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ADL Demands Apology From Chicago LGBT March That Ejected Jewish Participants –

Posted By on June 27, 2017

The Anti-Defamation League on Monday demanded an apology from organizers of an LGBT march in Chicago that askedJewish participants to leave because they carried a rainbow flag superimposed with a Star of David.

The incident was described by Laurel Grauer, an official with the group A Wider Bridge, which connects LGBT Jews in the United States with their counterparts in Israel, who was one of the individuals ejected from the Dyke March on Saturday.

Grauer said she had participated in theDyke Marchfor 10 years and always carried with her a rainbow flag, a widely-recognized symbol of LGBT pride, emblazoned with a Star of David,which is closely associated with Judaism and the Jewish community. Grauer said this flag, which she received from her LGBT-inclusive Jewish congregation, prompted the marchs organizers totarget and exclude her this year.

You have to leave because you are making people feel unsafe. You are putting them in danger by being here,Grauer said she was told by the marchs organizers, volunteers, and even other participants.

When she raisedanobjection to that demand, explaining that the flag was an expression of her personal identities, Grauer said she was told, That may be what the flag means to you, but other people find it offensive. This march is a private event and you are offending the organizers of this event.

Grauer noted that theDyke March was supposed to be a celebration of inclusiveness andthat she had previously carriedthe flag from her Jewish congregation unhindered.

In previous years,people even took pictures either with me, or holding my flag, because they were so happy to see it and proudly proclaimed their Jewish Pride and/or solidarity on the spot, she wrote. This year, there was some of that, but it was attached to a much more disturbing message.

Thank you for marching, said more than one Jewish marcher. Ive felt unsafe in the past. They were there because, like me, felt a strong connection with Dyke March Chicago, yet felt they had to hide their Judaism. Furthermore, as this continues to pour out in social media, other Queer Jewish activists are sharing stories of have been excluded, or how they decided to avoid the march for this reason. How can this be called a Chicago Dyke March if local Dykes are made to feel unwelcomed and unsafe, be they at the march or in spirit?

Jewish organizers of the march told Grauerthat even if she viewed her flag as an expression of Jewish pride, this is seen as an Israeli Pride Flag and offensive to others.

Grauer was also asked if she was a Zionist. When she responded in the affirmative and addedthat she also supported a Palestinian state, she was told, You cannot be Zionist and believe in a Palestinian state, Zionism is inherently racism.

Grauer was told that one other woman who was carrying a similar flag had been asked to leave the march. (Other reports say that three marchers were singled out and expelled.)

It is outrageous that while celebrating LGBTQ pride, Jewish participants carrying a rainbow Star of David flag were asked to leave the Chicago Dyke March. The community of LGBTQ supporters is diverse and that is part of its tremendous strength, said ADL CEO Jonathan A. Greenblatt.

Both the act and the explanation were anti-Semitic, plain and simple, he added. We stand with A Wider Bridge and others in demanding an apology. We appreciate the Human Rights Campaigns support and we call on other leaders from LGBTQ and progressive communities to join us in condemning this exclusion.

The expulsion of visibly Jewish participants from the Dyke Marchrecalls an incident from January 2016, when a Sabbath service at an LGBTQ event in Chicago was shut down by anti-Israel protesters.

Leading LGBT activist James Moon recently penned an op-ed for The Miami Herald calling on the LGBTQ and progressive ally communities to take a stand against censoring, and against anti-semitism. Moon wrote his op-ed in response to the efforts of some LGBTQ groups to boycott a Tel Aviv LGBT film festival.

BDS and those that hate Israel are playing a zero-sum game where any achievement by Israel or any community or person in or from Israel cannot be tolerated or recognized, Moon observed. But you cannot advocate for LGBTQ rights without supporting Israeli LGBTQ rights, he added. And you cannot advocate for progressive values and not stand against bald bigotry when confronted with it.

For more on Israels strides in granting rights to its LGBT citizens and residents, readThe Persistent Progress of Israels LGBT Community,in which Corinne Berzon discusses the advances LGBT individuals in Israel have made in gaining mainstream societal acceptance, and the challenges their community continues to face.

[Photo: Twitter]

See original here:
ADL Demands Apology From Chicago LGBT March That Ejected Jewish Participants -

A Very Bad, No-Good, Rotten Day for Zionism – HuffPost

Posted By on June 26, 2017

After decades of political brinkmanship and hand-wringing, countless tears and letters and protests and arrests, after multiple Israeli Supreme Court decisions and governmental committee commitments (not to mention thousands of Israeli leaders posturing at American Jewish fundraising events as supporters of Jewish pluralism), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today froze plans to dedicate a pluralistic prayer pavilion at the Western Wall. This is a betrayal of trust on every level, and there is no turning back. It is likely that many establishment well-intentioned American Jewish leaders will respond vocally to todays horrific decision (some already have), but will then sit, once again, at the table with Israels leaders, pretending (even to themselves) that they arent being skillfully used as a PR shield for Netanyahus craven betrayal of Jewish values in our very home, once again.

Today is a very bad, no-good, rotten day for this American Zionist rabbi.

To those who consider Ha'aretzs left-leaning journalists suspicious, please note that these fiery words are froman Op Ed by David Horovitz, executive editor of The Times of Israel, who writes:

I have much more to say about the Kotel (the Western Wall), which is at once fetishized by many Diaspora Jews and irrelevant for most Israeli Jews. Judaism is more alive and pulsing, colorful and vibrant, in Tel Aviv cafes and on the streets of Jerusalem than they are allowed to be at (or even near) the Kotel, and for the vast majority of Israelis, the Ultra-Orthodox stranglehold on their national Jewish life has already alienated them from any sense of ritual meaning. For now, Ill simply say that this moment has been coming for a very long time. A very long time.

