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How Holocaust Denial Works –

Posted By on December 7, 2017

The Holocaust happened.

It is a fact that some six million European Jews were systematically murdered by Nazi Germany and its collaborators between 1941 and 1945 ina state-sponsored program of genocide.

TheNational Socialists cameto power in partby convincing Germans that manyof the countrys problems werecaused byitsJewish minority, whom they labeled an inferior race and depicted as depraved and animal-like in anti-Semiticpropaganda. They named their planfor exterminating the Jews the Final Solution. Their implementation of a plan to exterminate the Jews the Final Solution, they called it has been well documented,startingwith the 3,000 tonsof confiscated of Third Reichpaperwork presented in evidence at the Nuremberg trials immediately afterthe war.

Yet, despiteuniversal agreement among historians aboutall of the above(No serious historian questions that the Holocaust took place, the American Historical Association affirmed in a 1991 statement), there exists a tinybut vocal group of naysayers conspiracy theorists, actually, given thatthey claimthat Jewish-controlled academic and media institutions invented the Holocaust whose mission it is to sow doubt that the genocide of European Jews ever happened. They are known (to everyone but themselves) as Holocaust deniers.

Here are some basic tenets of Holocaust denialism (viathe United States Holocaust Memorial Museum):

Holocaust denial describes attempts to negate the established facts of the Nazi genocide of European Jewry. Common denial assertions are: that the murder of six million Jews during World War II never occurred; that the Nazis had no official policy or intention to exterminate the Jews; and that the poison gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp never existed.

A newer trend is the distortion of the facts of the Holocaust. Common distortions include, for example, assertions that: the figure of six million Jewish deaths is an exaggeration; deaths in the concentration camps were the results of disease or starvation but not policy; and that the diary of Anne Frank is a forgery.

Thedeniers arent known for their subtlety. I dont see any reason to be tasteful about Auschwitz, said author, anti-Semite, and Holocaust denier David Irving in 1991. He continued:

Its baloney, its a legend. Once we admit the fact that it was a brutal slave labor camp and large numbers of people did die, as large numbers of innocent people died elsewhere in the War, why believe the rest of the baloney?

I say quite tastelessly, in fact, that more women died on the back seat of Edward Kennedys car at Chappaquiddick than ever died in a gas chamber in Auschwitz.

At a 2006 conference of Holocaust deniers in Iran hosted byPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the countrys former interior minister said, without irony, All the studies and research carried out so far have proven that there is no reason to believe that the Holocaust ever occurred and that it is only a tale.

Others at theconferenceadmitted the killings took place, but claimed the numbers were inflated:

Frederick Toben, an Australian who in 1999 served jail time in Germany for his Holocaust views, told the conference in no uncertain terms that the number of Jews killed in Nazi death camps an estimated 6 million is a myth.

The number of victims at the Auschwitz concentration camp could be about 2,007, Toben said. The railroad to the camp did not have enough capacity to transfer large numbers of Jews.

Dont mistake these for sincere historical quibbles. Theyare direct misstatements of the evidentiaryrecord a record whose existence, again, we owe in large partto the Nazis themselves.

Both propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and SS chief Heinrich Himmler, for example, admittedtherewas an official plan to exterminatethe Jewish population. The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them, Goebbels wrote in his diary in 1942. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 percent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only 40 percent can be used for forced labor.

Chillingly, Himmler said thisin a 1943 speech in Posen, Poland:

I refer now to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. This is one of those things that is easily said: the Jewish people are being exterminated, says every Party member, quite true, its part of our plans, the elimination of the Jews, extermination, were doing it.

No one left behindaledger sheettallying the precisenumber of Jews exterminated but that doesnt mean the figurecant be accurately estimatedbased on existing evidence such as census reports and other government records that survived Nazi efforts to destroy them at the end of the war:

No personnel were available or inclined to count Jewish deaths until the very end of World War II and the Nazi regime. Hence, total estimates are calculated only after the end of the war and are based on demographic loss data and the documents of the perpetrators. Though fragmentary, these sources provide essential figures from which to make calculations.

Some Holocaust deniers are self-styledhistorical revisionists meaning they present themselves as earnest re-interpreters of real historical data whose goal is simply to reveal the whole truth but its a misnomer.Scratch the surface of your typical Holocaust denier and you will find an anti-Semite. The notion, widespread among deniers, that Jews invented or exaggerated the Holocaust to further their own interestshearkens back to a centuries-old conspiracy theorypositing a secret cabal of wealthy Jewish bankers seeking absoluteworld domination.

The Holocaust is the device used as the pillar of Zionist imperialism, Zionist aggression, Zionist terror and Zionist murder, former Ku Klux Klan Imperial Wizard David Duke has said(while dismissing the claim that the Nazis used gas chambers to kill Jews as a myth).

In 2013, Englands most infamous Holocaust denier, David Irving (quoted above saying more people died in Ted Kennedys car than at Auschwitz), was asked if it werent true that Jews run the world:

Irving, who strongly denies being anti-semitic, replies: Well sometimes people stand up and fight back.

He says Jews in America control all media, banks and that they dare not appoint any leading person in the White House to ministerial positions involving money without him being a Jew. Look where that got them in Germany in 1933. And they will not learn the lesson, they all think it wont happen again.

Then they ask why they are so hated.

Irving says he hears people say Jews are hated because they crucified Jesus Christ. I say if you walk into a pub in Wapping and ask people why they dont like the Jews they dont mention Jesus. They mention other reasons. Theyre worried about their mortgages and the banks thats the reason why the Jews get hated.

Its telling that Irving denies hating Jews while repeatedly observingthat Jews are hated, then blames them for it.

There is a relatively new form of Holocaust denialism dubbed soft denialism because its adherents dont deny the Holocaust outright but attempt to trivialize it instead whose rise seems to have followedthe same curve as thatof right-wing nationalist movements worldwide in recent years.

The most prevalentform of soft denialism revolves around the claimthat thepersecution of Jews in Nazi Germany is given preferential treatment overthe persecution of other minority groupsby the same regime. But this is a moral deflection. Its a factthat the Reich persecuted and killed millions of others in the name of Aryan superiorityRoma (gypsies), Serbs, Poles, individualswith disabilities, individualsperceived as homosexual, socialists, communists, and Jehovahs Witnesses, to name only some of the targeted minorities but this is no justification for eliding Hitlersdecades-long vendetta against the Jewish people in particular, a vendetta which very nearly ended in their complete eradication.

