Gaza: Calls to End Suffering Due to Electricity Outages
Posted By admin on November 29, 2013
27 November 2013 PNGO and Human Rights Organizations Calls for Immediately Ending Suffering of Civilians Due to Electricity Outages The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO) and human rights organizations in the Gaza Strip express their deep concern for the deteriorating humanitarian conditions of the population of the Gaza Strip due to the continued tightened closure imposed by Israel on 1.8 million people and its impact on all aspects of their lives, while the international community remains silent towards human rights violations perpetrated by Israeli occupation forces. PNGO and human rights organizations are deeply concerned for the aggravation of the crisis of electricity outages resulting from these policies which leads to an imminent humanitarian disaster seriously impacting all vital interests of the population, including water and sanitation services, educational services and all daily necessary vital services. PNGO and human rights organizations are concerned that the deterioration in all aspects of the populations life may further aggravate as a result of the continuous consequences of the Palestinian political split and the failure of its two parties to solve the power and fuel crisis which has been persistent since late June 2006 when Israeli forces bombarded the Gaza Power Plant.
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Gaza: Calls to End Suffering Due to Electricity Outages