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The Bernie Blackout Is Real, and These Screenshots Prove It – Truthout

Posted By on January 31, 2020

Its 2020, but it could well be 2016 all over again history is repeating itself as the cadre of neoliberal Democratic Party leaders who worked to derail Sen. Bernie Sanderss previous presidential bid four years ago are once again projecting their confirmation biased, pro-corporate agendas into the primaries. Along with an establishment media that frames the issue of electability in favor of party centrists and moderates, these interests work against more popularly polling progressive candidates, like Sanders, first by ignoring them, then by attack.

Back in 2016, Democratic National Committees efforts to suppress Sanderss chances included giving Hillary Clinton advance notice of debate questions, engaging anti-Semitism by emphasizing Sanderss Jewish heritage and counting delegates votes before they had voted, to cite a few examples.

Four years later, they are once again aligning with many corporate media outlets to try to portray Sanders as an unelectable outlier, despite clear and mounting polling evidence to the contrary.

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Reporting from establishment outlets like The New York Times illustrates a clear double standard: While referring to Sanders as a divisive candidate, the Times remains silent on former President Barrack Obamas remarks about how he will work to stop a Sanders nomination, and Hillary Clintons recent statements implying she would not get behind a Sanders candidacy. Clinton went even further, attacking progressive policies and candidates, especially Sanders.

As we noted in our book United States of Distraction, CNN, Washington Post and The New York Times tacitly admitted their reporting on the 2016 election was inadequate and flawed, and didnt go far enough to inform voters. However, despite their mea culpae, these same establishment media outlets continue to censor progressive positions and distort the facts for audiences. The people, policies, debates, pundits and media coverage have remained mostly static. One of the tactics up until now has been to try to ignore progressives, and Sanders in particular. But, before voters take to the polls, we want former Clinton supporters to recognize that, just like many Trump voters, they are being led to vote against their own interests, and the broader interests of the public, by the corporate news media and party establishment leaders who have done their best to create a Bernie blackout.

The Bernie blackout is real; it is not just a figment of our imagination. It almost seems like every morning these networks get a script that says blackout Bernie Sanders, said the national campaign co-chair of Sanderss presidential campaign, Nina Turner, on a December 5, 2019, episode of The Rising. Indeed, GDELT, a real-time open data global graph tracker, found that Sanders was covered three to four times less than Joe Biden in 2019 despite being neck and neck in the polls. Similarly, a November 2019 In These Times poll found that MSNBC gave Sanders the least frequent coverage and the most negative of overall coverage. This is especially shocking given that Sanders has been polling in first or second place.

For most of 2019, the corporate press sought to undermine Sanderss campaign by pretending it did not exist. For example, a Fox News headline noted the first- and third-place candidates Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren respectively, but ignored Sanders who was in second place and added a picture of Pete Buttigieg who was polling in single digits.

Similarly, an MSNBC graphic depicting the Democratic presidential candidates with the most support among Black South Carolinian voters completely removed Sanders, who had the second-most support, from the list of five candidates:

In October 2019, a CNN headline ignored that Sanders was polling in second place in Iowa to emphasize how close to first place Buttigieg and Biden were polling, despite coming in third and fourth place respectively:

Emulating the behavior of the 24-hour news networks, a November 2019 New York Times headline simply ignored that Sanders was the only Democrat out-polling Trump in order to mention how close Biden and Warren were to Trump in the polls:

The major networks were also involved in erasing the Sanders campaign. In December 2019, even though Sanders was polling among the top three candidates in a WBUR New Hampshire primary poll, a CBS graphic removed Sanders for Warren.

Finally, in December 2019, public broadcasting exhibited one of the most egregious examples of the Bernie blackout, when a PBS News Hour segment on the election did not even mention Sanderss candidacy. One of the programs personalities, journalist Yamiche Alcindor, who was incidentally chosen to lead the Democratic primary debate that same month, had previously insinuated that Sanders was too old to run for office.

Ignoring Sanderss candidacy is just one of the ways in which the corporate press has tried to marginalize progressive politics in 2020. They have also taken to employing the same people who were wrong about 2016 to distort the electoral realities of 2020.

In April 2019, MSNBC distorted a poll that found that Sanders had more support among non-white voters than Biden, by creating a graphic that added more percentage points to Bidens support among non-white voters:

That same month, MSNBCs Rachel Maddow broadcast a graphic based on problematic data (candidate contributions by gender) to insinuate that Sanders was running a sexist campaign.

The graphic revealed that Sanders had the least number of female donors and the most number of male donors, 33 percent and 67 percent respectively. However, what Maddow neglected to mention was that the numbers omitted donations of less than $200. Given that the average donation to Sanders is $18, and that Open Secrets reported that he had more donations from women donors than any other candidate besides Warren, this was a major distortion.

Similarly, in May 2019, Chuck Todd of MSNBC displayed an incorrect graphic that claimed Sanders had dropped five points in the Quinnipiac poll of Democratic candidates from the previous month:

In reality, the senator had increased five points. Thus, Todds graphic represented a 10-point swing in the opposite direction for Sanders:

5/24/19, MSNBC.Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting5/24/19, MSNBC.Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting

In July 2019, MSNBC showed the correct polling numbers, but reordered the candidates to have Sanders, who was polling in second place, appear in fourth place.

That same month in another graphic, MSNBC pulled the same chicanery, dropping Sanders to third place despite his poll numbers being the second-highest among the candidates:

MSNBC was hardly the only 24-hour network to engage in graphic deception. In August 2019, CNN displayed all potential match-ups with a candidate against Trump in ascending order except Sanders, who was placed third despite polling in second:

Similarly, in December 2019, when a Real Clear Politics poll showed Sanders in second place among Iowa voters, CNN relied on a six-week old CNN/Des Moines Register poll that had Sanders in fourth place as the basis for framing the discussion of their pundits:

That same month, CNN ignored Sanderss poll numbers among California Latino voters by falsely noting that Warren and Biden led among the Golden States fastest-growing demographic:

Most recently, this month CNN fastidiously worked to hide Sanderss funding surge and Bidens polling decline by carefully placing the starting and ending poll numbers:

The removal and distortion of Sanderss status in the election is likely the result of a concerted effort by establishment party members and their corresponding corporate interests and backers. Indeed, Bloomberg news, which is owned by billionaire Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg (a former Republican, like Warren), ignored its own vow not to cover the primary by publishing a December 2019 hit piece that alleged the Warren and Sanders campaigns depended on Amazon for office supplies. However, it could also be the result of a news media system comprised of oblivious individuals that feign expertise to justify their partisan positions.

As Matt Taibbi noted in his latest book, Hate Inc., news media personalities are paid to act as experts, even when they are ignorant about the subject matter, because studies show that audiences reject uninformed and inarticulate personalities for pundits who appear knowledgeable. The news medias preference for promoting pundits who appear informed, rather than necessarily being informed, gives media personalities incredible latitude to frame and shape news stories without fear of challenge or retribution.

For example, when frequent MSNBC political commentator Jason Johnson learned that Sanders raised nearly $35 million to top the Democratic Party fundraising, Johnson said, The idea there was going to be a progressive battle between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren he was always going to end up winning out any sort of policy argument because in the end of the day people they like Bernie and theyre Bernie or bust kind of people.

Johnsons dismissive perspective concerning Sanderss record-breaking donations belied his comments from a year previous. In January 2019, on MSNBCs Up, when asked about how the announcement of Warrens campaign would influence Sanderss success, Johnson responded,

I think he is done. I was literally having this discussion with a good contact of mine who is on the campaign. I see Bernie Sanders launching his campaign and by August realizing he will not be in the top 5 of Iowa and dropping out.