In January 2017, President Trump was roundly criticized for issuing a statement in the name of the perished on Holocaust Remembrance Day, held on the anniversary ofthe 1945 liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, that never once mentioned the Jewish victims of that tragedy:

January 27, 2017

Statement by the President on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

It is with a heavy heart and somber mind that we remember and honor the victims, survivors, heroes of the Holocaust. It is impossible to fully fathom the depravity and horror inflicted on innocent people by Nazi terror.

Yet, we know that in the darkest hours of humanity, light shines the brightest. As we remember those who died, we are deeply grateful to those who risked their lives to save the innocent.

In the name of the perished, I pledge to do everything in my power throughout my Presidency, and my life, to ensure that the forces of evil never again defeat the powers of good. Together, we will make love and tolerance prevalent throughout the world.

Harsh reactions to Trumps statement came from many quarters.

This is not a political issue, this is a matter of not just sensitivity, its a matter of historical fact, said Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League. Six million Jews were slaughtered along with millions of other people. But the Holocaust was about this singular focus on the annihilation of the Jewish people. Thats why we remember it. Thats why there is a day, a sad day like this past Friday, to reflect upon it.

The Nazis killed an astonishing number of people in monstrous ways and targeted certain groups Gypsies, the mentally challenged, and open homosexuals, among others, wrote conservative commentator John Podhoretz. But the Final Solution was aimed solely atthe Jews. The Holocaust was aboutthe Jews. To universalize it to all those who suffered is to scrub the Holocaust of its meaning.

The lack of a direct statement about the suffering of the Jewish people during the Holocaust was an unfortunate omission, said Fred Brown, a spokesperson for the Republican Jewish Coalition. History unambiguously shows the purpose of the Nazis final solution was the extermination of the Jews of Europe. We hope, going forward, he conveys those feelings when speaking about the Holocaust.

The White Housedismissed thecriticisms, claiming they simply didnt want to leave any of the victims out. Despite what the media reports, we are an incredibly inclusive group and we took into account all of those who suffered, said spokesperson Hope Hicks.

If the Trump administration wont listen to their critics, they ought toat least take note of who applauded them for their Holocaust statement the openly anti-Semitic alt-rightleaderRichard Spencer, for one, who hailed what he termed President Trumps de-Judification of the Holocaust in a blog post titled Because Hitler.

[T]he kvetching came quickly (yes, he used the Yiddish word) after Trumps statement was released, noted Spencer, and he was having none of it:

Trumps statement on Holocaust Memorial Day is, on the surface, utterly defensible within the current moral paradigm: Hitler is depicted as quintessential evil, with modern society revolving around this dark center. But when viewed from the perspective of Jewish activists, Trumps statement becomes outrageous, as it dethrones Jews from a special position in the universe.

It seems unlikelythat dethroning Jews was precisely what the Trump administration had in mind when they said their intent wasinclusiveness. That President Trumps Holocaust statement elicited such a response froman avowed white supremacist ought to give him pause before it comes time to issue the next one.

Got a tip or a rumor? Contact us here.

Ben-Amots, Zach. The Rise of Soft Holocaust Denial. The Tower. October 2016.

Dimsdale, Joel E., ed. Survivors, Victims, and Perpetrators: Essays on the Nazi Holocaust. Milton Park, Oxfordshire: Taylor & Francis, 1980. ISBN 9780891163510 (p. 310).

Duiker, William J. and Jackson J Spielvogel. The Essential World History. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2016. ISBN 9781305856486 (p. 702).

Isenstadt, Alex. Jewish Republicans Chide Trump on Holocaust Statement. Politico. 29 January 2017.

Phillip, Abby. Facing Criticism, Trump Administration Has No Regrets About Leaving Out Jews in Holocaust Statement. The Washington Post. 29 January 2017.

Spencer, Richard. Because Hitler 29 January 2017.

Usborne, Simon. David Irving The Hate that Dare Not Speak Its Name. Independent. 30 August 2013.

The Holocaust History Project. Auschwitz The Death Camp. 26 April 2009.

Perspectives on History. American Historical Association Statement on Holocaust Denial. December 1991.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Holocaust Encyclopedia. Accessed 14 April 2017. Statement by the President on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. 27 January 2017.

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How Holocaust Denial Works -


Posted By on December 6, 2017

The Northshore Jewish Congregation, fondly known as the "NJC," is on thenorthshore of Lake Pontchartrain about 30 miles from downtown New Orleans.Located in Mandeville, we are the only synagogue between Baton Rouge and Biloxi,Mississippi. We extend a warm welcome to all who are seeking a Jewish communitybuilt on the fundamental and enduring principles of Reform Judaism.

Shabbat Services are held every Friday evening, erev Shabbat, at 7:30p.m. and generally on the second and fourth Saturday mornings of each month at 10 a.m. For questions about services, contact the

We have an active Religious School and aHebrew School open to the entire Jewishcommunity.

Visitors and newcomers to the area are encouraged to join us.If you have questions or would like to schedule a visit, please call our officeat (985) 951-7976.

Visit our Calendar page for a fullworship schedule and special services and events.

Have you had a life event in your family recently or is one coming up? Let us know!

The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism is the Washington office of the Union for Reform Judaism, whose nearly 900 congregations across North America encompass 1.3 million Reform Jews, and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, whose membership includes more than 2,000 Reform rabbis.



Sephardic Jews in UK JewishSegovia and JewishToledo

Posted By on December 6, 2017

There are no records of Jews in Britain in Roman times, compared to countries like Spain, Italy or France. The first Jews arrived after the Norman conquest in 1066. William of Normandy invited Jewish financiers from Rouen to come to England.

They prospered in England, mainly as financiers but finally faced the prejudices of some nobles in debt. It culminated in the expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290. In later centuries, the only mention of the Jews was related to court doctors or musicians from Italy.

After the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 and Portugal in 1497, and the establishment of the Spanish Inquisition, a group of Iberian merchants settled in Britain, ostensibly Christian, but consisting of Jewish converts.

