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Thinking Shavuot, Torah and the Jewish people – The Jewish Star

Posted By on June 1, 2020

By Rabbi David Etengoff

HaRav Yosef Dov Halevi Soloveitchik zatzal was one of the 19th centurys greatest European Torah scholars. He is known as the Beit HaLevi after the title of his grand exposition of the Pentateuch that is universally recognized as a jewel within the Lithuanian Torah tradition. In his comments on Sefer Shemot 19:5, he discusses why Hashem gave us the Torah and, in so doing, helps us understand its role in our lives.

The Beit HaLevi explains that the Torah was given to the Jewish people so that we would analyze it in accordance with the accepted rules of Biblical exegesis as delineated by our sages, who have been tasked as the protectors of Hashems Torah in this world.

He notes that the conclusions that are reached according to these guidelines thereby constitute that which is undeniably true. In addition, he asserts that since the Torah is lo bshamayim he (no longer in Heaven) (Talmud Bavli, Baba Metziah 59b), its authentic interpretation can only be apprehended via the intense study and analysis of the earthly beit din. After all, lo nitnah Torah lmalachei hashareit (the Torah was not given to the Ministering Angels) (Talmud Bavli, Yoma 30a), but rather to us.

After presenting these ideas, the Beit HaLevi focuses on why our Sages call Shavuot zeman matan Toratainu (the time of the Giving of our Torah), instead of zeman matan Torah (the time of the Giving of the Torah).

His answer is mesmerizing: The reason Shavuot is called zeman matan Toratainu and not zeman matan Torah is because Toratainu means that the Torah became our own. [How did it become our own? This happened] as a result of Torah She-beal Peh (the Oral Law) and the explanations of the [Torah] that are the product of our people.

For the Beit HaLevi, although the Torah She-biktav (the Written Law) is the Almightys greatest gift to the world besides life itself, it is through the never-ending dynamic process of Torah She-beal Peh (the study and explanation of His holy Torah) that humankind encounters Him.

In many ways, the Beit HaLevi infuses profound meaning into the phrase we recite each morning in our tefilah, Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu umah nayim goraleinu (We are fortunate, how good is our portion, how pleasant our lot, and how beautiful our heritage).

Chelkeinu, our portion, is two-fold in nature. It includes the outright gift of the Torah She-biktav and the ever-developing Torah She-beal Peh, through which we analyze, interpret and apply that bequest to the challenges and realities of our lives. Truly then, Ashreinu!

May we be zocheh to witness the fulfillment of the passage we proclaim every day in the Birchot HaTorah (Ibid., p. 17): Please, Hashem, our G-d, sweeten the words of Your Torah in our mouth and in the mouths of your people, the family of Israel. May we and our offspring and the offspring of Your people, the House of Israel all of us, know Your Name and study Your Torah for its own sake. Vchane yihi ratzon.

Shabbat Shalom, Chag Sameach, and may Hashem in His great mercy remove the magafah from klal Yisrael and the entire world.


Thinking Shavuot, Torah and the Jewish people - The Jewish Star

Are Conversion Standards In Israel Too Harsh? – The Jewish Press –

Posted By on June 1, 2020

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Over 3,100 years ago, Ruth left her land and people to accompany her Jewish mother-in-law, Naomi, to Eretz Yisrael with the intention of joining the Jewish people. According to the Talmud (Yevamos 47b), Naomi attempted to dissuade her, but once she saw Ruths resolve exemplified by her statement your people will be my people, and your G-d will be my G-d (Ruth 1:16) she relented and Ruth formally became a Jew.

For thousands of years, batei din have converted individuals who wished to join the Jewish people on an ad hoc basis; there simply werent that many people who wished to convert. Nowadays, though, we have hundreds of thousands of what some people call Zera Yisrael children and grandchildren of Jews who are not halachically Jewish living among us in Israel and the Diaspora.

This situation forces us to ask: Should non-Jews who identify as Jewish and live in Jewish communities be discouraged from converting as was customary for thousands of years? Or should they be encouraged to formally join the Jewish people in order to alleviate the many social, religious, and demographic problems that currently exist?

Conversion for Marriage

In Hilchos Issurei Biah (12:14), the Rambam describes the ideal convert: one who desires just like the Jews at Har Sinai to enter into the covenant, take shelter under the wings of the Divine presence, and accept the yoke of the Torah. The Talmud (Yevamos 24b) debates whether a non-ideal convert (i.e., one who converts for impure motivations) is even Jewish, but concludes that the halacha is in accordance with the statement of the one who says that they are all [valid] converts.

It appears, though, that such converts are only recognized after the fact (i.e., bediavad). The Talmud even expresses concern that they may cause harm to the Jewish people. One well-known passage in the Talmud (Yevamos 47b) states that converts are as harmful to the Jewish people as a leprous scab (sappachas) on the skin. Rashi (ad loc.) explains that converts hold on to their prior ways, and the Jewish people may learn from them or rely upon them for religious matters.

Despite the Talmuds concern regarding conversions performed for less-than-pure motivations, historically such conversions were sometimes allowed. For example, Rabbeinu Tam (on Yoma 82b, s.v. mah) permits a woman who converted out of Judaism and married a non-Jew and then repented to remain married to the non-Jewish husband after he converts to Judaism.

Similarly, the Rambam (Teshuvot 2:211) permits a Jewish man to continue a relationship with a slave with whom he was intimate after she converts as it is better to eat gravy [i.e. violate the minor prohibition of marrying a slave after she has been freed and converted] than to eat forbidden fat itself [violate the more severe prohibition of having relations with a maidservant]. He writes, We relied on the principle of It is a time to do for G-d by abrogating His law.

More recently, R. Shlomo Kluger (Tuv Taam VeDaas 230) ruled that a Jewish soldier who returned home from war with a non-Jewish woman could have her converted. He writes that we are concerned that if we do not allow her to convert, the Jew will go off to evil ways (tarbus raah). In this context, R. Kluger makes an important assertion: Since there is no external impediment to their union, and given that the non-Jewish woman desires to convert, the conversion is considered to be for the sake of Heaven.

Similarly, R. Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, despite his overall apprehension regarding conversions and the sincerity of kabbalas mitzvos, attests that he has been asked numerous times regarding a non-Jewish woman who was civilly married to a Jew and wished to convert and be married with a chuppah and kiddushin. R. Grodzinski (Achiezer 3:26, 28) concludes that it is customary to convert the woman under such circumstances.

Conversions Performed for Marriage in the 20th Century

During the 20th century, we find three noteworthy approaches to conversion for the sake of marriage all in response to the rising intermarriage rate.

The first approach, adopted by the Syrian community, was to ban all conversions, even those not performed for the sake of marriage. A ban against conversion was first implemented by R. Shaul Setton Dabah in the Syrian community of Argentina in 1922 to counter the rising number of intermarriages.

In 1935, R. Jacob Kassin issued a similar ban on the Syrian community in New York, extending the prohibition to marrying someone who has already converted. This ban was reaffirmed after World War II, when Jewish soldiers returned with non-Jewish partners, and again in 1972, 1984, and 2006.

