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Straight Talk About Zionism

Posted By on August 2, 2016

Straight Talk About Zionism: What Jewish Nationalism Means

By Mark Weber April 14, 2009

(An audio recording of this article, narrated by the author, is posted here for listening or downloading)

Its important to understand Zionism, not just because its an influential ideology and a powerful social-political movement, but also because theres a lot of ignorance, confusion and deliberate misinformation about it.

If you look up the word Zionism in a standard American dictionary, what youll find is likely to be inaccurate, or least misleading. For example, a popular and supposedly authoritative American dictionary in my office defines Zionism as A movement formerly for reestablishing, now for supporting, the Jewish national state of Israel. / 1 This definition, which is typical of American reference works, is more than just misleading. Its deceitful.

The founder of the modern Zionist movement was a Jewish writer named Theodor Herzl. In the 1890s he was living in Paris, where he was a journalist for a major newspaper in Vienna. He was deeply troubled by the widespread anti-Semitism, or anti-Jewish sentiment, in France at the time. He thought a lot about the pattern of tension, distrust and conflict between Jews and non-Jews that had persisted through the centuries, and he hit upon what he believed is a solution to this age-old problem.

Herzl laid out his views in a book, written in German, entitled The Jewish State (Der Judenstaat). Published in 1896, this work is the manifesto or basic document of the Zionist movement. A year and a half later, Herzl convened the first international Zionist conference. Fifty one years later, when the State of Israel was solemnly proclaimed at a meeting in Tel Aviv, above the speakers podium at the conference was, appropriately, a large portrait of Herzl.

In his book Herzl explained that regardless of where they live, or their citizenship, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people. He used the German word, Volk. Wherever large numbers of Jews live among non-Jews, he said, conflict is not only likely, its inevitable. He wrote: "The Jewish question exists wherever Jews live in noticeable numbers. Where it does not exist, it is brought in by arriving Jews ... I believe I understand anti-Semitism, which is a very complex phenomenon. I consider this development as a Jew, without hate or fear." / 2

In his public and private writings, Herzl explained that anti-Semitism is not an aberration, but rather a natural response by non-Jews to alien Jewish behavior and attitudes. Anti-Jewish sentiment, he said, is not due to ignorance or bigotry, as so many have claimed. Instead, he concluded, the ancient and seemingly intractable conflict between Jews and non-Jews is entirely understandable, because Jews are a distinct and separate people, with interests that are different from, and which often conflict with, the interests of the people among whom they live.

A prime source of modern anti-Jewish sentiment, Herzl believed, was that the so-called emancipation of Jews in the 18th and 19th centuries from the confined life of the ghetto into modern urban society brought them into direct economic competition with non-Jews in the middle classes. Anti-Semitism, Herzl wrote, is an understandable reaction to Jewish defects. In his diary he wrote: I find the anti-Semites are fully within their rights. / 3

Herzl maintained that Jews must stop pretending -- both to themselves and to non-Jews -- that they are like everyone else, and instead must frankly acknowledge that they are a distinct and separate people, with distinct and separate goals and interests. The only workable long-term solution, he said, is for Jews to recognize reality and live, finally, as a normal people in a separate state of their own. In a memo to the Tsar of Russia, Herzl wrote that Zionism is the final solution of the Jewish question. / 4

Over the years many other Jewish leaders have affirmed Herzls outlook. Louis Brandeis, a US Supreme Court justice and a leading American Zionist, said: Let us all recognize that we Jews are a distinctive nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station or shade of belief, is necessarily a member. / 5

Stephen S. Wise, president of the American Jewish Congress and of the World Jewish Congress, told a rally in New York in June 1938: "I am not an American citizen of the Jewish faith. I am a Jew ... Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race, and we are a race." / 6

Israels first president, Chaim Weizmann, wrote in his memoirs: Whenever the quantity of Jews in any country reaches the saturation point, that country reacts against them ... [This] reaction ... cannot be looked upon as anti-Semitism in the ordinary or vulgar sense of that word; it is a universal social and economic concomitant of Jewish immigration, and we cannot shake it off. / 7

In keeping with the Zionist worldview, Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon told a meeting of American Jews in Jerusalem in July 2004 that all Jews around the world should relocate to Israel as soon as possible. And because anti-Semitism was especially widespread in France, he added, Jews in that country should immediately move to Israel. French officials quickly, and predictably, responded by rejecting Sharons remarks as unacceptable. / 8

But imagine if the leaders of France, the United States, and other countries were to respond to those remarks by Sharon, and similar ones by other Zionists, by expressing agreement. Imagine if an American president were to respond by saying: Youre right, Mr. Sharon. We agree with you. We agree that Jews do not belong in the United States. In fact, we are ready to show our support for what you say by doing everything we can to promote and encourage all Jews to leave our country and move to Israel.

That would be the logical and honest attitude of non-Jewish political leaders who say that they support Israel and Zionism. But the political leaders of the United States, France, Britain, and other such countries today are neither honest nor consistent.

During the 1930s, one European government that was honest and consistent in its attitude on this issue was the government of Third Reich Germany. Jewish Zionists and German National Socialists shared similar views about how best to handle what Herzl called the Jewish question. They agreed that Jews and Germans were distinctly different nationalities, and that Jews did not belong in Europe, but rather in the so-called "Jewish homeland in Palestine.

On the basis of their shared views, Germans and Jews worked together for what each community believed was in its own best national interest. The Hitler government vigorously supported Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 until 1940-41, when the Second World War prevented further extensive collaboration. / 9

(During the war years attitudes hardened, and policy shifted drastically. The German policy of collaboration with Zionists and support for Jewish emigration to Palestine gave way to a harsh final solution policy.)

During the 1930s, the central SS newspaper, Das Schwarze Korps, repeatedly proclaimed its support for Zionism. An article published in 1935, for example, told readers: / 10

The recognition of Jewry as a racial community based on blood and not on religion leads the German government to guarantee without reservation the racial separateness of this community. The government finds itself in complete agreement with the great spiritual movement within Jewry, the so-called Zionism, with its recognition of the solidarity of Jewry around the world, and its rejection of all assimilationist notions. On this basis, Germany undertakes measures that will surely play a significant role in the future in the handling of the Jewish problem around the world.

In late 1933, a leading German shipping line began direct passenger service from Hamburg to Haifa, Palestine, providing "strictly kosher food on board.

In September 1935, the German government enacted the Nuremberg Laws," which prohibited marriages and sexual relations between Jews and Germans and, in effect, proclaimed the countrys Jews an alien minority group. / 11 A few days after the Nuremberg Laws were enacted, the main German Zionist newspaper, the Jdische Rundschau, editorially welcomed the new measures. It explained to readers: / 12

Germany ... is meeting the demands of the World Zionist Congress when it declares the Jews now living in Germany to be a national minority. Once the Jews have been stamped a national minority it is again possible to establish normal relations between the German nation and Jewry. The new laws give the Jewish minority in Germany its own cultural life, its own national life. In future it will be able to shape its own schools, its own theater, and its own sports associations. In short, it can create its own future in all aspects of national life ...

During the 1930s, Zionist groups, working together with Third Reich authorities, organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine.

The centerpiece of German-Zionist cooperation during the Hitler era was the Transfer Agreement, a pact that enabled tens of thousands of German Jews to migrate to Palestine with their wealth. The Agreement, also known as the Haavara -- Hebrew for "transfer" -- was concluded in August 1933 following talks between German officials and an official of the Jewish Agency, the Palestine center of the World Zionist Organization. / 13

Between 1933 and 1941, some 60,000 German Jews emigrated to Palestine through the Ha'avara and other German-Zionist arrangements, or about ten percent of Germany's 1933 Jewish population. Some Ha'avara emigrants transferred considerable personal wealth from Germany to Palestine. As Jewish historian Edwin Black has noted: "Many of these people, especially in the late 1930s, were allowed to transfer actual replicas of their homes and factories -- indeed rough replicas of their very existence." / 14

The Transfer Agreement was the most far-reaching example of cooperation between Hitler's Germany and international Zionism. Through this pact, Hitler's Third Reich did more than any other government during the 1930s to support the Zionist movement and Jewish development in Palestine.

The essence of Zionism, or Jewish nationalism, is that Jews everywhere -- regardless of where they live, regardless of their religious outlook, and regardless of their citizenship -- are members of the Jewish people or nation, to whom all Jews owe a primary loyalty and allegiance.

The overwhelming majority of Jews in the United States today identify with and support Israel, and are affiliated with Zionist groups and organizations. Every significant Jewish group or association in the United States, and every prominent Jewish American political or community leader supports Israel and Zionism, in most cases fervently so. With very few exceptions, even American Jews who are critical of some of Israels more embarrassing policies nonetheless express support for Israel and the nationalist ideology upon which the Zionist state is based.

A Zionist Jew, by definition, owes his primary loyalty to the Jewish community and to Israel. Zionism is not compatible with patriotism to any country or entity other than Israel and the world Jewish community. Thats why its difficult to accept as sincere or honest the pious assurances of Jewish leaders in the United States that American Jews are just as loyal to the US as everyone else.

In the United States, nearly every prominent political leader -- Jewish and non-Jewish, Democrat and Republican -- ardently supports Israel and the Jewish nationalist ideology upon which it is based. In Washington, political leaders of both major parties insist on US support for Israel as an ethnically Jewish state. They fervently support, and eagerly seek the favor of, influential Jewish-Zionist groups, such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Everyone -- whether Jewish or non-Jewish -- who claims to support Israel should, if he is honest and consistent, endorse the view of Israeli prime minister Sharon, and other Zionist leaders, and support the migration of Jews everywhere to Israel. But of course thats not what happens.

With regard to Zionism and Israel, the attitude and policies of nearly all American political leaders, Jewish and non-Jewish, is characterized by hypocrisy and deceit. To put it another way, Zionist Jews and their non-Jewish supporters embrace a blatant double standard. Jewish-Zionist organizations, along with their non-Jewish allies, support one social-political ideology for Israel and the world Jewish community, and a completely different one for the United States and other non-Jewish countries. They insist that ethnic nationalism is evil and bad for non-Jews, while at the same time they vigorously support ethnic nationalism -- that is, Zionism -- for Jews.

They insist that Israel is and must be a Jewish nationalist state, with a privileged status for its Jewish population, including immigration laws that discriminate against non-Jews. At the same time, Jewish-Zionist groups and leaders, and the non-Jews who support them, insist that in the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other countries, there must be no privileged status for anyone based on race, ethnicity or religion.

Our political leaders tell us that American Jews should be encouraged to think of themselves as a distinct national group with an identity and community interests separate from those of other Americans. At the same time American politicians insist that Zionist Jews be given all rights as full and equal US citizens. On the basis of this double standard, Jews are given a privileged status in American political and cultural life.

Americans are led to believe that Zionism is a benign outlook of altruistic and righteous support for a so-called Jewish homeland. In fact, Zionism is an ideology and movement of ethnically-based Jewish nationalism that reinforces the identity and self-image of Jews as a distinct and separate community with interests different from those of non-Jews, and which strengthens the already powerful world Jewish community.


Read the original here:
Straight Talk About Zionism

Anti-Zionism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted By on July 9, 2016

Anti-Zionism is opposition to Zionism, broadly defined in the modern era as the opposition to the ethnonationalist and political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the establishment of a Jewish state as a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (also referred to as Palestine, Canaan or the Holy Land) or to the modern State of Israel as defined as A Jewish and Democratic State.

The term is used to describe various religious, moral and political points of view, but their diversity of motivation and expression is sufficiently different that "anti-Zionism" cannot be seen as having a single ideology or source. According to many notable Jewish and non-Jewish sources, anti-Zionism has become a cover for modern-day antisemitism, a position that critics have challenged as a tactic to silence criticism of Israeli policies.

Opposition to a Jewish state has changed over time and has taken on a diverse spectrum of religious, ethical and political positions.

