UNR Jewish leader: Comparing Holocaust to mask and vaccine rules ‘wrong 100% of the time’ – Reno Gazette Journal

Posted By on September 19, 2021

Wearing a replica of the Star of David patch to compare maskmandates to the Holocaust isbeyond offensive and wrong 100% of the time," according to Atty Garfinkel, who oversees Jewish student life at the University of Nevada, Reno.

At least two people attending the Washoe County School Board meeting Tuesday wore yellow stars like those the Nazis forced Jews to wear during the mass genocide of World War II.

James Benthin, who attended the meeting, said he wore a yellow starto equatepeople who don't want to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or wear masks with the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust.

More: Man at WCSD meeting compares masks and vaccines to Holocaust

To compare the inconveniences of a mask or vaccine to the murder of 11 million people is deeply offensive and goes against everything that Judaism is founded on, said Garfinkel.For five years, she has led Hillel of Northern Nevada, a UNR campus group that promotes Jewishculture and understanding.

The starworn duringTuesday's school board meeting is another example of rising anti-Semitic incidents across the country, she said.

Two years ago, UNR recorded30 bigotry and biasincidents, which included24 that were anti-Semitic.

Garfinkel said there have been similar instances comparing the Holocaust to maskmandates and vaccination requirements in the U.S., but this school board meeting was the first blatant comparison she has been made aware of in Washoe County.

"There is no comparison, and it is 100% wrong100% of the time when they compare inconveniences to fascism and murder, Garfinkle said.

She said there are people across the countrywho are attempting to use their understanding of history to justify foolishness and bias.

"What it comes down to at the end of the dayis that thebroader Jewish community believes in science, she said.

She said she understands that there are political debates about what can or should be mandated, including the COVID-19 vaccine.

"But we aren't going to debate saving lives," she said.

Siobhan McAndrew tells stories about the people of Northern Nevada and covers education in Washoe County. Read her journalism right here. Consider supporting her work by subscribing to the Reno Gazette Journal.

See the original post:

UNR Jewish leader: Comparing Holocaust to mask and vaccine rules 'wrong 100% of the time' - Reno Gazette Journal

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