Johnson exemplifies how the corporate media manipulate the electoral process, ever evading accountability for their rash, partisan remarks and selective framing.

However, to pass off the corporate medias egregious coverage of progressive politics as simply a result of their ineptitude would conceal the concerted effort to dismantle the progressive potential of Sanderss candidacy. Case in point: In January 2020, just weeks before the first caucus in Iowa, Sanders led the polls in California, New Hampshire and Iowa, among other states. He had raised the most money from the most donors in the primary. He was leading among the crucial Latinx voter demographic. The Democratic Party establishment and corporate news media saw the debate as an opportunity to smear a more progressive campaign.

The stage was set days before the December debate with Warren stating that the Sanders campaign had smeared her candidacy because Sanderss volunteers had a script meant for Warren supporters that read, People who support [Warren] are highly-educated, more affluent people who are going to show up and vote Democratic no matter what. [Her campaign] is bringing no new bases into the Democratic Party. Warrens campaign aides then leaked to CNN that they had once heard from Warren that Sanders supposedly said in 2018 that a woman could not win the presidency.

Sanders has expressed longtime support for having a woman president from the 1980s, 2013 and to his 2015 calls for Warren, a woman, to literally run for the presidency, not to mention the many rallies he held for Clinton in 2016. Nonetheless, CNN ran the story without corroboration under the headline Bernie Sanders told Elizabeth Warren in private 2018 meeting that a woman cant win, sources say. Sanders called the claims ludicrous. Later that day, Warren confirmed that when she told Sanders I thought a woman could win [the presidency]; he disagreed. She added, I have no interest in discussing this private meeting any further because Bernie and I have far more in common than our differences on punditry.

The job of a journalist would be to figure out who was telling the truth, but the second after Sanders noted that CNN moderator Abby Phillip correctly assessed his position as Youre saying that you never told Sen. Warren that a woman could not win the election? Phillip asked Warren, with absolutely no attempt at journalistic objectivity, Sen. Warren, what did you think when Sen. Sanders told you a woman could not win the election?

The audience erupted with laughter, until they realized it was not a joke. Warren responded that she disagreed and the moderators did not press either candidate to extrapolate what exactly happened that led to these two very different versions of the truth.

Phillips stunt was one of many tactics used to smear Sanders at the last debate. The moderators had prepared questions like Will Bernie Sanders bankrupt America? and others that framed Medicare for All as a way to make Iowans working at insurance companies unemployed.

At the bottom of the screen, CNN maintained a steady scroll of propaganda in written form to frame the debate for viewers:

In the post-debate coverage, CNN continued to pile on. In fact, Princeton historian Matt Karp tweeted, Even as Bernie Sanders has built the largest grassroots campaign in US history and currently leads the race in Iowa and NH the networks still run post-debate panels without a single Bernie-friendly voice. Indeed, on CNNs post-debate coverage, political commentator Jess McIntosh, who rarely if ever discloses that she worked for Al Frankens senatorial and Clintons 2016 presidential campaign, had the audacity to misrepresent CNNs reporting by stating, I think what Bernie forgot was that this isnt a he said, she said story. This is a reported out story that CNN was part of breaking, so to have him just flat out say no I think wasnt nearly enough to address that for the women watching.

Even Anderson Cooper was so flummoxed by the propagandistic statement that he interjected, noting that the people cited in the story admitted they were not there and only heard it secondhand. The next day, Warrens campaign said they wanted to de-escalate, but voters still have no idea who was lying or why. Just like in 2016, this media-generated conundrum of post-truth reared its head. Welcome to the United States of Distraction.

In 2020, this kind of framing, bias and propaganda must be stopped. Ultimately, these lowlights from the debate were another distraction from issues that impact peoples lives. Unless primary voters think critically about corporate media talking points, they are susceptible to adopting the neoliberal notions of electability and the right side of history. At some level, corporate media personalities are just capable enough to frame politics like a horse race, but unable to digest, clarify or connect complex issues facing our world. The viewers are well loaded with pro-Trump propaganda from Fox News and Democratic Party establishment talking points from CNN and MSNBC. This is exactly where we were in 2016; its like dj vu all over again.

It is high time we not only reveal but remove the corporate thumbs of the establishment press and bought party leaders from the public scales of our elections. Those who want to see Trump removed from office in 2020 would do well to give corporate media and their social media echo chambers a rest, and examine the solutions we propose in United States of Distraction to Make America Think Again, in turn helping the public become less susceptible to propaganda and, in the process, strengthen our democracy.

Note: Nolan Higdon and Mickey are the authors of the new book, United States of Distraction: Media Manipulation in Post-Truth America (And What We Can Do About It) (City Lights Books, Open Media Series, 2019). Special thanks to Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, The Young Turks and The Hills Rising for research and commentary.

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The Bernie Blackout Is Real, and These Screenshots Prove It - Truthout

How a Big Sunday in Iowa Unfolded as the Caucuses Approach – The New York Times

Posted By on January 31, 2020

DES MOINES The weekend is over. The senators on the campaign trail are turning into pumpkins, as Amy Klobuchar put it. And were signing off for the night.

If youre just catching up, you can read an overview of the day here.

Our team of reporters in Iowa will update you throughout the week as Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg campaign uninterrupted and the senators surrogates try to keep the energy up for them on the ground.

And, unlikely though it may sound, things are happening outside of Iowa too. Ashley Judd is campaigning for Elizabeth Warren in New Hampshire, for instance. And dont miss our 20 Questions series with the presidential candidates.

DES MOINES News that President Trump told John Bolton, the former national security adviser, that he wanted to continue freezing aid to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Biden family rippled through the campaign trail in Iowa on Sunday night.

Senator Amy Klobuchar, who is taking a 6 a.m. flight back to Washington on Monday morning for the impeachment trial of Mr. Trump, said that the news, which was based on an unpublished manuscript of Mr. Boltons book, meant Republicans would have to allow for the Senate to hear from more witnesses, including Mr. Bolton.

I dont know how my Republican colleagues cannot call for witnesses, she said at her final event of the day here in front of a standing room-only hall. Senator Romney has called for witnesses, they should all be calling for witnesses.

Speaking at a live town hall here broadcast by Fox News, Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., echoed Ms. Klobuchars calls for the Senate to hear more.

Just now, were getting more indications about John Bolton, and what he knew, which is one more reason why, if this is a serious trial, were going to have the witnesses and evidence, Mr. Buttigieg said.

After an event in Marshalltown, Mr. Biden spoke briefly to reporters about Mr. Boltons account. Ive not seen the manuscript, Mr. Biden said. I dont have any idea whats in the book. But if it in fact contradicts Trump, its not a surprise.

Nick Corasaniti reported from Des Moines, and Thomas Kaplan from Marshalltown, Iowa.

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa One of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.s go-to arguments on the campaign trail is to stress the need to choose a Democratic presidential nominee who will help candidates down the ballot.

Ahead of the Iowa caucuses, he is deploying some of those down-ballot candidates to vouch for him.

At an event with Mr. Biden in Marshalltown on Sunday, Iowans heard from three freshman House members: Representatives Abby Finkenauer of Iowa, Colin Allred of Texas and Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania.

In an effort to appeal to Iowans, Mr. Allred contended that Mr. Biden would have broader appeal in Texas than his Democratic rivals.

I need you to give us, in Texas, Joe Biden, he said. What do I mean by that? Joe Biden puts Texas in play. He absolutely puts Texas in play.

