Jewish History Month – USSR – Video
simmons | July 8, 2013
Jewish History Month - USSR By: HelpSaveWhiteRace
simmons | July 8, 2013
Jewish History Month - USSR By: HelpSaveWhiteRace
simmons | July 5, 2013
Ashland Jewish History: the Shul House of Israel was an Orthodox Jewish congregation in Ashland, Kentucky. From 1921 to 1976, it served a small number of local Jewish families who desired mo... By: Institute of Southern Jewish Life
simmons | July 4, 2013
Timeline Of Jewish History app "Timeline Of Jewish History" app is from the series of educational games that are made with a goal to educate kids and adults alike about interesting world e...
simmons | June 27, 2013
Destruction and Rebuilding (Part 1) Jewish History Lecture Series: R. Moshe Orlofsky Series of Lectures on Jewish History with R
simmons | June 20, 2013
This Week in Jewish History: The Jewish Badge 3 minute video by Dr. Henry Abramson A very brief overview of the Jewish Badge, a distinctive mark imposed on the Jews in medieval Europe.
simmons | June 13, 2013
Isaac Bashevis Singer Jewish History Lecture by Dr. Henry Abramson This is a lecture I delivered a long time ago at the University of Central Florida (some of my hair was still dark, and some of it was actually there, too)
simmons | June 7, 2013
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of Chabad Jewish History Lecture by Dr. Henry Abramson A presentation on the life and word of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), the Seventh Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. A native of Nikolaev..
simmons | May 30, 2013
Betty Friedan and Jewish Feminism Jewish History Lecture by Dr. Henry Abramson A presentation on the life and work of Betty Friedan, a prominent American Jewish feminist leader. The author of the landmark The Feminine Mystique (1963), s..
simmons | May 17, 2013
Rabbi Aharon Benhaim Jewish History 2008 06 17 Jewish History. By: Abraham Benhaim
simmons | May 14, 2013
A New Reality: Jewish History in 20th Century 7 The Church and the Holocaust: What should be done with the people of the Old Testament? Apathy, anti-Semitism, fear or quiet opposition to Hitler?