admin | December 6, 2019
By Sara Kosowsky Gross | December 05, 2019 The Young Israel of Teaneck is pleased to announce that two noted lecturers will be coming to address the community as part of the Dr. Bertram J., zl, and Ann Newman Adult Education Program
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admin | December 6, 2019
Rabbi Sentenced For Sexually Assaulting Student The Forward ", c, "> "].join("") } var c = "body", e = h[c]; if (!e) return setTimeout(q, 100); a.P(1); var d = "appendChild", g = "createElement", i = "src", k = h[g]("div"), l = k[d](h[g]("div")), f = h[g]("iframe"), n = "document", p; = "none"; e.insertBefore(k, e.firstChild).id = o + "-" + j; f.frameBorder = "0"; = o + "-frame-" + j; /MSIE[ ]+6/.test(navigator.userAgent) && (f[i] = "javascript:false"); f.allowTransparency = "true"; l[d](f); try { f.contentWindow[n].open() } catch (s) { a.domain = h.domain, p = "javascript:var d=" + n + ".open();d.domain='" + h.domain + "';", f[i] = p + "void(0);" } try { var r = f.contentWindow[n]; r.write(b()); r.close() } catch (t) { f[i] = p + 'd.write("' + b().replace(/"/g, String.fromCharCode(92) + '"') + '");d.close();' } a.P(2) }; a.l && q() })() }(); c[b].lv = "1"; return c[b] } var o = "lightboxjs", k = window[o] = g(o); k.require = g; k.modules = c }({}); /**/ (JTA) A rabbi in Connecticut was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being found guilty of sexually assaulting a former student at his yeshiva. Rabbi Daniel Greer, 79, the founding rabbi of the Yeshiva of New Haven, was sentenced on Monday.
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admin | December 6, 2019
Touch history and history touches youBy Ilan Preskovsky Whether reading through the weekly Torah portion or intensely studying a page of Talmud, its hard not to sometimes feel like youre reading about alien worlds that bare only a passing resemblance to our own.
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admin | December 6, 2019
Photo Credit: Jewish Press Question: I find myself in a very delicate situation and am calling upon your halachic expertise. I am the rabbi in a small town of a very close-knit community with a small Orthodox minyan.
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admin | December 6, 2019
Fascinatingly, a parallel concept exists in science, known as the wave function collapse.Contrary to common sense, quantum mechanics has shown that matter and atoms can exist in several states at one and the same time. For example, we now know that sub atomic particles move clockwise and counter clockwise simultaneously.
Category: Talmud |
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admin | December 6, 2019
A rabbi in Connecticut was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being found guilty of sexually assaulting a former student at his yeshiva.Rabbi Daniel Greer, 79, the founding rabbi of the Yeshiva of New Haven, was sentenced on Monday. He is appealing the verdict.Judge Jon Alander ordered Greer to begin serving his sentence immediately rather than allowing him to remain free on bond during the appeals process, saying he is a substantial flight risk due to his age, Connecticut Public Radio reported.The Talmud teaches that there is hope for a man who is capable of being ashamed, Alander said in announcing the sentence. It is my hope that someday you will truly feel ashamed for your actions and thereby embark on the road to redemption.Eliyahu Mirlis, 31, of New Jersey, accused the rabbi of raping and sexually molesting him hundreds of times from 2001 to 2005 when he was a minor and a student at the religious boarding school headed by the rabbi.Greer was found guilty in Connecticut Superior Court on four felony counts in October.In May 2017, a federal jury in a civil lawsuit ordered Greer and the Yeshiva of New Haven to pay Mirlis $15 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages.Greer, who was an activist on behalf of Soviet refuseniks, has served on the New Haven police commissioners board and as a chairman of the citys Redevelopment Agency.
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admin | December 6, 2019
Rabbi Israel and Esther Becker of Congregation Chofetz Chayim will celebrate 40 Years of Torah Growth Together with an on-line fund-raising campaign on Sunday and Monday, Dec. 8 and 9, and a 40th-anniversary dinner on the last night of Chanukah, Sunday, Dec. 29, at 5 p.m
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admin | December 6, 2019
Moshe Holtzberg, who was orphaned in the Mumbai Chabad center massacre that took the lives of his parents 11 years ago this week, was called to the Torah for the first time in his hometown of Afula, Israel, on Shabbat and celebrated his bar mitzvah on Sunday evening at a gala affair in Kfar Chabad, surrounded by friends and family, including the grandparents who raised him and the nanny who saved his life. During the celebration, Moshe delivered the classic Chassidic discourse recited at Chabad bar mitzvahs, flanked by his grandfathers, who along with Moshe were then hoisted onto the shoulders of members of the cheering crowd. Smiling ear to ear, Moshe also danced to the musical performance of Simche Friedman and was serenaded soulfully by entertainers Motty Steinmetz, Ishay Ribo and Avraham Fried
Category: Talmud |
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admin | December 6, 2019
The Question: A Jew is at the doors of the next world, wavering between trust in Gd that he will somehow recover, and acceptance of the inevitability of his passing. He feels that if he continues with optimism, the faith of his children will be shaken when he succumbs, and he writes for my advice
Category: Talmud |
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admin | December 2, 2019
Moshe Holtzberg, orphaned in the Mumbai Chabad center massacre that took the lives of his parents 11 years ago this week, was called to the Torah for the first time in his home town of Afula, Israel, on Shabbat and celebrated his bar mitzvah Sunday evening at a gala affair in Kfar Chabad, surrounded by friends and family, including the grandparents who raised him and the nanny who saved his life. During the celebration, Moshe delivered the classic Chassidic discourse recited at Chabad bar mitzvahs, flanked by his grandparents, who were then hoisted onto the shoulders, along with Moshe, of members of the cheering crowd. Later, smiling ear to ear, Moshe danced to the musical performance of Simche Friedman and was serenaded soulfully by entertainers Motty Steinmetz, Ishay Ribo and Avraham Fried
Category: Talmud |
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