Israel: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News – The Huffington Post

Posted By on August 21, 2015

Donald Trump keeps on saying stupid, hateful things. About Mexicans, women, John McCain, Megyn Kelly... And he keeps on leading the Republican presidential race. Gosh, could there be a correlation?

The violence that has rocked the Middle East since 2011 has largely bypassed Arabs in Israel. Had they risen up they could have cited many causes: job discrimination, racism, an alien national anthem, minimal state funding for education and social services and low income.

Jonathan Adelman

Professor, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver

I crave, in no particular order, respect for the audience, respect for the story and its characters and respect for women. It boils down to the basic definition of the principle of this grand word "respect," which is "due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights or traditions of others."

JERUSALEM -- The history of the last century provides a seemingly endless list of atrocities that were not stopped, and rarely was this ever for a lack of information about them. We, at least as countries and societies, simply don't really care. We would like to think we do, but, empirically speaking, we don't -- and the latest case in point is the sheer existence of a system of Yazidi sex slave trade in 2015.

Whether the deal is rejected or not by the U.S. Congress, in the process, conservatives in Israel and in the U.S. will have enhanced their ability to flex their lobbying muscles going forward, and Israel will be well positioned to receive enhanced defense assistance from the U.S.

The first GOP debate and the resultant infighting has shown us that passion, emotion and ideology will be our political undoing. Let's ignore our petty grievances, behave like adults and do what's best for our country by picking the candidates that can serve us best.

Rob Taub

Writer, Humorist & Television Commentator

If the liberal Jewish community can welcome LGBTQ Jews and Interfaith families into their midst why are Jews who stand for Palestinian freedom so easily excluded?

Fear-mongering and deliberate distortions will not make us safer. Outspending those of us who endorse the deal will not silence us. For the sake of Heaven, I urge you to support this historic accord.

Rachel S. Mikva

Herman Schaalman Chair in Jewish Studies and Director of the Center for Jewish, Christian & Islamic Studies at Chicago Theological Seminary

22 Democratic and 36 Republican members of Congress spent a full week of the August recess in Israel rather than among the constituents they were elected to serve.

Some ordinary people view the deal and Iran-West improving their ties as a sign that their living standards will improve. They hope for the possibility of reform and the advance of human rights, such as, freedom of speech, press, assembly, social justice, rule of law and democracy.

No American citizen should be subjected to the treatment that George Khoury and Habib Joudeh received when they arrived at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel last month.

James Zogby

President, Arab American Institute; author, 'Arab Voices'

Frankly, no one named Bush should be proposing anything in the Middle East. Especially a Bush who has 17 of 21 formally named geopolitical advisors who are alumni of the Bush/Cheney administration.

Padraig O'Malley's idea that both Israelis and Palestinians are so addicted to their meaning-systems ("narratives") that they are willing to slide into a chaotic abyss is chilling, but seems strongly supported by recent history and current facts.

Carlo Strenger

Professor of Psychology and Philosophy, Tel Aviv University

War cannot and should not be considered before all other options have been eliminated. This deal provides the option of significantly curtailing the Iranian program before a single sanction is lifted and keeping it under the vigilant eye of the world for at least the next decade -- three to five times longer than a preemptive strike.

Elie Jacobs

Public affairs and strategic communications consultant; partner, Truman National Security Project

If Congress blocks the Vienna Agreement, it will be a gross betrayal of our closest allies, it will do lasting damage to America's global leadership, and it will clear the path for Iran to advance towards a weapon.

Let me be clear, I have no sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood and would never cast a vote in their favor. However, labeling the Arabic HuffPost as a mouthpiece for the Muslim Brotherhood is not only patently false, it is an attempt to constrain free speech that endangers journalists who are already suffering for simply reporting facts, or their insight, on Arab issues.

Chaker Khazaal

Writer, Reporter, Public Speaker and Author of the 'Confessions of a War Child' trilogy

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Israel: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News - The Huffington Post


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