Golan Heights – 11 Photos – Middle Eastern – Washington …

Posted By on August 22, 2015

If you've ever wanted a laffa as big as your head, well, you won't get it here. You'll get one that's about twice the size!

While waiting for a meeting at YU, the boyfriend and I asked friends on Twitter where to go and this Israeli grill got several mentions, so we decided to give it a go. Luckily, we arrived just before the peak lunch time, so we got our food, a seat, and got to enjoy it before the real crowd showed up (and boy was there a crowd!).

I ordered the falafel on laffa (falafalaffa), not knowing how gigantic it would come. I got the regular chips and chummus, and threw on tahini, Israeli salad, pickles, and some spicy sauce. They wrapped it, threw it into some foil, chopped it in half, and served it up. I only ate half of it because it was, well, HUGE. But it was so, so tasty. A serious nosh of a serious Israeli kind. It reminded me of eating falafel on the streets in Israel, and that was such a comfort.

The boyfriend got his very first schwarma with chips, and although I want him to write his own review, he scarfed that thing down without thinking about it. And? He loved it.

The crew here is quick, attentive, and knows how to run a busy business. Most importantly? They know how to keep all the Yeshiva boys in check when they're crowding the counter. The prices aren't great, but I really can't bring myself to complain when it comes to kosher food. My falafalaffa ran $9, if that gives you any idea.

Bravo Golan. I just wish there was a joint like this in Connecticut! Rest assured, we'll be back.

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Golan Heights - 11 Photos - Middle Eastern - Washington ...


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