In 1656, Rabbi Manoel Dias Soeiros (Manas ben Israel) of Amsterdam, where a community of Marranos Jews settled, fleeing from the Inquisition, and returned to Judaism, visited England to try to persuade the English government to allow the Jews settle in England. He met Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector, who was favorably disposed to the idea, and after a Commission deliberated on the problem, it was announced that the Expulsion Decree in 1290 was a Royal Decree, and no longer had any relevance to the accretion. .

The Portuguese merchants immediately started a synagogue in a haneset bet Rabbi Menas officiated on more than one occasion. The Jewish community was established by the Sephardim in England, and over the years attracted many more Marranos from Spain and Portugal, trying to flee from the Inquisition.

Many of the Portuguese merchants were rich and of them, several achieved prominent positions in British society. The Sephardic community prospered and built its first synagogue on the street of Bevis Marks in London in 1701, named Cahal Cadosh Shaar haShamyim.

There were Ashkenazi refugees from Poland and Germany who received help from the Sephardim, but the Sephardim remained the dominant section of the British Jewish community for more than a hundred years, with names like Montefiore, Disraeli, Mocatta, Lindo and Da Costa. The Disraeli family begot one of the most important prime ministers in British history.

It was not until the nineteenth century that an avalanche of refugees from Poland and Eastern Europe changed the demographic composition of British Jews, and Ashkenazi families, such as the Rothschilds, became prominent. The Sephardic community continued to occupy important positions in British society, but the Ashkenazi outnumbered them in large numbers.

Around 1912, a new influx of Sephardim came this time from Turkey and Greece, mainly from Thessaloniki. Due to the decline of the Turkish Empire and the taking of control of Thessaloniki by Greece, there was a great exodus of Sephardim, many of whom went to the USA, France and England. Those who came to England formed a community separate from the Sephardic Bevis Marks, but accepted the higher authority of the latter.

With the help of Bevis Marks and the David Sassoon Foundation, the Eastern community managed to build its own synagogue in Holland Park, London, in 1928. Although both Sephardic communities can trace their origins to the Jews of Spain and Portugal, it was the Holland synagogue Park, the one that maintained its connection with the yudezmo or ladino.

There are about 10 Sephardic synagogues in Britain, mostly in London, but Bevis Marks continues to dominate Sephardic society in the British Isles.

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Sephardic yarmulke | Etsy

Posted By on December 4, 2017

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High Holy Days 2017 Congregation B’nai B’rith

Posted By on December 3, 2017

Dear CBB Family,

The time has come to begin thinking about Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. What have these days meant to our people over the centuries, and what might they mean for us today? The season has two different Hebrew names:

The Yamim Noraim, translated as The Awesome Days Aseret Ymei Tshuvah, meaning The Ten Days of Return

Both of these names point toward possible meanings of this sacred season, even for Jews who do not consider themselves religious, or who feel far removed from the rhythms and patterns of Jewish tradition.

The name Yamim Noraim, or Awesome Days, speaks of the universal human longing for transcendence. Even if we do not pray, and even if we do not believe in God, we all remember moments in our past when we suddenly felt ourselves most alive. Watching a baby being born. Or a loved one dying. Falling in love. Or being swept up by an extraordinary piece of music. Or by the power and beauty of a thunder storm, or standing on a mountaintop. We remember these moments of transcendence.

Every September, the ancient voice of the rams horn, the sacred words of Torah, the haunting melodies, the gathering of the people (with all of our marvelous quirks of personality) and the purifying fast of Yom Kippur open for us a 4,000 year old doorway into transcendence.

The second name, Aseret Ymei Tshuvah, or The Days of Return, speaks of our deep human need to return home. All year long, or perhaps for many years, we have been wandering, exploring, seeking new experiences, new friends and teachers, new knowledge. But a time comes to turn ourselves Homeward Bound. I dont know why Jews come back every year at Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, but like the birds returning in springtime, or like salmon making their way upstream, this is our time of return. To community. To tradition. To God.

I look forward to once again sharing this profound, mysterious, ancient season with you. Iam particularly excited to introduce to the congregation our two new rabbinic interns,Leah Sternberg and Daniel Brenner. Leah will speak to the congregation during the early service on the evening of Rosh HaShanah, Wednesday, September 20, while Daniel will offer the sermon at the late service the same evening.

Marian, Rachel, Zach and Ari join me in wishing you a happy, healthy New Year.

Rabbi Stephen E. Cohen

See the original post:
High Holy Days 2017 Congregation B'nai B'rith

The Inevitable Apartheid Nation: Where is Zionism Taking Us?

Posted By on December 2, 2017

We know where Zionism has taken Israel. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 led the way. In that imperial and colonial document, the British promised the World Zionist Organization a Jewish National Home in Palestine. They did so,as Edward Said putit, in flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority residents in that territory.

Right from the start the Zionists understood national home to mean an eventual Jewish state. Actualizing that assumption has had enormous implications not only for the Palestinians but also for the Jews. And, as it turns out, for the rest of us as well.

You cannot introduce one people, in this case a large number of Europeans who happen to be Jewish, into a territory populated by hundreds of thousands of non-Europeans, without negative consequences. And, if the incoming Europeans have the goal of creating a state exclusively for their group alone, those consequences are going to be dire indeed. Surrounded by the other, the only way you can achieve your exclusive state is through discriminatory practices and laws ultimately producing an apartheid nation. And that is what happened.

While this has meant, and continues to mean, segregation, ethnic cleansing and Bantustans for the Palestinians, for the Jews it means that their religion is tied to a racist political ideology. There is no instance of Israeli prejudice exercised against the Palestinians, no act of violence committed against them, that does not simultaneously dishonor and debase the Jewish religion and people.

Worldwide Consequences

How about the rest of world? The consequences of Zionism are threatening both security and equality everywhere. Here is how this is happening:

As the Balfour Declaration indicates, Israel and its society are products of a colonial era. That is an era when the people of both Europe and the U.S. openly practiced racist policies and behavior toward non-Europeans. They regularly trampled of the rights of alleged inferiors. Israel continues to operate in this fashion into the present.

Following World War II it became understood that these behaviors and attitudes are morally indefensible and their consequences should be remedied. And so, the United Nations was established, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights issued, and a number of treaties embodying international laws designating crimes against humanity were signed. With this process the world entered a potentially more civilized, post-colonial age.

When this happened the Zionist project instantly became an anachronism. In fact, Israel became a state that defied the modern norm the moment it was proclaimed.