This ban undoubtedly preserved the Syrian Jewish community. However, numerous poskim, including R. Herzog (Pesakim UKsavim) and, more recently, R. Asher Weiss (Darchei Horaah, Gerus 12:17) criticize it, noting that there may be a mitzvah to accept worthy converts; that banning a convert from marrying into a specific Jewish community may violate the Biblical prohibition of onaas hager, and that even if it was an appropriate horaas shaah, it is time to repeal it now that so many decades have passed.

The second approach, adopted by numerous rabbis in Sephardic lands (and in some Ashkenazic communities), was to permit conversion for the sake of marriage, even with minimal religious commitment. For example, R. Eliyahu Chazan, as well the Nehar Mitzrayim (Hilchos Gerim, p. 111), write that the policy in Egypt was to allow non-Jewish women to convert for the sake of marriage.

R. Bentzion Meir Chai Uziel, in an early responsum (Mishpetei Uziel, Yoreh Deah 1:14), writes that when a non-Jewish woman is already married to a Jew, she will grow closer to the Torah and her husbands family if we convert her. It is therefore permitted or better, obligated to bring them close and have then enter into the covenant of Israels Torah and remove the affliction of assimilation, which is an inflammatory affliction in the vineyard of the House of Israel, he writes.

Elsewhere, R. Uziel (ibid. Even HaEzer, 20) expresses great concern for the non-Jewish children of intermarried couples and encourages the conversion of non-Jewish spouses and their children.

R. Ovadia Yosef, in a Knesset committee hearing (November 16, 1976), supports this tradition, and notes, [While] some Ashkenazic rabbi are stringent in this matterthere are many who are lenient. At the head of them is R. Shlomo Kluger from Galiciaand so write the rabbis of Egypt, R. Eliyahu Chazan and R. Yosef Mesas, and others. In practice, most of the rabbinic judges of Israel today accept this change, and therefore even when they know the woman comes to convert for marriage, they accept her.

R. Yosef recounted that he personally ruled on tens of conversion cases each year.

The third approach, best represented by the rulings of R. Moshe Feinstein, is based on deep ambivalence and apprehension regarding conversions performed for the sake of marriage. In numerous places, R. Moshe criticizes batei din that regularly perform such conversions. Although he writes that he withholds judgment, he adds: I am not comfortable with this, and neither was my father (Yoreh Deah 3:106).

He rules that only when a beis din is convinced that a potential convert wholeheartedly accepts upon himself the mitzvos (even if he is not aware of all of the mitzvos or we estimate that he will be unable to fulfill all the mitzvos) do we accept him into the Jewish people (ibid. Yoreh Deah 1:159).

These three approaches were prevalent in different geographic areas, each facing its own communal and religious challenges.

Conversion in Israel Nowadays

As mentioned above, the Jewish world today faces a mounting crisis in both the Diaspora and Israel. In the wake of the mass emigration from the former Soviet Union, there are currently over 400,000 Israelis who are officially categorized as without religion. They attend Jewish schools, even religious schools, serve in the army, and live and work alongside other Israelis.

Many were born and raised in Israel, observe Shabbos, chagim, and the laws of kashrus. They are fully integrated into Israeli society, have absorbed its values, internalized its culture, and are coming closer to Judaism.

Historically, the chief rabbis of Israel including R. Herzog, R. Uziel, R. Unterman. R. Nissim, R. Goren, R. Ovadia Yosef, and R. Bakshi Doron have encouraged converting non-Jews who choose to cast their lot with the Jewish nation in Israel, whether it be non-Jewish spouses of Jewish refugees who fled to Israel, non-Jewish volunteers on kibbutzim who decided to stay in Israel, or non-Jewish immigrants (and children of these immigrants) from the former Soviet Union.

In recent years, numerous rabbis have called for converting these Israelis and their children. Refraining from converting them, they argue, doesnt discourage intermarriage; it actually increases it. R. Asher Weiss (Kuntras Shevui, Bamidbar, 5773) argues that our current predicament calls for a change in approach:

In my opinion, our generation is not like previous generations, as from eternity we have refrained from initiating conversions and only [accepted] a person who came with the intention of converting after being pushed away numerous times. And this is the proper way according to the Torah. However, in our era, when so many of those who immigrated from the Soviet Union are non-Jews according to the law and are mixing in with the residents of the land, there is a great stumbling block for generations, and we should not discourage them from converting. Rather, we should make efforts to convert them. While we should not be lenient, G-d forbid, regarding the requirement of accepting upon themselves the yoke of Heaven and the yoke of mitzvoswe should not discourage them from converting.

Similarly, R. Nachum Eliezer Rabinovitch, zl, who just recently passed away, argued that immigrants from the former Soviet Union, and especially their children, should be encouraged to convert, in accordance with halacha. He even established independent conversion courts, known as Giyur KHalacha, for this purpose.

Each generations rabbinic leadership is entrusted with the authority to decide the best policy for potential converts, local communities, and the Jewish people. As the Beis Yosef writes, the decision is made according to the perception of the beis din. As we celebrate receiving the Torah this Shavuos, we should consider whether to enable others to join the covenant of the Torah as well, and if so how.

See the original post:

Are Conversion Standards In Israel Too Harsh? - The Jewish Press -

To the Jewish community: You may not recognize me as a Jew but the antisemites do – Christian Post

Posted By on June 1, 2020

By Michael Brown, CP Op-Ed Contributor | Sunday, May 31, 2020

The ongoing controversy over GOD TVs Hebrew speaking channel in Israel has triggered an age-old debate: Are Jews who believe in Jesus still Jews?

For decades now, religious Jews in particular have said to me, Youre not a Jew! Yet the antisemites of the world have no trouble identifying me as a Jew, flooding my social media pages with vile, Jew-hating comments. How ironic.

To be sure, there are plenty of religious Jews who would see someone like me as an apostate Jew yet still a Jew. Many would even take the stance that I am a tinok shenishba, a child born in captivity, and therefore not as fully culpable for what they see as my idolatrous beliefs. There is also the famous Talmudic statement that, Even though he sins, he is still Israel (b. Sanhedrin 44a).

Yet others, in keeping with some halakhic (legal) rulings or simply following their heart, will tell me I am not a Jew, quite forcefully at that. (See here for an example, starting at 12:28. For similar sentiments expressed to a Messianic Jewish colleague of mine, even though he is married to a sabra [that is, a native born Israeli], is an Israeli citizen, celebrates the Holy Days, observes biblical kashrut [dietary laws] and honors the Sabbath, see here, starting at 7:18.)

For my part, the last thing Im expecting is a word of congratulations or affirmation from the Jewish community, especially from traditional Jews. As much as I respect devoted rabbis and community leaders, I have crossed a dangerous line in their eyes, forfeiting my rights and my inheritance. So be it.

