richards | January 6, 2017
The Hurva Synagogue, (Hebrew: , translit: Beit ha-Knesset ha-Hurva, lit. "The Ruin Synagogue"), also known as Hurvat Rabbi Yehudah he-Hasid ("Ruin of Rabbi Judah the Pious"), is a historic synagogue located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. The synagogue was founded in the early 18th century by followers of Judah heHasid, but it was destroyed by Muslims a few years later in 1721.
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richards | January 4, 2017
We are a Covenant Synagogue. We believe that all of the covenants forged by G-d with our people are eternal, offering us a hope and a purpose, and that this includes the Messianic Covenant.
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richards | January 3, 2017
The Old New Synagogue or Altneuschul (Czech: Staronov synagoga; German: Altneu-Synagoge) situated in Josefov, Prague, is Europe's oldest active synagogue.[1] It is also the oldest surviving medieval synagogue of twin-nave design.[2] Completed in 1270 in gothic style, it was one of Prague's first gothic buildings.[3] A still older Prague synagogue, known as the Old Synagogue, was demolished in 1867 and replaced by the Spanish Synagogue. The synagogue was originally called the New or Great Synagogue and later, when newer synagogues were built in the 16th century, it became known as the Old-New Synagogue.[2] Another explanation derives the name from the Hebrew (al tnay), which means "on condition" and sounds identical to the Yiddish "alt-nay," or old-new
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richards | January 1, 2017
When Rabbi Boruch Rabinowitz arrived at his Santa Monica synagogue on the first day of Hanukkah, he made an unpleasant discovery.
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richards | January 1, 2017
Question: Ive heard it said that theres no mention of the synagogue in the Torah.
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richards | January 1, 2017
The Great Synagogue of Rome (Italian: Tempio Maggiore di Roma) is the largest synagogue in Rome.
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richards | December 9, 2016
The Dohny Street Synagogue (Hungarian: Dohny utcai zsinagga/nagy zsinagga, Hebrew: Bet ha-Knesset ha-Gadol shel Budapesht), also known as The Great Synagogue or Tabakgasse Synagogue, is a historical building in Erzsbetvros, the 7th district of Budapest, Hungary. It is the largest synagogue in Europe and the second largest in the world.[1] It seats 3,000 people and is a centre of Neolog Judaism. The synagogue was built between 1854 and 1859 in the Moorish Revival style, with the decoration based chiefly on Islamic models from North Africa and medieval Spain (the Alhambra)
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richards | December 9, 2016
is on Mercer Island! A Series of 7classes, Thursday Mornings, November 3rdthrough December 22nd 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m
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richards | December 8, 2016
A synagogue, also spelled synagog (pronounced from Greek , synagog, "assembly", Hebrew: Bet Kenesset, "house of assembly" or Bet Tefila, "house of prayer", shul, esnoga or kahal), is a Jewish house of prayer.
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richards | June 6, 2016
Ancient Capernaum Synagogue Painted Sketch of the Synagogue at Capernaum The Synagogue at Capernaum This magnificent synagogue was made of white limestone and wonderfully ornamented. Archeologists have determined that the 2-story synagogue was built around the beginning of the third century A.D., because of its architectural style, decorations, and inscriptions. Therefore it was not the synagogue in which Jesus taught, although it was most likely built upon the same site as the first century synagogue.
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