However, Israel does not want to be outside the norm. It wants to be accepted as a normal nation, particularly within the Western state system. There are only two ways this can happen: either (1) Israel must either give up the racist ideology of Zionism and embrace a form of democracy accessible to all its people regardless of religion or ethnicity, or (2) the world must revert back to an acceptance of at least some of the colonial practices of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

You would think that choosing the anti-racist option, and therefore seriously pressuring Israel as the world had done with white-ruled South Africa to fundamentally change, would be the obvious choice for todays statesmen. But it seems not. Why is that?

There is now an ongoing effort, wemight call it the updated Zionist project, to move the world backward so as to accept racist past practices as normal. It consists of (a) an attack on international law protecting human rights (despite the fact that much of this law was created as a reaction to the anti-Semitic crimes of World War II), (b) an attempt to undermine the International Criminal Court, and (c) an attack on the United Nations and its efforts to protect the human and political rights of Palestinians.

Enter BDS

It is clear that very few of the worlds governments are willing to confront Israel, even though it is an apartheid state existing in an era that claims to detest such racist regimes. This has a lot to do with the financial and special interest strength of Zionist supporters both Jewish and Christian, and the strategic use of such power to corrupt policy making. This can be seen most plainly in the United States. There are also Israels extensive high-tech and weapons-trading networks in Europe, Africa and South America that lead important political and economic institutions and individuals to support, or at least turn a blind eye to, the Zionist state. And then, of course, there are a growing number of states that themselves have plans to marginalize their own minorities.

Does this mean that there is no defense against the insidious effects of this reactionary regime one which, according to its own past prime minister Ehud Barak, is infected with fascism? No, there are options to oppose Israel. However, at present they are to be found outside of the realm of government action and, at least for the moment, outside occupied Palestine as well.

The latter is so because inside Palestine, 70 years of Israeli colonial savagery has worn down much of the indigenous population. This does not mean that resistance from within the Occupied Territories does not continue. It does, but atrelatively low levels and at a high cost. Since the death of Yasser Arafat in 2004, too many of the Palestinian leaders have been co-opted into playing the role of modern-dayQuislings. The Palestinians within Israeli-controlled territory are now fragmented intoBantustan-style enclaves, and their own security forces often work hand-in-hand with the Israeli oppressors.

As a consequence of these circumstances, right now the greatest pressure can be put on apartheid Israel through the activities of organized civil society. This pressure by itself may or may not be able to force fundamental change on Israel, but it can certainly raise the cost of its racist behavior and impact public opinion.

Here we are talking about the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement that urges both individuals and organizations (be they economic, cultural or intellectual) to avoid interacting with Israel and its state-sponsored institutions and projects. To date this has proved to be an effective weapon against Israeli racism and colonialism. For instance, if you go to the website of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, you can finda list of 200 recent victoriesfalling within the Boycott and Divestment categories. State-based sanctions are still in the future.

Success in this regard has, of course, generated a fierce reaction from the Zionists. According to aHuffington Post article, The Israeli government has reportedly committedtens of millions of dollars, one government ministry and its military and security intelligence assetsto the fight. Israeli Minister of Transport, Intelligence and Atomic Energy, Yisrael Katz, recently called for targeted civil eliminations of BDS leaders. Actually, such a reaction reflects not only the fact that the cost of Israeli racism is on the rise, but also that the Zionists have lost the public (if not the governmental) debate when it comes to their behavior toward the Palestinians.

Put broadly, BDS is an effort to help save the positive potential inherent in modern post-colonial society: the civilizing potential to be found in international law, in human and civil rights, in a benevolent and egalitarian rule of law for all of us.

So successful has BDS been to date, and so much potential does it have to help force Israel down the same road as white-ruled South Africa, that Israel and its surrogates in the U.S. and Europe are willing to undermine the very laws and rights that help uphold what freedoms there are within the public realm. For instance, in the U.S., the very right to engage in such a boycott is under Zionist attack, and by extension, so is the constitutional protection to free speech. American Zionists seem willing to subvert their own constitutional protections in order to support a racist foreign state.

Zionism can be seen as a strange twist on the Spanish philosopher George Santayanas warning that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. The Zionists certainly remember the persecutions suffered by European Jews. But they forget that this mistreatment was most often organized by racist states that sought to ethnically cleanse the Jews. Having forgotten about this state-based aspect of their own past, the Zionist state now commits this same offense against the Palestinians. It also needs the rest of us to forget the sins of past racism if it is to carry on its effort to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians. Our response should be to embrace the motto, Never Again! It is time to direct this demand to the shameful behavior of Israel and the Zionists.

Read more from the original source:
The Inevitable Apartheid Nation: Where is Zionism Taking Us?

The shocking alliance between Zionism and Anti-Semitism …

Posted By on November 29, 2017

Anti-Semites saw in Zionism a kindred spirit and they shared with other Zionists the understanding that getting rid of European Jews somewhere else is a goal that they share, Massad stated.

The alliance deepened during World War Two, as the Zionist movement broke the international Jewish boycott of Nazi Germany to embark on a lucrative Transfer Agreement with Hitlers government that exchanged Jewish property for the bodies the Zionists needed to colonize Palestine. As Massad pointed out, when the fugitive Nazi functionary Adolph Eichmann was captured in 1960 and brought to Israel for trial a year later for war crimes, it was his second visit to the Holy Land. Indeed, Eichmann had been a guest of the Zionist movement in 1937, hosted for a tour of kibbutzim in historic Palestine by a double Zionist-Nazi agent named Feibl Folkes.

Eichmann quoted Folkes to the effect that Zionist leaders were pleased by the persecution of European Jewry, since it would encourage emigration to Palestine, the Israeli historian Tom Segev noted in his book The Seventh Million.

When anti-Semitism reared its head in US-aligned nations after the war, the state of Israel generally kept quiet. The disturbing silence was vividly illustrated during the liberal rebellion that momentarily seized power in Hungary in 1956. With assistance from the CIA, which aimed to wrest the country from the Warsaw Pact, the former commanders of Horthys collaborationist army were returned to Budapest, where they inspired widespread violence against Hungarian Jews.

As the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported, the fact that Hungarys top four Communist leaders were of Jewish origin including the dictator Matyas Rakosi, who reigned at the height of the Communist terror in the early 1950s lent credibility to the idea of communism as Jewish revenge for the Holocaust. (Herbert Apthekers 1956 book The Truth About Hungary is one of the most thorough chronicles of the return of fascism to the country during its anti-Soviet revolt, and can be read here for free).

