Harun Yahya and Holocaust Revisionism – TalkOrigins Archive

Posted By on July 19, 2015

received the following email in response to the entry for the Science Research Foundation entry of the Creation/Evolution Organizations FAQ of this Archive:

I am writing to you from Istanbul, Turkey on behalf of Harun Yahya. I am a regular visitor of TalkOrigins.org and I saw your web page recently. I want to draw your attention to a mistake about Harun Yahya in your review of the SRF in Istanbul. Harun Yahya does not deny the reality of the Holocaust but denounces it. He has a very well known website visited and appreciated by many Jews and people of other faiths called islamdenouncesantisemitism.com. The real version of his book titled The Violence of the Holocaust is enclosed for your reference (Unfortunately it is in Turkish and has not been prepared in English yet). The book posted at http://www.noontidepress.com/catalog/0247.html has not been published and will not be published. I will be very pleased if you correct this information on your website and let us know.

That was the text of the email. I will not upload to the Archive the attached 968 kilobyte Word file. But I did find a document similar to it on the web: Soykirim Vahseti. Given just how serious a charge Holocaust denial is, this Archive should note the existence of a rebuttal, which is why the text of the above email is provided. This also forces me to review the evidence that Yahya has indeed denied the Holocaust.

There are two separate books being discussed. Soykirim Vahseti (The Violence of the Holocaust) is the one that the author of the rebuttal says is published. Soykirim Yalani (The Holocaust Hoax or Holocaust Deception) is the one which the rebuttal author claims is unpublished. The author of the email seems to believe that the publication status of Holocaust Deception: An Islamic History of the Nazi-Zionist Nexus should be considered to excuse the author from any responsibility for the content of the manuscript. Such a circumstance would not exculpate Yahya, and in fact, that circumstance is not true. Soykirim Yalani (Holocaust Deception) was published, was reviewed, and has been cited elsewhere, even by Yahya himself. What apparently has not been published is just the existing English translation of Yahya's book.

In the entry in question, I referred to a "past BAV page" having "listed a book called The Holocaust Hoax as being written by Harun Yahya." Recall that BAV is the acronym for the Scientific Research Foundation in the Turkish language. On February 1, 2001, http://www.harunyahya.com/yazarhakkinda.html had the following paragraph (emphasis is mine):

Yazarin Evrim Aldatmacasi (The Evolution Deceit), Kavimlerin Helaki (Perished Nations), Allah Akilla Bilinir (Allah Is Known Through Reason), Kuran Ahlaki (The Moral Values in the Quran), Kuran'da Temel Kavramlar (The Basic Concepts In The Quran), Soykirim Yalani (The Holocaust Hoax), Dsnen Insanlar Iin (For Men of Understanding), Dnya Hayatinin Geregi (The Truth Of The Life Of This World), Derin Dsnmek (Deep Thinking), Sakin Anlamazliktan Gelmeyin (Never Plead Ignorance), Karinca Mucizesi (The Miracle In The Ant) adli kitaplari Ingilizce'ye, Karinca Mucizesi adli kitabi ayrica Urducaya, lm- Kiyamet-Cehennem adli kitabi Leheye evrilmis ve yurtdisinda esitli yayinevleri tarafindan yayinlanmistir. Yazarin diger birok eserinin Ingilizce, Rusa, Arnavuta, Lehe, Bosnaka, Almanca, Ispanyolca ve Arapa'ya evirileri devam etmektedir.

I must emphasize that the English titles were present in the original.

Prevent Genocide International has a page on Books in Turkish with the following entry:

Yahya, Hrun. Main Title: Soykirim yalani : Siyonist-Nazi isbirliginin gizli tarihi ve "Yahudi Soykirimi" yalaninin iyz / Harun Yahya. Published/Created: Istanbul : lem, c1995. Description: 283 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. ISBN: 9757856258 Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. [257]-274) and indexes. Subjects: Zionism; Holocaust denial

Harun Yahya himself cites this book at:

The rest is here:
Harun Yahya and Holocaust Revisionism - TalkOrigins Archive


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