There is plenty of responsibility for enabling and allowing it to happen. Diaspora Jewry has been played. And we have allowed ourselves to be played. Out of love for our homeland, we've allowed ourselves to be abused by its politicians. (Here is a Hebrew piece I wrote in the Israeli daily Maariv three years ago on this topic. Here is its English sister piece that appeared in The Jerusalem Post).

Judaism is suffering and Jews are suffering. As my dear teacher and friend Yossi Klein Halevi remarked to me years ago, Israel needs Diaspora Jews, who are distant enough from existential threats to think about the long term. But are we? Have we been? Have we been blinded by our love of Israel from seeing that it has thus far been unrequited?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the most public face of the global Jewish People, has led the global Jewish community over a cliff. Jewish unity has been torn by his political machinations and moral cowardice.

The problem is that, when it comes down to it, weve willingly jumped.

I will never cease in my defense of our People and my love of our homeland. My work as a Jewish leader in the Diaspora is not a "compartment" of my Jewish worldview. My heart and soul (and spiritual devotion and political action) have always been and will always remain firmly rooted where my family lives, especially in our homeland.

But I know that my commitment, as an American Rabbi, to Israel's well-being is not reciprocated by its leadership. Today is only the most recent slap in my face. I am seen as a tool for garnering American political, intelligence, and military support for Israel. Not as a leader. Not as a rabbi. Not as a brother. What Israel's leaders don't understand is that my love for Israel makes me willing to endure (some of) what's being done. What of those Diaspora leaders who have every right to say they've had enough?

Our descendants will look back at today with more clarity regarding these truths than many of us are willing to accept today. It is a painful realization that we must use our political and financial power to shift public opinion in Israel (as is already the practice many conservative philanthropists), until leaders worthy of our Peoples legacy are elected. Politics will always be messy. Principles will always collide. But todays decision is beneath us, an insult to the dreams of our People, a capitulation to Jewish religious fundamentalism by unscrupulous, conniving politicians, and a wound to our familys health.

History has its eyes on us all.

The Morning Email

Wake up to the day's most important news.

A Very Bad, No-Good, Rotten Day for Zionism - HuffPost

Gay Pride Marchers Carrying Star of David Flags Kicked Out of Chicago Parade – Slate Magazine (blog)

Posted By on June 26, 2017

An Israeli woman draped with a rainbow gay pride flag with the Star of David walks past Israeli border policemen during the annual Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade on July 21, 2016.

AFP/Getty Images

Three people carrying Jewish Pride flags were asked to leave the Chicago Dyke March on Saturday in part because they repeatedly expressed support for Zionism, according to the organizers. One member of the Dyke March collective said those carrying the rainbow flag with a Star of David in the middle were told to leave because the flags made people feel unsafe, adding that the march was anti-Zionist an pro-Palestinian, according to the Windy City Times. American flags also were reportedly not welcome at the event, although it isnt clear whether anyone was kicked out for having one. Flags from other nations appears to have been allowed.

The annual Dyke March is billed as a more inclusive event that has a stronger focus on social justice issues than the massive Chicago Pride Parade on Sunday. Some 1,500 people took part in the Dyke March this year.

One of those who was kicked out of the march said she was approached numerous times over her flag. "They were telling me to leave because my flag was a trigger to people that they found offensive," Laurel Grauer said. "Prior to this [march] I had never been harassed or asked to leave and I had always carried the flag with me." Another person who was asked to leave told the Windy City Times that she was made to feel that as a Jew, I am not welcome here.

The organizers defended their decision to ask certain demonstrators to leave. A member of the Dyke March Collective spoke to Chicagoist on Sunday and insisted the organization is not anti-Semitic but rather didnt want to be associated with anything that could be interpreted as pro-Israel. Yesterday during the rally we saw three individuals carrying Israeli flags super imposed on rainbow flags. Some folks say they are Jewish Pride flags. But as a Collective we are very much pro-Palestine, and when we see these flags we know a lot of folks who are under attack by Israel see the visuals of the flag as a threat, so we don't want anything in the [Dyke March] space that can inadvertently or advertently express Zionism, she said. So we asked the folks to please leave. We told them people in the space were feeling threatened.

The American Jewish Committee condemned the action and called for others to speak up against the move. In the heart of our city one of the most blatant incidents of anti-Semitism took place today at the Dyke March, said AJC Chicago Director Amy Stoken . Where is the collective outrage over this despicable targeting of Jews?

Last year, Slates Mark Joseph Stern explored the growing anti-Semitism that has begun to tear at the seams of the LGBTQ movement.

Read more:
Gay Pride Marchers Carrying Star of David Flags Kicked Out of Chicago Parade - Slate Magazine (blog)

Open house at Smith Hill synagogue draws hundreds – The Providence Journal

Posted By on June 26, 2017

Leon Resnick, 94, was born a year after the synagogue was built and had his bar mitzvah there.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. The stark building is usually closed tight, but on Sunday balloonsdanced on their strings, music poured from open doors and families came and went,although one family's departure was delayed by the difficulty of getting two childrenout of a tree.

Music and people filled the Sons of Jacob Synagogue during an open house from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday. Regarded as a jewel by groups devoted to preserving Providence architecture, the Smith Hill community and the state's Jewish history, the synagogue at 24 Douglas Ave. is the home of the newly formed Rhode Island Jewish Museum.

Although services are still held inthe basement, where the congregation began meeting in 1906 while they saved up to build the sanctuary, the sanctuary has gone unused for at least a decade, even for the High Holidays.

But the lights were on Sunday as a violinist and two guitarists, one of whom occasionally switched to clarinet, played klezmer music as nearly 400 people sat, visited or roamed around to admire the murals, the trompe-loeil paintings that made wood look like marble or velvet, the chandelier and star-shaped lights, the names written in gold.

One man was surprised to find his great-grandfather's name on a plaque. "I didn't know this is where he went," said Farrel Klein, adding that it made sense because his great grandfather's farm was just down the street.