View original post here:
The shocking alliance between Zionism and Anti-Semitism ...

Why Is There A Prolific Jewish Presence In The American …

Posted By on November 29, 2017

In the 1970s, a movement known as Jewish feminism started in the American Jewish community. It was a movement that originally sought to make Jewish woman superior to equal to Jewish men. One of the first major issues tackled by these feminists was the power to optimize hypergamy initiate divorces.

Perhaps these Jewish ladies were becoming jealous of the growing liberation of non-Jewish women in United States. Perhaps Jewish women, for cultural reasons, are more naturally attracted to the ideologies of feminism. Jewish writer Marjorie Ingall describes how Jewish women are receptive to feminism by quoting Jewish feminist Naomi Wolf:

We have a political history going back to the socialist and labor movements, where women were organizers and rabble-rousers.

Or perhaps many Jewish women truly were being unfairly oppressed in certain areas of life and wanted to take action.

Third-Wave feminist Naomi Wolf

A quick Wikipedia search for list of Jewish feminists brings up an admittedly incomplete list of 114 names. Most of the women listed were born in the 20th century. The Jewish Womens Archive website is a comprehensive website dedicated to key Jewish feminists, containing 1,193 profiles.

If one simply searches for list of feminists on Wikipedia, the page youre directed to contains 770 names dating all the way back to the 13th century. The most comprehensive database when searching google for list of feminists seems to be Wikipedia.

Lets be as fair as possible hereand assumethat the Wikipedia list of 770 feminists contains no Jewish feminists. So lets add the 114 Jewish feminists to this list to get a total of 884 Wikipedia worthy feminists. We then take 114 divided by 884 and multiply by 100. The percentage of Wikipedia reported feminists of Jewish descent comes to 12.9%.

However, this quick calculation doesnt take into account the Jewish Womens Archive of 1,193 noteworthy feminists of Jewish descent and assumes that none of the feminists on the Wikipedia list of 770 are Jewish (when in fact many are). Also, the list of 770 feminists dates back several hundred years, whereas the list of 114 Wikipedia Jewish feminists is mostly 20th century and beyond.

Jews make up 1.7-2.6% of the American population. As such, to have adequate proportional representation in the feminist movement, there would only have to be two or three Jews at most for every 100 American feminist leaders. This doesnt seem to be the case though, at least according to a simple internet search.

On a related note, we also need to keep in mind that disproportionate Jewish representation is also present in the US Congress 8.4%, the Supreme Court 33% or 3/9 Justices, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors confirmed 40% or 2/5 current members (Janet Yellen and Stanley Fischer are Jewish and are also the Chair and Vice-Chair of Federal Reserve Board of Governors), and higher level academia.

Ginsburg, Kagan, and Breyer are the three Jewish Supreme Court Justices

The Jewish feminism that started within the Jewish community seems to have become part of the bigger feminist movement taking place in America. Thus, the very small demographic of Jewish women in this country (roughly 1% of the population) seems to have a ridiculously large representation within the overall feminist movement.

Lets explore only a few of these very influential feminists of Jewish descent:

Judy Blume: Born 1938. Blume is an American writer with a target audience of children and young adults, with book sales over 80 million. She has written novels about racism, menstruation, divorce (Its Not the End of the World, Just As Long As Were Together), bullying, and masturbation.

Judith Butler: Born 1956. Butler is a gender theorist and a philosopher. She teaches at the University of California, Berkeley. Butler has written a book called Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity that was published in 1990. This book is considered the cream of the crop by many feminists when it comes to queer theory and postmodern poststructural feminism (whatever that means).

Andrea Dworkin: 1946-2005. Many of you guys have probably heard of Dworkin. She was a radical feminist. Dworkin, among other things, was vehemently anti-porn because she said it has links to rape. This is somewhat ironic, considering there is heavy Jewish influence in the pornography industry.

Radical feminist Andrea Dworkin

Shulamith Firestone: 1945-2012. Firestone was apparently schizophrenic (according to a commemorative piece in The New Yorker published after her death) and was also a key player in the formation of radical feminist ideals. She was the author of The Dialectic of Sex: The Case For Feminist Revolution which was published in 1970. This book has essentially been labeled as the boldest and clearest book ever written on radical feminism. Or, according to Naomi Wolf (another Jewish Feminist):

No one can understand how feminism has evolved without reading this radical, inflammatory second-wave landmark.

I certainly hope Naomi Wolf didnt know that Firestone was schizophrenic

Betty Friedan: 1921-2006. Friedan is a very big name in feminist circles. She was a leading figure of the womens movement. She was a writer, an actor, and an ardent feminist. Friedan wrote The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963, a book which many argue helped to spark second-wave American feminism. By the year 2000, the book had sold over 3 million copies.

Brenda Howard: 1946-2005. Howard was an important figure in setting the tone for the present day LGBT rights movement, especially when it came to organizing SJW rallies. She was a sex-positive feminist and a bisexual rights activist.

Manosphere readers will appreciate a quip made on July 27th, 2005 by Tom Limoncelli (a bi-sexual rights advocate):

The next time someone asks you why LGBT Pride marches exist or why Gay Pride Month is June tell them A bisexual woman named Brenda Howard thought it should be.

If Limoncelli wasnt clear enough as to just how much influence this woman had, how about this statement made by Brenda Howards partner Larry Nelson and published on June 17th, 2014 in a piece called Remembering Brenda: An Ode To the Mother of Pride:

You needed some kind of help organizing some type of protest or something in social justice? All you had to do was call her and shell just say when and where.

Erica Jong: Born 1942. Jong was a teacher and an author. She has been divorced three times but is now married again (this seems to be a common theme among these women). She wrote a sexually controversial book published in 1973 called Fear of Flying that played a big role in second-wave feminism. The book has sold over 20 million copies worldwide.

Gloria Steinem: Born 1934. Steinems mother was apparently not Jewish, but even so her name pops up on the Jewish Womens Archive website if you search for it. Steinem was the leader and spokesperson for the late 60s-early-70s feminist movement. Interestingly, Steinem admitted having ties to the Central Intelligence Agency on camera (yea, the CIA of all people), but she supposedly broke her CIA ties before she became a feminist leader. Youll have to travel further down the rabbit hole if you want more answers on this one.