There is a long tradition of Jewish anti-Zionism that has opposed the Zionist project from its origins. The Bundists, the Autonomists, Reform Judaism and the Agude regarded both the rationale and territorial ambitions of Zionism as flawed. Orthodox Judaism, which grounds civic responsibilities and patriotic feelings in religion, was strongly opposed to Zionism because, though the two shared the same values, Zionism espoused nationalism in secular fashion, and used "Zion", "Jerusalem," "Land of Israel", "redemption" and "ingathering of exiles" as literal rather than sacred terms, endeavouring to achieve them in this world.[1] Orthodox Jews also opposed the creation of a Jewish state prior to the appearance of the messiah, as contradicting divine will.[2] By contrast, reform Jews rejected Judaism as a national or ethnic identity, and renounced any messianic expectations of the advent of a Jewish state.[3]

Other objections relate to the maintenance of a Jewish majority within the present state of Israel.

Post-Zionism a related term has been criticized as being equivalent to anti-Zionism.[4]

The legitimacy of anti-Zionist views has been disputed to the present day, including the more recent and disputed relationship between anti-Zionism and antisemitism.[5] Other views regarding the various forms of anti-Zionism have also been discussed and debated.[6][7][8]

After some technical clarifications the Gemara presents collections of sayings illustrating attitudes to the Land of Israel. The first is dramatized as a conversation between Rav Yehuda bar Ezekiel and Rabbi Zeira, when the latter decided to emigrate from Babylonia to Israel; in its present literary form it expresses ongoing rivalries between two centres of Jewish life. Yos bar anina's 'three oaths', including 'that they shall not go up in military formation', have frequently been cited by religious opponents to political Zionism; Zionists have been happier with the views of Rabbi Eleazar, a devoted advocate of the Land.

Hope for return to the land of Israel is embodied in the content of the Jewish religion (see Kibbutz Galuyot.) Aliyah, the Hebrew word meaning "ascending" or "going up", is the word used to describe religious Jewish return to Israel, and has been used since ancient times. From the Middle Ages and onwards, many famous rabbis and often their followers returned to the land of Israel. These have included Nahmanides, Yechiel of Paris, Isaac Luria, Yosef Karo, Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk among others. For Jews in the Diaspora Eretz Israel was revered in a religious sense. They prayed, and thought of the return, as being fulfilled in a messianic age.[10] Return remained a recurring theme for generations, particularly in Passover and Yom Kippur prayers which traditionally concluded with, "Next year in Jerusalem," as well as the thrice-daily Amidah (Standing prayer).[citation needed]

Following Jewish Enlightenment however, Reform Judaism dropped many traditional beliefs, including aliyah, as incompatible with modern life within the Diaspora. Later, Zionism re-kindled the concept of aliyah in an ideological and political sense, parallel with traditional religious belief; it was used to increase Jewish population in the Holy Land by immigration and it remains a basic tenet of Zionist ideology. Support for aliyah does not always equal immigration however, as a majority of the world Jewish population remains within the Diaspora. Support for the modern Zionist movement is not universal and, as a result, some religious Jews as well as some secular Jews do not support Zionism. Non-Zionist Jews are not necessarily anti-Zionists, although some are. Generally however, Zionism does have the support of the majority of the Jewish religious organizations, with support from segments of the Orthodox movement, and most of the Conservative, and more recently, the Reform movement.[11][12][13]

Many Hasidic rabbis oppose the creation of a Jewish state. The leader of the Satmar Hasidic group, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum's book, VaYoel Moshe, published in 1958, expounds one Orthodox position on Zionism, based on a literal form of midrash (biblical interpretation). Citing to Tractate Kesubos 111a of the Talmud Teitelbaum states that God and the Jewish people exchanged three oaths at the time of the Jews' exile from ancient Israel, forbidding the Jewish people from massively immigrating to the Land of Israel, and from rebelling against the nations of the world.

In the early history of Zionism many traditional religious Jews opposed ideas of nationalism (Jewish or otherwise) which they regarded as a secular ideology, which some viewed as a violation of the Three Oaths. Key traditionalist opponents of Zionism included Isaac Breuer, Hillel Zeitlin, Aaron Shmuel Tamares, Elazar Shapiro (Muncatz), and Joel Teitelbaum, all waged ideological religious, as well as political, battles with Zionism each in their own way.[14]

Most Orthodox religious groups have accepted and actively support the State of Israel, even if they have not adopted "Zionist" ideology. The World Agudath Israel party (founded in Poland) has at times participated in Israeli government coalitions. Most religious Zionists hold pro-Israel views from a right-wing viewpoint. The main exceptions are Hasidic groups such as Satmar Hasidim, which have about 100,000 adherents worldwide, as well as numerous different, smaller Hasidic groups, unified in America in the Central Rabbinical Congress of the United States and Canada and in Israel in the Edah HaChareidis.[15][16]

The Jewish community is not a single united group and responses vary both between and within Jewish groups. One of the principal divisions is that between secular Jews and religious Jews. The reasons for secular opposition to the Zionist movement are very different from those of religious Jews.

Prior to the Second World War many Jews regarded Zionism as a fanciful and unrealistic movement.[17] Many liberals during the European Enlightenment had argued that Jews should enjoy full equality only on the condition that they pledge their singular loyalty to their nation-state and entirely assimilate to the local national culture; they called for the "regeneration" of the Jewish people in exchange for rights. Those liberal Jews who accepted integration and/or assimilation principles saw Zionism as a threat to efforts to facilitate Jewish citizenship and equality within the European nation-state context.[18]

The Jewish Anti-Zionist League, in Egypt, was a Communist-influenced anti-Zionist league in the years 19461947. In Israel, there are several Jewish anti-Zionist organisations and politicians, many of these are related to Matzpen.[citation needed]

Noam Chomsky has reported a change in the boundaries of what are considered Zionist and anti-Zionist views.[19] In 1947, in his youth, Chomsky's support for a socialist binational state, in conjunction with his opposition to any semblance of a theocratic system of governance in Israel, was at the time considered well within the mainstream of secular Zionism; today, it lands him solidly in the anti-Zionist camp.[20]Ruth Wisse wrote of liberal American group J Street as evidence of an "anomalous pattern of internal defection" created as a result of anti-Zionism.[21]

Alvin H. Rosenfeld in his much discussed essay, Progressive Jewish Thought and the New Anti-Semitism,[22] claims that a "number of Jews, through their speaking and writing, are feeding a rise in virulent antisemitism by questioning whether Israel should even exist."[23] Rosenfeld's general claims are:

Some Jewish organizations oppose Zionism as an integral part of their anti-imperialism.[24][25][26][27] Some secular Jews today, particularly socialists and Marxists, continue to oppose the State of Israel on anti-imperialist and human rights grounds. Many oppose it as a form of nationalism, which they argue to be a product of capitalist societies. One secular anti-Zionist group today is the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, a socialist, anti-war, and anti-imperialist organization which calls for "the dismantling of Israeli apartheid, the return of Palestinian refugees, and the ending of the Israeli colonization of historic Palestine".[28]

Attitudes changed during and following the war. In May, 1942, before the full revelation of the Holocaust, the Biltmore Program proclaimed a fundamental departure from traditional Zionist policy of a "homeland"[29] with its demand "that Palestine be established as a Jewish Commonwealth." Opposition to official Zionisms firm, unequivocal stand caused some prominent Zionists to establish their own party, Ichud (Unification), which advocated an Arab Jewish Federation in Palestine. Opposition to the Biltmore Program also led to the founding of the anti-Zionist American Council for Judaism.[30]

The full knowledge of the Holocaust altered the views of many who critiqued Zionism before 1948, including the British journalist Isaac Deutscher, a socialist and lifelong atheist who nevertheless emphasised the importance of his Jewish heritage. Before World War II, Deutscher opposed Zionism as economically retrograde and harmful to the cause of international socialism, but in the aftermath of the Holocaust he regretted his pre-war views, arguing for Israel's establishment as a "historic necessity" to provide a refuge for the surviving Jews of Europe. In the 1960s, Deutscher renewed his criticism of Zionism, scrutinizing Israel for its failure to recognise the dispossession of the Palestinians.[citation needed]

David Novak writes that many Jewish anti-Zionists resent the way Zionism 'mak(es) Jewishly unwarranted claims on them and other Jews.[31] According to Jonathan Judaken, 'numerous Jewish traditions have insisted that preservation of what is most precious about Judaism and Jewishness demands a principled anti-Zionism or post-Zionism.' This tradition dwindled in the aftermath of the Holocaust, and the establishment of Israel but is still alive in religious groups such as Neturei Karta and among many intellectuals of Jewish background in both Israel and the diaspora, such as George Steiner, Tony Judt and Baruch Kimmerling .[32]

A combination of revisionist history and group mentality maintains a significant Zionist consensus among Diaspora Jews we see Palestinians living in poverty, their families killed and their homes destroyed, and are told that this is because Hamas does not care for its own people, unlike Israel. [...] While today a majority of observing Jews identify with the state of Israel, there is both a growing and visible minority of anti- and non-Zionist Jews, and a rich history of anti-Zionism within Judaism. Political movements like The Jewish Labour Bund and thinkers such as Abraham Serfaty, Emma Goldman and Leon Trotsky are often ignored or dismissed as "self-hating traitors". In the UK today groups like Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Jewdas, Young Jewish Left and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist network are active voices against the occupation.

"Progressive Jewish Thought and the New Anti-Semitism," an essay published by the American Jewish Committee, concludes that, with the maturing of Israel since its founding in 1948, the term anti-Zionism in scholarly work is often used to mean advocating the elimination of the State of Israel.[34]Brian Klug of The Guardian has argued that anti-Zionism can represent fair opposition to the current political order in Israel.[35]

Anti-Zionism in the Arab world emerged at the end of the 19th century, very soon after the First Zionist Congress was held in Basel in 1897.[36] However, only after the Young Turk revolution in 1908 opposition to Zionism in Palestine and Greater Syria became widespread.[37]

According to philosopher Michael Neumann, Zionism as an "expansionist threat" has caused Arab hostility toward Israel and even antisemitism.[38] Anti-Zionist sentiment has increased with ongoing Arab Israeli conflicts: after the June 1967 Six-Day War where Israel gained control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights; during the 1982 Lebanon War where Israel Defense Forces invaded southern Lebanon, attacking the PLO, as well as Syria, leftist and Muslim Lebanese forces, leading to Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon; the 2002 Operation Defensive Shield in the West Bank, including the attack on the Jenin refugee camp; the 2006 Lebanon War; and the 20082009 IsraelGaza conflict.

Pan-Arabist narratives in the 1960s Nasser era emphasized the idea of Palestine as a part of the Arab world taken by others. In this narrative, the natural means of combating Zionism is Arab nations uniting and attacking Israel militarily.

