simmons | July 13, 2018
From the recent ruling in Spain allowing the return of Jews expelled in 1492 to differences in pronunciation and changes to tradition over time, below is a selection of the Institute's articles and books on Sephardic Jewry. Spanish Passports for Sephardic Jews? a Blog by Rabbi Marc D
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simmons | May 20, 2018
A Rich History Nestled among 80 year old oak trees, B'nai Sephardim is Broward County's oldest and largest Sephardicsynagogue. Founded in 1970, it has grown to serve over 700 families in the community during the High Holidays. Our congregation's history and heritage are rich and varied, as our members aredescendants of Jews from Spain, Portugal, North Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
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admin | May 20, 2018
Sephardic Nursing And Rehabilitation Center is a larger-sized nursing home facility in Brooklyn, New York ( Kings county ).They have 271 beds and 250 residents.Sephardic Nursing And Rehabilitation Center participates in Medicare and Medicaid and are classified as a Non profit - Corporation ownership.They offer both family and residential councils. They are not located inside of a hospital.They do not belong to a continuing care community
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richards | May 20, 2018
After the Roman destruction of the Temple in 70 ce, the Jews spread throughout the Mediterranean world. A major community eventually formed in the towns of the Iberian peninsula
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simmons | May 20, 2018
If you are buying tefillin for the first time, or are buying tefillin for a bar mitzvah boy, some aspects of tefillin are probably a mystery to you.
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richards | May 20, 2018
By Judy Zeidler | April 19, 2000 For as long as I can remember, Passover has been the most important holiday in our home, and everyone looks forward to the Seder.
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admin | May 20, 2018
There are many lists of Sephardic surnames, but this is based on serious study of genealogy. Not everyone can be Sephardic, as this list shows the surnames themselves are Sephardic. What are Sephardic Jews: Sephardi Jews (Hebrew: , Modern Sefaraddi Tiberian Spradd, plural: Hebrew: , Modern Sefaraddim Tiberian Spraddm; Spanish Sefardes; Portuguese Sefarditas, Greek Sefardoi, Bulgarian sefaradi, Turkish Sefarad, Judaeo-Spanish Sefardies, Arabic: ) are: If your last name is not here does not mean that is not Jewish, it could mean that it was changed, or modified to be sound less Jewish
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admin | April 24, 2018
The cuisine of the Sephardi Jews is an assortment of cooking traditions that developed among the Sephardi Jews the Jews of Spain and Portugal, and those of this Iberian origin who were dispersed in the Sephardic Diaspora, and ultimately became the Eastern Sephardim and North African Sephardim as they settled throughout the Mediterranean in places such as Turkey, Greece, the Balkans, as well as the Arab countries of West Asia and North Africa.[1] Cuisine of the Sephardi Jews also includes the cuisine of those who became the Western Sephardim who settled in Holland, England, and from these places elsewhere.
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admin | March 29, 2018
The Ottoman state encompassed vast territories in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. At its peak, the Danube was its northern border in Europe, Tunisia its western strongpoint, the Caucasus and Iraq in Asia, and the Arabian Peninsula in the south. Above all local differences, there was a certain cultural uniformity in the main cities, the administrative and commercial centers in which Jews tended to reside.
Category: Sephardic |
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richards | March 9, 2018
Attempting to pin down the essence of the Sephardic spirit is akin to trying to nail Jell-O to a wall.
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