The Sons of Jacob Synagogue once presided over a vibrant village of houses and shops,bakeries, meat markets and delis. In fact, the refreshments for Leon Resnick's bar mitzvah came from those shops, the 94-year-old said Sunday. Now the village is gone, replaced by a highway interchange and the convergence of Routes 95 and 146. And efforts are under way to preserve the building that testifies to the progress of Jewish families in Rhode Island.

Outside the second-floor sanctuary, Resnick sat near his father's name on the list of members who helped build it in 1922, the year before he was born. He and three Resnick cousins are named on another list, just inside the sanctuary, of members who fought in World War II.

In those days, women and girls sat in the balcony, always with a hat or bow covering their heads, said Joan Tebrow, 70, who remembered sitting up there with her mother, attending Hebrew school and "running around all the different stairwells," where nooks and crannies offered "a lot of places to hide."

Larry Parness, 66, has memories of the synagogue "going back my whole life." His father let him and his brother sit in the main sanctuary, he said, but sat between them. "I remember being pinched by my father if I misbehaved during the service."

Rabbi Yossi Laufer observed that the open house was well-timed, because witnesses to the synagogue's history were able to attend.

"Twenty years from now, they'd be gone," he said.

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On Twitter: @donita22

Here is the original post:

Open house at Smith Hill synagogue draws hundreds - The Providence Journal

Women and Tales in Jerusalem Jewish Orthodox style – eTurboNews

Posted By on June 26, 2017

Its a quiet morning on a hillside in the ancient village of Ein Kerem, perfect for enjoying a breakfast of home-made goats milk cheese and freshly baked bread. This is the home of Efrat Giat, a shepherdess turned tour guide who lives in the house her husband was born in, tending to goats and their five children, not necessarily in that order.

Giat tells the story of her husbands parents, who moved to the Yemenite Valley and Ein Kerem in 1949 during Israels war of Independence. Her in-laws lived in a small house with no electricity or running water. Since then the house has expanded. The family raised goats and chickens and Giat wants to keep the tradition alive, even if its not for monetary gain.

Its not a business, its just for us, Giat said while holding a two-week old baby goat in her backyard. While raising goats is not for money, Giats tourism business is, and its booming. Giat joined after the Israel Ministry of Tourism approached her five years ago.

The Women and Tales in Jerusalem project started with 28 women, including Giat, in Ein Kerem. Today, there are close to 60 women participating, in Jewish Orthodox neighborhoods and Arab neighborhoods around Jerusalem. The goal is to help women start a small tourism business in their homes while offering tourists a unique Jerusalem experience by showcasing their day-to-day life and culture.

Each womans home offers a different experience, from learning how to make traditional Kurdish food with Dalia Harfoof to singing Jewish lullabies in the oldest house in Ein Kerem with Shoshana Karbasi to making traditional baskets and weavings with Hadar Klidman.

Sitting on wooden benches in a Byzantine-era home, Klideman passes around work done in her shop, everything from naturally dyed wool baby clothes to traditional French embroidery.

Here we try to combine the old world with the new world we are in, Klideman said. She comes from a family of artists and married an artist. It was only logical for her to continue on the path of creating and open her own shop so women can be together and make things together.

We need to collect knowledge from the world, Klideman told The Media Line, It will take time; we need to remember. Many participants in the program, like Klideman, have centered their experiences around women. Some participants only allow women into their homes or on their tours. In both ultra-Orthodox and Arab culture it is not appropriate for women to interact with men who are not part of their family.

The projects in these neighborhoods offer tourists a chance to see a part of Jerusalem that is harder to access.

A year and a half ago Naomi Miller began to open her home to tour groups in a joint effort with the Jerusalem Heritage Experience. Miller did not want to run a business by herself, so she teamed up with other women in her neighborhood through the local community center in the Bukharan quarter of Jerusalem.

At 46, Miller has 12 children and 13 grandchildren, with three more on the way. She still makes time to host a group at least once a month. For $32 per person, Miller will cook a three-course meal, complete with traditional Jewish dishes and dessert. She shares her story of coming to Jerusalem from England with her husband at 18 and shows off pictures of her large family.

Naomi Miller showing off photos from her daughters wedding; in her dining room in her home in the Bukharan Quarter of Jerusalem. (Madison Dudley/The Media Line)

The Women and Tales in Jerusalem Project was founded on the idea of recruiting a diverse group of women to showcase the lives of the local community. With some help, these women would each build their own small business, centered on their life stories and talents. Women would invite tourists into their homes and provide a truly immersive Jerusalem experience.

People want to come to a community and meet with local people, said Orly Ben Aharon, the Advisor to Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat on the Advancement of Women. This project is very unique.

Aharon said that Barkat wants to increase the number of tourists to the city, and Aharon, along with the Senior Director of Policy and Planning Strategy for the Israel Ministry of Tourism, Mina Ganem, saw an opportunity to exhibit the best Jerusalem has to offer through the diversity of its women.

The Jerusalem Municipality and Ministry of Tourism said they would pitch in by supplying workshops to help get these small businesses started, advertise the tours on their website and help organize meetings between the women two to three times a year.

It was a win win win situation, Ganem said. When the project was first announced organizers expected about 20 women to show up to the informational meeting. But 200 women came and the initial meeting was extended to two days. Aharon said it wasnt hard to get women interested in the program because they understand that they can earn money.

Most of the women have never worked before or are retired, Aharon said, But they still want to work. Depending on how much a woman in the program works, she could make between $1,000 to over $2,000 a month, about the minimum wage for a full-time job in Israel.

One of the main points of the project is to empower women around Jerusalem. Mayoral advisor Aharon said there is no competition or animosity between those who participate in the project. They are doing it together, it creates a stronger community, she told The Media Line.

Samira Aliyan, an Arab Muslim woman living in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Safafa, is one of nine Arab women who participate.