Gloria Steinem throwing up that silly Illuminati pyramid thing that all the celebs do

Naomi Wolf: Born 1962. Wolf was a political advisor to Bill Clinton and Al Gore. She is an author and a journalist that has covered the topics of abortion and the Occupy Wall Street movement. Wolf has essentially become the spokeswoman of third-wave feminism (the term third-wave feminism was coined by Rebecca Walker, a woman who identifies herself as black, white and Jewish) Wolf also just had to write about how Nazi Germany came to power in her book The End of America. If you want some entertainment, check out this YouTube video where Wolf tries to explain why we need feminism but is totally destroyed on stage by anti-feminist YouTuber Karen Straughan.

Larisa Alexandrovna: Born 1971. Alexandrovna was managing editor of Investigative News at The Raw Story for about three years. She was a blogger for the Huffington Post and her own blog as well. She has reportedly had her work referenced in Rolling Stone magazine, Vanity Fair, and Newsweek.

Lisa Bloom: Born 1961. Bloom is the only child of Gloria Allred (another feminist listed below in this article). She, like her mother, is an American civil rights attorney. She was the anchor on truTVs In Session from 2001-2009. Bloom is a legal analyst for The Today Show and also contributor to NBC Nightly News and MSNBC.

Susan Estrich: Born 1952. Estrich is a political commentator for Fox News, a feminist advocate, political operative, author, professor, and a lawyer. She wrote a book published in 2005 called The Case for Hillary Clinton. (oh, great)

A fair and balanced report from Susan Estrich.

Mayim Bialik: Born 1975. Bialik is an American actress and also a neuroscientist. She played Dr. Amy Fowler on CBSs The Big Bang Theory. This is an interesting coincidence, as an article was published right here on ROK about the blue pill ills of The Big Bang Theory.

Hanne Blank: Born 1969. Blank is a historian, writer, editor and also a public speaker. Blank has written and edited erotica in the past. She believes in fat rights (fat acceptance).

Judy Chicago: Born 1939. Chicago is an artist, art educator, and does collaborative art instillation pieces of feminist art. She collaborated with her third husband (here we go again with the multiple husbands theme) to create The Holocaust Project: From Darkness into Light (1985-1993).

Eve Ensler: Born 1953. Supposedly, only Enslers father was Jewish, but she did grow up in a Jewish community and was given the Lion of Judah Award by the United Jewish Communities in 2002. Ensler is a playwright, performer, feminist and activist. She is best known for writing the famous 1996 play The Vagina Monologues. For any college students reading this, it wouldnt surprise me if a rendition of The Vagina Monologues showed up on your campus at some point; it showed up on my campus and was hosted by the campus feminist organization in 2011.

Sarah Michelle Gellar: Born 1977. Gellar is a producer and an actress, starring or playing supporting roles in a plethora of TV shows and movies including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Scream 2, and as Daphne in Scooby Doo (2002).

Sarah Michelle Gellar plays her role in Scooby Doo

Nina Hartley: Born 1959. Hartley is an American author, sex educator, sex-positive feminist, pornographic film director, and American pornographic actress. She has been recognized with numerous awards throughout her career. She did an interview on The Young Turks and was introduced as legendary by Cenk Uygur. She apparently was known as the best ass in the business in her days of youth and specialized in lesbian scenes. Check out her Young Turks interview on YouTube.

Hartleys case struck me as somewhat more interesting because it has been suggested by many people that the Jewish community has a powerful influence on this nations pornography industry. Dr. Nathan Abrams, a Jewish Professor at Bangor University in the UK has essentially said that the Jews were the driving force behind the modern day porn industry. In fact, he even wrote a piece about it in Jewish Quarterly called Triple-exthnics.

Dr. Nathan Abrams

Bella Abzug: 1920-1998. Abzug was an American lawyer, U.S. Representative, social activist, and a leader of the Womens Movement. She helped to found the National Womens Political Caucus with Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan. Abzug also did womens rights work under Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.

Gloria Allred: Born 1941. Allred is an American civil rights lawyer and commonly takes high profile cases. She has been involved in many womens rights cases including representing at least seventeen women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, harassment, or other misconduct.

A gay couple celebrates with Gloria Allred (middle) under a chuppah after being granted a marriage license in California in 2008

Shulamit Aloni: 1928-2014. Aloni was an Israeli politician and founder of the Ratz party. She was also a leader of the Meretz party and served as the Israeli Minister of Education for a year. She won the Israel Prize in 2000.

Although Aloni isnt an American, I chose to include her because of the following exchange that took place in a 2002 interview with American journalist Amy Goodman; During this short video, Aloni explains that charges of anti-Semitism are a trick we always use to suppress criticism of Israel coming from within the United States. If the criticism is coming from Europe, Aloni suggests that we bring up the Holocaust.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Born 1933. Hopefully all American readers recognize this name. Ginsburg is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, appointed by Clinton in 1993. I highly recommend all readers review her voting record on social issues.

Elena Kagan: Born 1960. Hopefully, American readers will recognize this name as well. Kagan too is a Jewish feminist and an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. She came into power under Obamas Presidency. This article on reveals her confirmation was in fact endorsed by a feminist majority back in 2010.

Elena Kagan in 2009 She is now one of the most powerful judges in America

Rachel Adler: Born 1943. Adler is the Professor of Modern Jewish Thought and Judaism and Gender at Hebrew Union College (the Los Angeles campus). She reportedly played a key role in integrating feminist perspectives into Jewish texts.

Rebecca Alpert: Born 1950. Alpert is a professor in the Departments of Religion and Womens Studies at Temple University. She is currently serving as the Senior Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts.

Daniel Boyarin: Born 1946. He holds dual US and Israeli citizenship (Sound familiar to any US politicians? Click here or here for more info on the dual citizenship of many US government officials). Boyarin has been a Professor of Talmudic Culture at the University of California, Berkeley since 1990.

Susan Brownmiller: Born 1935. Brownmiller is an American feminist, journalist, author, and activist best known for her work Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape published in 1975. She supposedly argues in the book that because rape is defined by men, women get shafted (not necessarily in those words, and no pun intended).

Feminist Author Susan Brownmiller

Aviva Cantor: Born 1940. Cantor is an American journalist, author, lecturer, and advocate of feminism and Jewish communal life. She helped fund a Socialist Zionist organization called Jewish Liberation in New York in 1968.