Jews who believe in Jesus will suffer rejection and ridicule and scorn. It comes with the turf, and I make no complaints about it. (See Hebrews 13:10-15.)

That being said, I still do find it highly ironic that, while many in the Jewish community do not see people like me as Jews, antisemites have not lost sight of our identity. And if we are Zionists, believing that Israel is the eternal homeland of our people, we are even more sinister in their sight.

Accordingly, when I post videos refuting common antisemitic myths and libels, Im told that Im funded by Jewish banks, that I work for the Mossad, that Im a crypto Jew, secretly infiltrating the Church to turn it to Judaism, and more. (Ive even been accused of being a secret agent for Chabad, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group that actively proselytizes non-religious Jews!)

The other day, I spotted these comments on one of our social media pages, completely unprovoked: I hope the Holocaust gets a round two and you are the first to go Dr. Michael Brown so I can laugh on your ashes. It was followed by this: Take a [expletive] on your greedy Jew grave. And then this: Get zyklon b. (I captured these in screenshots before deleting them.)

Another posted this, responding to a video where I called out an antisemitic pastor who also celebrates the killing of gays: Jesus is not a Jew. Jesus is the Son of God. The Jew has rejected the Son of God. The Jew has speculated in their Talmud that Jesus is born of a Whore Mother and a Roman Soldier in their Talmud. Doc Brown, if the Gospels have any chance to reach the masses... The Jew must be separated from Christianity. Jesus was not a Jew nor a Rabbi. He was the Word made Flesh. Doc Brown, you are a Zionist shill. Punk [expletive] [expletive].

And then this, to another video, which dealt with a passage in the Book of Revelation: Brown is a Talmudist Eastern European Jew supremacist.

And this, to a video rebuking an evangelical Christian antisemite: 5 words for you zionist Jew racist deceiver Talmudic.

On and on it goes, often by the hour, sometimes by the minute. The Jew haters recognize a Jew when they see one.

Thats why Hitler slaughtered Jewish Lutherans side by side with atheist Jews and Hasidic Jews. A Jew was a Jew was a Jew.

It didnt matter if that Jewish person saw himself as more German than Jewish or if that Jewish Christian was thoroughly assimilated in church life and had lost any connection to Jewish tradition or custom. He was still a Jew, and as such, had to be exterminated.

Thats why it was no surprise when a Messianic Jewish synagogue was vandalized in 2018 (in Cary, North Carolina) and another was targeted for bombing in 2019 (in Las Vegas, Nevada). The buildings looked Jewish enough for the haters, even though the congregations professed faith that Yeshua was the Messiah.

And thats why, regardless of how much I am rejected by my own people (again, this is not a complaint; I am no martyr), I will continue to expose the lies of contemporary antisemitism along with some of the horrible chapters of church history.

I remain a Jew regardless of public opinion.

God knows, and thats more than enough for me.

Read more:

To the Jewish community: You may not recognize me as a Jew but the antisemites do - Christian Post

OMNIQ’s Artificial Intelligence-Based Quest Shield Solution Selected by the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore – GlobeNewswire

Posted By on June 1, 2020

SALT LAKE CITY, June 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OMNIQ, Inc. (OTCQB:OMQS) (OMNIQor the Company), announces that it has been selected to deploy its Quest Shield campus safety solution at the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore in Maryland.

The Quest Shield security package uses the Companys AI-based SeeCube technology platform, a ground-breaking cloud-based/on-premise security solution for Safe Campus/School applications. The platform provides unique AI-based computer vision technology and software to gather real-time vehicle data, enabling the Quest Shield to identify and record images of approaching vehicles including color, make and license plate information. The license plate is then compared against the schools internal watch list and law enforcement data bases such as the Maryland Coordination & Analysis Center (MCAC), to provide immediate notifications to security and administrative personnel. In addition to providing a vehicle identification and recognition solution to the Talmudical Academy, the Quest Shield comprehensive security platform addresses other security concerns including controlling access to the buildings and visitor management as well as the ability to pre-register guests for school activities.

Additionally, as part of COVID-19 mitigation, parents in Maryland will be asked to take and record their childs temperature each day before they leave for school. Quest Shield will automate this process, by providing parents an online form where they may record the temperature. All Talmud Academy students will be equipped with an ID tag that will have a QR code that can be read with a barcode scanner. As students enter campus, faculty equipped with Quest handheld scanners will read the barcode to confirm that the students temperature has been taken that day; if the form has not been filled in, faculty will check temperatures before allowing students inside.

Shai Lustgarten, CEO of OMNIQ commented: It is our privilege to work with the Talmudical Academy to provide our solution to enhance safety at their Baltimore campus. Quest Shield is an extension of the homeland security solution we designed for the Israeli authorities to fight terrorism and save lives.

Rabbi Yaacov Cohen, Executive Director, Talmudical Academy of Baltimore commented:Concern about campus safety and the safety of our students and faculty drove the Talmudical Academy to seek ways to implement new strategies aimed at preventing crimes and violence that may be committed on the school grounds. The unfortunate reality today is that situations we could never imagine just a few years ago are happening now with increasing regularity. Most security systems that are currently being deployed on other campuses are good at recording events subsequent to crimes being committed. With Quest Shield, we have an opportunity to alert personnel and Law Enforcement ahead of any sign of violence.

Mr. Lustgarten added: The Quest Shield has been tailored to provide a proactive solution to improve security and safety in schools and on campuses as well as community centers and places of worship in the U.S. that have unfortunately become a target for ruthless attacks. Were pleased to work with a forward-thinking organization like the Talmudical Academy, it is gratifying that the Academy selected the Quest Shield platform to strengthen its security precautions.

Additionally, many schools and communities are expressing concern around children returning to school in the fall due to COVID-19. With that in mind, Talmudical Academy will also employ the Quest Shield to provide an automated screening process to confirm that students have had their temperatures checked, per Maryland regulation, upon their arrival on campus and prior to them entering the school facilities.

Mr. Lustgarten concluded: We are proud to be able to improve student safety in the U.S., as well as in other vulnerable communities. Quest Shield has previously been implemented by a pre-K through Grade 12 school in Florida and at a Jewish Community Center in Salt Lake City. We look forward to working closely with the Academy and other institutions to promote the health and safety of students, faculty and support personnel.

About OMNIQ, Corp.OMNIQ Corp. (OMQS) provides computerized and machine vision image processing solutions that use patented and proprietary AI technology to deliver data collection, real time surveillance and monitoring for supply chain management, homeland security, public safety, traffic & parking management and access control applications. The technology and services provided by the Company help clients move people, assets and data safely and securely through airports, warehouses, schools, national borders, and many other applications and environments.

OMNIQs customers include government agencies and leading Fortune 500 companies from several sectors, including manufacturing, retail, distribution, food and beverage, transportation and logistics, healthcare, and oil, gas, and chemicals. Since 2014, annual revenues have grown to more than $50 million from clients in the USA and abroad.