In contrast, a poll of 507 Arab-Israelis conducted by the Israeli Democracy Institute in 2007 found that 75 percent profess support for Israel's status as a Jewish and democratic state which guarantees equal rights for minorities. Israeli Arab support for a constitution in general was 88 percent.[39]

Muslim anti-Zionism considers the State of Israel an intrusion into what many Muslims consider to be Dar al-Islam, a domain rightfully, and permanently, ruled only by Muslims due the fact it was historically conquered in the name of Islam.[40][41][42]

Palestinian and other Muslim groups, as well as the government of Iran (since the 1979 Islamic Revolution), insist that the State of Israel is illegitimate and refuse to refer to it as "Israel," instead using the locution "the Zionist entity" (see IranIsrael relations). Islamic maps of the Middle East frequently do not show the State of Israel. In an interview with Time Magazine in December 2006, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said "Everyone knows that the Zionist regime is a tool in the hands of the United States and British governments."[43]

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al Husseini opposed the Jewish immigration to Palestine before the creation of the State of Israel, and in several documented cases expressed his hostility toward Jews in general and Zionists in particular.[44]

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, whom the Anti-Defamation League named "the leading anti-Semite in America",[45] has a long track record of hostility towards Jews in general and Zionists in particular.[46]

Palestinian Christian owned Falastin was founded in 1911 in the then Arab-majority city of Jaffa. The newspaper is often described as one of the most influential newspapers in historic Palestine, and probably the nation's fiercest and most consistent critic of the Zionist movement. It helped shape Palestinian identity and nationalism and was shut down several times by the Ottoman and British authorities, most of the time due to complaints made by Zionists.[47]

The World Council of Churches (WCC) has been described as taking anti-Zionist positions in connection with its criticisms of Israeli policy.[48] It is claimed the council has focused disproportionately on activities and publications criticizing Israel in comparison with other human rights issues.[49][50] The council members have been characterized by Israel's former Justice minister Amnon Rubinstein as anti-Zionist, saying "they just hate Israel."[51] The WCC has been charged with prioritising Anti-Zionism to the extent it has neglected appeals from Egyptian Copts to raise their plight under Sadat and Mubarak in order to avoid distracting world attention.[48][52]

After publishing "Zionism unsettled," which it initially commended as "a valuable opportunity to explore the political ideology of Zionism,"[53] the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) promptly withdrew the publication from sale on its website[54] following criticism that it was Anti-Zionist, one critic claimed it posits that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is fueled by a 'pathology inherent in Zionism.'[55] In February 2016, the General Assembly was lobbied by its Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) to lay aside a two state solution and support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.[56][57] Presbyterians for Middle East Peace described this proposal as a "one-sided, zero-sum solution".[58]

In January 2015, the Lausanne movement, published an article in its official journal made comparisons between Christian Zionism, the crusades and the Spanish Inquisition and described Zionism as "apartheid on steroids".[60][61][62] The Simon Wiesenthal Center described this last claim as "the big lie," and rebutted the "dismissal of the validity of Israels right to exist as the Jewish State".[63]

Despite its strong historic support for Restorationism, famously by Robert Murray M'Chyene and by both Horatius and Andrew Bonar, in April 2013 the Church of Scotland published "The Inheritance of Abraham: A Report on the Promised Land", which rejected the idea of a special right of Jewish people to the Holy Land through analysis of scripture and Jewish theological claims. The report further denied the "belief among some Jewish people that they have a right to the land of Israel as a compensation for the suffering of the Holocaust" and argued that "it is a misuse of the Bible to use it as a topographic guide to settle contemporary conflicts over land." The report was criticised by Jewish leaders in Scotland as "biased, weak on sources, and contradictory. The picture it paints of both Judaism and Israel is barely even a caricature."[64][65] Subsequently the Church issued a statement saying that the Church had not changed its "long held position of the rights of Israel to exist."[66] It also revised the report.[67]

Charles and John Wesley, founders of the Methodist Church, held Restorationist views.[68] Following the submission of a report entitled 'Justice for Palestine and Israel' in July 2010, the UK Methodist Conference questioned whether 'Zionism was compatible with Methodist beliefs'.[69][70] Christian Zionism was characterised as believing that Israel "must be held above criticism whatever policy is enacted," and conference called for a boycott of selected Israeli goods "emanating from illegal settlements."[71] The UK's Chief Rabbi described the report as "unbalanced, factually and historically flawed," and said that it offered "no genuine understanding of one of the most complex conflicts in the world today. Many in both communities will be deeply disturbed."[69][70]

Anti-Zionism has a long history of being supported by various individuals and groups associated with Third Position, Right-wing and Fascist (or "Neo-Fascist") political views.[72][73][74][75] Whether it's David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan,[76] or lesser-known organizations like the Anti-Zionist League and various other Aryan / White-supremacist groups,[77][78] Anti-Zionism (usually along with adamant Anti-Semitism) has been entrenched in a significant portion of those communities for years. Many of these groups' Anti-Zionist views often revolve around the conspiracy theories discussed below (See: Anti-Zionist Conspiracy Theories).

During the last years of Stalin's rule, official support for the creation of Israel in 1948 was replaced by strong anti-zionism. The level of confrontation with those deemed as anti-Soviet "Jewish nationalists" was toned down after Stalin's death in 1953, but the official position of opposition to Zionism remained in force: the Anti-Zionist Committee of the Soviet Public, as well as numerous other initiatives, were state-sponsored.[citation needed]

As outlined in the third edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (19691978), the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's position during the Cold War became: "the main posits of modern Zionism are militant chauvinism, racism, anti-Communism and anti-Sovietism, [...] overt and covert fight against freedom movements and the USSR."[79]

Anti-Zionist sentiments were also manifested in organisations such as the Organization for African Unity and the Non-Aligned Movement, which passed resolutions condemning Zionism and equating it with racism and apartheid during the early 1970s. This culminated in the passing by the United Nations General Assembly of Resolution 3379 in November 1975, which declared that "Zionism is a form of racism."[80]

The decision was revoked on 16 December 1991, when the General Assembly passed Resolution 4686, repealing resolution 3379, by a vote of 111 to 25, with 13 abstentions and 17 delegations absent. Thirteen out of the 19 Arab countries, including those engaged in negotiations with Israel, voted against the repeal, another six were absent. No Arab country voted for repeal. The Palestine Liberation Organisation denounced the vote. All of the ex-communist countries and most of the African countries who had supported Resolution 3379 voted to repeal it. Only four non-Muslim countries voted against the resolution: Cuba, Sri Lanka, North Korea and Vietnam. Likewise, only four Muslim countries voted for the resolution: Cote d'Ivoire, Albania, the Gambia and Nigeria. The rest abstained (including Turkey) or absented themselves.[81]

After Israel occupied Palestinian territory following the 1967 Six-Day War, some African-Americans supported the Palestinians and criticized Israel's actions, for example by publicly supporting Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat and calling for the destruction of the Jewish state.[82] Immediately after the war, the black power organization Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee published a newsletter criticizing Israel, and asserting that the war was an effort to regain Palestinian land and that during the 1948 war, "Zionists conquered the Arab homes and land through terror, force, and massacres".[83] In 1993, philosopher Cornel West wrote: "Jews will not comprehend what the symbolic predicament and literal plight of Palestinians in Israel means to blacks.... Blacks often perceive the Jewish defense of the state of Israel as a second instance of naked group interest, and, again, an abandonment of substantive moral deliberation."[84] African-American support of Palestinians is frequently due to the consideration of Palestinians as people of color political scientist Andrew Hacker writes: "The presence of Israel in the Middle East is perceived as thwarting the rightful status of people of color. Some blacks view Israel as essentially a white and European power, supported from the outside, and occupying space that rightfully belongs to the original inhabitants of Palestine."[85]

A number of sources, such as French Prime Minister Manuel Valls,[86] link anti-Zionism with antisemitism.[87][88][89][90][91] Professor Kenneth L. Marcus, former staff director at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, identifies four main views on the relationship between anti-Zionism and antisemitism, at least in North America:[92](p.845846) Marcus also states:[93] "Unsurprisingly, recent research has shown a close correlation between anti-Israeli views and anti-Semitic views based on a survey of citizens in ten European countries."[94]

Critics such as Michael Neumann, Judith Butler and Steven Salaita challenge the equation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism as a tactic to silence criticism of Israeli policies.[95]

Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky argues that the premise of the claim assumes that Israel's interests are Jewish interests, and thus any defender of Palestinian rights against a rejectionist Greater Israel is made out to be "objectively antisemitic". This construal of anti-Zionism as antisemitic, he argues, is an old tactic, going back to Ben-Gurion's remark in 1943, and evidenced after 1967 in a remark by Abba Eban in 1973, who stated: "one of the chief tasks of any dialogue with the Gentile world is to prove that the distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is not a distinction at all.".[96]

In response to a working draft Statement of Principles Against Intolerance at UCLA which contained the claim that 'historic manifestations of antiSemitism have changed and that expressions of antiSemitism are more coded and difficult to identify', that opposition to Zionism often asserts prejudice and intolerance towards Jews, and that 'antiSemitism, antiZionism and other forms of discrimination have no place at the University of California,' Rabbi Brant Rosen, an alumnus of UCLA replied that while some anti-Semites lurk behind the label of anti-Zionism, 'it is incorrect and even disingenuous of the report to make the unsupported claim that anti-Zionism is often expressed (as) assertions of prejudice and intolerance toward Jewish people and culture, and blithely conflate anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism as a form of discrimination. .'[97]

Tariq Ali, British-Pakistani historian

Tariq Ali, a British-Pakistani historian and political activist, argues that the concept of new antisemitism amounts to an attempt to subvert the language in the interests of the State of Israel. He writes that the campaign against "the supposed new 'anti-semitism'" in modern Europe is a "cynical ploy on the part of the Israeli Government to seal off the Zionist state from any criticism of its regular and consistent brutality against the Palestinians... Criticism of Israel can not and should not be equated with anti-semitism." He argues that most pro-Palestinian, anti-Zionist groups that emerged after the Six-Day War were careful to observe the distinction between anti-Zionism and antisemitism.[98][99] Others go the other way and claim "anti-Zionism" has become a requisite proof of progressive conviction today, and is similar to Jews converting to Christianity a century ago.[100]

Norman Finkelstein

According to Norman Finkelstein: "Every time Israel comes under international pressure, as it did recently because of the war crimes committed in Lebanon, it steps up the claim of anti-Semitism, and all of Israel's critics are anti-Semitic."[101]

Finkelstein argues that anti-Zionism and often just criticism of Israeli policies have been conflated with antisemitism, sometimes called new antisemitism for political gain: "Whenever Israel faces a public relations dbcle such as the Intifada or international pressure to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict, American Jewish organizations orchestrate this extravaganza called the 'new anti-Semitism.' The purpose is several-fold. First, it is to discredit any charges by claiming the person is an anti-Semite. It's to turn Jews into the victims, so that the victims are not the Palestinians any longer. As people like Abraham Foxman of the ADL put it, the Jews are being threatened by a new holocaust. It's a role reversal the Jews are now the victims, not the Palestinians. So it serves the function of discrediting the people leveling the charge. It's no longer Israel that needs to leave the Occupied Territories; it's the Arabs who need to free themselves of the anti-Semitism."[102][103]

Brian Klug

Brian Klug argues that equating anti-Zionism to antisemitism poisoned the debate regarding Israel and their policies, stating,

"We should unite in rejecting racism in all its forms: the Islamophobia that demonises Muslims, as well as the anti-semitic discourse that can infect anti-Zionism and poison the political debate. However, people of goodwill can disagree politically - even to the extent of arguing over Israel's future as a Jewish state. Equating anti-Zionism with anti-semitism can also, in its own way, poison the political debate."[104]

On January 15, 2004, Klug wrote:

Nonetheless, the inference is invalid. To argue that hostility to Israel and hostility to Jews are one and the same thing is to conflate the Jewish state with the Jewish people. In fact, Israel is one thing, Jewry another. Accordingly, anti-Zionism is one thing, anti-Semitism another. They are separate. To say they are separate is not to say that they are never connected. But they are independent variables that can be connected in different ways.[99]

Further discussion

In the early 21st century, it was also claimed that a "new antisemitism" had emerged which was rooted in anti-Zionism.[5][6][7][8][90][105][106] Advocates of this concept argue that much of what purports to be criticism of Israel and Zionism is demonization, and has led to an international resurgence of attacks on Jews and Jewish symbols and an increased acceptance of antisemitic beliefs in public discourse.[107] Critics of the concept as Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Marder, and Tariq Ali have suggested that the characterization of anti-Zionism as antisemitic is inaccurate, sometimes obscures legitimate criticism of Israel's policies and actions and trivializes antisemitism.

