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Historical revisionism (negationism) – Wikipedia, the free …

Posted By on January 22, 2016

Historical revisionism involves either the legitimate scholastic re-examination of existing knowledge about a historical event, or the illegitimate distortion of the historical record. For the former, i.e. the academic pursuit, see historical revisionism.[1] This article deals solely with the latter, the distortion of history, whichif it constitutes the denial of historical crimesis also sometimes called negationism.[2][3]

In attempting to revise the past, illegitimate historical revisionism may use techniques inadmissible in proper historical discourse, such as presenting known forged documents as genuine; inventing ingenious but implausible reasons for distrusting genuine documents; attributing conclusions to books and sources that report the opposite; manipulating statistical series to support the given point of view; and deliberately mis-translating texts (in languages other than the revisionist's).[4]

Some countries, such as Germany, have criminalised the negationist revision of certain historical events, while others take a more cautious position for various reasons, such as protection of free speech; still others mandate negationist views.

Notable examples of negationism include Holocaust denial, Armenian Genocide denial, Japanese war crime denial, and Soviet historiography.[5][6]

In literature, the consequences of historical revisionism have been imaginatively depicted in some works of fiction, including Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell. In modern times, negationism may spread via new media, such as the Internet.

Usually, the purpose of historical negation is to achieve a national, political aim, by transferring war-guilt, demonizing an enemy, providing an illusion of victory, or preserving a friendship.[7] Sometimes the purpose of a revised history is to sell more books or to attract attention with a newspaper headline.[8] The historian James M. McPherson said that negationists would want revisionist history understood as, a consciously-falsified or distorted interpretation of the past to serve partisan or ideological purposes in the present.[9]

The principal functions of negationist history are the abilities to control ideological influence and to control political influence. In History Men Battle over Britains Future, Michael dAncona said that historical negationists seem to have been given a collective task in [a] nations cultural development, the full significance of which is emerging only now: To redefine [national] status in a changing world.[10] History is a social resource that contributes to shaping national identity, culture, and the public memory. Through the study of history, people are imbued with a particular cultural identity; therefore, by negatively revising history, the negationist can craft a specific, ideological identity. Because historians are credited as people who single-mindedly pursue truth, by way of fact, negationist historians capitalize on the historian's professional credibility, and present their pseudohistory as true scholarship.[11] By adding a measure of credibility to the work of revised history, the ideas of the negationist historian are more readily accepted in the public mind.[11] As such, professional historians recognize the revisionist practice of historical negationism as the work of truth-seekers finding different truths in the historical record to fit their political, social, and ideological contexts.[12]

History provides insight into past political policies and consequences, and thus assists people in extrapolating political implications for contemporary society. Historical negationism is applied to cultivate a specific political myth sometimes with official consent from the government whereby self-taught, amateur, and dissident academic historians either manipulate or misrepresent historical accounts to achieve political ends. In the USSR (191791), the ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Soviet historiography treated reality and the party line as the same intellectual entity;[13] Soviet historical negationism advanced a specific, political and ideological agenda about Russia and her place in world history.[14]

Historical negationism applies the techniques of research, quotation, and presentation for deception of the reader and denial of the historical record. In support of the revised history perspective, the negationist historian uses false documents as genuine sources, presents specious reasons to distrust genuine documents, exploits published opinions, by quoting out of historical context, manipulates statistics, and mistranslates texts in other languages.[15] The revision techniques of historical negationism operate in the intellectual space of public debate for the advancement of a given interpretation of history and the cultural-perspective of the revised history.[16] As a document, the revised history is used to negate the validity of the factual, documentary record, and so reframe explanations and perceptions of the discussed historical event, in order to deceive the reader, the listener, and the viewer; therefore, historical negationism functions as a technique of propaganda.[17] Rather than submit their works for peer review, negationist historians rewrite history and use logical fallacies to construct arguments that will obtain the desired results, a revised history that supports an agenda political, ideological, religious, etc.[4] In the practice of historiography, the British historian Richard J. Evans describes the technical differences, between professional historians and negationist historians:

