richards | February 9, 2016
Tidbits From The Talmud I have read the rebuttals to these tidbits from the Talmudists and found them completely lacking in credibility. After all, it is required of them to why expect the truth? Why do they attack those online who have websites exposing the Talmud if it weren't true?
Category: Talmud |
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richards | January 20, 2016
Talmud (hebrejsky ), od uit, uen, nkdy me znamenat i odkaz na biblick ver. Talmud me znamenat: Talmud je soupis rabnskch diskus tkajcch se idovskho zkona, etiky, kter idovsk tradice povauje za smrodatn.
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richards | January 20, 2016
Talmud (bahasa Ibrani: ) adalah catatan tentang diskusi para rabi yang berkaitan dengan hukum Yahudi, etika, kebiasaan dan sejarah. Talmud mempunyai dua komponen: Mishnah, yang merupakan kumpulan Hukum Lisan Yudaisme pertama yang ditulis; dan Gemara, diskusi mengenai Mishnah dan tulisan-tulisan yang terkait dengan Tannaim yang sering membahas topik-topik lain dan secara luas menguraikan Tanakh.
Category: Talmud |
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richards | January 20, 2016
At various times during the Hadrian persecutions, the sages were forced into hiding, though they managed to reconvene at Usha in 122 CE, and then in a time of quiet managed to re-establish again at Yavneh in 158 CE.
Category: Talmud |
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richards | January 14, 2016
At the head of the angelogical system described in rabbinic literature are four archangels, corresponding to the four divisions of the army of Israel as described in Numbers 2: "As the Holy One blessed be He created four winds (directions) and four banners (for Israel's army), so also did He make four angels to surround His Throne Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. Michael is on its right, corresponding to the tribe of Reuben; Uriel on its left, corresponding to the tribe of Dan, which was located in the north; Gabriel in front, corresponding to the tribe of Judah as well as Moses and Aaron who were in the east; and Raphael in the rare, corresponding to the tribe of Epharim which was in the west."[1] We find no mention of angels' names until we reach the Book of Daniel, where Michael and Gabriel make their appearance.[2] This fact led the Rabbis to assert that the names of the angels were something that the returning exiles brought with them from Babylonia.[3] Michael and Gabriel are the most prominent of the angels, and are often mentioned together as the anonymous divine messengers cooperating in a task in the Bible narrative.
Category: Talmud |
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richards | January 12, 2016
The Talmud is a collection of rabbinical writings that interpret, explain and apply the Torah scriptures.
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richards | January 12, 2016
by Rabbi Berel Wein In its simplest form of definition, the Talmud is the record of centuries of discussion expounding the Oral Law of Judaism as it took place in the great Torah academies of the Land of Israel and Babylonia long ago. The Mishna, which is the basis of all talmudic discussions, was completed and edited at the beginning of the third century CE be Rabi Yehuda HaNassi in Tzipori in the Galilee. The Talmud was developed in two separate works: Talmud Yerushalmi (the Talmud of the Land of Israel) and Talmud Bavli (the Talmud of Babylonia.) The Talmud Yerushalmi was completed c.350CE when the Jewish community in the Land of Israel began to suffer genocidal persecution from the newly empowered Byzantine Christians.
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richards | January 12, 2016
Click here to read about the Ein Mishpat Ner Mitzvah (cross-references to the Codes) Click here to read about Page Numbers in the Talmud Click here to read about Tractate Names in the Talmud Click here to read about chapter names in the Talmud Click here to read about chapter numbers in the Talmud Click here to read about the Tosafot commentary to the Talmud Click here to read about marginal glosses to the Talmud Click here to read about other commentaries on the Talmud Click here to read about the Mesoret Ha-Shas (cross-references to Talmudic literature) Click here to read about the Torah Or (cross-references to the Bible) Click here to read about the Mishnah Click here to read about the Gemara (Babylonian Talmud) Click here to read about the Rashi's commentary to the Talmud Amazing! There still seems to be some blank space left on this page. Maybe one day you will fill it with your own original commentary. Click here to read what the said about this site The standard printed Talmud page, as reproduced below, spans many centuries of Jewish religious scholarship, from the Bible to the beginning of the twentieth century
Category: Talmud |
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richards | January 12, 2016
Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre. O Talmude (em hebraico: , transl. Talmud) um livro sagrado dos judeus[1] , um registro das discusses rabnicas que pertencem lei, tica, costumes e histria do judasmo[2] .
Category: Talmud |
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richards | January 9, 2016
More than fifteen years in the making, more than 5 1/2 million words, this monumental task of scholarship called on the best brains in Judaism and won the approval of the world's top rabbis. Yet few Christians today even know it exists, and you will probably not find it in your local public library. The Come and Hear hypertext version, currently on line at this web site, represents approximately 1431 folios (produced as accurately as possible)
Category: Talmud |
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