Aliyan and her husband moved to Beit Safafa when she was 17. Their home, now several stories, was originally just one room with the bathroom and kitchen outside and no running water or electricity. The house grew to accommodate their growing family, and Aliyans style grew with it, turning a once stone single room into an ornate home. It is decorated with leather couches, Arab art and extravagant vases and table settings; perfect for wining and dining a visiting group of travelers.

As guests eat home-made baklava and sip freshly brewed coffee from tiny serving mugs, Aliyan talks of falling in love with her husband and moving to Jerusalem. Unlike many women who start the program, Aliyan didnt attend a course in hospitality. Her husband worked as a head waiter in hotels around Jerusalem and helped Aliyan learn everything she needed to know.


The rest is here:

Women and Tales in Jerusalem Jewish Orthodox style - eTurboNews

Jewish advocacy group launches petition to keep alleged ‘Holocaust denier’ out of Canada – National Post

Posted By on June 26, 2017

More than 2,100 people have signed a petition to keep conspiracy theorist and alleged Holocaust denier Kevin Barret from speaking at a rally in Toronto.

Jewish advocacy group Bnai Brith launched the petition after Barrett was invited to speak at the al-Quds march that will start at Queens Park on Saturday. Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of Bnai Brith Canada called the event an absolute hate fest.

This is both outrageous and unacceptable, Mostyn said in a press release. Inviting a notorious Holocaust denier to this event demonstrates once and for all that al-Quds Day is not a mere anti-Israel event, but rather a hate rally designed to demonize and denigrate Canadas Jewish population.

Barretts teaching career at the University of Wisconsin ended in 2006 after he stirred controversy over his support of a 9/11 conspiracy theory.

In an email to the National Post, he said that since then he has been blacklisted and unable to find another teaching job.

I have been politically blacklisted from working in the US academy, and robbed of $2 million in projected lifetime earnings, due to my beliefs about 9/11, he said.

He unsuccessfully ran for U.S. Congress in 2008 and is now an editor at Veterans Today, where he hosts a radio show called Truth Jihad. He also writes columns promoting conspiracy theories about everything from the 9/11 attacks to the recent shooting at a Republican baseball practice, which, he said, seemed designed to be iconic and memorable.

Barrett also casts doubt on the generally accepted history of the Holocaust he wrote that millions of people seem to have vanished without a trace andcalled the story of Anne Frank a sub-myth of the larger myth of the Holocaust.

Barrett denies being a Holocaust denier. He said he has never questioned the number of Jews killed during the Holocaust, and only said that he does not know the total. He says his quotes have been taken out of context to falsely frame him as a Holocaust denier.

The millions of people vanished remark concerned the downgrading of officially listed Auschwitz victims by more than two million, which happened in the 1990s. Ripped out of that context, the quote is likely to be misunderstood. When I use the term myth to describe the Holocaust, it is clear I am using it in the scholarly sense of sacred foundational narrative not in the popular, non-academic sense of untrue story, Barrett said.

Even if I learn that seven million died, I will continue to denounce this idolatrous cult that serves to excuse the Allied war crimes during and after World War II (which killed far more than six million innocents) and legitimizes the slaughter of 55 million innocents by US CIA and military interventions since World War II, by brainwashing Americans and Westerners to see themselves as the good guys and World War II as the good war, he wrote on Veterans Today.

This is a regular tactic by Holocaust deniers, to say, Well, you know what, the Jewish side says certain things, but its an open question, lets just have a scientific debate about this, Mostyn said in an interview with the Post.

Everybody should have the right to all of their opinions, but it doesnt change the fact that there are facts, he said.

The Canadian government defines Holocaust denial as discourse and propaganda that deny the historical reality and the extent of the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis and their accomplices during World War II, or blaming the Jews for either exaggerating or creating the Shoah (Holocaust) for political or financial gain.

Al-Quds Day is an anti-Zionist demonstration, described by the Toronto chapters Facebook page as a protest against the Israeli regimes apartheid occupation of the land of Palestine. Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem.

The rally is often controversial. Last year, the Jewish Defence League organized a counter-demonstration, and pro-Israel groups, including Bnai Brith, have condemned the event.

In the past there have been calls for Israelis to be shot, and we dont want that to happen again. Its so beyond inappropriate, and all Canadians need to be protected from this sort of extremist speech, Mostyn said.

It is not something that should be taking place in a decent, civilized society like in Canada.

The walk is scheduled to start in Queens Park and make its way to the U.S. Consulate, though Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne told Canadian Jewish News that the rally will not take place on park grounds.

The sergeant-at-arms, who reports to the legislative assembly, has advised that there is no Al-Quds event scheduled to take place at Queens Park,Wynne told CJN.

Either way, the JDL is planning another protest this year, according to their website. Bnai Brith will not be attending as the event takes place on the Jewish Sabbath, but Mostyn said they will be documenting it.

An earlier version of this article inaccurately suggested that Barrett chose to leave academia. In an email to the Post, he clarified that he has continued to apply for jobs at universities.

Continued here:

Jewish advocacy group launches petition to keep alleged 'Holocaust denier' out of Canada - National Post

Amaya Gaming set to relocate headquarters and change corporate name – World Casino Directory

Posted By on June 26, 2017

Amaya Gaming is the owner behind the PokerStars brand and several other online gaming businesses. Within the past year, the company has faced hard times and as a result, is seeking to evolve by relocating to a new area and changing their name. Currently based in Montreal, Amaya has plans to move to Toronto and take on the new name The Stars Group Inc.

Amaya will not be able to make the change until shareholders give approval next month. The head office will move to Toronto once a replacement chief financial officer is named, as the current CFO has announced he plans to retire. According to Chief Executive Rafi Ashkenazi, the company is set to make these changes as they continue to grow and alter their gaming offerings.

Ashkenazi stated in a recent conference call that as Amaya takes on the transformation, the company will look to embrace the future of their business while recognizing the incredible consumer goodwill and loyalty that is associated with their primary brand.

Ashkenazi took on the role with Amaya Gaming after David Baazov stepped down and has been working to improve the management team of the company as well as paying down debt and reducing the exposure to online professional poker players.