Reputable and professional historians do not suppress parts of quotations from documents that go against their own case, but take them into account, and, if necessary, amend their own case, accordingly. They do not present, as genuine, documents which they know to be forged, just because these forgeries happen to back up what they are saying. They do not invent ingenious, but implausible, and utterly unsupported reasons for distrusting genuine documents, because these documents run counter to their arguments; again, they amend their arguments, if this is the case, or, indeed, abandon them altogether. They do not consciously attribute their own conclusions to books and other sources, which, in fact, on closer inspection, actually say the opposite. They do not eagerly seek out the highest possible figures in a series of statistics, independently of their reliability, or otherwise, simply because they want, for whatever reason, to maximize the figure in question, but rather, they assess all the available figures, as impartially as possible, in order to arrive at a number that will withstand the critical scrutiny of others. They do not knowingly mistranslate sources in foreign languages in order to make them more serviceable to themselves. They do not willfully invent words, phrases, quotations, incidents and events, for which there is no historical evidence, in order to make their arguments more plausible.[18]

Deception includes falsifying information, obscuring the truth, and lying in order to manipulate public opinion about the historical event discussed in the revised history. The negationist historian applies the techniques of deception to achieve either a political or an ideological goal, or both. The field of history distinguishes among history books based upon credible, verifiable sources, and were peer-reviewed before publication; and deceptive history books, based upon incredible sources, and which were not submitted for peer review.[19] The distinction among types of history-book rests upon the research techniques used in writing a history. Verifiability, accuracy, and openness to criticism are central tenets of historical scholarship. When these techniques are sidestepped, the presented historical information might be deliberately deceptive, a revised history.

Denial is defensively protecting information from being shared with other historians, and claiming that facts are untrue especially denial of the war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated in the course of the Second World War (193945) and the Holocaust (193345). The negationist historian protects the historical-revisionism project by shifting the blame, censorship, distraction, and media manipulation; occasionally, denial by protection includes risk management for the physical security of revisionist sources.

Comparing certain historical atrocities to other crimes is the practice of relativization, interpretation by moral judgements, in order to alter public perception of the first historical atrocity. Although such comparisons can often occur in negationist history, their pronouncement is not usually part of revisionist intentions upon the historical facts, but an opinion of moral judgement.

Repositories of literature have been targeted throughout history (e.g., the Library of Alexandria), including recently, such as the Burning of Jaffna library and the destruction of Iraqi libraries by ISIS during the fall of Mosul.[21]

The Burning of books and burying of scholars (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: fnsh kngr; literally: "burning of books and burying (alive) of (Confucian) scholars"), or "Fires of Qin", is the purported burning of writings and slaughter of scholars during the Qin Dynasty of Ancient China, between the period of 213 and 210 BC. "Books" at this point refers to writings on bamboo strips, which were then bound together. This contributed to the loss to history of many philosophical theories of proper government (known as "the Hundred Schools of Thought"). The official philosophy of government ("legalism") survived.

In the mid1930s, the Nazi book burnings were part of a campaign of anti-intellectualism conducted throughout Germany and Austria by the Deutsche Studentenschaft (German Student Association) of the Third Reich (193345). The burning of books was a public ceremony in which the works of authors whose politics were classical liberal, anarchist, Socialist, pacifist, and Communist were fuel for bonfires. Given the official Anti-Seimitism of the Reich, the works of Jewish writers were specifically identified for burning; thus did Nazi Germany rid themselves of writers deemed subversive of the National Socialist ideology.

