Judaism: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
Posted By admin on September 4, 2015
Enemies are real, but reducing their capacity and danger is a goal worth achieving. When you can't completely defeat an enemy at a given point in time -- or not without other dire consequences -- smart diplomacy is better than more failed and destructive wars.
Jim Wallis
Christian leader for social change; President and Founder @Sojourners
One culture that is often left out of curriculums on multiculturalism is Jewish culture. While most curriculums do something that recognizes the Holocaust, a particularly relevant culture to students, especially New Yorkers, is Jewish American life.
It's ten years since Israel, under late prime minister Ariel Sharon, expelled over 11,000 Jews from their homes in Gaza and parts of Samaria. The government called this plan the "Disengagement.
I climbed into the ambulance behind the stretcher and thought: Oh, God; today is the day I am going to become a widow. My husband had collapsed at work. His consciousness and cognition were scrambled. He didn't know where he was and could not identify the year.
Linda S. Haase
Senior Associate Vice President of Marketing Communications, the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Meryl Meisler's tome of photography from the 70s titled, "Purgatory & Paradise SASSY '70s: Suburbia & The City" is an exceptio...
When last we saw Larry David on his classic television show Curb Your Enthusiasm a number of years ago, he was wandering the streets of Paris with good friend Leon. And then the scene faded out and Larry David faded away. And since then, I've been desperately seeking Larry!
Besides food and family gatherings, Jewish festivals have profound meanings. Rosh Hashanah is not just the beginning of the Hebrew calendar, but is a symbol of renewal. It is when we begin to scrutinize ourselves and determine how we want to improve ourselves.
I won't let myself imagine the betrayal that will linger in my children's eyes for years. Soon, I will tell myself that I do this as a matter of survival, pikuach nefesh, that like Levi scrubbing his hands even on the Sabbath when he had cancer, the Law stipulates that survival supersedes the Law.
Leah Lax
Feminist, LGBTQ advocate, and award-winning author of Uncovered: How I Left Hasidic Life and Finally Came Home.
Today we still live in a society that attempts to define and perpetuate lies about the real lives of Jewish people and of all minoritized peoples, and even proclaims that we do not have a right to exist. But exist we do, everywhere, in all walks of life.
We need make our marriages more exciting. We need to make them more passionate. Do our wives really need to find this passion only in a fantasy novel about domination? Do our husbands need to ruin their lives by signing on to Ashley Madison and getting caught, when all they were going to find anyway was another guy?
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Rabbi Shmuley, "America's Rabbi," is the international best-selling author of 30 books and an award-winning TV host and columnist.
Disunity has infected every corner of the Jewish world, and is the venom that lurks behind every slanted look we give one another, behind every bad word we say about each other (and there are plenty), and behind our indecision as to how we should respond to social and political events.
Surveys reveal a disturbingly large number of American Jews who feel disconnected from their Jewish identity. How painfully sad! In response, and with the High Holy Days just around the corner, let me share what being Jewish means to me.
David Harris
AJC Executive Director, Edward and Sandra Meyer Office of the Executive Director; Senior Associate, St. Antony's College, Oxford (2009-11)
Over the past year, Julian Edelman has been exploring his Judaism and reached out to CJP, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, to set forth on a journey of self-discovery in Israel.
Steve marveled at the way Jews produced so many talented businessmen. His interest was piqued. Was it something Jews are born with, that creates so many Nobel Laureates and high achievers in every field? Or did it have something to do with Jewish values and culture?
Purists will say I shouldn't be texting so close to the Sabbath. Nor encouraging my sons to text on that holiday too. But once again, I find myself drawing something meaningful, significant and of lasting value from my Judaism and using it to bring solace, joy and rich meaning to my life.
Iris Ruth Pastor
Slice-of-life columnist, motivational speaker and pod caster, advocating "Preserving One's Bloom" by striving to be the best one can be.
Dating. It's like going out for ice cream. That's right, ice cream, the official food of heaven (I don't know, probably). Sometimes you're craving a certain flavor, sometimes it makes you sick, other times it's too much.
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Judaism: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News