The Company currently addresses several billion-dollar markets, including the Global Safe City market, forecast to grow to $29 billion by 2022, and the Ticketless Safe Parking market, forecast to grow to $5.2 billion by 2023.

Information about Forward-Looking StatementsSafe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements in this press release relating to plans, strategies, economic performance and trends, projections of results of specific activities or investments, and other statements that are not descriptions of historical facts may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This release contains forward-looking statements that include information relating to future events and future financial and operating performance. The words anticipate, may, would, will, expect, estimate, can, believe, potential and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at, or by, which that performance or those results will be achieved. Forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time they are made and/or managements good faith belief as of that time with respect to future events, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in or suggested by the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause these differences include, but are not limited to: fluctuations in demand for the Companys products particularly during the current health crisis , the introduction of new products, the Companys ability to maintain customer and strategic business relationships, the impact of competitive products and pricing, growth in targeted markets, the adequacy of the Companys liquidity and financial strength to support its growth, the Companys ability to manage credit and debt structures from vendors, debt holders and secured lenders, the Companys ability to successfully integrate its acquisitions, and other information that may be detailed from time-to-time in OMNIQ Corp.s filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Examples of such forward looking statements in this release include, among others, statements regarding revenue growth, driving sales, operational and financial initiatives, cost reduction and profitability, and simplification of operations. For a more detailed description of the risk factors and uncertainties affecting OMNIQ Corp., please refer to the Companys recent Securities and Exchange Commission filings, which are available at OMNIQ Corp. undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless otherwise required by law.

Investor Contact: John Nesbett/Jen BelodeauIMS Investor

Continued here:

OMNIQ's Artificial Intelligence-Based Quest Shield Solution Selected by the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore - GlobeNewswire

‘We stand in solidarity’: Jewish organizations respond to the protests over George Floyd’s death – JTA News

Posted By on June 1, 2020

(JTA) Jewish groups are expressing outrage over the death of George Floyd, a black man killed last week by a Minneapolis police officer who has subsequently been charged with second-degree murder, and solidarity with the sweeping national protests that have followed.

Here are excerpts from the statements weve seen so far. Know of something weve missed? Please send it our way.

Truah, a social justice organization of rabbis, issued a statement May 27, after the first night of protests in Minneapolis:

This week, the divine image is diminished as we mourn the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police. This is yet one more tragic example of the racist violence too often perpetuated by police officers, who are charged with protecting all of usnot only some of us. We again face the reality that people of color in our country live in fear that encounters with law enforcement will result in serious injury or death.

We say once again: Black Lives Matter. And we commit to creating a country that lives by this statement.

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs, an organization working with 130 local groups across the United States, tweeted an image of two dozen black men, women and, in one case, a child who have been killed by police officers:

The CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, connected George Floyds death to an explosion of racist murders and hate crimes across the United States:

We stand in solidarity with the Black community as they yet again are subject to pain and suffering at the hands of a racist and unjust system. While it is a necessary first step in the pathway towards justice that former Officer Derek Chauvin was taken into custody yesterday, it is simply not enough. Based on the horrifying cell phone footage that has rightfully outraged Americans across the country, it is clear that the three other former officers who participated in Mr. Floyds death need to be held responsible for their actions to the fullest extent of our legal system. The Hennepin County District Attorney and local investigators must do everything in their power to ensure the wheels of justice turn swiftly. As an organization committed to fighting all forms of hate, we know that thisbrutal death follows an explosion of racist murders and hate crimes across the U.S. As an agency that has stood for justice and fair treatment to all since our founding in 1913, we know that this has occurred at a time when communities of color have been reeling from the disproportionate health impacts and economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

In short, systemic injustice and inequality calls for systemic change. Now.

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, reiterated his groups commitment to ongoing action:

The national rage expressed about the murder ofMr.Floyd reflects the depth of pain over the injustice that People of Color and particularly Black men havebeen subjectedto throughout the generations.In recent months we have seen, yet again, too many devastating examples of persistent systemic racism, leading to the deaths not only of Mr. Floyd but of other precious souls, including Breonna Taylor andAhmaudArbery.

We rememberothers before them: Eric Garner. Tamir Rice. Trayvon Martin. Sandra Bland. Oscar Grant. Philando Castile.Walter Scott. Terrence Crutcher. Samuel Dubose. Michael Brown. The list feels endless, and sotoo is our despair.But as we recite the Mourners Kaddish for them all, we say now, again:We will not sit idlyby.

Our country simply cannot achieve the values of justice for all to which it aspires until we address ongoing racism in all sectors and at all levels of society. Weremainin solidarityand actionwiththe NAACPs urgent #WeAreDoneDying campaign, whose policy demands cover areas of criminal justice, economic justice, health care, and voting, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disproportionately impact Black Americans.

For the past two days, the Jewish community observed Shavuot, a holiday rooted in learning and action that commemorates when the Jewish people were given the Torah. The Talmud teaches that anyone who destroys one life has destroyed an entire universe. The systemic racism that allows Black people to be murdered with impunity is destroying our world.

As we work to advance equality and justice for LGBTQ Jews, we take seriously the need to build a world in which people of all races and ethnicities can live in safety; a world in which the bodies of Black, Brown, Trans, and Queer people are treated with dignity and respect. Keshet stands in solidarity with Black leaders in the Keshet community and beyond whose wisdom and insights are instrumental to building a just and equitable future. We vow to voice our outrage and demand justice. #BlackLivesMatter

Sheila Katz, CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women, said this:

We will not remain silent. As a national organization made up of over 100,000 advocates in communities around the country including Minnesota we are outraged and devastated by the murder of George Floyd. Mr. Floyd was murdered by multiple police officers who held him down with their knees, however, the underlying cause of his death is systemic racism. It is both unacceptable and exhausting that in 2020, we still need to insist over and over again: Black Lives Matter.

Through legislative reform, local activism, and by educating NCJW advocates, we will make sure each individual we engage helps end the toxic culture of racism that permeates our country.For now, it is important to support Black and Brown communities and the leaders spearheading the peaceful, anti-racist responses unfolding. Together, we will make sure the memory of George Floyd will be for a blessing.

Mazon, a group dedicated to combatting hunger, tweeted a four-part statement:

The Rabbinical Assembly, the international association of Conservative and Masorti rabbis, called for sweeping changes to policing in America:

We join in the collective call for peace and reflection during civil unrest, but understand that to achieve this end we must act. For these reasons, the Rabbinical Assembly calls on legislators at the national, state, and local levels to fundamentally change their approach to law enforcement and the justice system so that they serve and protect all Americans, regardless of race nor ethnicity. We encourage our own members to reach out to other communities, to Jews of Color, as well as to local law enforcement to help lead and shape these endeavors within the community.

United in purpose, we will dismantle the systemic racism all too embedded still within American law enforcement and its justice system. The firing and we hope prosecution of the four Minneapolis police officers involved in this one egregious murder is a necessary step, but it cannot be the only action against structural injustices that have plagued generations and continue to this day. We must forever strive for a free and just society for all people.

