‘Just Kidding’: Trump conducts a presidential round table with synagogue leaders – San Diego Jewish World
richards | June 18, 2017
Posted on 16 June 2017. By Joel H. Cohen Joel H.
richards | June 18, 2017
Posted on 16 June 2017. By Joel H. Cohen Joel H.
simmons | June 16, 2017
A view of Bnai Jeshurun synagogue in New York City. (Wikimedia Commons) NEW YORK (JTA) Rabbis at Bnai Jeshurun, an influential nondenominational synagogue in New York City, will officiate at theweddings of interfaith couples who commit to creating Jewish homes and raising Jewish children.
richards | June 16, 2017
By Pat Padua Special To The Washington Post Set in an Orthodox Jewish community in Jerusalem, "The Women's Balcony" centers on the literal breakdown of a synagogue. Structural damage to the women's seating section results in a social conflict - one that resonates well beyond its specific milieu
admin | June 16, 2017
The merged congregation ofTemple Beth Tzedek and B'nai Shalom received the Amherst Planning Board's approval Thursday night to move forward with a proposed synagogue addition on North Forest Road, over the objections of some neighbors of the property.
richards | June 16, 2017
Theannual block party celebrating atrifecta of treats egg rolls, egg creams, and empanadas is hitting the streets of the Lower East Side this weekend.
admin | June 16, 2017
Patch.com Upper West Side Synagogue Tapped For Registers of Historic Places Patch.com UPPER WEST SIDE, NY An Upper West Side synagogue is one of 22 properties being recommended to the State and National Registers of Historic Places by the New York State Board for Historic Preservation, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday.
richards | June 16, 2017
(JTA) Anti-Semitic messages were found painted on the wall of a synagogue in Romania. Holocaust Never Happened and All the Best with a Star of David were painted in black and red on the outside of the Synagogue of Deportees Memorial Temple in Cluj-Napoca, in northwestern Romania
richards | June 16, 2017
By Pat Padua Special To The Washington Post Set in an Orthodox Jewish community in Jerusalem, "The Women's Balcony" centers on the literal breakdown of a synagogue. Structural damage to the women's seating section results in a social conflict - one that resonates well beyond its specific milieu
richards | June 16, 2017
A Jewish congregation is divided over repairs that must be made to their Jerusalem synagogue in The Womens Balcony. A Jewish congregation is divided over repairs that must be made to their Jerusalem synagogue in The Womens Balcony. The Womens Balcony: a charming tale of a synagogue feud The Womens Balcony, about a rift within an Orthodox Jewish congregation in Jerusalem, is such an agreeable, crowd-pleasing film that its light touch could be mistaken for being lightweight
admin | June 16, 2017
Email a copy of "Local Synagogue Offers Aid Following Deadly London Apartment Building Fire" to a friend Grenfell Tower on Wednesday morning.