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Society For Humanistic Judaism Receives Grant From the Simon Foundation to Launch Michigan Programming Detroit Jewish News – The Jewish News

| January 18, 2022

The Donald R. and Esther Simon Foundation has awarded a grant to the Society for Humanistic Judaism (SHJ) to expand its Jews for a Secular Democracy social justice initiative by piloting a state-specific program in Michigan. The goal is to build a pluralistic network of partners in the state across Jewish communal institutions and denominations to bring a Jewish perspective to education and advocacy defending the separation of church and state.

Judaism Rejects the Idea That Human Nature Is Good – Algemeiner

| January 18, 2022

In a December column published in The Algemeiner, Rabbi Pini Dunner presented a case that Judaism holds people and human nature to be fundamentally good. While no doubt sincerely held, his argument reflects a dangerous secular notion that has intruded into parts of modern Orthodox life, just as this and other secular ideas have influenced Catholic and Protestant Christian life

Jewish community hopes to stand together in strength after Texas synagogue hostage situation – WAAY

| January 18, 2022

Not standing in fear, but instead standing strong that's the response one local rabbi says the Jewish community is taking after a hostage situation at a synagogue in Texas over the weekend. The FBI is now investigating the standoff as terrorism-related

Poems for the Conversos – Tablet Magazine

| January 18, 2022

Poetry and history can seem like perfect foils. History aims toward precision and accuracy; poetry tends to favor ambiguity and subjectivity. If historys staples are dates, borders, and names, poetryespecially contemporary poetrytranscends such details for the sake of the timeless and unnamable

33 years after classic bar mitzvah episode, revamped Wonder Years revisits the ritual – JTA News – Jewish Telegraphic Agency

| January 18, 2022

(JTA) Paul Pfeiffers bar mitzvah made Jewish television history when The Wonder Years devoted an episode to it in 1989.

AMP should inspire dialogue, not incite division | Jacob Baime | The Blogs – The Times of Israel

| January 18, 2022

Less than two months after Zahra Billoo, a longtime leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), lambasted Jewish houses of worship before a packed room at the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) convention in Chicago, a Texas synagogue was targeted by an Islamist hostage-taker.

The Shofar Buying Guide: Tips and Considerations – Devdiscourse

| January 18, 2022

Depending on what time of year it is, the sounds of the shofar ring far and wide in celebration, for repentance, and also to signal the start of a new year and new beginnings.

Why anti-Zionism is a core value of congregation Tzedek Chicago – Mondoweiss

| January 18, 2022

At our December 2021 meeting, the Tzedek Chicago board voted unanimously to recommend amending our core values statement to state explicitly that anti-Zionism (rather than non-Zionism) should be articulated as a core value of our congregation. Since we knew members would have questions about how all of this came about, we created a set of Q/As, below to give membership the background and rationale for our decision. As this would obviously be an important, impactful step for our community, we also agreed unanimously that it should be processed, discussed and ultimately put to a membership vote

The Alternative Tues Jan 4 for online publicationTHISDAYLIVE – THISDAY Newspapers

| January 4, 2022

THE ALTERNATIVE with Reno Omokri The Ijebu, The Yoruba and Their Influence on The Bible and Judaism Due to the many requests I received from readers who read my piece on the Ijebu people of Nigeria, the first #TheAlternative of 2022 will be an updated edition of my article The Ijebu, The Yoruba and Their Influence on The Bible and JudaismI am doing this not only because some Yoruba elders have investigated and found that I was right about the origin and meaning of the word Yoruba (Yariba), but also because if we as Black people do not know our history, we will constantly wander around in circles, and return to the place where we first began, and instead of knowing it for the very first time, as TS Eliot wrote in Little Gidding, we will simply wander again. One significant update in this edition is to note that Ijebu-Remo came about because a colonial officer was tasked with visiting Ijebu and Remo, and in his travel log, he referred to the places as Ijebu-Remo, instead of Ijebu/Remo or Ijebu and Remo, giving the impression that the two separate areas were in fact one geographical location

Judaism and Numbers | My Jewish Learning

| January 2, 2022

The practice of gematria, or the spiritual interpretation of numbers, is onetechnique for understanding sacred texts. The followingnumbers are consideredsymbolic and/or sacred in Judaism: One indicates unity, divinity, and wholeness, as exemplified by God.

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