David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

According to David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, "there has been an insidious, creeping attempt to delegitimize the state of Israel, which spills over often into anti-Semitism."[108]

Joschka Fischer, German Foreign Minister

In July 2001, the Simon Wiesenthal Center reported that during a visit there, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer stated that "anti-Zionism inevitably leads to antisemitism." [109] In 2015, the Center observed in a newsletter introducing its report on North American campus life, that 'virulent anti-Zionism is often a thinly-veiled disguise for virulent anti-Semitism'.[110]

Robert S. Wistrich, Israeli professor

Professor Robert S. Wistrich, head of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is the originator of Marcus's second view of anti-Zionism (that anti-Zionism and antisemitism merged post-1948) argues that much contemporary anti-Zionism, particularly forms that compare Zionism and Jews with Hitler and the Third Reich, has become a form of antisemitism:

Anti-Zionism has become the most dangerous and effective form of anti-Semitism in our time, through its systematic delegitimization, defamation, and demonization of Israel. Although not a priori anti-Semitic, the calls to dismantle the Jewish state, whether they come from Muslims, the Left, or the radical Right, increasingly rely on an anti-Semitic stereotypization of classic themes, such as the manipulative "Jewish lobby," the Jewish/Zionist "world conspiracy," and Jewish/Israeli "warmongers."[111]

Ben-Dror Yemini, Israeli journalist

Israeli journalist Ben-Dror Yemini maintains that anti-Zionism is "politically correct antisemitism" and argues that the same way Jews were demonized, Israel is demonized, the same way the right of Jews to exist was denied, the right for Self-determination is denied from Israel, the same way Jews were presented as a menace to the world, Israel is presented as a menace to the world.[112]


In the 2015, a German court in Essen ruled that anti-Zionism and antisemitism were equivalent. "'Zionist in the language of anti-Semites is a code for Jew," Judge Gauri Sastry said in a groundbreaking legal decision. Taylan Can, a German citizen of Turkish origin, yelled "death and hate to Zionists" at an anti-Israel rally in Essen in July 2014, and was convicted for hate crime.[113] In contrast, in February 2015, a court in Wuppertal convicted two German Palestinians of an arson attack on a synagogue, but denied that the crime was motivated by antisemitism.[114]

Dina Porat, head of ISAR

Dina Porat (head of the Institute for Study of Antisemitism and Racism at Tel-Aviv University) contends that anti-Zionism is antisemitic because it is discriminatory:

...antisemitism is involved when the belief is articulated that of all the peoples on the globe (including the Palestinians), only the Jews should not have the right to self-determination in a land of their own. Or, to quote noted human rights lawyer David Matas: One form of antisemitism denies access of Jews to goods and services because they are Jewish. Another form of antisemitism denies the right of the Jewish people to exist as a people because they are Jewish. Antizionists distinguish between the two, claiming the first is antisemitism, but the second is not. To the antizionist, the Jew can exist as an individual as long as Jews do not exist as a people.[115]

Liel Leibovitz, Israeli American journalist

Israeli American journalist Liel Leibovitz says that 21st century "anti-Zionists" do not like Jews whether they live in Israel or anywhere else in the world. He cites the example of the "anti-Zionist" professor at Oberlin who posted antisemitic conspiracy theories on her website and the "anti-Zionist" Stanford University student who claimed that many of the classical antisemitic conspiracy theories are not antisemitic.[116]

The antisemitic hoax The Protocols of the Elders of Zion came to be used among Arab anti-Zionists, although some Arab anti-Zionists have tried to discourage its usage.[117]: 186[118]: 357 Antisemitic sources have claimed that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were read at the First Zionist Congress. Neil J. Kressel asserts that for many years the line between antisemitism and anti-Zionism has been blurry.[119]: 102

A number of conspiracies involving the Holocaust have been advanced. One advanced by the Soviets in the 1950s claims that Nazis and Zionists had a shared interest or even cooperated in the extermination of Europe's Jewry, as persecution would force them to flee to Palestine, then under British administration.[120]: 237 Claims also have been made that the Zionist movement inflated or faked the impact of the Holocaust.[121]: 2122 The President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas wrote in his 1983 book, "The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism" based on his CandSc thesis completed in 1982 at the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, with Yevgeny Primakov as thesis advisor.[122][123]

In 1968, the East German communist paper Neues Deutschland justified the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia with the headline "In Prague Zionism is in power".[127] In 1995, William Korey released a work entitled Russian antisemitism, Pamyat, and the demonology of Zionism. Korey's central argument is that the Soviet Union promoted an "official Judeophobic propaganda campaign" under the guise of anti-Zionism from 1967 to 1986; after this program was shut down by Mikhail Gorbachev, a populist and chauvinist group called Pamyat emerged in the more open climate of Glasnost to promote an openly anti-Semitic message.[128] Korey also argues that much official late-period Soviet anti-Semitism may be traced back to the influence of Protocols of the Elders of Zion. He notes, for instance, that a 1977 Soviet work entitled International Zionism: History and Politics contains the allegation that most major Wall Street financial institutions are "large financial-industrial Jewish monopolies" exercising control over many countries in the world.[129]Russian antisemitism was reviewed by Robert O. Freedman in the Slavic Review; while he concurs with the book's central thesis, Freedman nevertheless writes that the actual extent of Soviet anti-Semitism may have been less than Korey suggests.[130]

Accusations have been made regarding Zionism and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, claiming that prominent Zionists were forcing Western governments into war in the Middle East for Israel's interests.[131][132][133]

The Sudanese government has alleged that the Darfur uprising (in which some 500,000 have been killed) is part of a wider Zionist conspiracy.[134]Egyptian media have alleged that the Zionist movement deliberately spreads HIV in Egypt.[135]

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Neo-Nazi and radical Muslim groups allege the US government is controlled by Jews, describing it as the "Zionist Occupation Government".[136]

Article 22 of the 1988 Hamas charter claims that the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, colonialism and both world wars were created by the Zionists or forces supportive of Zionism. Article 32 alleges that the Zionist movement seeks to create an Empire stretching from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates river in Iraq.[137]

In April 2010, Abd Al-Azim Al-Maghrabi, the Deputy Head of Egyptian Arab Lawyers Union, stated in an interview with Al-Manar TV (as translated by MEMRI) that the Hepatitis C virus was produced by "the Zionists" and that "this virus is now spreading in Egypt like wildfire." He also called for it to be "classified as one of the war crimes perpetrated by the Zionist enemy."[138]

In June 2010, Egyptian cleric Mus'id Anwar gave a speech which aired on Al-Rahma TV (as translated by MEMRI) in which he alleged that the game of soccer (as well as swimming, bullfighting and tennis) was in fact a Zionist conspiracy, stating that:

As you know, the Jews, or the Zionists, have The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Over 100 years ago, they formulated a plan to rule the world, and they are implementing this plan. One of the protocols says: "Keep the [non-Jews] preoccupied with songs, soccer, and movies." Is it or isn't it happening? It is [...] the Zionists manage to generate animosity among Muslims, and even between Muslim countries, by means of soccer.[139]

"what was then called 'Zionist'....are now called 'anti-Zionist' (concerns and views)."

"I was interested in socialist, binationalist options for Palestine, and in the kibbutzim and the whole cooperative labor system that had developed in the Jewish settlement there (the Yishuv)...The vague ideas I had at the time [1947] were to go to Palestine, perhaps to a kibbutz, to try to become involved in efforts at Arab-Jewish cooperation within a socialist framework, opposed to the deeply antidemocratic concept of a Jewish state."

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Jewish American Heritage Month — National Register of …

Posted By on July 5, 2016

Previously Highlighted Properties

Jewish Center of Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York The Jewish Center of Coney Island, built between 1929 and 1931, is significant under criterion A for its association with the Jewish Community Center movement of the late 1910s and 1920s and as an indication of the development of Brighton Beach, at the southern edge of Brooklyn, as a new, middle-class residential neighborhood with a substantial Jewish population in the 1920s.

Hyde Park, Burkeville, Virginia The property's successful operation provided the opportunity for agriculturally skilled Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany to Immigrate to America and expand the farm's productivity during the 1930s and early 1940s.

St. Thomas Synagogue--Beracha Veshalom Vegemiluth Hasadim Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands The Synagogue of St. Thomas, called Beracha Veshalom Vegemiluth Hasidim (Blessing and Peace and Acts of Piety), built in 1833 in Charlotte Amalie on St. Thomas Island, is the second oldest and longest in continuous use synagogue in the United States. The congregation, originally Spanish and Portuguese SephardicJews, came to the Caribbean Basin to finance trade between the Europe and the New World. Commonly referred to as the St. Thomas Synagogue, it is located on the southeastern slope of Denmark Hill in one of the older residential areas of Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin islands, to the north of the towns main business district.

New England Hebrew Farmers of the Emanuel Society Synagogue and Creamery Site Village of Chesterfield, Town of Montville, Connecticut The New England Hebrew Farmers of the Emanuel Society Synagogue and Creamery Site, located in the town of Montville, Connecticut, was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on February 28, 2012 for both its historical and archaeological significance. The site includes the foundation remains of the synagogue, its associated mikvah, and a stone well, the foundation remains of the former creamery building (later converted into a dwelling and inn), a stone well, a barn, and several retaining walls.

Louis Brandeis House, Barnstable County, Massachusetts Louis Dembitz Brandeis (1856-1941) was the first Jewish person to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. Appointed by President Woodrow Wilson to the Supreme Court on January 28, 1916, Louis Brandeis was already nationally known for his progressive views. Due at these views and ethnicity, his appointment aroused a storm of protest among large segments of the nations legal establishment. None the less, he was confirmed and took the oath on June 5, 1916. His name first became nationally known with the publication in 1914 of his book Other Peoples Money and How the Bankers Use It, which critiqued corporate power in the early 20th century

Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Baltimore, Maryland The history of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum site spans nearly 200 years from its beginning in 1815 as Calverton, the country home of Baltimore banker Dennis Smith. An 1874 fire destroyed the Calverton mansion, and led to the construction of the present building, which was specifically designed as an orphanage and was dedicated in 1876.

Chevra Bnai Yisroel Synagogue, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa Designed by local architect, J. Chris Jensen, the Chevra Bnai Yisroel Synagogue reflects the congregations orthodox origins in its original design, with later remodeling reflecting the subsequent changes in the congregations religious outlook and traditions. The congregation associated with the Chevra Bnai Yisroel Synagogue in Council Bluffs, Iowa, was originally affiliated with Orthodox Judaism, later with Conservative Judaism, and most recently with Reconstuctionalist Judaism.

Jewish Shelter Home, Multnomah County, Oregon The Shelter Home provided the Jewish immigrant district a certain continuity and support the Shelter Home allowed Jewish children of disrupted family backgrounds a Jewish upbringing which they quite possibly would have missed had they been placed in a state-operated orphanage. In the course of a year, 18 to 20 children would pass through the house; each staying whatever time was necessary. This process was extremely important to the maintenance of Jewish culture and society in South Portland.

Park Circle Historic District (Baltimore, MD) Park Circle Historic District in Baltimore, Maryland was an early suburban Jewish neighborhood developed when the children of Eastern European immigrants moved from East Baltimore to the city's northwest outskirts, setting the pattern for further expansion of Baltimore's Jewish community to the northwest.

Beth Sholom Synagogue (Elkins Park, PA) was one of a handful of Wright buildings singled out in 1959 by the American institute of Architects and the National Trust for Historic Preservation

Mill House (Orange County, NY) In 1710, Luis Moses Gomez, the son of a well-to-do Jewish immigrant merchant, and a member of one of the foremost Jewish families in colonial New York, began to purchase land in Ulster and Orange Counties, finally acquiring about 2500 acres. On this tract of land Gomez constructed a stone house, the original section of the present Mill House, to accommodate his fur trading business with the American Indians.

Albert Einstein House (Princeton, New Jersey): Albert Einstein, considered the greatest physicist of all time and named in 1999 Time Magazines Person of the Century, was born to Jewish parents in Ulm, Germany in 1879. Although most famous for his theory of relativity (and specifically mass-energy equivalence, E=mc), he was also known as an international advocate of peace, human rights and an early supporter of a homeland for the Jewish people.

Historic Synagogues of Connecticut: In 1818 a constitutional convention in Connecticut resulted in the disestablishment of the Congregational Church as a tax-supported institution. At this time less than a dozen people of the Jewish faith were known to live in Connecticut. Jewish public worship was not permitted in Connecticut until 1843.

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Jewish American Heritage Month -- National Register of ...

Zionism and Judaism Let Us Define Our Terms

Posted By on June 20, 2016

My task today is to speak about Judaism and Zionism. Given the current assumptions of the mass media that seems to be a redundant title. Arent the two one and the same? Isnt Judaism Zionism? Arent Jews by definition Zionists? This is an impression which is, as I hope will become absolutely clear by the end of this talk, totally false. It is, however, an impression that is today quite widespread, both among non Jews as well as misinformed Jews.

The correction of the historical record in the case of any falsification is beneficial, for, as is well known, the seal of the Creator is truth. In the case of Zionism it is not merely an academic error. It is one that has caused much death and destruction in the past and will only continue to do so in the future, G-d forbid, if it is left uncorrected. In fact, it is my hope and prayer that todays talk will be the first step of a process which may yet lead to a just solution to the Middle Easts agony or, at least, a significant easing of its peoples suffering.