In Poland, the Sonderfahndungsbuch Polen (Pol.: "Specjalna ksiga Polakw ciganych listem goczym", "Special Prosecution Book Poland") was the book of political proscription for the killing of socially important Poles who might lead resistance against the Nazi Occupation of Poland (193945). Compiled before the Second World War began in 1939, the Special Prosecution Book Poland contained lists that identified more than 61,000 members of the Polish lites political and social activists, the intelligentsia, scholars, actors, former military officers as enemies of the state dangerous to the Third Reich.[22]

In Occupied France, anti-fascist exiles made a Library of Burned Books of every book that Adolf Hitler had ordered destroyed in France. The Library of Burned Books listed copies of titles that had been burned. The book burnings in France were an idea that the French fascists, of the collaborating Vichy government (194044), borrowed from the Nazis, to cleanse French culture of Jewish intellectualism and the foreign politics of pacifism, decadent literature, and degenerate art, as the Nazis had cleansed German culture. In the event, after the Final Solution had concluded, for the post-war world, the Nazis had planned to establish a museum of Judaism that would have featured selected books of Jewish culture, preserved in memoriam of the extinct Jews of Europe.[23]

The historical negationism of American Civil War revisionists and Neo-Confederates claims that the Confederate States of America (186165) were the defenders, rather than the instigators, of the U.S. Civil War (186165), and that the Confederacy's motivation for secession from the United States was the maintenance of the southern states' rights and limited government, rather than the preservation and expansion of the chattel slavery of Africans.[24][25][26]

About confederate revisionism of the U.S. Civil War, the historian Brooks D. Simpson said that:

This is an active attempt to reshape historical memory, an effort by white Southerners to find historical justifications for present-day actions. The neoConfederate movement's ideologues have grasped that if they control how people remember the past, they'll control how people approach the present and the future. Ultimately, this is a very conscious war for memory and heritage. It's a quest for legitimacy, the eternal quest for justification.[27]

In the early 20th century, Mildred Rutherford, the historian general of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), led the attack against American history textbooks that did not present the Lost Cause of the Confederacy (ca. 1900) version of the history of the U.S. Civil War. To that pedagogical end, Rutherford assembled a massive collection of documents that included essay contests on the glory of the Ku Klux Klan and personal tributes to faithful slaves.[28] About the historical negationism of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the historian David Blight said:

All UDC members and leaders were not as virulently racist as Rutherford, but all, in the name of a reconciled nation, participated in an enterprise that deeply influenced the white supremacist vision of Civil War memory.[29]

The post-war minimisation of the war crimes of Japanese imperialism is an example of "illegitimate" historical revisionism;[30] some contemporary Japanese revisionists, such as Yuko Iwanami (granddaughter of General Hideki Tojo), propose that Japan's invasion of China, and the Second World War, itself, were justified reactions to racist Western imperialism of the time.[31] On 2 March 2007, Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe denied that the military had forced women into sexual slavery during the war, saying, "The fact is, there is no evidence to prove there was coercion". Before he spoke, some Liberal Democratic Party legislators also sought to revise Yohei Kono's apology to former comfort women in 1993;[32] likewise, there was the controversial negation of the six-week Nanking Massacre in 19371938.[33]

Shinzo Abe led the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform and headed the Diet antenna of Nippon Kaigi, two openly revisionist groups denying Japanese war crimes.

Editor-in-chief of the conservative Yomiuri Shimbun Tsuneo Watanabe criticized the Yasukuni Shrine as a bastion of revisionism: "The Yasukuni Shrine runs a museum where they show items in order to encourage and worship militarism. It's wrong for the prime minister to visit such a place".[34] Other critics[who?] note that men, who would contemporarily be perceived as "Korean" and "Chinese", are enshrined for the military actions they effected as Japanese Imperial subjects.[citation needed]

The Hibakusha ("explosion-affected people") of Hiroshima and Nagasaki seek compensation from their government and criticize it for failing to "accept responsibility for having instigated and then prolonged an aggressive war long after Japan's defeat was apparent, resulting in a heavy toll in Japanese, Asian and American lives".[35] Historians Hill and Koshiro have stated that attempts to minimize the importance of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is revisionist history.[36]EB Sledge expressed concern that such revisionism, in his words "mellowing", would allow us to forget the harsh facts of the history that led to the bombings.[37]

There have been a number of scholars and political activists who have publicly disagreed with mainstream views of Serbian war crimes in the Yugoslav wars of 19911999. Among the points of contention are whether the victims of massacres such as the Raak massacre and Srebrenica massacre were unarmed civilians or armed resistance fighters, whether death and rape tolls were inflated, and whether prison camps such as Sremska Mitrovica camp were sites of mass war crimes.