Amaya has shifted their focus when it comes to gaming offerings with poker making up 75% of the companys revenues during the first quarter of last year and down to 69% this year. Online casino games along with sports betting was able to grow due to changes within the company, moving from 21% from the first quarter of last year to 27% this year.

Amaya has been headquartered in Montreal since 2004 when the company was first founded by Baazov. The company became the largest publicly listed online poker brand in the world once they acquired the parent company of PokerStars for $4.9 billion.

Amaya Gaming set to relocate headquarters and change corporate name was last modified: June 25th, 2017 by Marie Kelley

Amaya GamingDavid BaazovTorontomontrealRafi Ashkenazi

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Amaya Gaming set to relocate headquarters and change corporate name - World Casino Directory

Former Israel Chief Rabbi Reproaches ‘Greedy’ Jews for Breaking the Sabbath – Haaretz

Posted By on June 26, 2017

'The People of the Book have become the People of Commerce,' Tel Aviv's retiring Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau tells Israeli newspaper

Former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau told an Israeli newspaper over the weekend that Jews have become greedy and that Americanization is driving secular Israelis away from religion.

In an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth, Lau slammed shops that open on the Sabbath, and was also aggrieved by Tel Avivs Gay Pride Parade.

Lau, who served as Ashkenazi chief rabbi from 1993 to 2003, is officially retiring as Tel Avivs rabbi this month, but he leaves unhappy with both the state of the city and country.

At the end of the day, what lies behind the opening of supermarkets on Shabbat? Greed. A few supermarket owners who are chasing money, Lau told the daily. The People of the Book have become the People of Commerce, who are running after every penny their entire life.

Will anything happen if you let go of the money for just one day a week, be with your family, open a book? he inquired.

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Lau blamed the malaise on what he called a decades-long educational failure, which stops people from understanding the essence and value of Shabbat and what they are missing out on.

He also saw the failure as indicative of a wider problem in Israel society, leaving him to question what is left of the Jewish state People are married by an entertainer, they are buried in a kibbutz which is commercializing the whole thing, they open stores on Shabbat, and its all OK. So what is left of the Jew here? he asked.

Lau reserved most scorn for Tel Avivs annual Gay Pride Parade. It doesnt belong in the city, he said, adding, I just dont know if such a parade solves the problem of people with a certain inclination. What are they solving by raising their problem so high? I cant see and cant understand how the publicity helps solve the problem. If theres a person who has a personal problem, does he help solve it by dancing on a truck on the citys streets in the middle of the day?

Lau continued: This parade doesnt solve these peoples problem, the issue of how to have children, how to start a family.

He also rejected interviewer Amira Lams assertion that pressure on secular Jews to be more observant was driving them away from religion. What drives them away is the Americanization, in many areas, Lau responded. We are importers of a foreign culture.

Lau also linked disgraced rabbis such as Yoshiyahu Pinto and Yona Metzger, who have been jailed for corruption, with the nations decline. What happened to the religious public happened to the entire Israeli society, he said. The religious public doesnt live on a different planet. They live in this society, and everything has changed. The corruption outside has somewhat penetrated the religious leadership as well.

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Originally posted here:

Former Israel Chief Rabbi Reproaches 'Greedy' Jews for Breaking the Sabbath - Haaretz

Anti-Defamation League ‘deeply troubled’ by alt-right rallies – Washington Examiner

Posted By on June 26, 2017

The Anti-Defamation League, the nation's most prominent advocate against anti-Semitism, said it was 'deeply troubled' by rallies staged near in Washington D.C., Sunday by so-called "alt-right" groups.

The ADL argued the events were helping to bring white supremacist beliefs into the mainstream.

"White supremacy and hate, and those who exist in that orbit, need to be rejected. When white supremacists and their apologists feel their messages are getting mainstream attention and have an audience, that should raise alarm bells for all Americans across the political spectrum who reject hatred and bigotry," said ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt.

Alt-right is a catch-all term for certain conservative activist groups, in particular the people associated with the groups who have used racially-charged or xenophobic rhetoric. The groups tend to be supporters of President Trump's anti-immigration policies.

The ADL, which has long monitored extremist groups on the left and far right, said such "public rallies are increasingly common." The statement was not in reaction to anything said at the rallies. It was issued in advance of the events.

Two separate groups announced rallies for Sunday. Roger Stone, a longtime advisor to President Trump who had a falling out with the the president during the campaign, spokes remotely to a "Rally Against Political Violence" near the White House to condemn the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and others during a June 14 baseball practice in northern Virginia.

A second event, called the "Freedom of Speech" rally, was held near the Lincoln Memorial and featured Richard Spencer, a highly controversial figure who is widely credited with coining the term alt-right.

Many of the people involved in Stone's event were set to participate in the Lincoln Memorial one, but decided to hold a different event once they learned of Spencer's involvement.

See the original post:
Anti-Defamation League 'deeply troubled' by alt-right rallies - Washington Examiner

Bolshevism and Zionism Are Ideologically Indistinguishable …

Posted By on June 25, 2017

By Jonas E. Alexis on July 24, 2013

Winston Churchill

In his 1920 essay Zionism vs. Bolshevism: The Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People, Winston Churchill made the statement that Bolshevism both ideologically and politically gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads[2] and slowly led them to the slaughter house, where more than ten million innocent peasants eventually lost their precious lives in less than five years.[3]

Zionism ideologically and politically seeks to complete the work that Bolshevism had started. Bolshevism quickly spread like wildfire in places like China and other major Asian countries such as Vietnam.

