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The Truth About Talmud – Mission Islam

| February 10, 2015

The Truth About Talmud Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are not Human The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals, and specifically dehumanises gentiles as not being descendants of Adam. We will now list some of the Talmud passages which relate to this topic: "The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts." Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b "The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog.

Talmud Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

| February 10, 2015

Talmud (hebr. talmud = nauka) jedna z podstawowych (cho nie jest uznawana za wit) ksig judaizmu. Zosta napisany jzykiem judeo-aramejskim.

Talmud Daf Yomi Yevamot Yevamos 114 Gemarrah Rabbi Weisblum ” – Video

| February 7, 2015

Talmud Daf Yomi Yevamot Yevamos 114 Gemarrah Rabbi Weisblum " Talmud daf Yomi class for Tractate Yevamot Yevamos, by Rabbi Dr. Moshe P

Talmud Daf Yomi Yevamot Yevamos 121 Gemarrah Rabbi Weisblum ” – Video

| February 7, 2015

Talmud Daf Yomi Yevamot Yevamos 121 Gemarrah Rabbi Weisblum " Talmud daf Yomi class for Tractate Yevamot Yevamos, by Rabbi Dr. Moshe P.

Talmud 1 – Video

| February 7, 2015

Talmud 1 By: RabbiDanzinger

Talmud 2a – Video

| February 7, 2015

Talmud 2a By: RabbiDanzinger

Talmud Daf Yomi Yevamot Yevamos 116 Gemarrah Rabbi Weisblum ” – Video

| February 6, 2015

Talmud Daf Yomi Yevamot Yevamos 116 Gemarrah Rabbi Weisblum " Talmud daf Yomi class for Tractate Yevamot Yevamos, by Rabbi Dr. Moshe P

Talmud 5 – Video

| February 6, 2015

Talmud 5 By: RabbiDanzinger

Talmud – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

| February 6, 2015

El Talmud () es una obra que recoge principalmente las discusiones rabnicas sobre leyes judas, tradiciones, costumbres, narraciones y dichos, parbolas, historias y leyendas. Existen dos importantes versiones del Talmud: el Talmud de Jerusaln (Talmud Yerushlmi), que se redact en la entonces recin creada provincia romana llamada Philistea,[1] y el Talmud de Babilonia (Talmud Bvli), que fue redactado en la regin de Babilonia, en Mesopotamia. Ambas versiones fueron redactadas a lo largo de muchos siglos por generaciones de eruditos provenientes de muchas academias rabnicas establecidas desde la Antigedad en adelante

Talmud – Wikipedia

| February 6, 2015

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Il Talmud (ebraico , che significa insegnamento, studio, discussione dalla radice ebraica --, LMD) uno dei testi sacri dell'Ebraismo. Il Talmud riconosciuto solo dall'Ebraismo che, assieme ai Midrashim e ad altri testi Rabbinici o mistici noti del Canone ebraico, lo considera come trasmissione e discussione orale della Torah

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