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WUPJ/Arzenu Solidarity Mission to Israel: Highlights World Union for Progressive Judaism – World Union for Progressive Judaism

| April 11, 2024

Our recent Solidarity Mission to Israel was truly an incredible and moving experience. From Kabbalat Shabbat with the warm community of Kehilat Veahavta to thought-provoking discussions on Jewish identity at ANU Museum, every moment was filled with connection to our Judaism and shaping Progressive Zionism. We visited the Gaza Envelope where we met remarkable individuals like Eli, whose courage in defending Kibbutz Mefalsim left a lasting impression on us

Chabad hosts Shabbat 2400 – Pipe Dream – Binghamton University Pipe Dream

| April 11, 2024

Chabad at Binghamton brought together more than 2400 attendees to celebrate Shabbat, surpassing the participant total from previous years and demonstrating the strong sense of Jewish community at Binghamton.

The antisemitic war on Judaism, Israel is only getting worse – The Jerusalem Post

| April 11, 2024

Go back to Auschwitz!... Were coming for you!...

Trending topics Israel and Jewish identity: A review of Understanding Zionism, Who Are the Jewsand Who Can We … – The Christian Century

| April 11, 2024

Understanding Zionism: Historyand Perspectives By Anne Perez Fortress What exactly does it mean to identify oneself as a Zionist or to call someone else one?

The Rights of Children: Infanticide Vs Jewish Tradition – The Times of Israel

| April 11, 2024

Introduction: In the Jewish tradition, childbirth is regarded as a sacred experience, marked by rituals and offerings that signify gratitude, devotion, and purification. However, when we explore historical practices beyond Jewish tradition, we encounter a stark and troubling reality: the widespread prevalence of infanticide. Through understanding and embracing the ethical principles of Judaism, we can strive to build a more compassionate and just world, where every life is cherished and protected.

Beth Or Enhances the Teen Connection – Jewish Exponent

| April 11, 2024

Aaron Nielsenshultz, the director of religious school and bnai mitzvah training at Beth Or, discusses Israel with high school students. Photo by Allison Levin Leslie Feldman Aaron Nielsenshultz, the director of religious school and bnai mitzvah training at Beth Or in Maple Glen, strongly believes in connecting teens to their Jewish background to offer them a sense of identity, belonging and cultural richness. After the COVID-19 lockdown ended in the fall of 2021, Nielsenshultz was looking to re-engage with teens because they had not been active in the synagogues online pandemic programming.

Advisory Board Chair on continuing our work to build bridges – The Movement for Reform Judaism

| April 11, 2024

Dr Ed Kessler MBE, the Chair of the Progressive Judaism Advisory Board, appeared on The Rest is Politics to discuss the war in Israel and Gaza and what happens next both there and for interfaith work in the UK. Ed is Founder President of the Woolf Institute and a leading thinker in interfaith relations. He told Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart, who host the award-winning podcast, that he remains optimistic, despite the very difficult situation.

As Pesach nears, discovering our tradition anew – The Jewish Star

| April 11, 2024

By Alan Jay Gerber With the onset of Pesach, I find the study of the historical and philosophical side of our religious tradition to be of great inspiration in getting myself into the holiday mood.

Questioning Belief, by Raphael Zarum review: An essential resource that helps integrate Judaism with modernity – The Jewish Chronicle

| April 11, 2024

In his book Mateh Dan published in 1714, Rabbi David Nieto of Bevis Marks Synagogue incorporated science to explain Jewish belief. He was the first in a line of prominent British rabbinic scholars, which would include Hertz, Jacobs and Sacks, who have demonstrated that there is no rupture between Judaism and the modern world. Raphael Zarum, the Dean of the London School of Jewish Studies, formerly Jews College, is now stepping into that line

Celebrating Passover As If Global Survival Matters | Richard H. Schwartz | The Blogs – The Times of Israel

| April 11, 2024

As I write this, in early April 2024, the war is raging in Gaza.

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