Heres what the Jewish Federations of North America said:

Some local federations went further in spelling out how to do that. The Jewish Federation of Greater Cleveland, for examples, asked its constituents to take specific actions:

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland has been in regular contact with leaders of Clevelands black community and will work in concert with them to help bring about a change that is long overdue. It wont be easy, but we must take action towards dismantling the systems of oppression that threaten the lives of all people of color every day in our country. We need your help:

Our Jewish traditions and values compel us to stand up for the rights of all people without prejudice or bias.If we do not speak out, if we do not take action, we are part of the problem.

Other local Jewish organizations have also weighed in. From Baltimore, which experienced its own recent protests after a man died in police custody there, the Baltimore Jewish Council said:

The Baltimore Jewish Council joins Jewish communities across the nation in expressing our grief over the death of George Floyd. Our country has experienced too many incidents of police brutality, including the detention and death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore. We stand in solidarity with our friends in the Black community, united as an ally in the fight for equality and the right of all people, regardless ofthe color of their skin, to live without fear of our government.

We must stand together against hatred and bigotry in any form and uphold the core American values of justice and equality. We commit to taking concrete action to improve relations and enhance understanding between communities here in Baltimore, and between minority groups and law enforcement officials. Because the function of law enforcement is so vital to society, and the because the majority of law enforcement officials are dedicated public servants, it is incumbent upon us to quickly and effectively address violations and violators in a manner that preserves public trust and achieves justice and equality for all.

See original here:

'We stand in solidarity': Jewish organizations respond to the protests over George Floyd's death - JTA News

Kelly Morgan, MS, CGC, on Exploring Targeted Testing for the Ashkenazi Jewish BRCA Mutation – Cancer Network

Posted By on June 1, 2020

In a recent study, presented at the 2020 ASCO Virtual Scientific Program, theBRCAFounder OutReach (BFOR) offered pre-testing online education with posttest engagement of primary care providers.

In an interview withCancerNetwork, Kelly Morgan, MS, CGC, a genetic counselor at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, offered background on why the study was conducted in this patient population.


To start from the beginning, we know that those of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry have actually a 1 in 40 risk of carrying aBRCAmutation. So, theBRCAgene, which are associated with breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreas cancer, are quite prevalent. However, these mutations were actually discovered over 20 years ago. They were discovered by Dr. Kenneth Offit, he is 1 of the principal investigators of this study. We know today that more than 80% of Ashkenazi Jewish individuals have not been tested for theseBRCAmutations.

He, along with the other principal investigators of the studyall felt that it was very important to explore the feasibility of offering targeted testing for the Ashkenazi JewishBRCAmutations in our healthcare system. This has been explored in other healthcare systems Australia, United Kingdom, Israel, Canada but we have yet to try it here. I think we were able to take a very unique approach to offering this expanded, more population-based test.

See the original post:

Kelly Morgan, MS, CGC, on Exploring Targeted Testing for the Ashkenazi Jewish BRCA Mutation - Cancer Network

I’m a black reverend whose grandfather marched with King and Heschel. Here’s how white Jews can support black people right now. – JTA News

Posted By on June 1, 2020

ATLANTA (JTA) A lot of my Jewish friends are asking me how they can help and what needs to be done regarding the killing and lynching of individuals and families in the black community, most recently George Floyd.

To put yourselves in our shoes for a moment, imagine what the response of the Jewish community would be if George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery or Breonna Taylor were Jewish?No doubt it would reach biblical proportions.

One of the main challenges to interfaith collaboration is that since every group prioritizes its own challenges, we put less work into reciprocity and interfaith collaboration. But those of us who seek to once again reestablish black-Jewish relations, we simply must learn to prioritize one anothers efforts as we do our own.

In order for our respective cultures to understand one anothers needs, there must first be real dialogue in order to understand and discover the priorities of each.

Each and every day, each and every one of your black friends including me lives with the real fear of being killed by police officers. Wed like for Jews to help us end the killing of innocent blacks with the exact same fervor, dedication and commitment that you show toward preserving and defending your own families and communities.

My doctoral research shows that in America, while white Jews were once forced to assimilate to survive, the Jewish community has become one of the most financially successful religious groups in the country. I believe that the main reason white racists are killing blacks right now is because by and large, the black community doesnt pose a credible threat to their economic security and personal freedoms.

Im asking the Jewish community to use your political and economic power to help us dismantle institutionalized racism and end white supremacy, particularly in law enforcement, the courts and all of society in general.

Im also asking you to be proud of who you are. If you wear a kippah, wear it loud and proud my black is beautiful. And your black is beautiful. Stop trying to pass as white (to those who are white passing) and let yourself experience the inconvenience of being people of color (which is what you are) even if youre a fair-skinned Ashkenazi Jew.

We know that there is power in numbers. The truthful acknowledgment of Jews as people of color will not only allow you to be your authentic selves, a people who protested and subsequently defeated Pharaoh, but it will cause a deep, transformational change in your hearts toward your black brothers and sisters, understanding the plight of blacks in white America. My friends, we may all be a different hue, but were all the same color.

Its also critically important to denounce any racist friends that you may have and speak against the racist Hamans that you personally know. Break any business ties with racist whites and divest from any ventures and capital projects with those individuals or corporations you know who support racist activity and expressions, even if it means risking your own financial interests.

Finally, embrace blacks as absolute equals. In the words of the writer Benjamin Kweskin, Be mindful that your diversity and inclusion isnt just a euphemism for tokenism. White racists view Jews (and all people of color) as the N-word, too. But the Jewish community has its own unique power to break the system of white supremacy in America.

When I attend Jewish solidarity rallies, there are only a handful of blacks amid thousands of Jews. When I attend black solidarity rallies, there are only a handful of Jews. If we can have meaningful, robust dialogue, understand one anothers priorities and come together, when Jewish communities are attacked by anti-Semites, then the black community will be there for you. And when injustices occur toward blacks, I believe that Jews will in turn be there to support our communities en masse as well.

We need each other. We can do infinitely more to bring about real justice, true freedom and democracy if we at last come together as one people.

My friends, white supremacy is our common enemy. If we all come together and apply Dr. Kings principles of nonviolent protest, organize mass economic divestiture, rewrite policy, change the rule of law and vote racists out of office, we can destroy white supremacy in America.

Its going to take exactly this type of radical approach if real change is what we want. If youve ever expressed interest in strengthening black-Jewish relations, now is the time.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.


I'm a black reverend whose grandfather marched with King and Heschel. Here's how white Jews can support black people right now. - JTA News

A peace treaty is not the license to extortion – Weekly Blitz

Posted By on June 1, 2020

Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen

For years, Egypt and Jordan have exploited their peace treaties with Israel as a tool of extortionto prevent Israel from pursuing its security and political interests.