Hlne Cixous: Born 1937. Cixous is a professor, poet, writer, playwright, philosopher, etc. She was appointed as A.D. White Professor-at-Large at Cornell University from 2008-2014.

Jane Evans: 1907-2004. From 1933-1976, Evans was the Executive Director of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods (which is now known as the Women of Reform Judaism).Jane Evans was also the President of the National Peace Conference in 1950. I encourage all readers check out the Women of Reform Judaism website and review their statements on the immigration crisis in Europe and other social justice issues.

Susan Faludi: Born 1959. Faludi wrote a book published in 1991 called Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women. She also wrote a book analyzing the 9/11 attacks and how they supposedly reinvigorated an American environment that is hostile to women.

Feminist Author Susan Faludi

Ilana Gliechbloom: Born 1986. Gliechbloom is a Judaic studies teacher at Abraham Joshua Heschel High School in New York City. She has made notable appearances at (surprise, surprise) The Vagina Monologues.

Susannah Heschel: Born 1956. Heschel teaches Jewish Studies at Dartmouth and is an American author. Her published works include Insider/Outsider: American Jews and Multiculturalism and On Being a Jewish Feminist.

And speaking of Jewish multiculturalism and massive illegal immigration, listen to what Barbara Lerner Spectre (a Jewish woman) had to say about multiculturalism in European countries in this 2010 video. I would say that after watching this video, you must ask yourself Is it a coincidence? that Spectres thoughts match up nicely with the views of Women of Reform Judaism, described above.

Paula Hyman: 1946-2011. Hyman taught Jewish History at Yale University. She was the first female dean at the Seminary College of Jewish Studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary from 1981 to 1986. Hyman published many feminist oriented works.

This has been merely a shallow dive into the depths of Jewish involvement in American feminism. Sure, anybody can log on to Google and come up with all kinds of names of non-Jewish feminists (simply because non-Jews make up about 98% of the population); but I dont see how any reasonable person can objectively deny the fact that Jews are indeed over-represented in the feminist movement.

In the last half-century (roughly), Jewish feminists have involved themselves in every level of American cultural infrastructure including the government, justice system, media, entertainment, education and books, and even the porn industry verifying the information presented here and following the links of this article will make this stunningly obvious.

Jewish women make up roughly 1% of the entire American population; and yet a relatively large percentage of the most powerful and influential second and third-wave feminist leaders off all time are Jewish.

Bella Abzug photographed in 1978 with New York Mayor Ed Koch (left) and President Jimmy Carter

Is it simply a cultural imperative that drives so many Jewish women to take part in feminism and culturally destructive policymaking? Some would argue it may simply be a consequence of an IQ difference that drives Jews to excel and fill leadership positions.

Others make the claim that disproportionate Jewish involvement in politics is part of a more organized conspiracy to intentionally destroy the moral fabric of mostly white, traditionally Christian societies. Im not here to answer the reasons why, but rather to simply point out the obvious disproportional representation of Jews in the feminist movement.

It is generally agreed upon in the manosphere (at least hopefully it is by now) that feminism is a tool that is being utilized to destroy the family unit and to get females into the work force, which generates more tax dollars and benefits corporations and politicians through mindless consumption.

I know this is a difficult subject for some, and can even create cognitive dissonance, but the reality is becoming nearly impossible to objectively deny that Jewish influence has the lions share of control over second and third-wave feminism, even though Jews represent only a tiny fraction of the American population.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh's book Free Speech Isn't Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read More: The Damaging Effects Of Jewish Intellectualism And Activism On Western Culture

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Why Is There A Prolific Jewish Presence In The American ...

Many Sephardic Jews Arent Actually Sephardic The Forward

Posted By on November 27, 2017

During my childhood in the 1960s and 70s in the USSR, the only books published about Jews were ideological works that criticized Zionism, Israel and what the Soviets considered the national Jewish mentality. As you might imagine, thanks to these books, many of us had a totally distorted picture of our true origins as Jews.

Many of my Jewish friends in fact believed they were Sephardic. They believed that their ancestors came to Russia from Spain, with a detour through Germany after the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492.

My friends and I were unaware of the existence of flourishing Jewish communities in western Germany, who had lived there since at least the 11th century way before the Jews were expelled from Spain. Neither were we aware that Jews had lived in Slavic countries since at least the 10th century.

But most of all, we did not know what many people dont know: that no group of Sephardic Jews ever migrated to Germany, with the exception of a single Sephardic community that made its way to Hamburg.

Indeed, this mistaken belief, that many European Jews have Sephardic origins, is not limited to us in our Soviet-imposed navet. Despite the prevalence of studies and textbooks, many Jews living in Israel, North America and Western Europe believe some of their ancestors spent the Middle Ages in Spain.

And its simply not true.

Lets start with definitions.

The term Sephardic, derived from the medieval Hebrew word meaning Spanish, has multiple meanings. In a larger sense, it refers to communities that follow the religious rites and traditions of Jews from medieval Spain. This would include North African Jews, for example.

In a narrower sense, a Sephardic Jew is someone whose ancestors lived in medieval Spain. Numerous Jews with roots in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya consider themselves Sephardic for this reason (if they do not adhere to the theory of Judeo-Berbers).

They are not wrong. Lots of historical, linguistic and onomastic evidence indicates that this belief has solid ground. Rabbinic sources discuss the arrival of a number of Jewish families in the Maghreb in North Africa right after the massive persecutions of Spanish Jews of 1391. Spanish Jews found their way from the Kingdom of Aragon to Algeria. Thousands of Jews later came to Morocco from Spain after the expulsion in 1492.

This burgeoning community gradually created their own idiomatic language, Judeo-Spanish, also called Haketia, and rabbinical texts from the 17th and 18th centuries from all parts of Morocco still contain Judeo-Spanish texts. Later, in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, hundreds of Jews with Sephardic roots migrated from Italy to Tunis, Tripoli, and Algiers. Moreover, since all these countries (except for Morocco) were inside the Ottoman Empire before the 19th century, a number of Ottoman Jews, also mainly with Sephardic roots, migrated there. At the time of their migration to the Maghreb, Jews from Iberia, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire were already bearing hereditary surnames. Spanish-based personal names such as Blanca (white), Luna (moon), Ora (gold), Plata (silver), and Rica (rich) were commonly used by Jewish women in North Africa.

