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New book by Larry Derfner, the American-turned-Israeli journalist, crushes liberal Zionism – Mondoweiss

| April 6, 2017

It takes tremendous courage to recognize that the political views that you have held for your entire adult life have been at least partly mistaken. Larry Derfner, a prominent American-turned-Israeli journalist now in his mid-60s, has such courage. Derfners new memoir, No Country for Jewish Liberals(Just World Books, $26.95)is a brave analysis that will help change history

Zionism, Apartheid and the Delegitimisation of Passover – Patheos (blog)

| April 3, 2017

Delegitimisation is the favourite attack word used by defenders of Israels unique (mis)understanding of democracy. Its usually deployed to accuse human rights campaigners of wanting to wipe the Jewish State off the face of the earth for daring to suggest an alternative and fairer way of running the country.The apocalyptic rhetoric is designed to close down a debate about institutional discrimination and portray the call for Palestinian rights as the most poisonous act of antisemitism since the Holocaust

In defence of Livingstone – Herald Scotland

| April 3, 2017

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Is Zionism still alive in Israel in 2015? – Opinion …

| April 2, 2017

Those who followed the news in Israel over the past year must think it is a schizophrenic society. On the one hand, the news described an unprecedented rise in public solidarity and national allegiance during Operation Protective Edge. On the other hand, for weeks, the news spoke of a campaign of Israelis calling on everyone to leave the Jewish state and move to Berlin because the price of chocolate pudding is lower there.

Ken Livingstone repeats claim about Nazi-Zionist collaboration – The Guardian

| March 31, 2017

Ken Livingstone outside the Labour disciplinary hearing, where he faced a charge of conduct grossly detrimental to the party after comments about Hitler and German Jews.

LIVE Conversation On Feminism & Zionism – Jewish Week

| March 31, 2017

This is online panel conversation was organized by JOFA. Scroll down to read the ongoing conversation. In recent months, intersectionality politics have become a powerful force in many activist movements.

What We Talk About When We Don’t Talk About The Nakba – Forward

| March 29, 2017

In recent weeks, I have been paying particular attention to the arguments in favor of Zionism from those who call themselves progressive Zionists and call for a two-state solution, support Israels right to exist as a Jewish state, and express criticism of some of Israels policies and actions. More precisely, I have been paying attention to what is NOT being discussed in these arguments, namely, anything about the Nakba (Arabic for catastrophe), the expulsion of approximately 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and land before and during Israels creation.

Zionism and the Authentic Life – Algemeiner

| March 29, 2017

Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-80), leading proponent of existentialism. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Coming together around Machon – Daily Item

| March 27, 2017

March 26, 2017 COURTESY OF BNAI BRITHAn artists rendering of the Senior Residences at the Machon. Its easy to praise Swampscotts approach to giving new life to the old Machon School

Swampscott gets look at plans for Machon – Daily Item

| March 27, 2017

March 23, 2017 COURTESY PHOTOPictured is a rendering of the Senior Residences at the Machon. By GAYLA CAWLEY SWAMPSCOTT Draft schematic plans for the affordable senior housing redevelopment of the shuttered Machon Elementary School were presented to residents for the first time Thursday night. Residents gathered at Swampscott High School to hear project plans presented by Peter Kane, director of community development, and the developers, Bnai Brith Housing, represented by Susan Gittelman, executive director, and Holly Grace, senior project manager.

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