Triumph of Falsity But first we must ask a simple question. Why has the lie, which equates Judaism and Zionism, triumphed? Why, has what is so demonstrably false, captured the citadels of Western public opinion? And, in the end, what can we do about it? History is invariably written by those who emerge victorious from its struggles. In the case of the Zionist/Palestinian struggle of the past century this factor immediately places the Israeli state, its propagandists and international apologists, in the ideological drivers seat.

Second, the suffering of the Jewish people in the Second World War in Europe created extraordinary sympathy among the peoples of the earth and it was this sincere and commendable sympathy that has been incessantly exploited by the Zionist propaganda machine since 1945.

Last, Zionist propagandists are always given to bullying tactics and censorship. It is very helpful in this regard to read former Congressman Findleys book, They Dared to Speak Out. It is the sorry record of the immense resources that the Zionist lobby invested in destroying the careers of politicians all across the United States who had voiced some qualms about this nations subservience to Israel.

Of course, anti - Zionist Jews of all political and religious orientations have long experienced the lash of the Zionist movement. In 1924, a scholarly Dutch Jew, Dr. Jacob Israel de Hahn, who functioned as a secretary of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (1849 - 1932 ) Chief Rabbi of Palestine, (may their memories be blessed) was murdered as he returned from evening prayers outside Shaarui Zedek hospital in Jerusalem. His crime was that he had been involved in discussions with Arab leaders that offered an alternative to Zionist hegemony. His murderers were members of the Haganah, a Zionist, so - called defense organization. In fact, Dr. de Hahn may well be described as the first victim of Zionist violence in the Holy Land.

Yet, outside of a limited circle of anti - Zionist Jews, this cowardly and cold blooded murder is completely unknown.

Equally unknown to the general public was the ease with which Zionists turned on their fellow Jews, as in the sinking of Jewish refugee ships calculated to elicit world sympathy such as the S.S. Patria in 1940 and the S. S. Struma in 1941 which cost the lives of 276 innocent Jews in the case of the former and 769 in the case of the latter.

More is known about pre - state terror campaigns against Arab and British innocents. Clearly, this was a movement that found human life cheap and public criticism intolerable.

Fortunately, though, Zionism is missing the most potent weapon in any ideologys arsenal. It doesnt have the truth on its side.

Thus, we find that, today, despite the power of the Zionist lobby and the subservience, until recently, of most politicians, media outlets and educational settings here in America, to its dictates, the historical blackout is coming to an end.

More and more people are questioning the Zionist version of history. At the United Nations and throughout Europe the questions have already been raised and largely answered. The answers are a variety of criticisms of the Israeli state. Some of these center on Israels practices. Others point to its underlying philosophy.

Neturei Karta International has always been in the forefront of those voices that have been raised in opposition to Zionism.

Our opposition has taken us around the world, to Yemen and Iran, to South Africa and Geneva to attend this past years UN Conference on Racism (and I believe we have copies available of the talks delivered there).

Our supporters have stood up to Zionist censorship and terror in the streets of Jerusalem, Manhattan, London, Manchester, Montreal and wherever Orthodox Jewish communities may be found. But, we are getting ahead of ourselves. In order to understand the sources of the current pain in the Middle East, we must define our terms. What is Judaism and what is Zionism?

Definitions Judaism is the faith of the Jewish people. It is rooted in the revelation at Sinai where the Torah was given by G-d to man. The doctrines and laws there revealed to the Jewish people are forever binding. Throughout the centuries Jewish scholars and saints have explained the Law. Those explanations are also part of our tradition.

This definition of Judaism was universally accepted by the Jewish people until the dawn of the so called Enlightenment in Europe. In the wake of that mass abandonment of G-d, many Jews, as well as many Christians and Muslims around the world, came to reject their faiths.

It was in the spirit of creating a man - made religion that movements such as Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist Judaism were born. These movements had in common that they rejected some, many or all the basics of Torah faith.

Exile and Redemption One of the central tenets of Torah is that the Creator rewards and punishes mankind.

Through many of the Prophetic books in the Old Testament the Jewish people were warned that a serious rebellion against the Will of G-d would result in the most severe of punishments. Unchecked it could lead to the ruin of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and the exile of the entirety of the Jewish nation.

And, it is here, my friends, in those Old Testament prophesies, that the quarrel between Judaism and Zionism begins.

Eventually the horrors foretold by the Prophets came to pass. Jewry was exiled from the Land. The first exile, also known as the Babylonian captivity, lasted only 70 years. By a series of miraculous events the people were returned to the land. This second entry into the land led to the rebuilding of the Temple. The Second Temple stood from about 2500 years ago until about 1900 years ago, then it too was destroyed. This time the cause was once again the backsliding of the people who were, as always, held to a very demanding Divine standard.

But the prophecies of doom were accompanied with promises of consolation. The exile would not be forever. There would be years of dispersion, many of them endured under persecution. Yet, there was the promise that the people would yet return to the Land. But this return was not to be under human control. It would be heralded by the advent of Elijah the Prophet and accompanied with many miracles. And, this time, the redemption would not just be for the Jewish people but, rather for all men. All nations would cease to practice war. All would rejoice together in the Creators care.

There would be no want or physical deprivation. It would be a time of spiritual brotherhood, all men united in Divine service. Thus, at the burning of the Second Temple, the Jewish people were sent into an exile which extends till today. For two thousand years Jews have prayed for the end of their exile and the accompanying redemption of the entire world. They were taught by the Prophets and subsequent Sages that their exile was an expiation of their sins. This meant that the only reasonable and permissible path to end the exile were repentance and prayer.

To suggest that one could use political or military means to escape the Creators decree was seen as heresy, as a denial of the Divine stewardship over sin and forgiveness. And, so, as the centuries rolled by the Jewish people prayed and awaited the miraculous events of redemption.

Throughout these long years no Jew anywhere suggested and this among a people that studied its sacred texts constantly and wrote about them voluminously that exile could be ended by human means.

The Holy Land was always venerated, of course, and small colonies, almost uniformly devoted to prayer, contemplation and study were established there.

It was only towards the end of the nineteenth century, among Jews far estranged from their faith that the notion began to be put forth that exile was the result of Jewish weakness. Theodore Herzl and a handful of others, all ignorant or non observant of Torah began to set the process in motion that by the end of the next century would have produced untold suffering for Jews and Palestinians.

Rabbinic Opposition These early Zionists were immediately opposed by the Rabbinic Leadership of that era.

The opposition was based on four assumptions.

1) The very concept of Zionism was a refutation of the traditional Torah belief in exile as punishment and redemption and as dependant on penitence and Divine intervention.

2) The Zionists were overwhelmingly irreligious. There claim to represent the Jewish people before the world was preposterous. How can those who reject Judaism be Jewish leaders? Their natural instincts were to uproot Torah and its observance.

3) Zionism was woefully unconcerned about non Jews in general and the Palestinian people already living in the land. Its heavy - handed policies were sure to cause much pain and suffering and lead world Jewry into needless conflict with the nations of the world.

4) Zionism would cause Jews to be less than loyal to the governments under whose auspices they lived in exile. This might weaken Jewish patriotism and exacerbate Jewish Gentile conflicts.

Throughout the world Zionists were a minority.

Even those Jews who had lost touch with Torah tradition were able to see that Zionism was a recipe for disaster.

Within the Zionist movement itself a tiny faction constantly criticized both the Labor and Revisionist mainstreams. This small group, associated with the Brit Shalom movement, advocated a bi national democratic state and was willing to accept Jewish minority status therein. In the words of one of its foremost thinkers, Judah Magnes, Chancellor of Hebrew University, If we cannot find ways of peace and understanding (with the indigenous population), if we can only establish ourselves upon the force of bayonets, then our whole enterprise is not worthwhile and it is better that the eternal people should remain patient and wait.

These were the words of a non believer but of essential decency. His ideas and those of his small band of followers were cast aside by the Zionist mainstream.

Of course, in the Torah view the very notion of Jewish sovereignty of any kind over the Holy Land is forbidden. We note that even those who desired some degree of Jewish return saw this provided they had some basic decency, as something that had to be worked out with the approval of the native Palestinian people.

Zionist immigration poured into Palestine during the twenties and thirties. The British government tried to be all things to all men but their efforts failed. At times the Zionist conquest via immigration became an actual shooting conquest with acts of terror against Palestinians, British and other Jews becoming the order of the day.

But, despite Zionist machinations, if not for the tragic fate of the Jews in the Second World War the state of Israel probably would never have come into existence.

As stated before, after the Holocaust, the world took its sense of pity for the Jewish people and bestowed it on the Zionists.

Little if any thought was given to the deep and just desire of Palestinians to be a sovereign people in their own land or to the anti Zionist Jews living therein.

It was as if a man having been chased from his home by a mob comes upon someone elses else home and decides to chase out its inhabitants and take it over.

Surely the suffering the man has endured at the hands of the mob is not enough for another family to be evicted from their centuries old place of residence.

I have little doubt that if a Palestinian people, sovereign in its own land, would have been asked after the Holocaust, along with the other nations of the world, to take in Jewish refugees that they would have easily agreed. But they could not be expected to abandon, their homes and property and their very identity to make way for hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees whose goal was to dispossess them and rule over them. Throughout the twentieth century a large segment of Orthodox Jews has remained immune to Zionist temptation. Unfortunately, during this same period, some orthodox Jews actually embraced Zionism while others attempted to co exist with it.

Those who have maintained our faith as it was handed down to us over the centuries have fought Zionism in the Holy Land and throughout the world.

These Jews, many of whose descendants live in Jerusalem to this day, have refused to recognize the Zionist state. They do not vote in its elections or serve in its army. They do not accept any financial support from the government for their schools, thus plunging their schools into a never ending fund raising crisis.

In their view the state of Israel exists in violation of Torah basics. In its daily policies it wars against Torah practice. Its claim to represent the Jewish people is vile and ludicrous. By positing non - believers as Jewish leaders it desecrates G-ds Great and Holy Name in public, a very grave sin in the eyes of the Torah.

The pious Jews of whom Neturei Karta is only one of many are seasoned veterans in the anti - Zionist struggle. We, of all people know how hard it is to break through the media black out, especially in the United States.

Yet, we must break through if there is to be any real peace in the Middle East. We have been informed by our Talmudic sages that any premature attempt to end exile will result in massive bloodshed.

The bloodshed is here. Israel has caused more bloodshed than anyone could have possibly imagined.

Decades before the state the Zionist desire to rule over the land led to riots, assassinations and endless death and suffering.

To this day the death toll mounts. Both hardliners and soft liners have had their hopes dashed. They have both been behind the wheels of government. And both have failed utterly.

Friends, there will be no peace in the Middle East until their is no state of Israel.

The Torah cannot be violated. Our task in exile cannot be fulfilled by trying to end exile by human agitations. Nor can our hopes for redemption be realized in the Israeli state.

Of course immediately part of the solution is, wed like to see the West Bank and Gaza settlements dismantled. The people living there must leave as soon as is humanly possible.

But, this is only one part of the solution. Yes, the immediate decision in keeping with common sense, is to begin a Palestinian state. But these solutions are only for the interim and only a part of the solution.

The true Torah solution, the key to peace is the immediate return of Palestine to the Palestinians in its entirety including the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.

This would, of course, include a full right of return for all Palestinian refuges That is what elementary justice demands. This is the path of the Torah and of common sense.

The Jewish people have many mitzvos (commandments) to pursue in their exile. Fighting and killing Palestinian children are not among them.

Of course, today, millions of Jews reside in Palestine. Whether some, all or none of them might stay under Palestinian rule is, of course, up to the lands rightful rulers, the Palestinians.

This will inevitably begin the process of true peace with justice and healing between the Palestinian people and the Jewish people.

In the meantime, though, given that at present many Jews living in the Holy Land are victims of Zionist propaganda what path should be pursued? For our part the obligation remains steady. It is to educate the Jewish community about the doctrinal errors and practical evils of Zionism.

