Hindutva And Zionism: Differing In Symbols, Allied In Thought – Swarajya
admin | June 6, 2017
Hindutva and Zionism. Few wordsideashave been as misunderstood or reviled as these two have been.
admin | June 6, 2017
Hindutva and Zionism. Few wordsideashave been as misunderstood or reviled as these two have been.
admin | June 6, 2017
By Emily Shire By Emily Shire May 31 Emily Shire is the politics editor for Bustle. She has written for Slate, Salon, the Atlantic, the Guardian US and the Jewish Daily Forward. Its not unusual during this time of year for commencement speakers to make national headlines and not always for their gleaming pearls of wisdom.
admin | June 2, 2017
Socialist Zionism (or Labor Zionism) strove to achieve Jewish national and social redemption by fusing Zionism with Socialism. Its founder was Nachman Syrkin, who promulgated this view shortly before the third Zionist Congress (1899). Its philosophy was based on the assumption that the problem of Diaspora Jewry would remain unsolved even after the Socialist revolution, and that the solution to the anomaly of Jewish existence was the emigration of Jews to, and their concentration in, a territorial base
richards | June 2, 2017
Earlier this month, Israel and its friends around the world celebrated the 69th anniversary of Israels unilateral declaration of independence. Among them was our Prime Minister who issued the following statement: while we celebrate Israels independence, we also reaffirm our commitment to fight anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. The fact that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism were mentioned separately is significant because they are very different phenomena, which many mistakenly conflate
simmons | June 2, 2017
Letter writer Sheila Carrillo is misinformed about the meaning of Zionism. There are 56 Muslim countries in the world today and just one Jewish country the size of New Jersey. Its not right that the only country in the world which is being maligned on college campuses is Israel.
simmons | June 2, 2017
New York times report on the Biltmore Conference, May 12, 1942 . (Image: New York Times) As Palestinians prepared to observe Nakba day, the American Zionist Movement(AZM), the American component of the World Zionist Organization(WZO), in early May sent an announcement to its mailing list celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Biltmore Conference, launching the observance of what it calls a Year of Zionist Anniversaries. From May 2017 until May 2018 AZM will mark a series of important milestones in Zionism and help inform Jewish communities and the general public about the history, relevance and importance of Zionism and its connection to the independence and vibrant democracy of the State of Israel
richards | June 2, 2017
Photo courtesy of J.
admin | May 30, 2017
Our Prime Minister would like us to believe that the ideology that shaped Israel is designed to fight anti-Jewish prejudice. But,even when anti-Semitism was a significant political force in Canada,Zionism largelyrepresented a chauvinistic, colonialist way of thinking.
admin | May 28, 2017
Our Prime Minister would like us to believe that the ideology that shaped Israel is designed to fight anti-Jewish prejudice. But,even when anti-Semitism was a significant political force in Canada,Zionism largelyrepresented a chauvinistic, colonialist way of thinking. On Israel Independence Day earlier this month Justin Trudeau delivered a speech by video to a rally in Montral and published astatementmarking the occasion
simmons | May 28, 2017
I never put much thought into Israels existence. Since I have been alive, Israel has been there, a homeland for the Jews.