Mr. Allred told the crowd that there were people in his community who are looking for another option.

Joe Biden, he said, is the only person running for president who will get their vote.

WEST DES MOINES Whats it like to be a still-undecided Iowa Democrat eight days before the states first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses?

Ann Clary, a state budget analyst, and Holly Brink, a financial analyst, drove from Waukee to see Pete Buttigieg in West Des Moines Sunday to see if they should support him over the other candidates they are still considering.

Ms. Brink, 54, also likes Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Ms. Clary, 55, is considering Ms. Klobuchar and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Im really up in the air, said Ms. Clary. I like what they are saying, but its hard to tell, they are all so similar.

Ms. Brink said she was most concerned with which candidate had the best chance to defeat President Trump in November, yet she conceded she had no idea how to tell who that would be.

Ms. Clary said the decision has cost her sleep.

Sometimes I cant fall asleep at night, she said. I just cant stop thinking about it.

Both said they would eventually back whomever Democrats nominate, though they might not be thrilled about some options.

I might have to hold my nose for Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Ms. Clary said.

I had to do that last election, Ms. Brink said. I was not a Hillary fan.

Representative Ayanna S. Pressley of Massachusetts, a co-chair for Senator Elizabeth Warrens campaign, stumped on her behalf at events in South Carolina this weekend. She said in a phone interview on Sunday that she was not worried about recent poll numbers that showed Ms. Warren was gaining little new support from black voters.

The more people hear her message, the more people she converts, Ms. Pressley said.

I dont put much stock in the polls, she said. Theres a shift occurring, and you cant poll transformation.

A recent poll from ABC/The Washington Post showed Ms. Warren had 9 percent support among black Democrats. Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. led the entire field with 51 percent support, and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont was the only other candidate in double digits, with 15 percent.

Ms. Warren has gained the support of numerous black activists, and she has sought to infuse her policy with special measures to correct a history of discrimination from the government. However, she and some of her rivals have been met with resistance from black Democrats wary of white politicians offering promises of big change.

Ms. Pressley said she was confident that given more time, Ms. Warren would win over black voters just as Ms. Pressley was won over herself.

I dont give anyone anything. Elizabeth Warren earned our endorsement, she said. I watched this campaign unfold, the momentum build, I listened to her vision and I read her policy.

AVENTURA, Fla. Michael R. Bloomberg on Sunday addressed rising anti-Semitism and spoke personally of his Jewish heritage in a speech at a prominent synagogue near Miami, a sign that courting Jewish voters is core to his strategy of building support in Florida.

Mr. Bloomberg, a former mayor of New York City who is running for president, is famously skipping the campaign trail in the four early nominating states, Iowa included choosing instead to stake his presidential bid on the delegate-rich states that vote on Super Tuesday and beyond.

The speech was a rare instance of a major address by a Democratic presidential candidate this cycle that specifically confronted the rise in anti-Semitic attacks across the country. He spoke directly to Jewish Americans who may worry that progressive Democratic front-runners have too sharply criticized Israel or who may dislike some of President Trumps agenda but support his Israel policy.

The violence that has always threatened Israel is rearing its ugly head here in America, with alarming frequency, Mr. Bloomberg said.

The toxic culture the president has created is harming our relationship with Israel, he said. If I am elected, you will never have to choose between supporting Israel and supporting our values here at home.

Mr. Bloomberg not-so-subtly sought to distinguish himself from Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who is also Jewish and who recently took the lead in Iowa, according to a recent New York Times/Siena College poll of likely caucusgoers. Mr. Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, took aim not only at Mr. Sanderss Israel policy but also at his democratic socialism.

Now, I know Im not the only Jewish candidate running for president, Mr. Bloomberg said in his speech on Sunday afternoon, delivered in a ballroom with a roving blue spotlight and Israeli techno and music by the rapper Pitbull setting the mood. But I am the only one who doesnt want to turn America into a kibbutz. The audience whooped.

But the speech didnt win everyone over. Debbie Picker, who splits her time between Westchester County and Fort Lauderdale, Fla., said she was disappointed Mr. Bloomberg hadnt taken questions on Sunday and wanted to know how he planned to elevate his profile in the race.

We pay attention because were Jewish New Yorkers who were there for him for 12 years, she said. But if you were to go anywhere outside of the New York Metro and Miami Metro, I dont think people know him.

Read more here.

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is one of just two leading Democratic candidates who wont soon have to return to Washington for the impeachment trial. Yet that hasnt stopped him from enlisting enough surrogates to rival his, well, rivals.

He appeared Sunday night with a trio of freshman lawmakers whove endorsed his campaign: Representatives Abby Finkenauer of Iowa, Colin Allred of Texas and Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania.

Also at that event, his campaign debuted its smallest but perhaps cutest surrogate yet: Jake Vilsack, the grandson of former Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa, a coveted endorser who is supporting Mr. Biden.

Calling the 10-year-old his secret weapon, Mr. Biden invited the elementary school student to say a few words.

I hope that Joe Biden has good luck in this coming caucus and the rest of his campaign, he said. Its going to be a long road but I think he can do it.

Mr. Biden marveled at his ability to address a crowd, saying his childhood stutter would have prevented him from making similar remarks at Jakes age.

Ten years old! Mr. Biden exclaimed. Ten years old!

STORM LAKE, Iowa Even as Bernie Sanders has surged in Iowa with eight days to go, his closing argument has hardly differed from his core message: He is fighting for the working class.

But as he races around the state, he is also focusing more than ever on voter turnout: At stop after stop on Saturday and Sunday, he has made the case that he will only win here on Feb. 3 and in the general election if a high number of people actually vote.

You win elections, especially against Trump, by having the largest voter turnout in the history of this country, he said in Storm Lake on Sunday. We are the campaign to do that.

He went on: I dont care about what polls say today, he said. What matters is voter turnout.

And on: Tonight, I am asking you to do everything you can to make sure that the 2020 Iowa caucus has the larger voter turnout in the history of the Iowa caucus.

Over the course of six stops this weekend (and with only one to go), Mr. Sanders did not take a single question from a voter.

Turning out people who do not usually participate in the political process has long been one of Mr. Sanders key strategies. In Iowa, he is hoping in particular to drive working class voters, Latino voters and young people to caucus sites.

Predicting caucus turnout has become something of a parlor game among Democratic officials and campaign staffers in the state many are forecasting turnout that at least exceeds what it was in 2016.

The biggest turnout for one partys presidential caucus was in 2008, when some 240,000 people participated in the Democratic contest that featured Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado told New Hampshires WMUR television station on Sunday that he would campaign only in New Hampshire through the primary there even on the day of the Iowa caucuses.

The first day I came to New Hampshire, I felt a connection here, partly because Colorado and New Hampshire have very similar politics thats basically balanced, with a third Republican, a third Democratic and a third independent, Mr. Bennet told Jess Moran, a WMUR reporter. And I think the agenda that Ive developed over the last 10 years is one that is resonating with people here.

In the four debate-qualifying polls of New Hampshire voters released this month, Mr. Bennet received 0, 0, 1 and 2 percent support. He received 0 percent support in all four comparable Iowa polls.

As one of four senators still in the presidential race, Mr. Bennets time on the campaign trail will be limited no matter which state hes spending it in. Like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar, he will have to spend most of the coming week in Washington for President Trumps impeachment trial.

A spokeswoman for Mr. Bennet did not immediately respond to a request for more details on his upcoming schedule.