It is to join our Palestinian cousins in protest against the evils of Zionism. It is to pursue peace with all men and all nations. It is to practice our faith. It is to worship the Creator with humility, with modesty and piety. But let us go a step further and examine what the impact of Jewish anti Zionism might be on the Islamic world. First, it is important both practically and morally that Palestinian and general Islamic ideology not confuse Zionism and Judaism and by so doing leave themselves vulnerable to the charge of anti - Semitism.

Further, it could well prove beneficial to the Palestinian cause if they would publicize thier good relations with anti Zionist Jews thus undercutting the stereotype of them in the Zionist dominated media as bigots and baseless haters.

This coalition of anti - Zionist Jews and Palestinians who see the inhumanity of Zionism might well become quite a moral force for good in the world.

In any event, let us resolve to leave here this evening with our mutual moral compasses set right. Let us understand that Torah Jewry is in no way an antagonist of the Palestinian people in particular or of the Islamic world in general.

The hour is late. The civilian death toll mounts daily. Innocents on all sides suffer.

May it be the Creators Will that the state of Israel be peacefully dismantled speedily in our days, that Jew and Palestinian live yet in peace with each other around the world and in the Holy Land and that speedily in our days all mankind may merit the advent of Divine Redemption where G-ds Kingdom will be accepted.

See the original post here:
Zionism and Judaism Let Us Define Our Terms

Zionism’s Master Plan for World Power

Posted By on June 16, 2016

Before the American Mercury Magazine came into its present ownership, it was owned and controlled by a noted patriot by the name of Russell Maguire. He was a man of wealth and intelligent business initiative.

He became alarmed over what he knew to be Zionism's Master Plan for World Power. A documented research manuscript came into his hands and he had the courage to publish it.

Following its publication, he was the victim of attempted blackmail, physical threat, danger of assassination and the complete sabotage of his business enterprises. His life became so harassed that he left America for an isolated island home where he felt he could be safe from harassment, persecution and the risk of death itself.

Herewith is the Manuscript that this courageous patriot had the courage to reproduce.

Virtually all of the items included in this chronology are direct quotations from Zionists or from their books. At the end of this article there will be listed the various books, their authors, the publishing firms and the dates of publication. I. B. means "International Banker," A. M. means "American Mercury," p. means "page," MMM means 'Money Made Mysterious."

Theodor Herzl published "The Jewish State." It became the Zionists' bible. The following exact quotes are from Herzl's book:

1. "When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties; at the same time, when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse." p.10.

2. " . . . the longer Anti-Semitism lies in abeyance the more fiercely will it break out." p. 4.

3."Universal brotherhood is not even a beautiful dream. Antagonism is essential to man's greatest efforts." p. 42.

1. Lord Edmond Rothschild of London and Jacob H. Schiff of New York City, two of the Elders of Zion, got Theodor Herzl (of Austria) to arrange for the World Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland; 197 delegates met there and laid out a plan of World Conquest with plans for a World Government. Herzl, founder of Zionism, in opening the meeting, raised his right hand and repeated an ancient oath of the Talmudists:

"If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its cunning." Herzl also said at this meeting: "We are one nation. We are neither American nor Russian Jews, but only Jews!" He also said: 'With a few exceptions that do not figure at all, the entire press of the world is in our hands."

2. Dr. Mandelstam said on August 29 at the opening of the Zionist Congress of 1897: "The Jews will use all their influence and power to prevent the rise and prosperity of other nations and are resolved to adhere to their historic hopes; i.e., to the conquest of world power." LE TEMPS, Paris, September 3,1897.

3. The Zionist Organization of America was organized in 1897 with Richard Gottheil of Columbia University as its first president, and Rabbi Stephen Wise as the first secretary. Branches for women (Hadassah), and children (Young Judea) were soon organized. ZIONIST NETWORK, p. 32.

Dr. Mandelstam, professor of the University of Kiev, Russia, at Basel Zionist Congress in 1898 said: "The Jews energetically reject the idea of fusion with the other nationalities and cling firmly to their historical hope, i.e., of world empire." THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, by H. S Chamberlain, Vol. I, p. 335. Also p. 221 of DEMOCRACY AND WORLD DOMINION.

1. Theodor Herzl, the Zionist leader, went to see Abdul Hamid the Sultan of Turkey, to buy land for the Zionists in Palestine. When the Sultan said "no" he had a revolution on his hands Note later item in 1914.

2. Between 1900 and the outbreak of World War I (1914), the United States was flooded by large waves of immigration from Eastern Europe.

1. Because President William McKinley in the United States refused to be a stooge for the International Bankers, he was killed by Russian Zionist, Zolkozh. Presidents Lincoln [on Good Friday] and Garfield had been previously murdered.

2. Doctor Leopold Kahn summed up these sentiments when speaking about Zionism in a Jewish school at Pozrony (Bratislava) in 1901: "Jews will never be assimilated and will never adopt the customs or morals of strangers. The Jew will remain a Jew under all circumstances." WORLD CONQUERORS, p. 21.

1. Lenin joins Trotsky in Switzerland on Editorial Board of Zionist publication ISKRA (THE SPARK). It was printed in Munich, Germany.

2. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. was one of the founders and chief financiers of the scandalous Panama Canal Co.

1. Dr. Simon Flexner, one of three busy brothers became director of laboratories of the Rockefeller Institute. AMERICAN MERCURY, November 1958, p. 105.

2. At the Sixth Zionist Congress in 1903 at Basel Switzerland Dr. Max Nordau, an Elder of Zion said we quote from the AMERICAN JEWISH NEWS, New York, Vol. 4, No 2, September 19, 1919, "Theodor Herzl has considered it his duty to maintain valuable relations with this great and progressive power (England). Herzl knows that we stand (in 1903) before a tremendous upheaval of the whole world. Soon, perhaps some kind of world congress will have to be called, and England, the great, free and powerful England, will then continue the work it has begun with its generous offer to the Sixth (Zionist) Congress in 1903. And if you ask me now what has Israel to do in Uganda, then . . . let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist (1897) Congress, the English Uganda proposition (1903), the future World War (1914-1918), the peace conference (1919-1920) where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created."

"Like a mighty thunder these last words came to us, and we all were trembling and awe-struck as if we had seen a vision of old."

The above speech was also printed in the FASCIST (London) February, 1937. The same speech has been mentioned in a number of books, including (on page 221) DEMOCRACY AND WORLD DOMINION, by the great educator, Edwin D. Schoonmaker, publisher, Richard R. Smith, New York City, 1939.

3. Speyer & Co., the Zionist banking house, gave Mexico a loan of 12 & one half million dollars and secured all oil concessions in Mexico. From then on intrigue dominated Mexico.

1. Kuhn Loeb & Co. (a Rothschild international banking firm) financed the war of Japan against Czarist Russia. (A planned revolution in Czarist Russia followed one year later.)

2. Chaim Weizmann commented as follows on Theodor Herzl's JUDENSTAAT:

"Four years ago world Jewry was divided into two camps: one on the east and one on the west. And when Herzl arrived and said to us that we must unite Eastern and Western Jewry, we carried out this order accordingly. Our unity today is Herzl's legacy to the Jewish people."

Theodor Herzl's JUDENSTAAT states: "Wir sind ein Volk!"Q"We are one people!" And today this is the only unity existing in a world divided into two hemispheres.

"We are one people despite the ostensible rifts, cracks and differences between the American and Soviet democracies. We are one people and it is not in our interests that the West should liberate the East, for in doing this and in liberating the enslaved nations, the West would inevitably deprive Jewry of the Eastern half of its world power." Chaim Weizmann statement in WORLD CONQUERORS, p. 227.

3. International Workers of the World (IWW) starts promoting violence and trouble in U. S. Austrian-born Felix Frankfurter later was counsel for IWW anarchists.

1. Sidney Hillman (Schmoul Gilsman) was educated as a Rabbi. See WHO WAS WHO IN AMERICA, Vol. II, p. 254.

2. Abortive Revolution in Russia failed. It was led by Sidney Hillman who later came to the U.S. to direct "world operations." Another leader in the same revolution was Leon Trotsky ( Leiba Davidovitch Bronstein). During the revolution the Rothschilds helped finance, they had their termites in Russia destroy and sabotage the oil wells and refineries. It took many years to offset this tremendous sabotage. It handicapped Czarist Russia some years later when "Planned World War I" started.

3. Intercollegiate Socialist Society formed. Felix Frankfurter, a founder.

4. A copy of THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION was recorded in the British Museum, in London.

5. We quote from p. 76 of THE WORLD AT THE CROSS ROADS, by Boris Brasol:

"According to the information of the LONDON JEWISH CHRONICLE, the contribution of international Jewry to the Russian revolutionary cause in 1905 reached the sum of #874,341. (Nearly $4,500,000 U.S.)

No wonder that Mr. George von Longerke Meyer, United States Ambassador to Russia during the Russo-Japanese War, stated in an official letter dated December 30, 1905, to Mr. Elihu Root, then U. S. Secretary of State, that:

"The Jews have undoubtedly to a large extent furnished the brains and energy in the revolution throughout Russia."

Nevertheless, in 1905, the revolution financed by Jacob H. Schiff failed.

1. In 1906 a dissolution suit was brought by the Attorney General, for the U. S. Government, against Rockefeller's Oil Company. The case was closed in 1908. The U. S. Supreme Court ruled against the Rockefeller interest in May 1911 and fined them $29,000,000. The State of Texas issued an injunction against the Rockefellers doing business in that state. William H. Allen's book, ROCKEFELLER: GIANT, DWARF, SYMBOL gives some of the details of the Rockefellers' prior questionable operations. When the Rockefellers maneuvered out of the fine of $29 million, Federal Judge Landis, who conducted the government trial, bitterly commented: "You can't convict a million dollars." AMERICAN MERCURY, November 1958, p. 104.

From the beginning the Rockefellers were financed by the Kuhn Loeb & Co. and other Zionist bankers. The Rothschilds advised and guided the Rockefellers. They had a deal to divide the world petroleum markets. See ROTHSCHILD' AND ROCKEFELLERS: DEDICATED MONOPOLISTS, in the AMERICAN MERCURY, November 1958, p. 100.

2. In the JEWISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA (1906), we read:

"It (Schiff's firm) subscribed for and floated the large Japanese war loan in 1904-1905." THE ALIEN MENACE, p. 112.

3. The Rothschilds financed ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE, published in Russia and elsewhere in 1907: "Capture the press! Through it everything will come to you in the natural course of events." Adolphe Cremioux. Founder, ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE, quoted from A. Shamakoff, ADDRESS IN DEFENSE OF T. DOKSHIN AND OTHERS, p. 36. Moscow: University Printing Office, 1907.

1. Labor Zionist Organization of America Q Poale Zion - was organized in the U. S. to shape labor activities.

2. "There was another great crisis when the Knickerbocker Trust failed because manipulators of the millionaire class wilfully created a run on the banks, from which they emerged incomparably more powerful, having bought up the stock of the ruined victims which held to resell at par. At the same time the Steel Trust was able to complete its absolute monopoly. Solomon Loeb of Kuhn Loeb & Co., was a member of the Knickerbocker Trust." DEADLIER THAN THE H. BOMB, p. 45.

1. The Socialists financed by the International Banking group said they would, in the future, "bury the whole capitalist system."

2. On advice of the Rothschilds the Belgian Government acquires the Belgian Congo. Edward Seugier is sent to Elizabethtown. War, minerals and other reasons were mentioned later.

3. Abraham Flexner became education expert for the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. AMERICAN MERCURY, November 1958, p 106.

4. Federal Council of Churches of Christ organized at suggestion of Rothschild. Rockefeller and Carnegie interests active in it. Their Foundations later flow funds into it. 75 per cent of its finances have come from sources outside of its church membership. Congregations don't vote. "Selected" delegates meet only once each four years.

5. During a heated Congressional investigation into white slavery, The American Jewish Congress was formed. See p. 96, INTERNATIONAL JEW by Henry Ford, Sr. During years that followed, the AJC and Federal Council of Churches were to work closely together on many projects.