This is not to say that the Jewish population of North Africa is due exclusively to Sephardic migrants. Historical sources indicate that Iberian migrants immediately became the cultural elite in Algeria at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries. But nothing suggests that these migrants were more numerous than the local Jews. We know about important religious debates between the Spanish-Jewish newcomers and indigenous Jews that took place during the 16th century in Morocco, where for many years these two groups had separate communities. In Tunis, the community of Italian-Jewish migrants (mainly Sephardim from the city of Livorno) lived separately from the indigenous Jewish community until 1944 and accounted for only ten percent of the citys Jewish population.

But that is the extent of the Jews who can reasonably claim to be Sephardic.

The Jews of Eastern Europe faced an entirely different history than their North African coreligionists.

The mistaken belief that many European Jews are Sephardic is based almost invariably on surnames borne by members of their families. The examples that produced this case of mistaken identity are numerous. For example, we find Paes in Belorussia and Pais in Ukraine, while Paez/Pais is also a common surname in the Sephardic communities of Amsterdam and London. Or take the surname Mindes (also from the Russian Empire), which sounds very close to the Portuguese Mendes and the Spanish Mendez. OR take the name Rappaport, which some believe was taken by a rabbi from Porto (Portugal). Then you have several sources which claim that the famous Yiddish writer Isaac Leib Peretz is said to have Sephardic ancestors, likely due to numerous Sephardic Jews called Perez or Peres. And many other surnames of Jews from Eastern Europe sound close either to surnames borne by Sephardic Jews and/or Iberian Catholics, or to some Romance words or place names.

But none of this is strong evidence. Some surnames derived from Hebrew first names are shared by Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews because these given names were shared by both groups, like the Ashkenazic Peretz and Sephardic Perez. But none of the other examples checks out. The second part of Rappaport, for example, comes from the town of Porto in northern Italy (where this Ashkenazic family dwelled), and not the city in Portugal. And in a majority of the other cases, what were dealing with here are fortuitous phonetic coincidences.

For example, Paes simply means of Paye in Yiddish, and was certainly assigned to a person whose mother (or wife) had the personal name Paye, the Yiddish form derived from the biblical name Zipporah. Moreover, Portuguese Catholics called Pais and Spanish Catholics Paez are named for a derivative of Paio, an Iberian vernacular derivative of the Latin male first name Pelagius. These names are found in Sephardic families whose ancestors were or posed as Catholics for several generations before becoming openly Jewish outside of the Iberian Peninsula.

Usually, the shorter the name, the bigger the chances of fortuitous coincidences with etymologically unrelated names. Still, coincidences are possible even for relatively long names. My favorite example of this comes from medieval Spain, where we find Jews bearing the surname Chicat(i)ella. It sounds like the Spanish word chiquitillo which means tiny. After the expulsion of 1492, certain members of this family moved to Morocco.

They would probably be less than enthused to learn that Chikatilo was also the surname of the serial killer with the largest number of victims in the history of USSR. His family has nothing to do with Jews, though; his surname comes from a Ukrainian nickname chekotylo, or one who chirps.

I am not claiming that Jews from Eastern Europe could not have had ancestors who lived in Spain. There are sources from the Russian Pale of Settlement from the 19th-century with surnames like Abarbanel, Abugov, Abulafyev, which are Russified forms of Abuhab and Abulafia. We also find Karo (Caro), Kuriel (Curiel), and Don Yahia, as well as Sfard, Portugejs and Shpanier (Spaniard in German).

And a surname without Sephardic roots does not necessarily imply that the family cannot have Sephardic ancestors; before the end of the 18th century, individual Sephardic Jews joining Ashkenazic communities in Eastern Europe from Italy or the Ottoman Empire had chances to lose their surnames because hereditary family names were not used by local Jews, apart from the cases of a few rabbinical families.

There are always exceptions to the rule. Indeed, several readers erroneously believed my previous writing on Khazar and Berber origins implied that conversions to Judaism never occurred when, in fact, I argued that mass conversions never occurred, while individual conversions certainly did, most notably in antiquity, when several major figures in Jewish history were converts.

Yet, the less than twenty Sephardic-originated surnames in Eastern Europe represent a tiny group within my dictionary of Jewish surnames from the Russian Empire, which includes more than 70,000 surnames. And the cases where Sephardic origins are now obscured etymologically are hard to confirm, and likely small in numbers.

An honest look at the data suggests that very few Sephardic Jews ever made it to Eastern Europe.

Alexander Beider is a linguist and the author of reference books about Jewish names and the history of Yiddish. He lives in Paris.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forward.

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Many Sephardic Jews Arent Actually Sephardic The Forward

Havurot Congregation B’nai B’rith

Posted By on November 27, 2017

What is a Havurah?

Havurah (plural:havurot) comes from the Hebrew word haver, whichmeansfriend or fellowship. When people talk about my Havurah, being in a Havurah, the word refers toa small group that gathers together to socialize, celebrate holidays, or learn more about Jewish topics. They may study, worship, celebrate, and eat together. The focus is entirely up to the group itself. For many, the Havurah is an extended family.

Why join a Havurah?

CBBis a large and vibrant community of more than800 households. Our congregation includes manyages, stages, viewpoints, and interests. Belonging to a Havurah helpsmembers connect withothers who have similar interests, to explore a connection to Judaism in a group, and to develop a community for sharing life cycle events.

What does a Havurah do?

Each Havurah creates theirown experience based on its members interests and priorities. The most successful Havurot start each year with a planning meeting to set up dates and event ideas for the entire year. Activities can include holiday or personal milestoneobservances, Jewish educational programs, Temple activities, and also social outings, community service, and whatever else your group wants to do together. Volunteering as a group is another great way to establish closeness and practice Jewish values.

What if the dynamics of the group change or we are not getting along?

Imagine that, ten Jews and eleven opinions! Although this rarely happens, it does. The best thing to do is stick with it and work it out, just as a caring family would. Reviewing the groups goals and expectations on a regular basis to make sure everyones needs are being met should help prevent this. Being effective communicators, practicing cooperation, tolerance, flexibility, and conflict resolution all lead to a more cohesive group in the long run. If there are still issues the Havurah Coordinators can also help.

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Havurot Congregation B'nai B'rith

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