In speeches by the new defense minister Benny Gantz and foreign minister Gabi Ashkenazi at their swearing-in ceremonies, both declared fealty to the path of peace. I am obligated to do all that is possible to promote political settlements and to strive for peace, Gantz declared, while Ashkenazi stated: President Trumps peace plan is a historic opportunity. It will be promoted responsibly and in coordination with the United States, while maintaining the peace treaties.

If not for the unique political contextthe debate over applying Israels sovereignty to the Jordan Valleythe talk about the peace treaties would be both routine and proper. But in light of the threats about Israeli measures voiced by Jordans King Abdullah and Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, along with the Israeli controversy on the matter, the words bear a special significance. They connote a kind of pledge to make Israeli decisions on sovereignty conditional on regional consent.

There is no disagreement that striving for peace is a worthy goal. The picture is made more complex, however, by the ways the peace treaties between Israel and its neighbors have been implemented. In the dynamic that has developed, those neighbors conduct toward Israel has frequently entailed the logic of granting peace in exchange for protection.

The Hashemite Kingdoms role in keeping the long border with Israel quiet is praiseworthy, and its value should be acknowledged. But when experts on Israeli-Jordanian relations recommend that for the sake of continued quiet on that long border Israel should refrain from steps it needs to take to realize its security interests in the Jordan Valley lest it forfeit the gains of peace, they are essentially acceding to that dynamic of extortion. It constitutes consent by the one receiving protection to the one providing it.

Countries that live in peace should certainly take each other into account when they make decisions. But the duty of mutual consideration, as reflected in Israels peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt, is far from symmetrical. From the start of the peace negotiations with Egypt, the demand that Israel solve the Palestinian issue was an essential condition. And indeed, senior officials in the Israeli Foreign Ministry and various commentators have long explained the coldness of the peace with Egypt by pointing to Israels supposed failure to meet that obligation. This is despite the fact that it was Yasser Arafat who rebuffed President Jimmy Carters request to join Israel, Egypt, and the US in the autonomy talks. A similar situation exists regarding the peace with Jordan.

The peace treaties gave Jordan and Egypt a means of influence and pressure that constrains Israels ability to implement its interests in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Jordan Valley. As far back as 1978, when the Egyptian-Israeli Camp David Accords were being drafted, the prominent Labor politician Yigal Allon warned of the danger of conditioning the Israeli-Egyptian peace on progress in the Palestinian sphere. He demanded an end to any interdependency: What will happen if the Arab side, when setting up the autonomy, poses conditions that Israel cannot accept? Clearly Egypt is seeking to maintain an explicit option to disengage from the normalization.

For many years before the peace treaty with Jordan in 1994, Israel provided invaluable assistance that ensured the survival of the Hashemite regime, from vital intelligence information and diplomatic aid to deterring Syria from an all-out invasion of Jordan during the Black September events of 1970. Many aspects of this covert assistance have continued all the more in the era of official peace, along with considerable overt benefits for Jordan such as Israels annual provision of one hundred million cubic meters of water. In other words, if Israeli-Jordanian peace has assumed the character of coexistence in exchange for protection, it is not because of its asymmetrical benefits to each country. Rather, it is because Ammanby far the weaker of the two partiesuses it as a means of extortion to stop Israel from pursuing its security and political interests, while Israeli governments have inexplicably acquiesced to this coercion.

At the critical geopolitical junction where Israel now stands, its free pursuit of its national interests would be nothing short of a declaration of independence.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen is a senior research fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. He served in the IDF for 42 years. He commanded troops in battles with Egypt and Syria. He was formerly a corps commander and commander of the IDF Military Colleges.

A previous version of this article was published inIsrael Hayomon May 20.

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A peace treaty is not the license to extortion - Weekly Blitz

European allies of Israel against Hezbollah, but also against annexation – Al-Monitor

Posted By on June 1, 2020

Jun 1, 2020

Austrias parliament adopted on May 29 a resolution urging the government in Vienna and the European Union to take decisive actions by reassessing Hezbollahs entire organization as a terrorist movementand not just its military branch. Hailing the nonbinding resolution, Israels newly appointed Foreign MinisterGabi Ashkenazi stated on May 31 that this is an important decision against Hezbollah. I hope that the Austrian government will adopt their parliaments decision and will join the UK, Germany and the Netherlands who have all recognized Hezbollah in its entirety as a terror organization.

Jerusalem received with enthusiasm the Austrian parliamentarian resolution, but its reaction to another Austrian statement that very same day was quite different. Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg warned Israel on May 29 against its West Bank annexation plan, stressing it would contravene international law. Schallenbergs statement clarified his countrys position on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus intentions, leaving no room for ambiguity. The unilateral expansion of territory is against international law and numerous resolutions of the United Nations Security Council since 1967. There are no doubts about the Austrian position regarding annexation,"said Schallenberg, who added that he had relayed the same message to his Israeli counterpart.

Israel chose not to react officially to Schallenbergs statement. Still, diplomats in Jerusalem expressed disappointment over the Austrian position, especially on the backdrop of Vienna blocking a European Union resolution against the annexation plan just two weeks earlier. Austria, together with Hungary, Romania and some other EU members, opposed on May 15 an initiative by France, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland and Luxembourg for threatening Israel with sanctionsshould its government advance implementing sovereignty over West Bank settlements. Without a consensus on the issue, EU foreign ministers could not publish a joint statement. Thus, the EUs High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell issued his own statement against annexation.

Jerusalems disappointment was all the more apparentgiven the fact that Vienna is traditionally among the staunchest allies of Israel within the EU an alliance that has strengthened in the past few weeks over the coronavirus crisis. Both countries have been busy lately creating a pact of countries less infected by the virus, with the hope of opening soon mutual space borders and airways.

Speaking with Al-Monitor, Israeli diplomats noted that the Austrian case of these two statements reflects a similar modus operandi to that of Germany. On April 30, Germany banned Hezbollah from carrying out any activity on its soil and declared the group a terrorist organization. Then-Foreign Minister Israel Katzhailed the decision by Berlin, stating almost emotionally,I would like to express my appreciation to the German government for the move. I am certain that many governments in the Middle East and victims of Hezbollah terrorism share in my thanks.

Katz was obviously less thankful on May 19when Germany and the Palestinian Authority released a joint statement, noting with "grave concern" the agreement between coalition parties in Israel to advance annexation plans. In this case too, Jerusalem chose to keep mum. And in this case too, diplomats in Jerusalem expressed disappointment over Germany, considered Israels most important friend within the EU.

Adding to Jerusalems discomfort, Czech Republics Foreign Minister TomasPetricek, another Israel friend within the EU, published on May 24 an op-ed against the annexation plan. Not only did the Czech minister argue that the plan violated international law, but he also wrote that it raised serious questions about the future of Israel as a democracy.

Read more here:

European allies of Israel against Hezbollah, but also against annexation - Al-Monitor

How ultra-Orthodox parties became the biggest winners in Israel’s new government – The Times of Israel

Posted By on June 1, 2020

The new government sworn in on May 17 is a groundbreaking creation, innovative in structure and promising some dramatic new policies: an alternate prime minister, the largest-ever Israeli cabinet, so many deputy ministers that some parties ran out of parliamentary manpower to staff the new posts; and on the policy front, grappling with a historic economic and health crisis and a dramatic (if still lacking in detail) plan for annexation in the West Bank.