These scholars are labeled "revisionists" by their opponents. For example, Diana Johnstone's controversial book, Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, Nato, and Western Delusions, questions whether genocidal killings occurred in Srebrenica. The book was rejected by publishers in Sweden[38] prompting an open letter in 2003 defending Johnstone's book (and her right to publish) which was signed by, among others, Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy, Tariq Ali and John Pilger: "We regard Diana Johnstone's Fools' Crusade as an outstanding work, dissenting from the mainstream view but doing so by an appeal to fact and reason, in a great tradition."[39][40] On the other hand, Richard Caplan of Reading and Oxford University reviewed the work in International Affairs, where he described the work as "a revisionist and highly contentious account of western policy and the dissolution of Yugoslavia".[41] The historian Marko Attila Hoare called it "an extremely poor book, one that is little more than a polemic in defence of the Serb-nationalist record during the wars of the 1990sand an ill-informed one at that".[38]

The Report about Case Srebrenica by Darko Trifunovic,[42] commissioned by the government of the Republika Srpska,[43] was described by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia as "one of the worst examples of revisionism in relation to the mass executions of Bosnian Muslims committed in Srebrenica in July 1995".[44] Outrage and condemnation by a wide variety of Balkan and international figures eventually forced the Republika Srpska to disown the report.[43][45]

Turkish laws such as Article 301, that state "a person who publicly insults Turkishness, or the Republic or [the] Turkish Grand National Assembly of Turkey, shall be punishable by imprisonment", were used to criminally charge the writer Orhan Pamuk with disrespecting Turkey, for saying that "Thirty thousand Kurds, and a million Armenians, were killed in these lands, and nobody, but me, dares to talk about it".[46] The controversy occurred as Turkey was first vying for membership in the European Union (EU) where the suppression of dissenters is looked down upon.[47] Article 301 originally was part of penal-law reforms meant to modernise Turkey to EU standards, as part of negotiating Turkey's membership to the EU.[48] In 2006, the charges were dropped due to pressure from the Turkish government.[47]

On 7 February 2006, five journalists were tried for insulting the judicial institutions of the State, and for aiming to prejudice a court case (per Article 288 of the Turkish penal code).[49] The reporters were on trial for criticising the court-ordered closing of a conference in Istanbul regarding the Armenian genocide during the time of the Ottoman Empire. The conference continued elsewhere, transferring locations from a state to a private university. The trial continued until 11 April 2006, when four of the reporters were acquitted. The case against the fifth journalist, Murat Belge, proceeded until 8 June 2006, when he was also acquitted. The purpose of the conference was to critically analyze the official Turkish view of the Armenian Genocide in 1915; a taboo subject in Turkey.[50] The trial proved to be a test case between Turkey and the European Union; the EU insisted that Turkey allow increased freedom of expression rights, as a condition to membership.[51][52] The Republic of Turkey does not deny the Ottoman Armenian casualties, but denies they were genocide, specifically claiming that said deaths were consequence of war, and also were criminal killings neither approved nor committed by the Ottoman Empire.

During the existence of the Russian SFSR (19181991) and the Soviet Union (19221991), the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) attempted to ideologically and politically control the writing of both academic and popular history. These attempts were most successful in 193452 period. According to Mehnert, the Soviets attempt to control academic historiography (the writing of history by academic historians) to promote ideological and ethno-racial imperialism by Russians.[5] During the 192856 period, modern and contemporary history was generally composed according to the wishes of the CPSU, not the requirements of accepted historiographic method.[5] According to some authors, such as Mehnert, this practice was fundamentally corrupt.

