Letters to the Editor The Ten Commandments, Pride Month, Judaism, religion in schools – The Dallas Morning News

Posted By on June 27, 2024

Moral framework vital

Re: A Poster Wont Help Students need moral instruction, not unconstitutional Ten Commandments signs, Tuesday editorial.

Thank you for your beautifully expressed editorial on the importance of moral education in our schools. You are very insightful. The absence of a clear framework of right and wrong leaves a vacuum in which people either drift aimlessly or are prey to all sorts of simplistic, irrational, manipulative dogmas.

It is frightening to see leaders rush to fill the vacuum with self-serving platitudes. Teaching a mature moral framework is not easy, but without it, we will flounder.


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Elizabeth Walley, Mesquite

I question the third paragraph of this editorial. The writer states, At best, schools are neutral on issues of virtue. About which local public school are you speaking? I could show you many for which that statement is false!

If you put your education writers on that project, Im sure they would come back with some wonderful stories of amazing work being done in local public classrooms to encourage students to be people of character! And, yes, kindness does matter! It might be a platitude to you, but it is not to kids!

Lyn Abercrombie, Carrollton

Re: Evangelical world lacks accountability, by Benjamin J. Dueholm, Tuesday Opinion.

I appreciated this commentary. And regarding Dueholms thoughts in his op-ed on the previous page, I cant help but wonder if Dan Patrick should focus his efforts on creating a bill to require evangelical churches to post the Ten Commandments on their campuses.

Paul G. Hill, Garland

Re: Mans last act was coming out, Sunday Metro obituary.

Well, LGBTQ+ Pride Month is almost over. Did those of you who have been triggered make it OK? In all seriousness, I am both shocked and saddened that so many people continue to take issue with this.

I was reading the obituary of Edward Thomas Ryan, who was gay his entire life but never felt he could come out. So, he did it in his obituary.

This is why Pride Month exists, so people can be who they are. Sure, there are parties and parades, but for many of us, Pride Month is simply a reminder that we can be who we are and love who we love.

Ive heard more than a few people remark, Do you really need an entire month? My answer to that question is yes, why not? If the visibility of Pride Month causes one person to be who they are and live their best life, then I think that is far more important than others feeling uncomfortable for the month.

If you have an intense hatred for this month, I suggest you do a deep dive into why. Odds are, you may be struggling to accept who you really are. As Harvey Milk said: If every gay person were to come out only to his/her own family, friends, neighbors and fellow workers, within days, the entire state would discover that we are not the stereotypes generally assumed.

Josh Youngblood, Dallas

Recent attacks on innocent people in America and other parts of the world on the basis that they practice Judaism are wrong and must stop.

It is very important that people understand that the government of Israel is currently under the leadership of a small group, and it is unjust to link all Jews with Israels current policies.

Judaism is as diversified in religion and politics as are other religions, and Jews throughout the world have rushed to protest the recent actions of Israel.

Hindus await the return of Krishna, Muslims the Imam Mahdi, Buddhists Maitreya Buddha, Jews expect the Messiah and Christians await the return of Jesus.

Instead of fighting over which religion is superior, might we consider that the great being expected by all of these different religions is one and the same?

Now is the time to heal our wounds, to forgive and to extend the olive branch of peace to everyone, everywhere throughout the world, and to finally see humanity as one. Only then can we walk the path to peace.

Bob Arthur, Rowlett

Louisianas new law requiring schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom from kindergarten through public college should be seen as religious grooming an attempt to influence a students religious preference. Over the past few years, parents who have objected to public school resources on the basis of sexual grooming have been given the opportunity to opt out and choose alternative material for their child.

In Louisiana, Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindi, Native American and atheist children will be forced to sit in a classroom with a large poster professing a biblical code of conduct that certainly has its place in a religious school, but not in a public school. Will there be opt-out classrooms for families who object to their children being subjected to religious grooming?

So far, Texas has not imposed a state mandate to follow in Louisianas footsteps. How long will it take before it does?

I hope our state government has the wisdom to respect the constitutional separation of church and state.

Marian Levinstein, Lantana

Re: Heres what to listen for during debate Wednesday news story.

This Politifact page should have been in the editorial section. The content was clearly not factual news but rather two reporters opinions. Obviously supportive of President Joe Biden and negative on Donald Trump, this piece should not be disguised as factual and should be moved to the editorial section. Opinions are welcome. Just dont present them as factual.

Jeff Borland, Irving

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Letters to the Editor The Ten Commandments, Pride Month, Judaism, religion in schools - The Dallas Morning News

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