DES MOINES The electorate in Iowa is overwhelmingly white, but on Sunday, Joseph R. Biden Jr. fielded a question that he was eager to answer: What has he done to reach out to people of color during his presidential campaign?

Mr. Biden, whose strong support from black voters is one of his greatest political advantages in the Democratic primary race, did not hesitate.

I was raised in the black church politically not a joke, Mr. Biden said, recalling his time not long after law school when he went to work as a public defender.

Mr. Biden, the former vice president, was speaking at an event in Des Moines hosted by the Des Moines branch of the N.A.A.C.P. as well as two local organizations, Creative Visions and Urban Dreams.

Mr. Bidens strong support from black voters may not play a significant role in the Iowa caucuses, but it is of vital importance in future nominating contests, particularly in South Carolina.

I know a lot of folks out here were wondering, why does Biden get such overwhelming support from the African-American community? Mr. Biden said on Sunday. Because thats what Im part of. Thats where my political identity comes from. And its the single most loyal constituency Ive ever had.

AMES, Iowa It was, well, a re-endorsement, one that David Johnson, the former Iowa state senator who disavowed the Republican Party after it nominated Donald J. Trump in 2016, drove more than two hours to make.

I was at the Iowa Farmers Union, and I heard Senator Klobuchar was going to be there, Mr. Johnson said, recalling watching her speech one day 14 months ago and pulling her aside afterward to relay his impression.

Ive been with her ever since.

Mr. Johnson had created some confusion when, on Saturday night, he introduced former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., as the next president, a seeming endorsement for the 38-year-old candidate.

But Mr. Johnson said he was just being polite, and that he still backed Ms. Klobuchar.

I live way up on the border, so shes my neighbor, Mr. Johnson said. Im just being neighborly.

So he came far from home to introduce Ms. Klobuchar to a crowd of more than 400 packed into the back of a barbecue restaurant here on a chilly Sunday afternoon.

The senator said she was cramming in a full day of campaigning before midnight, when, she said, I turn into a pumpkin and I go back to Washington for the impeachment trial of President Trump.

During the event, Ms. Klobuchar also picked up the endorsement of Ross Wilburn, a member of the Iowa House and a former mayor of Iowa City. It was Ms. Klobuchars 17th legislative endorsement in Iowa.

She spent more than 10 minutes of her stump speech on health care, drawing an unstated contrast to candidates advocating Medicare for all.

The Affordable Care Act is nearly 10 points more popular than the guy in the White House right now, she said. So Im not in favor of blowing it up.

Peppered throughout her remarks were constant reminders of her Midwest ties, and that her home state shares its southern border with Iowa.

To punctuate her pitch to lower drug prices like other countries have done, Ms. Klobuchar put her own spin on Tina Feys famous impression of Sarah Palin.

In Minnesota, she said, dryly smirking, we can see Canada from our porch.

In an interview this weekend, Joseph R. Biden Jr. accused Bernie Sanders of being inconsistent on Social Security, stoking fresh tension between the two leading candidates over an issue of great significance to older Iowa caucusgoers.

The two septuagenarian contenders have clashed over the subject repeatedly in recent days as Mr. Sanders seeks to make inroads into Mr. Bidens standing with older voters. The former vice president was asked about their disagreement in an interview with New Hampshires WMUR News 9 that aired this weekend.

What about those Democratic voters who say that Bernie has been consistent this whole time? asked Adam Sexton, WMURs political director.

Well, he hasnt been, Mr. Biden replied. But Im not going to attack Bernie. He has been he hasnt even been consistent on Social Security. But heres the deal. Ive laid out clearly what my plan for Social Security is. Im going to increase Social Security benefits.

It wasnt immediately clear what potential inconsistencies Mr. Biden was referring to. Both men currently support strengthening the program.

Mr. Sanders has been critical of Mr. Bidens past support for Social Security freezes and other deals that alarmed Social Security advocates at the time.

In a statement Sunday night, Mr. Sanderss campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, ticked through Mr. Bidens record on those measures.

On the other hand, Bernie Sanders fought those efforts every single step of the way, and has fought his entire career to protect and expand Social Security, Mr. Shakir said, also saying that Mr. Biden continues trying to hide his efforts to help Republicans cut Social Security.

Meanwhile, Mr. Biden has said the Sanders campaign is mischaracterizing part of his record on the issue.

Mr. Sanders, who has generally supported increasing funding for the program and opposed cuts, has still faced scrutiny for his use of the term adjustments years ago, a phrase some have taken to suggest cuts to the program, though his campaign denied that was his intent in a Bloomberg News report last week.

The Vermont senator has edged Mr. Biden in several recent early-state surveys, including in a New York Times/Siena College Iowa poll released Saturday. But that same poll found that Mr. Biden maintained a strong advantage with older likely caucusgoers.

DES MOINES Caucuses are demanding under the best of circumstances. You have to get to a specific room at a specific time. Seats are scarce. You have to physically realign as nonviable candidates are eliminated. The process can last for hours, and you cant leave early.

But for many Iowans with disabilities, caucusing isnt just difficult: Its impossible.

If a precinct is overcrowded, as many are, people in wheelchairs cant safely navigate. If caucusgoers arent allowed to leave the room to use the bathroom, people with digestive diseases like Crohns simply cant participate. And there is no remote participation option, which excludes people who are immunocompromised or too sick to leave their homes people who could otherwise vote by absentee ballot in primary or general elections.

Read more from the original source:

How a Big Sunday in Iowa Unfolded as the Caucuses Approach - The New York Times

The Takeaway: January 29, 2020 – Al-Monitor

Posted By on January 31, 2020

1. Trump peace plan: Egypt as bellwether, Hamas as roadblock

Lets start with Egypt.

If the Trump administrations Peace to Prosperity plan is to have any hope of success (and there are doubts), it will depend in good part on Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisis role in the following areas:

And that brings us to Hamas and Iran.

The Trump plan stipulates that Hamas, as a US-designated terrorist organization, has no place in its Israeli-Palestinian Peace to Prosperity vision. But how to unseat Hamas in Gaza? It won elections in 2006 and has ruled Gaza ever since. Its relationships with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Fatah party and the rest of the PLO are acrimonious. Hamas, as well as the smaller and more militant Islamic Jihad, get financial and military support from Iran the target of the security arrangements the United States wants to set up. A shaky cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, mediated by Egypt, has been broken several times over the past few months, perhaps at Irans instigation. In an unusual display of unity, Hamas and Islamic Jihad joined Fatah and all PLO factions in opposing the Trump plan.

Our take: Egypt will be a bellwether for the Trump plan. Not just in terms of its diplomatic, security and economic firepower, but with regard to what happens in Gaza. Egypts role as mediator between Hamas and Israel, and as a check on Iran, is more vital than ever. Expect Iran to encourage Hamas and Islamic Jihad to escalate actions in opposition to the peace plan.

Read more: Check out Shahira Amins article on unofficial reactions to the Trump plan in Egypt; Adnan Abu Amers report on Hamas resumption of explosive-laden balloons launched at Israel; and our column on Shadow War, the contest for influence between Iran and Egypt in Gaza, from July 2019..

While popular protests in Iraq and Lebanon rage on, it might come as a surprise that the nine-year anniversary of the beginning of the uprising that overthrew President Hosni Mubarak, known among activists as the January 25 Revolution, passed with little fanfare.

Background: The Arab Spring demonstrations in Egypt began in January 2011. Mubarak was overthrown the next month, and Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Morsi was elected president in June 2012. Sisi overthrew Morsi via coup in July 2013 and was elected president the following year. Sisi clamped down on political dissent while aggressively undertaking economic reforms, which included reductions in energy subsidies, which hit the poor hardest.

