simmons | February 22, 2017
The executive of the Students Society of McGill University (SSMU) has recommended that the director and councillor now infamous for tweeting punch a zionist today resign from both positions, sparking protest from some students that its doing so under duress from the university administration.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on McGill student leaders call for ‘punch a zionist’ tweeter to resign – Canadian Jewish News (blog)
simmons | February 18, 2017
McGill University student rep Igor Sadikovwas recently censured by the SSMU Board of Directors for his infamous call to inflict violence on Zionists. This also follows his pathetic non-apologyand further antisemitic comments at a SSMU meeting to discuss his original tweet. Following the censure, Sadikov has offered a new-and-improved apology in which he reveals shock, horror that his own parents are Zionists! Statement to the SSMU membership I sincerely apologize for recently publishing a tweet expressing a personal political viewpoint in an insensitive and inappropriate manner by referencing a popular meme
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Igor Punch A Zionist Sadikov’s New-and-Improved Apology To … – Israellycool (blog)
admin | February 17, 2017
The truth, writes Bernard Henri-Levy in his recent book, The Genius of Judaism, is that one can now be anti-Semitic only by being anti-Zionist; anti-Zionism is the required path for any anti-Semitism that wishes to expand its recruiting pool beyond those still nostalgic for the discredited brotherhoods.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on The Latest Trend In Zionism? Anti-Semitism. – Forward
admin | February 16, 2017
In 1975, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution slandering Zionism by equating it with racism.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Is Zionism Racism? | Jewish Virtual Library
admin | February 16, 2017
Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and President Donald Trump Photo Credit: Screen Capture / CSPAN Perhaps the most telling moment in President Trump's joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came when an Israeli reporter asked Trump about thesurge in hate crimessince his election and about his view of U.S. policy supporting the so-called two-state solution. In deference to Netanyahu, President Trump jettisoned Washington's long-standing position that peace in the region requires two states: one Jewish and one Palestinian.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Trump Weaves a Bizarre Blend of Zionism and Fascism in Making a New Mideast Policy – AlterNet
simmons | February 16, 2017
The political positions of the Progressive Action Coalition at UGA are known as the Points of Unity. These political positions orient our objectives to resist administrative policies that prioritize profit over people and all oppressive forces at UGA and the greater Athens community.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on OPINION: To support Zionism is to support apartheid – Red and Black
admin | February 16, 2017
MONTREAL In this age of trigger warnings and micro-aggressions, a university campus is not where you would expect people to rally behind someone who called for physical violence. But after McGill University student politician Igor Sadikov last week used Twitter to encourage people to punch a Zionist, supporters have defended him while targeting Jewish students who support Israel
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Supporters rally behind McGill student rep who called for Zionists to be punched – National Post
admin | February 16, 2017
Peers SUPPORT student government rep. who called for punching a Zionist The McGill University (Canada) student who on Twitter last week called for people to punch a Zionist has received the backing of his fellow student politicians.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Peers SUPPORT student government rep. who called for ‘punching a Zionist’ – The College Fix
simmons | February 16, 2017
Getty Images Man takes selfie at London protest. When I moved to a new, Midwestern city to attend graduate school, I did what many young, single people do: I joined a dating website.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on The Sisterhood – Forward
admin | February 14, 2017
The relationship between the Trump administration and Israeli figures shows the shared ethnocentric attributes of Israel and U.S. white nationalism
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on To Oppose Trump, Jews Must Join the Fight Against Fascism and Zionism – teleSUR English