Even Victor Serge, the revolutionary anarchist who was convicted of terrorism in 1912, declared at the time that The influence of Bolshevism over Asia is very great.[4]

As a communist revolutionary, Serge thought that International Communism dialectical materialism and the theory of action of the proletariat opens up today the highest possibilities of the European civilisation compromised and threatened by the capitalist regime.[5]

The highest possibilities of the European civilization ended up being the highest crime probably in human history: Bolshevism in both its metaphysical and ideological form carried out the greatest mass murder, with more than ninety million deaths to its credit.[6]

By the time that Bolshevism was done wiping out people by the millions, Western nations suddenly had an epiphany in the 1980s. By 1983 in Orlando, Florida, Ronald Reagan denounced the Soviet Union as an evil empire that repeatedly preached the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on the Earth. They are the focus of evil in the modern world[7]

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan could never have been a good cop. What do police officers do when they are investigating a crime? They find out all that can be found about the crime itself and the people behind it. They also get deeper into the suspects origin, their background, and sometimes even their ethnicity and religion.

Reagan was right in saying that the Soviet Union was the focus of evil in the modern world, that it sought to dominate all peoples of the Earth, and that it was an evil empire.

Yet in his entire speech, Reagan never told his audience that the Soviet Union at the time was ideologically governed by Bolshevism, which is another Jewish revolutionary movement, and which ultimately sought to destroy Western civilization. Reagan should have consulted Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who emphatically declared:

There are many Jewish authors who to this very day either deny the support of Jews for Bolshevism, or even reject it angrily, or elsethe most common caseonly speak defensively about it. The matter is well-attested, however: these Jewish renegades were for several years leaders at the center of the Bolshevik Party, at the head of the Red Army (Trotsky), of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (Sverdlov), of the two capitals (Zinoviev and Kamenev), of the Comintern (Zinoviev), of the Profintern (Dridzo-Lozovsky), and of the Komsomol (Oskar Ryvkin, then Lazar Shatskin).

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

In 1918 Trotsky, with the aid of Sklianski and Yakov Sverdlov, created the Red Army. Jewish soldiers were numerous in its ranks. Several units of the Red Army were composed entirely of Jews, as, e.g., the brigade commanded by Joseph Forman. Among the officers of the Red Army, the share of Jews grew in number and importance for many years after the Civil War.[8]

Solzhenitsyn, as a sober and seasoned scholar, made the point that

I have never made general conclusions about a people. I will always differentiate between layers of Jews. One layer rushed headfirst to the revolution. Another, to the contrary, was trying to stand back. The Jewish subject for a long time was considered prohibited. Zhabotinsky [a Jewish writer] once said that the best service our Russian friends give to us is never to speak aloud about us.[9]

Yet in his book Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From, neoconservative hawk Daniel Pipes insinuates without a shred of evidence that those who believed that the Bolshevik Revolution was largely Jewish got their sources mainly from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion![10]

It got even more hilarious when Pipes accused Henry Hamilton of anti-Semitism for saying that Bolshevism was Judaism.[11] But Pipes does not tell his readers that The Jewish Encyclopedia, Jewish revolutionaries and newspapers and magazines made similar assertions.[12]

In a nutshell, Reagan, a politician, got a wake-up call, and the Soviet Union eventually collapsed.

But Bolshevism in its ideological form did not die out then. It has been reincarnated in two identical and Jewish revolutionary movements: Zionism and neoconservatism. Both are almost politically indistinguishable and, like Bolshevism, both seek to implicitly destroy Western civilization in all of its manifestations.

Bolshevism was evil but the mass hysteria did not fully grasp the extent of its evilness until it was almost too late. Zionisms evilness, on the other hand, is being displayed right in front of us, but no politician is brave enough to break its political power. For example, Joel Greenberg of the New York Times wrote way back in 1993 that

Amnesty International, in a human rights report in July, said Palestinian detainees under interrogation are systematically tortured or ill-treated by Israel. The International Committee of the Red Cross, whose representatives regularly visit Palestinian prisoners, has accused Israel of using interrogation methods that violate the Fourth Geneva Convention on treatment of civilians in occupied areas

Human rights monitors estimate that 500 Palestinian detainees are subjected to such treatment each month and that at least 30,000 have been interrogated since the beginning of the anti-Israel uprising in December 1987[13]

This massive brutality has been going on for decades and in many different forms. Just last year, nine Israeli teenagers were convicted of brutally attacking a Palestinian teenager by the name of Jamal Julani. When one of the convicted teenagers was asked how he would respond if Julani had died from the incident, he said,

Great. Let him die. Hes an Arab son of a bitch. What did he think, that he would curse my mother? When I attacked him I was going to stab him in the ribs to let him realize my mom is no childs play. He knows exactly why he is in the hospital.[14] The other teenagers responded with a similar voice:

We went to look for Arabs, to hit them and beat the crap out of them, and I went ahead of everyone and I met the Arab who was swearing. I got upset and yelled, Heres an Arab, and some more guys came with me and then R. [the 15-year-old girl perceived as the instigator] got there and gave him a slap in the back. He tried to get up but I hit him with my foot in his pelvic area, and then all the guys beat him up. He had a face that required a beating.[15]

He also declared, You cant go by Damascus Gate without getting stabbed. So why do they come here? I beat him and Id beat him again.[16] A year later, Jamal was still undergoing medical care.[17]

How many Americans do you think know about what happened to Jamal? Get a microphone and start asking the average American even at your neighborhood. The answer will surprise you.

Mohamed Merah

In March 2012, a gunman by the name of Mohamed Merah went into a Jewish day school in Toulouse, France, and killed three Jewish children and one rabbi. My heart went out to the families of those killed. Everyone should sympathize in tragic situations like these, and these acts of evil should not be tolerated.

The story was covered by almost every major news outlet in the Western world and in Israel.[18] Report after report followed the incident, almost nonstop, and some of those newspapers ran four or five stories of the same incident. One rabbi declared that the incident happened because of jealousy on the part of Gentiles about Gods chosen people.[19]

Yet around the same time, hundreds of Beitar Jerusalem fans beat up Arab workers at the capitals Malha shopping center in what was called a mass lynching attempt, but not one person was arrested.[20]

The fans were even chanting Death to Arabs,[21] but one of the Arab workers declared that the police arrived more than one hour late.[22] The police justified their decision not to arrest anyone by saying that there were no complaints, and therefore no arrests were necessary.[23]

None of the major news outlets reported the story, except the Jerusalem Post, the Independent, and Haaretz. The Jerusalem Post only ran the story after some 150 protesters flooded the scene.

