Congress Commemorates Jewish American Heritage Month By Honoring Malcolm Hoenlein and Eric Gertler (VIDEO & … – VINNews

Posted By on May 30, 2024

WASHINGTON (VINnews) To close out Maya month-long focus on Jewish contributions to the fabric of American lifeCongress commemorated Jewish American Heritage Month with their annual celebratory tribute honoring two pillars of the American Jewish community: Malcolm Hoenlein and Eric Gertler.

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We are saluting two remarkable individuals whose dedication to service and advocacy has left an indelible mark not only on our nation but also on the Jewish community in the United States and beyond was the refrain heard throughout the 2 hour plus program featuring a bipartisan array of whos who in national affairs.

Members of Congress from both parties attended the event, expressing their support for the Jewish community and achievements and delivered remarks. Members included: Senators Sherrod Brown, Ben Cardin, Cory Booker, Richard Blumenthal, John Hickenlooper, Tim Kaine, James Lankford, James Risch, Pete Ricketts, Jacky Rosen, Jeanne Shaheen, Brian Schatz, Ron Wyden, Representatives Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Brad Schneider.

Malcolm Hoenlein has spent decades in Jewish leadership on the front lines in countless issues that impact world Jewry. Mr. Hoenlein has traveled the world, meeting with world leaders and Jewish communities, coupled with his extensive speaking engagements across the United States and abroad on international relations, Israel and Middle East Affairs, and the American Jewish community, have established him as a true luminary in Jewish leadership. Hoenleins outstanding work for decades as the Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and as the founding Executive Director of the Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry has made Hoenleins name synonymous with Jewish leadership.

Equally deserving of admiration is Eric Gertler, whose dedication to public service and contributions to the Jewish community has been nothing short of exemplary. Gertler serves as the Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. News & World Report, and his leadership has been instrumental in shaping the discourse on global affairs. His active involvement in various boards, including the Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School, Tel Aviv University, and Hebrew University underscores his commitment to advancing education and fostering international cooperation.

Additionally, his role as Chairman of the American-Israel Friendship League exemplifies his unwavering dedication to solidifying relations between the US and Israel.

We are here to celebrate both extraordinary men not only for their accomplishments but also to acknowledge their impact as leaders in their respective communities said Greg Rosenbaum, program chairman in his closing remarks.

(Photo and Video Credit: Lenchevsky Images)

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Congress Commemorates Jewish American Heritage Month By Honoring Malcolm Hoenlein and Eric Gertler (VIDEO & ... - VINNews

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