WUPJ/Arzenu Solidarity Mission to Israel: Highlights World Union for Progressive Judaism – World Union for Progressive Judaism

Posted By on April 11, 2024

Our recent Solidarity Mission to Israel was truly an incredible and moving experience.

From Kabbalat Shabbat with the warm community of Kehilat Veahavta to thought-provoking discussions on Jewish identity at ANU Museum, every moment was filled with connection to our Judaism and shaping Progressive Zionism.

We visited the Gaza Envelope where we met remarkable individuals like Eli, whose courage in defending Kibbutz Mefalsim left a lasting impression on us. We also had the honor of engaging with Chaya Heron of the IDF Spokesperson Unit who shared insights into the challenges faced by the IDF and Jewish communities worldwide.

One of the most moving moments was at Hostage Square, where we met Dani Miran, father of Omri Miran, held hostage for 150 days. Dani shared Omris story, his life at the Kibbutz, and the resilience of their community.

Our visit at Sheba Hospital allowed us to connect with soldiers, hear their stories, and offer our support in their journey. We also had an enlightening meeting with Israel Ambassador to Bahrain, Eitan Naeh. His experiences as an ambassador in Turkey, UAE, and Bahrain shed light on the geopolitical challenges.

We visited the Knesset and concluded the mission energized and with optimism at the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation

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WUPJ/Arzenu Solidarity Mission to Israel: Highlights World Union for Progressive Judaism - World Union for Progressive Judaism

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