Letters to the editor – thejewishchronicle.net

Posted By on June 15, 2024

Good for the Jews? Many Jews view political acts as good for the Jews or bad for the Jews. In their June 7 letters, both Andrew Neft and Reuben Hoch seem to believe that Donald Trump is good for the Jews and Joe Biden is bad for the Jews (DNC talking points, Andrew Neft; Response to Rep. Frankels op-ed, Reuven Hoch). This stance is extremely myopic. Its like saying, Yes, Mussolini might be a fascist, but he made the trains run on time.

Donald Trump is the greatest danger to American democracy in history. His authoritarian, violent mindset is clear to see. He inspired an attempted coup.

Make no mistake. He has no love for Israel. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem not out of support for the Jewish state, but in a bald attempt to gain Jewish votes. When that wasnt the result of his cynical act, he lashed out at American Jews.

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Yes, among the Democrats there is an anti-Israel probably antisemitic wing, but it is a small wing. Joe Biden is a strong supporter of Israel, but he has as any compassionate human being should reacted to the terrible suffering of the Palestinian civilian population. The Republicans, on the other hand, have fallen in, almost 100%, behind their extremist leader.

Joe Biden has said, and continues to say, that we are in a battle for the soul of our country. When you look at whats on the line this coming election, thats not an overstatement.

Mitchell Nyer Pittsburgh

Concerns about Treasurer Stacy Garrity The June 7 edition of the Chronicle contains an article about state Treasurer Stacy Garrity and the commonwealths investments in Israel (Israel Bonds divide Pennsylvania treasurer race).

At first glance, Ms. Garrity would appear to be someone who should be lauded for her support and that of the Treasury Department for the Jewish state.

I am not sure that there is a widespread recognition that Ms. Garrity is not only an election denier (liar) who has endorsed the fiction that Donald Trump was the legitimate winner of the 2020 presidential election, but that she is actively supporting the campaign for the former president and felon, sexual abuser and bigot to return to the White House.

I have grave concerns about a dishonorable and dishonest individual being the steward of $163 billion in state funds.

Oren Spiegler Peters Township

Lamenting the demise of Elder Express Not everyone who lives in Pittsburgh drives or owns a car. Many of us living in senior facilities depended on Elder Express (Sunsetting of Elder Express highlights transportation needs for older adults, June 7). I have no explanation why the ridership disappeared post-COVID, but those of us who depend on this service are left high and dry, period.

I contacted Elder Express and was told if I rounded up four other interested seniors, we could request a van. But if someone has a 9 a.m. doctors appointment, someone else needs to shop at Giant Eagle at 10 a.m., and someone else is going to Walmart at 11 a.m. and then everyone wants to return just how does that nonsense work?

This not sunsetting. This is nothing more than abandonment of seniors who are already dealing with housing issues, food shortages and exorbitant utility bills, leaving us stranded in our apartments waiting for the Messiah.

Rochel Singer Pittsburgh

Loss of Elder Express will hurt seniors As a nationally certified health care advocate, who has worked in the Jewish community, I am extremely disappointed that the Elder Express van will be eliminated (Sunsetting of Elder Express highlights transportation needs for older adults, June 7). As mentioned in the article, this will lead to increased isolation for seniors.

The Jewish community has now lost a nursing home, affordable assistant living, a completely kosher environment and now transportation.

I am not sure not enough people were using it is a reason to cut the service.

I would be glad to participate in any discussions held regarding maintaining this valuable service.

Jeff Weinberg Pittsburgh

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Letters to the editor - thejewishchronicle.net

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