During and after the rule of Nikita Khrushchev (195664), Soviet historiographic practice is more complicated. Although not entirely corrupted, Soviet historiography was characterized by complex competition between Stalinist and anti-Stalinist Marxist historians.[6] To avoid the professional hazard of politicized history, some historians chose pre-modern, medieval history or classical history, where ideological demands were relatively relaxed and conversation with other historians in the field could be fostered;[54] nevertheless, despite the potential danger of proscribed ideology corrupting historians' work, not all of Soviet historiography was corrupt.[6]

Control over party history and the legal status of individual ex-party members played a large role in dictating the ideological diversity and thus the faction in power within the CPSU. The history of the Communist Party was revised to delete references to leaders purged from the party, especially during the rule of Joseph Stalin (192253).[citation needed][note 1]

In the Historiography of the Cold War, a controversy over negationist historical revisionism exists, where numerous revisionist scholars in the West have been accused of whitewashing the crimes of Stalinism, overlooking the Katyn massacre in Poland and disregarding the validity of the Venona messages with regards to Soviet espionage in the United States.[55][56][57]

Since the start of the Korean War (195053), the government of North Korea has consistently denied that the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea (DPRK) launched the attack with which began the war for the Communist unification of Korea. The historiography of the DPRK maintains that the war was provoked by South Korea, at the instigation of the United States:

On June 17, Juche 39 [1950] the then U.S. President [Harry S.] Truman sent [John Foster] Dulles as his special envoy to South Korea to examine the anti-North war scenario and give an order to start the attack. On June 18, Dulles inspected the 38th parallel and the war preparations of the ROK Army units. That day he told Syngman Rhee to start the attack on North Korea with the counter-propaganda that North Korea first invaded the south.[58]

Further North Korean pronouncements included the claim that the U.S. needed the peninsula of Korea as a bridgehead, for invading the Asian continent, and as a strategic base, from which to fight against national-liberation movements and socialism, and, ultimately, to attain world supremacy."[59] Likewise, the DPRK denied the war crimes committed by the North Korean army in the course of the war; nonetheless, in the 1951-52 period, the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) privately admitted to the "excesses" of their earlier campaign against North Korean citizens who had collaborated with the enemy either actually or allegedly during the USSouth Korean occupation of North Korea. Later, the WPK blamed every war-time atrocity upon the U.S. military, e.g. the Sinchon Massacre (17 October 7 December 1950) occurred during the retreat of the DPRK government from Hwanghae Province, in the south-west of North Korea.

The campaign against collaborators was attributed to political and ideological manipulations by the U.S. About which the high-rank leader Pak Chang-ok said that the American enemy had started to use a new method, namely, it donned a leftist garb, which considerably influenced the inexperienced cadres of the Party and government organs.[60] In Soviet Aims in Korea and the Origins of the Korean War, 19451950: New Evidence from Russian Archives (1993), by Kathryn Weathersby, confirmed that the Korean War was launched by order of Kim Il-sung (19412011); and also refuted the DPRKs allegations of biological warfare in the Korean War. The Korean Central News Agency dismissed the historical record of Soviet documents as sheer forgery.[61]

Holocaust deniers usually reject the term Holocaust denier as an inaccurate description of their historical point of view, instead, preferring, the term Holocaust revisionist;[62] nonetheless, scholars prefer "Holocaust denier" to differentiate deniers from legitimate historical revisionists, whose goal is to accurately analyze historical evidence with established methods.[note 2] Historian Alan Berger reports that Holocaust deniers argue in support of a preconceived theory that the Holocaust either did not occur or was mostly a hoax by ignoring extensive historical evidence to the contrary.[63]

Hence, as retroactive minimisation of the Holocaust, Holocaust deniers have attached themselves to the Heimatvertriebenen (ethnic Germans expelled mainly from the eastern quarter of Germany annexed by Poland and the Soviet Union after the war), and have, per their opponents, attempted to use sympathy for said Germans, and blame the Jews[citation needed] for the suffering of the Heimatvertriebenen. Moreover, when the discredited author David Irving[note 3] lost his English libel case against Deborah Lipstadt, and her publisher, Penguin Books, and thus was publicly identified as a Holocaust denier,[64] the trial judge, Justice Charles Gray, concluded that:

