Stonehenge Exhibit Comes to Denver Museum of Nature and Science – Westword

Posted By on March 3, 2021


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Exploring the wonders of Stonehenge usually would take an epic trip overseas. But starting March 12, you can head to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science and visit Stonehenge.

"Much mystery and intrigue surroundsStonehenge, notes Erin Baxter, DMNS curator ofanthropology, in a statement announcing the new exhibit. This world-class exhibition allows guests to explore and experience all of those questions and encounterthe very latestin scientific research.

The exhibition is curated byMike Parker Pearson, professor of British Later Prehistory at the Institute of Archaeology, University College Londonand author of 22 books; it will include 400-plus artifacts.

Visitors will dive into the science, history and mythology of those artifacts. The biggest mysteries of Stonehenge stones as tall as 23 feet that weigh over 50,000 pounds and were brought to the site in Wildshire, England, from the Preseli Mountains in Wales will not be making the trip. But there will be plenty more to discover in Denver.

Were fortunate to bring this world-class exhibition to Denver and share its wonder with the Colorado community and beyond, says George Sparks, DMNS president and CEO, in the statement. What is truly remarkable is the depth of knowledge we now have regarding what the silent and massive stones tell us. With the use of cutting-edge technology, we now have answers to questions that have mystified for literally thousands of years. We cant wait to share this fantastic journey through ancient mysteries and modern discoveries with our guests.

The exhibition will run through September 6 at the museum, 2001 Colorado Boulevard, in City Park. For more information and tickets, go to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science website.

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Kyle Harris quit making documentaries and started writing when he realized that he could tell hundreds of stories in the same amount of time it takes to make one movie. Now, hooked on the written word, he's Westwords Culture Editor and writes about music and the arts.

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Stonehenge Exhibit Comes to Denver Museum of Nature and Science - Westword

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