1. Walter Rathenau, Zionist, Financial Dictator of Germany, selected by International Bankers after World War I in THE WIERNER FREE PRESSE,

December 25, 1909: "Only 300 men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of Europe. They elect their successors from their entourage. These Jews have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of any State which they find unreasonable."

2. THE UNSEEN EMPIRE OF FINANCE, a carefully documented research book by E. Alexander Powell, declared in The SATURDAY EVENING POST, June 19, 1909: "The European peoples are no longer under the Government of respective nations. They have passed under another scepter. They have become the subjects of another Power Q a Power unseen, but felt in palace as in cottage, in Russia as in Spain, by every parent and child, by every potentate and every laborer. No nation on the European continent has any longer an independence that is more than normal. The political autonomy of every one of them has been surrendered to the will of a despotism before which every kingdom and empire and republic fawns in the most abject subserviency." Above also in ZIONIST NETWORK, p. 6, by Senator Jack B. Tenney.

1. "Mr. Paul Warburg was brother-in-law to Mr. Jacob H. Schiff. Warburg was born in Germany. His brothers conduct the powerful German banking house of M. Warburg and Company, Hamburg, financing the German shipping industry and controlling the Hamburg-American and North German Lloyd lines. Herr Max Warburg, head of this banking house played an important part in German politics, particularly at the time the Kaiser fled to Holland. Dr. Carl Melchoir, a partner in it, was one of the five German delegates-in-chief at the Peace Conference at Versailles (1919), and in later years (1930) was prominent in the founding of the Bank for International Settlements. This was the central bank of the central International Settlements, the central bank of the central banks established in Switzerland, which has been internationalized in peace and war alike, it pays no taxes, and it is above and beyond all law." ALL THESE THINGS, by A. N. Field, p. 5.

2. Correspondence of the Rothschilds to the German Kaiser reveals Rothschilds wanted World War I delayed. (They needed our Federal Reserve Act to finance World Wars.) INTERNATIONAL JEW by Henry Ford, Sr., P. 204.

3. The International Group running the Carnegie Foundation trustees' meeting "discussed the advantages of changing our government and institutions through war." (Later Alger Hiss was president of this "international" outfit.)

4. "I felt constrained to point out (to Kaiser Wilhelm II on his last visit to England in 1911) that the Jews . . . had captured and controlled the larger part of the German press. He did not dissent." Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister of England 1908 - 1916. THE GENESIS OF THE WAR, New York, 1923, p. 89.

5. The Zionist organization sent a German geologist, Professor Blankenhorn, to investigate the potentialities of the Dead Sea region in Palestine. THE ALIEN MENACE, p. 168.

1. Bernard Baruch ushered into the President's office in the White House his very weak professor, Woodrow Wilson.

2. Richard J. H. Gottheil wrote that "The closer Jews are kept within the fold, the greater their interest in Jewish life and thought."

3. The best pamphleteers, the ablest journalists of Europe kept on the payroll of the various financial groups, were feverishly preparing public opinion for the future conflict between the European countries. Boris L. Brasol.

4. " . . . Finally it should be borne in mind that the press bureaus and the great Eastern dailies exert a disproportionate influence on the American press as a whole . . . The foreign news which came through these bureaus was primarily composed for the New York papers, so, in the last analysis, the control of the New York press meant the control of the entire American press." Horace C. Peterson.

5. " . . . The Northcliffe (Jewish-owned) press did more before and during the war to embitter and deliberately poison the English mind against Germany than any other agency." Clinton Hartley Grattan.

1. Colonel E. Mandell House wrote a book, PHILIP DRU, ADMINISTRATOR David-Rex-Universe, See AMERICAN MERCURY, November 1954, p. 131 (Researchers say that E. Mandell House was an agent of the Rothschilds.)

2. President Wilson (during brief moments when he was not dominated by Brandeis, Baruch, Frankfurter, etc.) wrote "we know that something intervenes between the people of the U. S. and the control of their own affairs at Washington." FAR AND WIDE, p. 327.

The Hidden Hand put across five related items in 1913:

1. Graduated income tax law was passed. (16th Amendment.) A fundamental rule, laid down by The Communist Manifesto, for destroying of society is "A heavy, progressive or graduated income tax."

2. The Federal Reserve Banking Act was passed, December 23 Q two days before Christmas. It permitted aliens, through our privately owned Federal Reserve Banks to finance the world wars which were "planned." Elihu Root blasted this dangerous act in the Senate December 13,1913. (See MONEY MADE MYSTERIOUS- 3rd Book.) 4,000 pages of fine print was later slipped into it! It was cooked up at Baruch's Jekyl Island in a secret conference.

3. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was organized by B'nai B'rith. (Its pressure and intimidation record, and the sad events that happened thereafter, speak for themselves.)

4. The Rockefeller Foundation was established. Thereafter this outfit and the ADL were to cooperate. (Remember the 2 blades of a pair of scissors.)

5. U. S. senators would no longer he selected by the legislatures of each of the states. Thereafter senators would be elected by the masses. This gave the Internationalists and their Controlled Press control of the senators by their control of all communication media. They already had it on the Congressmen.

From this date forward, we were to be lied to, brainwashed and betrayed: Nationalism was thrown out the window for un-American internationalism. The money properly belonging to the citizen was taken from him by the Marxist graduated income tax and squandered by the internationalists through "their controlled government." Planned and promoted wars followed.

1. As Zionists pushed England into war, U. S. had at the critical Constantinople post (Turkey) Henry Morgenthau, Sr., as Ambassador and Louis Einstein as its special minister.

2 Paul M. Warburg said, at a Congressional hearing: "I only decided to become a citizen after I was convinced the U. S. money system would be reformed." THE HIDDEN EMPIRE, p. 63.

3. Five men who were later to head various governments (Lenin of Russia, Ebert of Germany, Branting of Sweden, MacDonald of England, Stauning of Denmark) met as members of the International Socialist Bureau of the Second International!

4. Trotsky was introduced and recommended to them (Kuhn, Loeb & Co) by the publisher of the . . . revolutionary newspaper, FORWARD of New York . . . Henry Coston, LES FINANCIERS QUI MENENT LE MONDE, Paris, 1955, p. 114.

5. "One by one the Jews are capturing the principal newspapers of America . . . " From letter of Sir Cecil Spring-Rice (British Ambassador to U.S.) to Sir Edward Grey (British Foreign Minister), November, 1914.

6. At the start of World War I, Edmond Rothschild told Dr. Chaim Weizmann that "It would spread to the Middle East , where things of great significance to Political Zionism would occur." FAR AND WIDE, p. 285.

7. Colonel C. Repington recounts a conversation he had (April 5, 1921) with Count Mensdorff, who was Austrian Ambassador in London in 1914, as follows: "Mensdorff thought that Israel had won the War; they had made it, thrived on it, profited by it. It was their supreme revenge on Christianity." AFTER THE WAR, p. 155, Constable, 1922.

8. Lloyd George, who was counsel for the Zionists in England, was made premier of the English Government and chosen to "perform" during World War I. His secretary was Sir Philip Sassoon Rothschild. AMERICAN MERCURY - KNOW - December, 1958.

9. "The part which Jews all over the world play in white slavery is one of the foulest blots on our people." JEWISH WORLD, March 18, 1914.

10. "Mr. Paul Moritz Warburg practically controls the financial policy of the Administration.' Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, British Ambassador to the U. S. From ALL THESE THINGS, by A. N. Field, p. 5.

11. "Assimilation is national suicide." Louis D. Brandeis before Menorah Society, Columbia University.

1. In 1915, while the U. S. was at peace, Bernard Baruch took part of his annual income of $2,000,000 to finance the training of soldiers to fight in a war which Baruch said he knew was 'certain." AMERICAN MERCURY Q October, 1956, p. 83.

1. After months of terrific battle in Congress, Louis D. Brandeis was confirmed as Supreme Court Justice. He is the uncle of Felix Frankfurter, who years later dominated the Supreme Court. Christopher Sykes, son of Sir Mark Sykes, (who was the Secretary of the British War Cabinet) wrote a book TWO STUDIES IN VIRTUE, and, referring to the Balfour Declaration and the, part played by his father in advancing Zionism, Sykes said, - on page 183 of his book:

"He (Mr. James MalcolmQMalkom, a Zionist) then told Sir Mark Skyes of a very curious and powerful influence which Zionists could exert. One of President Wilson's closest advisers and friends was Justice Louis D. Brandeis, a Jew with the passionate Zionist faith of a recent convert.

"That Wilson was attached to Brandeis by ties of peculiar hardiness, because, so the story ran, in his earlier days the future President had been saved by this man (Brandeis) from appearing in a damaging lawsuit. It was said that Brandeis was regarded by Wilson as the man to whom he owed his career."

(Researchers said President Wilson was involved in "moral problems" at Princeton University, that Samuel Untermeyer had some damaging letters returned to Wilson after Brandeis was put on the Supreme Court). Re: Mrs. Peck, we quote from others:

"Woodrow Wilson's friendship with Mrs. Hulbert Peck (of Princeton, New Jersey) . . . lasted for seven years . . . It was wrecked in the end by gossip. The so-called Peck scandal furnished the zest for the whispering campaigns of two Presidential elections . . . Wilson had written hundreds of letters to the charming divorcee." George S. Viereck 80.283.

"It seems that the Peck letters were finally acquired by the Wilson estate." George S. Viereck.

"Mrs. Peck never demanded and Woodrow Wilson never paid hush money or blackmail." (Edward Mandell House) Probably correct Q putting Brandeis on the Supreme Court researchers say was the price the American public paid!

2. "A note drawn up by the American official (intelligence) services and transmitted by the High Commissioner of the French Republic in the United States, contained the following passage: 'In February 1916, it was learned for the first time that a revolution was being fomented in Russia. It was discovered that the undermentioned persons and concerns were engaged in this enterprise of destruction:

(1) Jacob Schiff; (2) Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Directors: Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mortimer Schiff, Jerome Hanauer; (3) Guggenheim; (4) Max Breitung." (From the American Consulate, Elbridge D. Rand, American Consul, Geneva, Switzerland, dated January 21, 1929.) National Archives, Dept. of State, Decimal File, 1910-1929, No. 861.4016/325.

3. Of the 63 delegates of the Committee of Russian Revolutionists that met in New York City, 50 were veterans of the 1905 revolution.

4. Zionists secretly cook up Palestine "deal." Documents available.

5. The notorious "Sunrise Conference" in Washington. The record of this sinister planning was suppressed. (In 1938 the enemy got our Senate Military Affairs Committee to hold a similar conference. Senator Bridges said in the NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, March 2, 1939, "If the American people ever learned what was said there Q the nation would be shocked and stunned." DEMOCRACY AND WORLD DOMINION, p. 312.

6. President Woodrow Wilson was re-elected on the slogan "He kept us out of war." (At the same time, he and his foreign advisers were secretly taking steps to involve us in this unnecessary war.)

Go here to read the rest:
Zionism's Master Plan for World Power

Florida Department of Elder Affairs – Home

Posted By on June 16, 2016

June 15, 2016 Governor Rick Scott issues Proclamation for Elder Abuse Prevention Day.


June 9, 2016 Department of Elder Affairs to Recognize Elder Abuse Awareness Day In recognition of June 15 as Elder Abuse Awareness Day and to help build safer communities for Floridas 4.9 million seniors, the Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA) will host a fraud prevention seminar to educate seniors, families, local businesses, and caregivers on preventing frauds, scams, and identity theft. Media Advisory

April 15, 2016 Governor Rick Scott Appoints Four to Alzheimers Disease Advisory Committee TALLAHASSEE The Governor has announced two appointments and two reappointments to the Committee. Press Release

April 7, 2016 Department of Elder Affairs Announces First Dementia Caring Community in Florida. TALLAHASSEE Florida Department of Elder Affairs Secretary Sam Verghese today announced Leon County and the City of Tallahassee as the first Dementia Caring Community in Florida through the Departments Dementia Care and Cure Initiative. Press Release

April 1, 2016 Department of Elder Affairs to Announce First Dementia Caring Community in Florida on Thursday, April 7. With more than 510,000 individuals currently living with Alzheimers disease, the most common and well-known type of dementia, Florida has the second highest incidence of Alzheimers disease in the U.S. In response, we seek to lead the nation by taking action at the community level to support those diagnosed with dementia, their families, and caregivers bettering communities and the state overall. Media Advisory | Press Release | Learn more

March 14, 2016 DOEA Secretary Verghese to Speak at the 19th Annual Alzheimers Educational Conference Taking place in Palm Beach, the Secretary will participate in the conference, which is hosted by Alzheimers Community Care, a non-profit organization committed to ongoing advocacy efforts. With the theme of Pathways: Navigating Your Way, the conference will provide family and professional caregivers, as well as healthcare providers, with the knowledge and tools necessary to give the best possible care for patients with Alzheimers disease and related neurocognitive disorders. Press Release

February 19, 2016 Elder Affairs Secretary Sam Verghese Confirmed by Florida Senate On February 18, 2016, the full Senate voted favorably for the confirmation of Department of Elder Affairs Secretary Samuel P. Verghese. Secretary Verghese has served as Secretary since December of 2014.

