Jewish History Month Slave Trade – Video
simmons | September 11, 2013
Jewish History Month Slave Trade mirrored video. By: peter griffin
simmons | September 11, 2013
Jewish History Month Slave Trade mirrored video. By: peter griffin
simmons | September 2, 2013
We CAN reverse the tide of assimilation, change Jewish History!! Over 320000 people have been hosted, matches have been made, and a world wide network of kindness and caring has been created.'s expenses each m...
simmons | August 30, 2013
Pope Gregory I and the Jews (This Week in Jewish History) Dr. Henry Abramson Pope Gregory I ("the Great") was one of the most influential Church leaders of the medieval period. His policy on the treatment of Jews in Christian Europe, ...
simmons | August 19, 2013
Jews, Lepers and the Black Death (This Week in Jewish History) The summer of 1321 was plagued with rumors that Jews had entered into a conspiracy with lepers (some versions also included Muslims) to poison the wells of E... By: Henry Abramson
simmons | August 12, 2013
VVH-TV News - "The (Unusual) Jewish History of Sag Harbor" VVH-TV News - "The (Unusual) Jewish History of Sag Harbor" Temple Adas Israel in Sag Harbor.
simmons | August 8, 2013
The Pale of Settlement This Week in Jewish History Dr. Henry Abramson Officially banned in 1479, no Jews lived in the Russian Empire until Tsarina Catherine II conquered a major portion of Polish territory, instantly inheriting..
simmons | August 1, 2013
Jewish History 1.1: "They tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat." Dr. Henry Abramson What is History, and what is Jewish History?
simmons | July 27, 2013
Jewish History Review History is what is needed to learn, but some history has been changed to protect no one. All the history God records and rerecords
simmons | July 15, 2013
Exploring Jewish Morocco: local enthusiast Youness Abeddour launches Fes Jewish history tours Youness Abeddour is a young Moroccan from Fes with a passion for preserving the Jewish history of his city. JN1 has come to Morocco to speak to Youness about... By: JewishNewsOne
simmons | July 11, 2013
It Sounds Greek to Me (Part 2) Jewish History Lecture Series: R. Moshe Orlofsky It Sounds Greek to Me (Part 2) Jewish History Lecture Series: R