When Mohamed Merah gunned down the three children and the rabbi, Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post declared without any substantial evidence that Western elites were accomplices, claiming that these acts of evil formed the physical and moral landscape of our time.[24]

Where was Glick, then, when those Palestinians were beaten? Isnt this the moral landscape of Zionist ideology? (French officials said after investigation that there was no evidence linking Merah to Al-Qaida.[25])

Another incidentthat even shocked former CIA operative Philip Giraldiwas the May 2012 riots in Tel Aviv, where African immigrants were targeted. The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times all stayed silent.[26]

On May 28, five young Israelis smashed the door of an internet caf owned by Yorusalem Mestun, a 22 year-old. They pulled a knife on her, while her Jewish neighbours looked on. The police came, checked her visa and left, without, she said, offering help or sympathy.[27]

Also in May, some Israeli settlers set fire to a West Bank village and shot some unarmed Palestinians.[28] It was later discovered that during the incident, Israeli youth tied up and beat one Palestinian who was already wounded.[29]

On May 24, 2012, Amnesty International released a report, declaring that Israel frequently uses excessive, sometimes lethal, force against demonstrators in the West Bank and civilians in GazaIsrael has engaged in the demolition of Palestinian homes and other facilities in the West Bank, as well is inside Israel itself, where homes of Palestinian citizens are destroyed in unrecognized villages in the Negev desert.[30]

None of those reports made it on the air on popular news networks in America. The only reason some of the reports saw the light of day was because they were making a stir throughout the Middle East. There were dozens of incidents in the spring of 2012 where Israeli settlers attacked Palestinians and the Israeli Defense Forces just stood there and watched.[31]

What, then, are the Zionists telling us here? Simple: when Palestinians are killed, attacked and brutally maimed, life goes on and the West does not really need to know. And if the West does know, nothing is to be done.

But when even one Israeli is killed, this must be reported throughout the Western world. Meetings must be conducted, and the Zionist media must beat the Western world over the head about the news.

Do the Zionists Really Care About the American People?

Now here is one of the most disgusting things ever. The Zionist machine spends billions of dollars spying on Americans for years. They said over and over that their covert enterprise has actually saved lives.

Yet recently, Al Qaeda claimed responsibility on Tuesday for simultaneous raids on two Iraqi prisons and said more than 500 inmates had been set free in the operation[32]

As a result of the incident, 20 members of the security forces were killed 40 wounded in the attacks.[33] The incident also created a fear that a civil war could break out.[34]

The NSA, the Israeli-run organization that can locate your cell phone even when it is off,[35] could not locate actual terrorism. Again, what does that tell us about the NSAs covert activity? As Mac Slavo rightly puts it, the NSA

spent hundreds of billions of dollars to monitor the activities of every single American by turning their listening networks on purported domestic terrorists operating in the United States.

They know your underwear size. They know where you drove your car today. They know what you put up on Facebook, texted to your wife and emailed to your friends. And theyve done it all in the supposed interest of national security.

If, however, you were an Al Qaeda terrorist coordinating a large-scale prison break to free senior members of your mid-east terror organization, you would have been able to operate with impunity.

While our government is supposedly preventing terrorism by searching grandma at airports, , arresting kids for making jokes on the internet, deploying thousands of drones over Americas skies, and looking for lone wolves, they have failed at their absolute top priority: stopping actual terrorists from doing what terrorists do[36]

Last May, the Assyrian International News Agency reported that the Syrian rebels/terrorists/jihadists

attacked a village in Syrias Western province and slaughtered all its Christian residents on Monday. The armed rebels affiliated to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) raided the Christian-populated al-Duvair village in Reef (outskirts of) Homs near the border with Lebanon today and massacred all its civilian residents, including women and children.[37]

The only agency that intervened and killed those terrorists at the time was the Assad government.[38]

Where was the NSA then? Where was Obama? Where was the Zionist regime? They were nowhere to be found. They were too busy supporting the Syrian terrorists and tracking down Edward Snowden.[39]

After all, Congress has already signed off on army the Syrian terrorists,[40] despite the fact that Assad has been willing to engage in peace talk.[41] The only country that has loudly voiced his concerns about the United States arming Syrian terrorists is Russia.[42]

Once again, Zionism supports terrorism and pretends that it is fighting terrorism. Anyone who supports terrorist organizations or terrorist cells ought to go to jail. But in the Jewish Century, supporting the Syrian rebels/terrorists is not a crime because those terrorists are friends of Israel.

Moreover, in the Jewish Century, if the Zionist gangsters perceive that you are a neo-Nazi and have children, more than likely they will try to take your children away from you. Listen to this report by the Daily Mail:

The children of German neo-Nazis could soon be removed from their families and taken into care in a bid to beat a rise in the glorification of Hitler and the Third Reich.

German authorities are becoming increasingly concerned with the number of summer camps and special schools brainwashing youngsters into worshipping a movement that killed six million Jews in the Holocaust.

A recent raid on one camp turned up jigsaw puzzles showing Germanys pre-World War 2 borders and colouring books where children were encouraged to crayon in the moustache of Hitler.[43]

In a nutshell, Zionism does not care about the Wests future. It only cares about dominating the world and taking good care of Israel. If 2,114 precious American soldiers die in Afghanistan,[44] that is a small price to pay if you are protecting Zionism.

If military intervention in Syria could cost the U.S. one billion dollars every month,[45] that again is a very small price to pay. If poverty has risen at an astronomical rate in nations like Greece and Italy because of the economic collapse,[46] we still need to move on with perpetual wars in the Middle East.