January 22, 2016 Department of Elder Affairs and United Way of Florida to Host Florida Senior Day TALLAHASSEE On Wednesday, January 27, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA) and United Way of Florida will host Florida Senior Day, an annual celebration that will bring more than 1,500 elders and advocates from across Florida to Tallahassee to honor the many contributions of Florida seniors. Press Release

January 21, 2016 Secretary Verghese joined Governor Scott, the Florida Cabinet, and Volunteer Florida to present a well-deserved Champion of Service Award to Ms. Eddie Mae Bennett - a local elder who has been volunteering for more than 40 years. Governor's Press Release | Large Picture

January 15, 2016 DOEA Secretary Verghese encourages Floridians to show support for elders at Florida Senior Day January 27, 2016 at the State Capitol. News Article

January 6, 2016 Managing Someone Elses Money Guides The Consumer Financial Protection Bureaus Office of Older Americans has released national versions of the Managing Someone Elses Money Guides to help financial caregivers to help you protect your loved ones from scams and fraud. For Agents | For Trustees | For Representatives | For Guardians

December 11, 2015 Spotlight on the 24th Annual Florida Senior Games Press Release

December 1, 2015 Governor Rick Scott Issues Proclamation for Intergenerational Week Elder Affairs celebrates intergenerational connections that link youth and elders December 1 5, 2015. Proclamation

Older News: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

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Jewish American Heritage Month 2016 – Home

Posted By on June 16, 2016

May is Jewish American Heritage Month The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Jewish Americans who have helped form the fabric of American history, culture and society.

Fighting Nazi Germany took on special significance for one group of U.S. servicemen in the European Theater. Even those Jewish soldiers and sailors who were serving elsewhere in World War II understood that defeating the Axis would be a defeat for blind hatred of any ethnic group or nationality. Visit the Online Collection

Image Credit: Milton Stern (first row third from the left) and the original crew. (Library of Congress)

Put the power of primary sources to work in the classroom. Browse ready-to-use lesson plans, student activities, collection guides and research aids. Educational Resources

Image Credit: Jewish refugee children, enroute to Philadelphia aboard liner President Harding, waving at the Statue of Liberty (Library of Congress)

The Monuments Men were members of a special unit of Allied soldiers during World War II. Their mission was to protect cultural property from destruction and damage by Allied forces and to find and save works of art and other cultural artifacts that the Nazis had seized. Presented by the National Archives in partnership with the Google Cultural Institute. Explore the interactive exhibition

Image Credit: German loot stored in church at Ellingen, Germany found by troops of the U.S. Third Army. [National Archives ID# 5757187]

The Blumenthals of the upper-Lower Peninsula of Michigan The Hebraic Section of the African and Middle Eastern Division, The Library of Congress The Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington, and The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington in celebration of Jewish-American Heritage Month present a lecture by Dr. Janette Silverman.

Library of Congress

First Person 2016 Series This hour-long program features a live interview between journalist Bill Benson and Holocaust survivor Irene Weiss, followed by a question-and-answer session.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

500th Anniversary of the Jewish Ghetto of Venice The Law Library of Congress, in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy and the University of Maryland, will mark the 500th anniversary of the Jewish Ghetto of Venice with a program on the history of the segregation of the Jewish community in Venice from the surrounding society.

Library of Congress

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Jewish American Heritage Month 2016 - Home

Sephardic Songs Add Merriment to Purim | Jewish& – My …

Posted By on June 8, 2016

And what is a drinking party without drinking songs? As in other Jewish communities, drinking alcohol was part of the celebration of Purim, and an extensive corpus of rhymed, Ladino poems known askoplas(orkomplas) developed by Sephardic Jews in the Ottoman Empire. Arranged in stanzas, often with refrains, sometimes as acrostics, and intended to be memorized and sung in groups during moments of recreation and celebration, mourning and lamentation,koplasdealt with myriad Jewish themes, including holidays, faith, history, morality, life cycle events, religious practices, folkways, hopes and fears, and politics and satire. Initially composed by rabbis, who sought to make traditional Jewish knowledge more accessible to the Jewish masses in their spoken language, and later by popular authors, koplasserved as a foundation of Sephardic Jewish culture for generations.

Perhaps the most famous genre ofkoplasdealt with the holiday of Purim.

At the Sephardic Studies Program of the UW Stroum Center for Jewish Studies,, we are fortunate to draw on our large Sephardic collection as well as the personal recollections from first-generation Seattle Sephardim whose families came to the United States from the Ottoman Empire todays Turkey and Rhodes during the early 20thcentury, to learn more about the songs and their role in the Purim celebrations.

Several forgotten drinking songs for Purim are preserved in two books in our Sephardic Studies collection. Notably, several copies of each of the two books have surfaced a testament to how widespread thesekoplasonce were.

Isaac Azose, Hazzan (Cantor) Emeritus of Congregation Ezra Bessaroth, shared with usKomplas de Purim: Saludar el Purim,printed in Istanbul in the Hebrew year 5683 (1922 or 1923). Published by Benjamin Raphael ben Yosef, one the most prolific printers of religious and secular books in Ladino and Hebrew in the Ottoman Empire during the early 20thcentury,Komplas de Purim, with its bright pink cover, introduces readers to its contents in an equally colorful manner:

And what is a drinking party without drinking songs? As in other Jewish communities, drinking alcohol was part of the celebration of Purim, and an extensive corpus of rhymed, Ladino poems known askoplas(orkomplas) developed by Sephardic Jews in the Ottoman Empire. Arranged in stanzas, often with refrains, sometimes as acrostics, and intended to be memorized and sung in groups during moments of recreation and celebration, mourning and lamentation,koplasdealt with myriad Jewish themes, including holidays, faith, history, morality, life cycle events, religious practices, folkways, hopes and fears, and politics and satire. Initially composed by rabbis, who sought to make traditional Jewish knowledge more accessible to the Jewish masses in their spoken language, and later by popular authors, koplasserved as a foundation of Sephardic Jewish culture for generations.

Perhaps the most famous genre ofkoplasdealt with the holiday of Purim.

At the Sephardic Studies Program of the UW Stroum Center for Jewish Studies,, we are fortunate to draw on our large Sephardic collection as well as the personal recollections from first-generation Seattle Sephardim whose families came to the United States from the Ottoman Empire todays Turkey and Rhodes during the early 20thcentury, to learn more about the songs and their role in the Purim celebrations.

Several forgotten drinking songs for Purim are preserved in two books in our Sephardic Studies collection. Notably, several copies of each of the two books have surfaced a testament to how widespread thesekoplasonce were.

Isaac Azose, Hazzan (Cantor) Emeritus of Congregation Ezra Bessaroth, shared with usKomplas de Purim: Saludar el Purim,printed in Istanbul in the Hebrew year 5683 (1922 or 1923). Published by Benjamin Raphael ben Yosef, one the most prolific printers of religious and secular books in Ladino and Hebrew in the Ottoman Empire during the early 20thcentury,Komplas de Purim, with its bright pink cover, introduces readers to its contents in an equally colorful manner:

Saludar al Purim Buen Purim, buenos anyos sinyores, ke gozen kon gusto kon todo el deredor kon kondjas amores. Porke kanten estas komplas por Ester una de las flores, beved vino viejo i de todo modo de kolores, i al dio baruh u dar las loares, ke mos regmio de mano de angustiadores, por mano de Mordehai uno de los sinyores

Purim Greetings

Happy Purim, good year, sirs, may you delight with gusto, Together with those all around, with flower buds of love. Sing thesekomplasfor Esther, one of the flowers. Drink old wine of all varieties, and to God, blessed be he, give praise, for he redeemed us from the hands of our persecutors, through the hand of Mordechai, one of the men

The Sephardic Studies Digital Library also has several copies ofSefer Alegria de Purim, published in Livorno in 1902 by the well-known printing house established in the nineteenth century by Solomon Belforte (1806-1869). That such a book was published in Italy demonstrates that cultural links tied together Sephardic Jews in Italy and the Ottoman Empire during the early 20thcentury.

Rabbi Solomon Maimon of Congregation Sephardic Bikur Holim donated one copy of Sefer Alegria de Purimwhereas another comes from the library of the late Sam Bension Maimon. An inscription in the latter book reads, The material, poems, and prose-like compositions here were authored mostly by a certain Ribi Yaakov Uziel and by Ribi Yom Tov Magula and others. Uziel and Magula numbered among the most famous composers ofkoplasin the Ottoman Empire in the eighteenth century and their verses continued to accompany the celebration of Purim into the twentieth century.

Here are some other little ditties fromAlegria de Purim(See Sam Bension Maimon,The Beauty of Sephardic Lifefor additional examples):

(53) La vizindad adjuntavos, Beve i enborachavos, A baylar alevantavos Ke ansina eseldever. [Refrain:] Bivaelrey, Biva yo, Bivan todos los djudios, Biva la reyna Esther, Ke tanto plazer mos dyo (56) Beveelvinoa okas, Munchos biskochos i roskas, Ke no esten kedas las bokas, De komer i de bever. [Refrain] (58) No bevesh vino aguado, Preto, puro i kolorado i blanko muy alavado No lo deshesh de bever. [Refrain] (63) Los Frankos uzan pedrizes, Buen tabako de narizes De afera bilibizes, Ke es meze para bever


Get the neighborhood together, Drink and get drunk, Get up to dance, For thus is our duty.

Refrain: Long live the king, Long live I, Long live all the Jews, Long live Esther the queen, That she gave us so much pleasure.

Drink the wine by the gallons, Many cookies and pastries, That the mouths should not be still, From eating and drinking


Dont drink diluted wine. Dark, pure and red And white are praiseworthy. Dont stop drinking.


The Europeans make partridges, Good snuff To enjoy dried chickpeas, Which is an appetizer for drinking.


This Purim as you add a little cheer to your celebration, bring in a bit of Sephardic culture too!

A version of this piece appeared on the UW Stroum Center for Jewish Studies blog.

Photo credit Meryl Schenker Photography.

Sephardic Songs Add Merriment to Purim | Jewish& - My ...

Ancient Synagogue at Capernaum (Bible History Online)

Posted By on June 6, 2016

Jewish American Heritage Month – Puget Sound ESD

Posted By on June 4, 2016

On April 20, 2006, President George W. Bush proclaimed that May would be Jewish American Heritage Month, recognizing the more than 350-year history of Jewish contributions to American culture. Jewish American Heritage Month is a month to celebrate the contributions Jewish Americans have made to America since they first arrived in New Amsterdam in 1654.

The focus on preserving traditions is a notable characteristic of Jewish culture. Many Jewish religious and cultural practices have developed and adapted over the millennia, yet the fundamental exhortation to ensure that long-cherished ways of life are passed on to future generations remains as strongas ever before. Many Jewish Americans carry on this belief as they instill these traditions in their children.

Seeking to preserve their culture and start anew, Jewish immigrants have departed familiar lands to pursue their own American dreams for more than 300 years. During some periods, Jews sought refuge in the United States from the horrors and tragedies of persecution, pogroms, and the Holocaust. During other times, they came to seek better lives and greater economic opportunities for themselves and their children.

Jewish American history demonstrates how Americas diversity enriches and strengthens us all.

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