Back on the streets: Demonstrators took to the streets again in September 2019 to protest increased political suppression, leading to the arrest and detention of over 2,800 activists. The internet leader of the protests was Mohamed Ali, an actor and businessman, whom The Economist called the pain in Spain, because his online calls for demonstrations against corruption went viral. As we wrote here at the time, Ali is an unlikely champion of reform. His motivation seems to have first come about because the Egyptian government stiffed him on payment for his work on big defense contracts.

Quiet streets: This time around, Alis waning popularity, or the preponderance of security, or both, stifled any anniversary protests.

National security and general security officers affiliated with the Ministry of Interior were deployed, in addition to riot police, in anticipation of possible protests Jan. 25 in the main squares of Cairo and Giza, notably Talaat Harb Square, Tahrir Square, Esaaf Square and Ramses Square. Police forces are still deployed in those squares until the end of the week to ensure that no incidents take place, an Al-Monitor correspondent in Egypt reports.

Is it the economy? Unlike Iraq and Lebanon, Egypts struggling economy has made remarkable progress in some areas under Sisi. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reports that unemployment declined over the last four years from 12.3% to a projected to 7.5% by 2020; the budget deficit is down from 10.9% of gross domestic product to an estimated 5.6% by 2019-20; and real GDP growth increased from 4.1% to a projected 6% by 2020.

Our take: While Egypts economic progress under Sisi is commendable, we wrote back in October that the demographic demands of a growing population needing jobs will nonetheless tax the government. Half of Egypts population of about 100 million is under 24, and a third is under 14. The IMF estimates that Egypt needs 700,000 new jobs annually, primarily from the private sector, over the next five years just to keep pace, which is unlikely. Despite Egypts economic successes to date, those trend lines remain daunting.

Read more: Yasmine al-Tawdy explains the link between the January 25 Revolution and the national police day holiday, also on Jan. 25.

Irans parliamentary elections on Feb. 21 look to be a lock for Irans hard-line camp at the expense of reformers.

The conservative Guardian Council, which vets candidates, and whose decisions are often considered arbitrary and undemocratic, has purged many Reformists, including incumbents, as candidates.

Iran President Hassan Rouhani obliquely took a swipe at the council, saying, "People favor political pluralism in elections."

The people are noticing. According to a survey of the Iranian Students Polling Agency, as many as 49% of Tehran residents have no plans to vote; 26.5% said they would go to the ballot box only if the Guardian Council approves their favored candidates; and 55.1% held a cynical view toward the electoral process, predicting it wont be a good outcome.

Saeid Jafari, who has the story here, concludes that Iran could be awaiting one of the least competitive electoral races in its recent history. Amid the anticipated low turnout, its no tough task, or a matter of speculation, to predict a winner. As Reformists and their supporters have been offered nearly no spot on the pitch, the vote is expected to see only like-minded conservatives and ultraconservatives battle it out for seats in their seeming win-win game.

The three-year restoration of Eliyahu Hanavi, which dates back to the 1300s, marks Cairo's renewed interest in the country's Jewish heritage. Read the article by Rasha Mahmoud here.

If you havent read the Trump administrations Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to improve the lives of the Palestinian and Israeli people, now is the time. Dont just count on the press, read for yourself. The full report is here.

The IMF reports this week that Kuwait is undertaking reforms to improve the business climate, strengthen competition, reduce the role of the state in the economy, deepen capital markets, and foster the development of small and medium enterprises. The needed fiscal adjustment however is proving difficult due to opposition to reducing the public wage bill, subsidies, and transfers, or introducing new taxes. Read the report here.

Originally posted here:

The Takeaway: January 29, 2020 - Al-Monitor

Azubuike named Big 12 Player of the Week Posted Jan 28, 2020 – Salina Post

Posted By on January 31, 2020

KANSAS CITY, Mo. As the upcoming season approaches,the Kansas City Royals are excited to announce the 2020 promotions, theme tickets, and special events calendar.

This years schedule features great giveaways and new theme tickets.

Highlights from the 2020 lineup of giveaways, events and ticket offerings are listed below. In addition, the complete giveaways and special events schedule is attached and can be found

Please note all dates and times are subject to change. updates.


Bobbleheads: Below are the bobbleheads that will be distributed during the 2020 season. Bobbleheads are available for the first 15,000 fans through the gates.

May 23 Jorge Soler Power bobblehead,courtesy of Pepsi

June 6 Hunter Bull-Dozier bobblehead,courtesy of AAA Insurance

June 13 Whit Merrifield Hit Counter bobblehead

July 25 Royals Hall of Fame Series Whitey Herzog bobblehead,courtesy of Papa Johns

Aug. 8 George Brett MVP bobblehead,courtesy of Price Chopper

Jackie Robinson Monarchs Tee:In conjunction with Salute to the Negro Leagues Day, the club is honoring Jackie Robinson as a Kansas City Monarch, with the first 10,000 fans receiving a Monarchs -length Tee with Robinsons name and number on the back (he wore #5 as a Monarch),courtesy of Brown & Crouppen.

1970 Away Jersey:On June 12, the first 10,000 fans will receive a jersey replicating the 1970 road uniform, with the vintage Kansas City script on the front,courtesy of Unilever.

Hawaiian Shirt:Back by popular demand, the first 10,000 fans 21 and over will receive a Hawaiian Shirt on June 26,courtesy of Miller Lite. The design features baseball, beach, and pool themes.

Ladies Hat:In conjunction with Girls Night Out on Aug. 22, the first 8,000 females will receive a ladies hat,courtesy of KC Area Chevy Dealers, featuring the Royals crown logo on the front and the Royals script logo in metallic gold on the side.

Lightweight Hoodie:In conjunction with Fan Appreciation Night, the first 10,000 fans will receive a Royals-branded hoodie, made of thinner fabric on Sept. 26,courtesy of Minit Mart.


Many Theme Tickets will return for the 2020 season including University Days, Bark in the Park, Pride Night and Country Music Night. Below are some of the new Theme Tickets.

Royals for a Cause:Once a month, the Royals will support various health-related causes. Each ticket will include a donation to Royals Charities.

April 17: Autism Awareness Night

May 20: Breast Cancer Awareness Nightpresented by The University of Kansas Health System

June 2: Skin Cancer Awareness Night

July 21: Visual Impairment Night

Aug. 6: Mental Wellness Nightpresented by The University of Kansas Health System

Sept. 8: Childhood Cancer Awareness Nightpresented by The University of Kansas Health System

Poster Series: This three-date series will feature posters released during the three seasons of baseball. All posters will be created by Kansas City artists. The first design will occur on May 3.

Grateful Dead Night:Fans who purchase this Theme Ticket will get a dancing bear bobblehead. Music by Grateful Dead will play during the Summer Fireworks show on May 22.

Jewish Heritage Night:The first-ever event will occur on May 24. Fans who purchase the Theme Ticket will get a Mensch on a Bench bobblehead.

Sluggerrrs Birthday Brunch:Sluggerrr will celebrate his birthday with friends from MLB teams on June 14. Fans who purchase the Theme Ticket will have access a pregame brunch in the Hall of Fame Pavilion.

Margaritaville Night: On June 26, fans who purchase the Theme Ticket will get a Margaritaville-branded sun hat. Tropical beach music will also play following the game during Summer Fireworks.

Christmas in July:Fans who purchase the Theme Ticket will get a Buddy the Elf bobblehead. The event will occur on July 25.

