does not want to see. […]

Sirios víctimas de minas antipersonas que Israel dejó en el Golán

| November 10, 2010

Las minas antipersonas y bombas racimos que Israel colocó tras la ocupación del Golán siguen dañando a la población civil. Cuarenta años después que el ejército de...

Israel reanuda construcción de asentamientos en territorio palestino

| October 21, 2010

Israel aprobó la ampliación de dos colonias ubicadas en la parte árabe de Jerusalem Este. La negativa del gobierno de Tel Aviv de detener las construcciones provocó...

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