With so much thats new, its no wonder this government has caused fascination both at home and abroad as its contours came into view over the past month. Nobody has ever seen anything quite like it.

Yet in the fuss over the new and unexpected, it can be easy to miss the fundamentals the recurring and well-trodden elements. These are often more significant signals of a governments nature and direction than the politically strange and newfangled.

Perhaps the biggest winners of the new government little surprise to anyone paying attention to Israeli politics over the past four decades are the Haredi parties Shas and United Torah Judaism.

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (C), then-health minister Yaakov Litzman (L) and United Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni attend the third annual Shas conference at the Ramada Hotel in Jerusalem on February 16, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The details of Haredi political influence in the new government reveal a great deal about the communitys priorities.

For one thing, there are the three ministries given to the Haredi factions. New Housing Minister Yaakov Litzman of UTJ and veteran Interior Minister Aryeh Deri of Shas are positioned to help fast-growing Haredi towns with, for example, favorable zoning policies and affordable-housing reforms. The government will vote next week to bolster both ministries powers on precisely those matters: zoning, housing and land registration. Religious Affairs Minister Yaakov Avitan of Shas, meanwhile, is charged with ensuring that the state religious bureaucracy, a key employer and vital bulwark in the culture wars, remains in Haredi control.

Yet cabinet positions, while the most visible signals of political power, are not necessarily the most influential of the Haredi parties new conquests. Much of the hard work of governance budget transfers of billions, legislative negotiations and amendments is carried out in the nitty-gritty work of the Knesset committees.

It is there that one finds Shas and UTJ sitting at the bottleneck of all economic and budget decisions, as well as religious reforms.

UTJs MK Moshe Gafni is back at his old post as chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee, which is responsible for writing up the state budget laws. More surprising is Shas MK Yaakov Margi now chairing the Economy Committee a chairmanship traditionally held by the opposition from which he wields enormous influence over any and all economic reforms.

United Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni (right) with Interior Minister Aryeh Deri at a Knesset Finance Committee meeting on February 27, 2018. (Flash90)

And for the first time, a Haredi MK, UTJs Yaakov Asher, helms the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, one of the Knessets most powerful posts. It gives UTJ the ability to stymie any religion-and-state reforms, not to mention leverage for legislative wheeling and dealing on other matters.

The Haredi parties have all the means to prevent any attempts in the legislature or government to forcibly draft their young men to military service or liberalize the state kashrut system or rabbinical courts

The Haredi parties won explicit promises from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that, in the words of the Likud-UTJ coalition agreement, The status quo on religion and state issues shall be preserved, as was accepted in Israel for decades. The government will act to respect the Sabbath and holidays of Israel, which preserved us as a people. If any change threatens the status quo, the prime minister and the Likud bloc shall act together and through mutual commitment to remove the harm in order to preserve the status quo.

But with control of the relevant committees and ministries, the Haredi parties hardly need to worry that the premier might break those promises. They have all the means to prevent any attempts in the legislature or government to forcibly draft their young men to military service or liberalize the state kashrut system or rabbinical courts.

A great deal of ink has been spilled on the enormous number of deputy ministers 16! approved in the coalition agreement signed last month between Likud and Blue and White. While Israelis scratched their heads over what the new ministers for community empowerment, social equality, regional cooperation, strategic affairs and the portfolio dubbed cyber and national digital matters might actually do once in office, the question grows even more ludicrous at the prospect of a deputy minister for such a portfolio.

Then-health minister Yaakov Litzman attends a press conference about the coronavirus at the Prime Ministers Office in Jerusalem, March 25, 2020. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

Perhaps it was the public outcry, or the fear that appointing so many MKs to government posts would leave Knesset committees understaffed, but almost two weeks into the 35th Government, just seven of the 16 deputy posts had been filled five of the seven by Haredi parties.

Why? A deputy minister is an exceedingly weak position. The deputy serves at the pleasure of the minister, and usually finds the scope of their work severely limited. They must resign when the minister does. The post is widely and rightly mocked as a waste of a perfectly good legislator.

Why would the Haredi parties invest so heavily in deputy minister appointments when everyone else is shunning them?

The answer reveals a great deal about the Haredi parties sense of their role in politics. A Haredi deputy minister is less a subordinate than a parallel minister, though for a narrower constituency.

The Haredi parties hold the deputy minister posts in the ministries of finance, interior, and welfare (Shas MKs Yitzhak Cohen, Yoav Ben Tzur and Meshulam Nahari, respectively), as well as education and transportation (UTJ MKs Meir Porush and Uri Maklev respectively) each for good reason.

United Torah Judaism MK Uri Maklev leads a Knesset Science and Technology Committee meeting, June 4, 2018. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)

On Sunday, May 24, just hours after he was voted into the post by the Knesset, Deputy Education Minister Meir Porush carried out his first official act as a member of the new government. He paid a visit to the Education Ministrys Department for Torah Institutions, which oversees the vast transfers of funds via the state education budget to the independent i.e., unsupervised and lacking a secular curriculum Haredi school system.

Porush isnt new to the department; he has served as deputy education minister for the better part of the past five years. But after a year of political deadlock, and with an updated education budget still months away from passing in the Knesset, the no-longer-interim deputy education minister must contend with a budget crisis in Haredi education brought on by the lack of a functioning Knesset.

Were in one of the most important places in the country, he said during the visit to the departments Jerusalem office. Through you passes the greatest bulk of support for the world of Torah here in the land of Israel. Even if we could collect all the donations arriving from overseas [into one contribution], we wouldnt get close to the amount given by the State of Israel to the students of Torah.

Even in the best of times, many Haredi yeshivas and schools live from one government grant to another. These arent the best of times. The yeshiva world in Israel has been struck hard by the coronavirus crisis, which shuttered their doors for long weeks and dried up a great deal of their charitable funding from overseas.

Deputy Education Minister Meir Porush of United Torah Judaism arrives for a meeting of the partys Council of Torah Sages over the military draft law, in Jerusalem on October 14, 2018. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

But it was struck even harder by the fact that a Knesset deadlocked throughout 2019 was unable to pass a state budget for 2020, and so left many institutions scrambling to survive.

Porushs visit on Sunday wasnt a social call. It was the launch of an effort to produce a stopgap funding proposal to keep the yeshivas open and funded until the main state budget passes in a few weeks.

The loyalty of Shas and UTJ to the traditionally minded but nevertheless secular Netanyahu wasnt a personal loyalty. It was rooted in fear at the prospect of being left without political influence

The Department for Torah Institutions is one of the most important places in the country, he said, and he meant it.

And so it is with Deputy Minister Yitzhak Cohen at the Finance Ministry the Haredi communitys in-house problem-solver in the heart of the state treasury and with Deputy Minister Uri Maklev at the Transportation Ministry, who will ensure Haredi religious feelings cant be ignored when it comes to the ongoing fight over road and rail works on the Sabbath.