Da de los Meurtos:In conjunction with Viva Los Reales Night on Sept. 12, the club will include a Day of the Dead celebration. The Theme Ticket will include a skeleton salsa dancer bobblehead.


Salute to the Negro Leagues:The Royals will honor the Centennial Celebration of the Negro Leagues as part of our annual Salute to the Negro Leagues Day on May 17 against the Dodgers, complete with Monarchs uniforms and themed ballpark experiences. All fans are encouraged to come Dressed to the Nines. The first 10,000 fans will receive a Jackie Robinson Monarchs tee,courtesy of Brown & Crouppen.

Big Slick Celebrity Softball Game:Your favorite Kansas City celebrities are back for the Big Slick softball game prior to the game against Cleveland on June 5. Scheduled to make return appearances are Paul Rudd, Jason Sudeikis, Rob Riggle, Eric Stonestreet, David Koechner and many of their celebrity friends. Come enjoy the fun as Hollywood invades The K!

Sluggerrr Birthday Bash:Sluggerrr is having a birthday party on June 14 and he wants to celebrate with our fans! Sluggerrrs Birthday Bash,presented by Popsicle, will feature other MLB mascots and other local mascots at the game supporting their friend Sluggerrr for his birthday. Fans can purchase tickets to a VIP Mascot Brunch Experience. There will also be several activities for all fans to enjoy before and during the game in the Outfield Experience.

Fireworks Spectacular:In preparation for the Independence Day holiday, the Royals will celebrate with a Fireworks Specactular,presented by Price Chopper, after the game on July 1.

Girls Night Out:The annual Girls Night Out,presented by Kansas City Area Chevy Dealers, will take place Aug. 22. Bring your girlfriends out for a night of fun and entertainment! The Outfield Experience will feature pre-game booths and activities catered to women of all ages. The night benefits the American Heart Associations Go Red for Women campaign, and fans who purchase the VIP Girls Night Out Theme Ticket will receive an exclusive Royals gift. In addition, the first 8,000 females through the gates will receive a ladies hat,courtesy of Kansas City Area Chevy Dealers.

Viva Los Reales:In conjunction with Hispanic heritage month, the Royals will feature a pre-game cultural festival in the Outfield Experience and the Royals will don Los Reales uniforms on Sept. 12.

Fan Appreciation Night:The Royals salute all fans for their support throughout the season during this annual tradition on Sept. 26. The night will feature prizes and activities throughout the night to thank the best fans in baseball.


Price Chop Mondays:Fans can get $10 View Reserved tickets for all Monday games, excluding Aug. 10,courtesy of Price Chopper(subject to availability).

T-Shirt Tuesdays:The fan-favorite T-Shirt Tuesdays returns for four games during the 2020 seasons. The first 10,000 fans will be able to pick up shirts on May 19, June 30 (presented by Planet Fitness), July 21 (presented by State Farm), and August 11 (presented by Sprint).

Student Nights:The event returns for every Wednesday home game, but now includes a free hot dog with your Student Night ticket! The $10 tickets are also available for purchase at the Kauffman Stadium Box Office with a valid high school or college ID or youth 14 years of age and under with an adult. Also before the game enjoy Happy Hour specials with select Boulevard Beers at the Radler Stand, Concession Stand behind Section 252 and Craft & Draft!

Buck Nights:Offered for every Friday home game during the season, fans can enjoy Buck Night, presented byHeinz & Price Chopper! On Buck Night fans can get hot dogs and peanuts for just $1.

Summer Fireworks:On Friday nights from May through August, fans can enjoy a post-game fireworks show,presented by Price Chopper.

610 Saturday:Get $6.10 tickets for Saturday home games by listening for the promo code on 610 AM the week of the Saturday home game, presented by 610 Sports Radio.

Family FunDay Sundays:Sunday home games will feature various free interactive kids entertainment in the Outfield Experience during pre-game. The Royals will also offer a pre-game autograph opportunity, Signature Sundays, with select players on top of the Royals dugout. In addition, all fans ages 14 and under can run the bases after the game for the Fun Run (conditions permitting).

Sluggerrrs Blue Crew Kids Club:Back for 2020, kids can again join Sluggerrrs Blue Crew Kids Club,courtesy of the Learning Quest 529 Education Savings Program. For just $30, each package includes a long sleeved performance t-shirt, Royals lunchbox backpack, special edition socks, membership badge and lanyard, two home game ticket vouchers, and much more! Available for youth 14 and under. Fans can sign up at Royals home games or online, while supplies last.

Royals Charities 50/50 Raffle:Royals Charities is excited to announce the popular 50/50 Raffle fundraiser will be returning throughout every Royals home gamethis season. Staff will sell raffle tickets until the end of the sixth inning. Fans who live in Missouri are also able to purchase tickets online One winning ticket will be selected with the winner taking home half of the evening's net proceeds. The other half will be donated to Royals Charities.


Fans can take advantage of all the gate-giveaway promotions and special events planned for 2020 by becoming a Royals Season Ticket Member. Many different season ticket packages are available including an 81-game plan, 41-game plan or 20 game plan. Season Ticket packages offer a number of special benefits and huge savings off single-game ticket prices. All ticket packages are currently available online atroyals.comor by contacting the Royals Sales Department at (816) 504-4040, option 2, or emailing:[emailprotected].


The very best Royals special offers, discounts, and daily ticket deals, all in one place. Updated throughout the season, be sure to check out


Single-game tickets forall 2020 regular-season home games (excluding Opening Day) went on sale Friday, January 24, at 10 a.m. exclusively online Monday, February 24, at 9 a.m., single-game tickets may be purchased at the box office at Kauffman Stadium, over the phone at (816) 504-4040 or any of the Price Chopper stores in the greater Kansas City area.


Read more:

Azubuike named Big 12 Player of the Week Posted Jan 28, 2020 - Salina Post

Rabbi Avraham Hakohen "Romi" Cohn, Prominent NYC Leader And Holocaust Survivor, To Deliver Opening Prayer Before Congress On Wednesday -…

Posted By on January 31, 2020

On the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz and International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Congressman Max Rose, Member of the Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism, issued the following statement announcing that Holocaust survivor and Staten Island resident Rabbi Avraham Hakohen Romi Cohn will deliver the House Opening Prayer this Wednesday, January 29 at 12:00 p.m. ET.

Opening the House of Representatives in prayer is a tradition that began in 1789 with the first Continental Congress.

According to Ezra Friedlander, CEO of the Friedlander Group, Rabbi Cohn will be accompanied to Washington, DC, by leading Rabbinic personalities and community leaders who will witness this historic occasion from the House Gallery as invited guests.

As we commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz and International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Im honored to welcome Holocaust survivor and Staten Island resident Rabbi Romi Cohn to offer the opening prayer before the House of Representatives this Wednesday, Rose said. Rabbi Cohns life story is a stark and vivid reminder that not only must we never forget the Holocaust, but we must also learn the lessons from this horrific and evil period to ensure such persecution never happens again. Rabbi Cohn is truly a role model and inspiration to so many, including myself.

Rose, the first Jewish Member of Congress from Staten Island, gave a speech before the House of Representatives earlier this month on the rising levels of anti-Semitic attacks and hate crimes across New York City, as well as his continued efforts to address this crisis. Last summer, Rose traveled to Israel as part of a bipartisan Congressional delegation which visited prominent holy sites and the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial and Museum.

Rabbi Cohns Biography:

Born in 1929 in the city of Pressburg, Czechoslovakia, Avraham Romi Cohn grew up as a precocious child in a warm and caring family. His parents were successful in business and well known for their charity and kindness. They often invited guests into their home and hosted local Yeshiva students who had no place else to go.