Chuck Hagel recently said that Our people are strong and resilient after 12 years of war, but they are under stress and so are the institutions that support them.[47]

Yes, perpetual wars are getting boring, and both the American people and our precious soldiers who are getting killed for Israel are exhausted. It is time for serious politicians to reexamine our unconditional support for Israel, Americas greatest enemy.

I have been saying for months that Iran is not an enemy of the United Statesour allies are. Just a few days ago, John Glaser of the Washington Times had this to say:

Contrary to dominant thinking in Washington, Iran poses no immediate threat to the U.S. In fact, our Middle Eastern allies, eager to have America do their fighting for them, wildly inflate the supposed threat from Iran.

The U.S. has built up various alliances in the Middle East since WWII in order to fulfill a larger strategy of controlling the flow of oil and preventing the emergence of another power in the region that would threaten U.S. dominance. In the course of building these alliances, Washington has signed security agreements with these countries, promising to subsidize their militaries and come to their defense. In essence, this makes their problems our problems. Our closest allies in the region, Israel and the Arab Gulf states, hate Iran for a variety of strategic, cultural, religious, and ideological reasons. As a result, they have hyped the threat of Iran and frightened Americans into thinking the Islamic Republic poses an existential threat to America. In an interview on CBSs Face the Nation this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned us that Iran is building ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) to reach the American mainland in a few years, adding that, theyre getting closer and closer to the bomb, and they have to be stopped.

The problem here is that Netanyahu is exactly wrong. In reality, the current consensus in the U.S. intelligence community is that Iran has no active nuclear weapons program and has made no decision as to whether to pursue the bomb.

Recent assessments by American spy agencies, the New York Times reported last year, are broadly consistent with a2007 intelligence finding that concluded that Iran had abandoned itsnuclear weapons program years earlier and this remains the consensus view of Americas 16 intelligence agencies. Nevertheless, Netanyahu and other Israeli officials continue to go on national television and contradict U.S. intelligence findings in order to scare Americans into seeing Iran as more of a threat than it is.[48]

Hopefully the American people will unanimously come to the same conclusion before it is too late.

[1] Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Solzhenitsyn Reader (Wilmington: ISI Books, 2006), 558.

[2] Winston Churchill, Zionism vs. Bolshevism: The Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People, Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920.

[3] See for example Robert Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987); Jean-Louis Panne et al., The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999); Steven Rosefielde, Red Holocaust (New York: Routlege, 2010).

[4] Victor Serge, Bolshevism and Asia, Revolutionary History, Vol. 5. No. 3, March 1927.

[6] Jean-Louis Panne et al., The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999).

[9] Quoted in Nick Paton Walsh, Solzhenitsyn Breaks Last Taboo of the Revolution, Guardian, January 25, 2003.

[10] Daniel Pipes, Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From (New York: The Free Press), 92-94.

[12] For a detailed documentation on this, see Ted Pike, Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma (Costa Mesa: Noontide Press, 1988).

[13] Joel Greenberg, Israel Rethinks Interrogation of Arabs, NY Times, August 14, 1993.

[14] Quoted in Philip Podolsky, I Hate Arabs Because This Is a Jewish State, Times of Israel, August 31, 2012.

[16] Quoted in Robert Mackey, Account of a Lynch in Jerusalem on Facebook, NY Times, August 20, 2012.

[17] Yair Ettinger, Jerusalem Court Hands Jail Terms to Three Jewish Minors over Arab Lynchings, Haaretz, July 8, 2013.

[18] This is just a fraction of the articles: Christophe Schpoliansky, Gun in French School Shooting Linked to

Prior Atttacks, ABC News, March 19, 2012; Scott Sayare, Gunman May Have Filmed Attack at French School, NY Times, March 20, 2012; Diana Magnay and Saskya Vandoorne, French Killing Suspect Dies Shooting at Police, CNN, March 22, 2012; Sarkozy Compares Shooting Trauma to 9/11, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, March 30, 2012; Angelique Chrisafis, Toulouse Shootings: Mohamed Merah Killed as Siege Ends, Guardian, March 22, 2012; D. G. Myers, The Toulouse Shooting and the Jewish State, Commentary, March 19, 2012; Toulouse Gunman Mohamed Merah, BBC News, March 22, 2012; Robert

Zaretsky, Toulouse Tragedy Shows Rhetorics Danger, Jewish Daily Forward, March 21, 2012; Anger and Sadness after Shooting at Jewish Day School in France,; Anshel Pfeffer, Preventing Next Attack on Jewish Community, Haaretz, March 23, 2012; Melanie McDonagh, A Man Surroundedand

Some Assumptions Exposed, Spectator, March 21, 2012.

[19] Kobi Nahshoni, Safed Rabbi: Gentiles Jealous of Chosen People, Y-Net News, March 22, 2012.

[20] Oz Rosenberg, Hundreds of Beitar Jerusalem Fans Beat Up Arab Workers in Mall; No Arrests, Haaretz, March 23, 2012; Allon Sinai, Riots, Racism and the Future of Israeli Soccer, Jerusalem Post, March 28, 2012.

[21] Melanie Lidman, Protesters Rally

Against Racism at Malha Mall, Jerusalem Post, March 28, 2012.

[23] Catrina Stewart, Anti-Arab Soccer Fans Rampage in Shopping CentreBut No Arrests, Independent, March 24, 2012.

[24] Caroline Glick, Column One: Mohamed MerahMan of the West, Jerusalem Post, March 22, 2012.

[25] No Evidence of Mohamed Merah Terror Link, Says French Official, Independent, March 23, 2012.

[26] Philip Giraldi, Rioting in Tel Aviv, American Conservative, May 28, 2012.

[27] Keep Out: Racial Tension is Rising as Black Asylum-Seekers Pour In, Economist, June 2, 2012.

See the original post:
Bolshevism and Zionism Are Ideologically Indistinguishable ...

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