Illustrative: Students in a Jerusalem yeshiva, August 16, 2018. (Aharon Krohn/Flash90)

Benjamin Netanyahu might not be prime minister today if not for the loyalty of the Haredi parties to the right-wing bloc he willed into existence ahead of the September race.

Haredi voters preferred Netanyahu to rival Benny Gantz, according to polls. (And, indeed, UTJ voters were more likely than Likud voters, 88% to 73% according to a November poll by the Israel Democracy Institute, to believe Netanyahus claims that his legal troubles were created by a cabal of cops, prosecutors and journalists working to oust him from power.)

Yet the loyalty of Shas and UTJ to the traditionally minded but nevertheless secular Netanyahu wasnt a personal loyalty. It was rooted in fear at the prospect of being left without political influence.

While some secularists decry Haredi political power and massive payouts to Haredi institutions from the state coffers, Haredi leaders themselves view the relationship as one of dependence and profound vulnerability.

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (L) and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a ceremony marking the six-year anniversary of death of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, at the Knesset, November 4, 2019. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

Twice in recent memory Haredi parties found themselves shunted away from the cabinet table. In the 2013-2015 Netanyahu government, the secularist Yesh Atid and Yisrael Beytenu parties teamed up with Likud and the religious-Zionist Jewish Home to push them from their traditional seats of power and control over the state religious hierarchies. Haredi MKs remember the period as a trauma. Yesh Atids Shai Piron ran the Education Ministry with no Meir Porush at his side to temper the decree. Yeshivas struggled and shrank as budgets were cut, while laws were passed attempting to expand the Haredi military draft.

That was the second time in the past two decades that Haredi parties were excluded from government. The first was in the 2001 Sharon government, when then-finance minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut child tax benefits for large families as part of a broad raft of free-market reforms. The change brought on a two-decade shrinking of the size of Haredi families.

Haredi parties remember both events, and still invoke them when mobilizing voters to the polls.

It is not lost on any side that Netanyahu was intimately involved in both traumatic experiences.

The loyalty to Netanyahu over the past year wasnt about Netanyahu, or at least not about the 2020 version of the man. It was about the 2002 Netanyahu and the 2014 Shai Piron. It was about fear.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a meeting at the Knesset with parties in his right-wing bloc on November 18, 2019. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

Avigdor Libermans refusal to join a Netanyahu government on May 30, 2019, sparked almost a year of political deadlock that pit secularists Liberman and Yair Lapid against Netanyahu, and thus helped cement Haredi support for the prime minister.

Three times over the course of the next two election cycles Netanyahu would extract Haredi leaders signatures on loyalty letters to his right-wing bloc until UTJs Moshe Gafni had had enough, telling the prime minister in March he would sign no more pledges.

Shas party chairman and Minister of Interior Aryeh Deri, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz, at the Knesset on November 4, 2019. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

Indeed, the same fear made Shas leader Aryeh Deri a key go-between carrying messages from Netanyahu to Gantz and urging both to seal a unity deal. Gantzs decision on March 26, 2020, to enter into coalition talks with Netanyahu sidelined Lapid by breaking up the Lapid-Gantz alliance, and pushed Yisrael Beytenus Avigdor Liberman off his kingmaker perch and into irrelevance in the opposition. It made Gantz a valuable partner, too, and drove the Haredi parties to conclude that a stable, long-lasting and secularist-free unity government was the best possible outcome for them.

Throughout the Netanyahu-Gantz unity talks, fearful of a new elections potential for rekindling secularist politics, the Haredi parties quietly but persistently pressured Netanyahu to seal a deal with Gantz.

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid (right) and Yisrael Beytenu party leader Avigdor Liberman in the Knesset on February 29, 2016. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)

The Haredi political factions are simultaneously powerful and weak. They wield enormous influence in the new Knesset and government, but are keenly aware that they quite literally cannot afford not to be there.

It has always been thus. The relationship of Haredi education, the communitys anchor and lifeblood, to the coalition negotiating table is intimate. Haredi society has used the coalition process to serve its needs and advance its views. But no less than that, its been shaped by that effort, and by Israeli state support.

Shas was founded in 1984 as a protest at rampant discrimination against Sephardi Jews throughout Israeli society, and especially in the ranks of the Ashkenazi Haredi parties. Three years later, having already won four Knesset seats, it launched the El Hamaayan (To the Wellspring) network of schools.

It was a dramatic moment for Israeli society, an attempt to cobble together into a national movement with national aspirations the handful of local initiatives to establish Sephardi and Mizrahi religious schools that wouldnt be dominated by Ashkenazi religiosity and politics.

It didnt go well.

Illustrative: A Haredi school in the ultra-Orthodox settlement of Beitar Illit, August 27, 2014 (Nati Shohat/Flash90)

The first schools were haphazard and impoverished, housed in dilapidated buildings, and lacking funding and planning support from both national and local education authorities. The working-class parents who supported such schools often could not pay tuition.

The turning point for the schools, and for Shas as a party and in some sense for Sephardi religious identity in Israel writ large came when Shas began to barter its parliamentary votes for funding to its schools.

While others haggle and posture over annexation, judicial reform or Netanyahus trial, the Haredi parties have largely avoided such distractions

It was in the coalition agreements it signed with a succession of ruling parties in the ensuing decades that the El Hamaayan school system really took off, and where the Shas party found its vehicle for the social revolution it sought to foment among Israels downtrodden Eastern Jews. Money began to flow, schools opened throughout the country, and the Sephardim no longer had to ask Ashkenazi UTJ for a seat at the table.

Shas once had to rely on the votes of traditionally minded but non-Haredi Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews to win Knesset seats. No longer. A generation and a half of Sephardi Haredi voters has now been reared in the partys own education system.

Shas didnt just take state funds over the past 33 years; it was shaped and defined by those funds.

Aryeh Deri (left) and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, March 17, 1999. (Flash90)

Such reliance focuses the mind. While others haggle and posture over annexation, judicial reform or Netanyahus trial, the Haredi parties have largely avoided anything they view as distractions.

At the start of Netanyahus trial on Sunday, the prime minister received more good wishes for his speedy exoneration from Blue and White than from his partners in Shas and UTJ. And while Blue and White and Likud bickered over the ministries of regional cooperation and strategic affairs, the Haredi parties demanded unsung deputy ministerial posts from which they could deliver for their schools and communities.

Haredi voters have views about great matters of state beyond the confines of Haredi institutions, of course. And Haredi leaders possess the same egos that led other parties to form ministries of community empowerment and the like. But a deep dependence on public funds and the traumatic memory of the costs of wandering the political wilderness have given Haredi politicians a more focused view of what politics are for.

As the 35th Government gets underway, that focus seems to have paid off.

See the original post:

How ultra-Orthodox parties became the biggest winners in Israel's new government - The Times of Israel

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