All that changed dramatically in 1942 when the Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia, determined to kill all of its Jews. Romis parents managed to smuggle him over the border to Hungary, which the Nazis had not yet invaded. And for a while young Romi was able to attend Puppa yeshiva, the elite Torah university at the time.

But it wasnt long before the Nazis came to Hungary, and thats when Romi returned to his native country, Czechoslovakia, to join the underground. As a young partisan, he risked his life time and time again to help others. He was just sixteen years old yet he was instrumental in saving the lives of fifty six families during the Holocaust and was later awarded the Silver Star Medal of Honor in recognition of his valor. The remarkable stories of his courage, his bravery, and his heroic endeavors during those horrific war years are recounted in his book, The Youngest Partisan.

Romis mother, two sisters, and two brothers perished in a concentration camp during the Holocaust but he miraculously survived. In 1950 he left the blood-soaked soil of Eastern Europe and came to North America. He started out living in Canada but eventually moved to Brooklyn, where he met his lovely wife Malvine. Romi began to work in the construction industry and became a successful developer. He headed a company that would build 3500 homes in the borough of Staten Island, and earn him the title of Vice President of the Home Builders Association and Director of the Chamber of Commerce in Staten Island. His contributions to the community of Staten Island, both as a developer and as an unflagging witness to the horrors of the Holocaust, continue to this day. In recognition of his service to this community Wagner College has awarded Romi Cohn an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters.

Romi has dedicated his life to sharing his blessings with others. Thirty five years ago, he established a scholarship foundation that supports outstanding Torah scholars and their families and it is still active. His foundation is a lifeline to countless brilliant students who are today exceptional Rabbinical leaders in their communities.

As his avocation, Romi also serves as a mohel, and has performed thousands of circumcisions for which he refuses payment. He also trained over a hundred aspiring young mohels on the condition that they, too, perform their service for free. Romi Cohn is the author of Bris Avraham Hakohen which serves as the internationally recognized comprehensive text on ritual circumcision and he serves as the Chairman of the American Board of Ritual Circumcision.

Most recently, Romi Cohn published a fascinating new book, The Ribnitzer Rebbe, which tells the story of his mentor, Rabbi Chaim Zanvil Abramovitz. The Rebbe was a guiding force in Romis life, and served his community as a holy spiritual leader. According to Romi, the Rebbe taught him to develop the qualities of perseverance, patience, humility, and love of ones fellow man.

Despite having personally witnessed the greatest evil that mankind is capable of, Romi remains hopeful, optimistic, and true to his Jewish heritage. He is a devout Jew who believes in prayer, charity, good deeds, and devotion to G-d. At the age of 90, Avraham Romi Cohn has been and continues to be a source of tremendous inspiration to all those he encounters.

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Rabbi Avraham Hakohen "Romi" Cohn, Prominent NYC Leader And Holocaust Survivor, To Deliver Opening Prayer Before Congress On Wednesday -...

Scher: Hasidic parents in Montreal have many options for keeping their kids busy – Canadian Jewish News

Posted By on January 31, 2020

We all know how frigid Montreal winters can be. The cold slices through your bones mercilessly amid the snow and the long, dark nights. Children can get stuck indoors during those heavy winter months. In the citys Hasidic community, most parents are not willing to enrol their children in extracurricular activities and classes outside of the community. They feel more comfortable knowing the teachers, and the other students.

But the demand for extracurricular programs taught in a heimishenvironment has risen greatly. Flip through the local Hasidic brochures, and you will find endless options. Swimming, aerobics, all sorts of activities in the artistic and creative field. This winter, Hasidic parents in Montreal have countless options.

The recently founded The Talent School is located in the heart of the Hasidic community, offering a wide variety of talent development, ranging from musical instruments to ballet and drama classes for all ages. Our motto is every child is a star, says founder Gittel Perel Breuer. This is what the children hear from us before we even start the talent training. There is talent and creativity within every child, we are there to help them improve and grow. Most of the staff members are from the local Hasidic community. They understand that its their job to provide support, while still allowing the student to do their own creating, explains Breuer, who, in addition to running the school, also teaches a drama class.

Mrs. M., a parent of three young girls, agrees. Her daughters attend classes at The Talent School on Sunday morning. They love the classes, but thats not all: afterward, her children go home with a friend to spend the afternoon together.

Mindy Reich, founder of the Crochet-It club, expresses similar sentiments. Most of the classes offered in the community, she says, are in art or music. But Reich offers something different.

At first, she wasnt sure whether there would be a demand in the Hasidic community for a crocheting class. But she took a chance and put out a few advertisements. To her surprise, the reception was great.

For Hasidic teens looking for something fun to do, crocheting seemed to fit the bill.

The courses begin with the basic crochet stich, Reich says, and we progress from there. When my students finish an eight-week session, they have mastered the crocheting skill and are able to crochet something by themselves. Most of her students end up enjoying the experience even more than expected so much so that they come back for another eight week session of advanced classes.

A few years back, Shaindy Glauber, a local Hasidic woman, noticed that there were no Jewish recording studios for Hasidic schools and aspiring singers. And she set about changing that.

Now, VoiceIt Recording Studio is widely known in the Hasidic area. Theyll even help out with the singing and harmonies. It is especially convenient for the Hasidic schools musical performances because Jewish music has a certain nuance to it which we understand and appreciate, Glauber explains.

There is a common motto between The Talent School, Crochet It-Club and VoiceIt Recording Studio. While each one teaches specific skills, it is building a childs confidence that is truly important to all. Mastering an artistic or musical skill may be important for the childs future, but its the confidence and positive attitude that will take them further.

Mrs. L, a Hasidic mother of a 12-year-old boy, agrees. My son takes extracurricular classes, but something way different than art or music, she explains. For the past two years, he has been taking private English classes with a local Jewish teacher. Some parents might be surprised by this and wonder why a child would want to learn outside of regular school hours, but my son loves it. He is very intelligent and loves acquiring knowledge.

Every child is unique, and so are their interests.

See the original post:

Scher: Hasidic parents in Montreal have many options for keeping their kids busy - Canadian Jewish News

Officers and activists honored as BP’s ‘Heroes of the Month’ – Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Posted By on January 31, 2020

BP Adams presented community members with 'Heroes of the Month' awards on Tuesday.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams gave Heroes of the Month awards to five Brooklyn leaders, including a Met Council program director who delivered kosher food to the Jersey City Hasidic community following Decembers hate crime shooting.

Other honorees included a community leader who organized a Bay Ridge rally against white nationalism, NYPD rescuers of a heart attack victim and an officer who stopped a suicide and infanticide attempt.

Adams presented the awards at Borough Hall for the months of October, November and December on Tuesday.

Our Heroes of the Month showcase the best our borough and our city has to offer, said Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. These individuals stepped up to help those in need, showing how everyday people can do extraordinary things. We are proud to have them representing Brooklyn, and look forward to seeing what they accomplish in the future.

NYPD Officers Joseph Glorioso and Giovanni Cucuzza received the award for October for their actions while off duty at a Staten Island bowling alley. When a man at a nearby lane suffered a heart attack, the officers performed life-saving CPR until medical help arrived.

Adams recognized Officer Michelle Schack for her work on Nov. 15, when a Brooklyn family reported that their daughter, a young mother, was sending disturbing text messages and had taken her infant daughter out of daycare early. Schack tracked the womans vehicle to a firearm store and told its owner to stall while police arrived, saving the lives of the woman and her child.

For December, Adams honored Met Council Managing Director of Food Programs Jesssica Chait for Met Councils delivery of 10,000 pounds of donated kosher food to the Jersey City Hasidic community following the Dec. 10 anti-Semitic shooting that killed four people at a kosher grocery store. The Jewish social services and advocacy group then set up a free store at the Bethune Community Center, where residents were welcome to shop for supplies.

Decembers second award recipient was collaborative action group Fight Back Bay Ridge leader Mallory McMahon, who coordinated a rally that included 12 community groups in response to a series of hate-filled events that culminated in a banner found on the Belt Parkway that promoted a white nationalist website.

Im so glad to see Brooklyn and its politicians taking the threat of white nationalism seriously enough to feel my work to combat it is worthy of this award, McMahon said. Im thrilled to stand here and accept this honor from the Borough President on behalf of everyone who does antifascist and anti-hate work in our city.

January 30 |Noah Singer

January 30 |David Brand

January 30 |Noah Singer

January 30 |Noah Singer

Go here to read the rest:

Officers and activists honored as BP's 'Heroes of the Month' - Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Attorney claims accused Hanukkah attacker too incompetent to stand trial – Washington Examiner

Posted By on January 31, 2020

An attorney for the man accused of attacking a group of Hasidic Jews with a machete at a New York Hanukkah celebration claimed his client is too incompetent to stand trial.

Grafton Thomas, 37, pleaded not guilty to several counts of attempted murder, burglary, and federal hate crimes after he was arrested after an attack that injured five people, including Josef Neumann, 72, who remains in a coma after being struck in the head with the machete.

On Monday, Thomass attorney, Michael Sussman, notified the judge overseeing the case that a psychiatrist deemed Thomas too incompetent to understand the charges against him and stand trial. Sussman told the Associated Press that he requested the judge hold a competency evaluation to confirm his psychiatrist's findings. The attorney expects the judge to make a ruling on the request within two weeks.

Family friends of Thomas claimed that he suffered from mental illnesses shortly after he was arrested. At the time of his arrest, Thomass longtime pastor, Rev. Wendy Paige, said, Grafton is not a terrorist, he is a man who has mental illness in America and the systems that be have not served him well.

However, authorities found a journal layered with anti-Semitic writings and references to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. He also searched Google for phrases such as Why did Hitler hate the Jews and German Jewish Temples near me. On the day of the attack, Thomas read an article titled: New York City Increases Police Presence in Jewish Neighborhoods After Possible Anti-Semitic Attacks. Heres What To Know.

Family members of Neumann were "not optimistic" about the chances of the 72-year-old regaining consciousness after the attack. Doctors warned the family that Neumann would likely face paralysis and may not be able to speak if he does regain consciousness.

Read more:

Attorney claims accused Hanukkah attacker too incompetent to stand trial - Washington Examiner

‘My Name Is Asher Lev’ at New Jewish Theatre is poignant tale of an artist –

Posted By on January 31, 2020

Chuck Winning (left) and Spencer Sickmann in "My Name Is Asher Lev."

Ask most theatergoers what they remember about a performance, and theyre likely to focus on the acting. But quite a lot can be communicated before a word is spoken, as in the case of My Name Is Asher Lev, onstage through Feb. 9 in a spellbinding New Jewish Theatre production.

Adapted by Aaron Posner from a novel by Chaim Potok, the play involves a young Hasidic Jew undergoing a spiritual crisis. In 1950s Brooklyn, Asher Lev (Spencer Sickmann) yearns to be an artist a calling for which he unquestionably has the talent. But his deeply religious father (Chuck Winning) objects, particularly when exposed to some of Ashers more sexually provocative images. And Ashers mother (Amy Loui) is only slightly more tolerant.

As directed by Aaron Sparks, a story that might easily come across as melodramatic instead registers as a thoughtful portrait of the struggle between following the dictates of family and community and finding the courage to pursue ones dreams. And the contributions of scenic and lighting designer Rob Lippert go a long way toward setting up that conflict.

With its nondescript furniture and austere lighting, My Name Is Asher Lev immediately signals that the title character is in need of the understanding and support necessary to thrive as an artist. Those elements also nicely complement Sickmanns take on the character.

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'My Name Is Asher Lev' at New Jewish Theatre is poignant tale of an artist -

Nesanel Epstein brings tzitzit to the world as ‘The Tallisman’ – Jewish Community Voice

Posted By on January 29, 2020

HOMETOWN: Cherry Hill

SYNAGOGUE: Cong. Sons of Israel

OCCUPATION: The Tallisman

FAMILY: Parents Rabbi Ephraim and Debi Epstein; sisters Rena, Atara, Recheli, Yochved and Timima; brothers Nachi, Zev, and Yisrael Meir.


Nesanel Epstein got his first job at eight years oldand he didnt even have to apply. When his father, Rabbi Ephraim Epstein of Cong. Sons of Israel in Cherry Hill, returned home from a trip to Israel with a tallit (prayer shawl) for a community member that needed tzitzit (ritual fringes) made of techelet (wool dyed a particular shade of blue), he showed his son how to tie them. Young Epstein took to it immediately, and from then on, was tying tzitzit regularly.

Right after his bar mitzvah, Epsteins father showed him an advertisement hed placed in the Sons of Israel Newslink for an organization (known as a gemach) that offered tzitzit-tying and checking services to ensure they were kosher. Contact Nesanel Epstein, the ad read. It was official, Epstein recalled. That very day at the shul kiddush, Epstein began receiving requests.

Through high school at Foxman Torah Institute, Epstein offered his services at cost price, with no personal profit. After graduation, he studied at the Chofetz Chayim Yeshiva in Jerusalem, where he also received tzitzit requests (he turned them down to focus on his studies). It was after Epstein returned to the States to study that he began to consider turning his chesed into a business.

With his fathers help, he decided on the perfect business name. Some of the options they batted around included String Theory and No Strings Attached, but The Tallisman, arguably the most original, won out.

Epstein learned quickly that success in his field relied not only on his skill, but also on his adaptability. My friend said to me, If you really want to be The Tallisman, you have to know every minhag (custom) out there: Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Arizal, Slonim, Belz, Chernobyl, Tosfos. You gotta know every single one. So I went and researched. I went to Belz (a Chasidic community) in Lakewood and learned from them how to do it. Someone would call me and ask for something, and Id find a way to learn it.

The customs for tying tzitzit are as varied as the Jews who wear them, and Epstein now knows them all. He explained the process, for example, of standard Ashkenazi tzitzit, which are tied in a system of 7, 8, 11, 13. This means between the five knots tied in a string of tzitzit, there are seven wraps between the first and second knot, then eight wraps between the second and third knot, 11 between the third and fourth, and 13 between the fourth and fifth.

Meanwhile, there are at least 17 different customs for tying tzitzit that include techelet, all of which Epstein knows. He has even earned a coveted place in the International Techelet Tying Bureau List. Its an accomplishment to get on that list, he said.

Epsteins passion for the mitzvah of wearing tzitzit has grown along with his skill set. Number one, its the simplest, easiest mitzvah in the Torah, he said. Number two, its equivalent to 612 other mitzvot, so its an added bonus. He reads extensively on the topic to learn more about it, and in turn, teach others at schools, camps, and as a member of Project Tzitzit, which gives away pairs of tzitzit to any Jewish person who wants to wear ritual fringes and doesnt own them. Its my way of doing something unique and changing the world, Epstein said.

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Nesanel Epstein brings tzitzit to the world as 'The Tallisman' - Jewish Community Voice

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