Irving has, for his own ideological reasons, persistently and deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence; that, for the same reasons, he has portrayed Hitler in an unwarrantedly favorable light, principally in relation to his attitude towards, and responsibility for, the treatment of the Jews; that he is an active Holocaust denier; that he is anti-semitic and racist, and that he associates with right-wing extremists who promote neo-Nazism.[65]

On 20 February 2006, Irving was found guilty, and sentenced to three years imprisonment for Holocaust denial, under Austria's 1947 law banning Nazi revivalism and criminalising the "public denial, belittling or justification of National Socialist crimes".[66] Besides Austria, eleven other countries[67]including Belgium, Brazil,[citation needed] France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, and Switzerlandhave criminalised Holocaust denial as punishable with imprisonment.[note 4]

See also: The Diplomatic's article The Financial Time's article

12 October 2015, South Korea's government has announced controversial plans to control the history textbooks used in secondary schools despite oppositional concerns of people and academics that the decision is made to glorify the history of those who served the Imperial Japanese government(Chinilpa) [68] and the authoritarian dictatorships in South Korea during 1960s - 1980s.[69]

Many South Korean historians condemned Kyohaksa for their text glorifying those who served the Imperial Japanese government (Chinilpa) and the authoritarian dictatorship with a far-right political perspective. On the other hand, New Right supporters welcomed the textbook saying that the new textbook finally describes historical truths contrary to the history textbooks published by left-wing publishers, and the textbook issue became intensified as a case of ideological conflict.

The Ministry of Education announced that it would put the secondary-school history textbook under state control.

This was an inevitable choice in order to straighten out historical errors and end the social dispute caused by ideological bias in the textbooks, Hwang Woo-yea, education minister said on 12 October 2015. (Ministry unveils plan for history textbook publication system, The Korea Herald_ 2015-10-12)

According to the governments plan, the current history textbooks of South Korea will be replaced by a single textbook written by a panel of government-appointed historians and the new series of publications would be issued under the title "The Correct Textbook of History" and are to be issued to the public and private primary and secondary schools in 2017 onwards.

The move has sparked fierce criticism from academics who argue the system can be used to distort the history and glorify the history of those who served the Imperial Japanese government (Chinilpa) and of the authoritarian dictatorships. Moreover, 466 organisations including Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union formed History Act Network in solidarity and have staged protests: The governments decision allows the state too much control and power and, therefore, it is against political neutrality that is certainly the fundamental principle of education.

In fact, there once was a time in Korean history that the history textbook was put under state control. It was during the authoritarian regime under Park Chung-hee (1963-1979), who is a father of Park Geun-hye,[70] the current President of South Korea, and was used as a means to keep the Yushin Regime (also known as Yushin Dictatorship).[71] However, there had been continuous criticisms about the system especially from the 1980s when Korea experienced a dramatic democratic development. In 2003, liberalisation of textbook began when the textbooks on Korean modern and contemporary history were published though the Textbook Screening System, which allows textbooks to be published not by a single government body but by many different companies, for the first time.

The history textbook controversy centers upon the secondary school history textbook Atarashii Rekishi Kykasho ("New History Textbook") said to minimise the nature of Japanese militarism in the First Sino-Japanese War (189495), in annexing Korea in 1910, in the Second Sino-Japanese War (193745), and in the Pacific Theater of the Second World War (194145). The conservative Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform commissioned the Atarashii Rekishi Kykasho textbook with the purpose of traditional national and international view of that Japanese historical period. The Ministry of Education vets all history textbooks, and those that do not mention Japanese war crimes and atrocities are not vetted;[citation needed] however, the Atarashii Rekishi Kykasho de-emphasises aggressive Japanese Imperial wartime behaviour and the matter of Chinese and Korean comfort women. It has even been denied that the Nanking massacre (a series of violences and rapes carried on by the Japanese army against Chinese civilians during the Second Sino-Japanese War) ever took place (see Nanking massacre denial).[72] In 2007, the Ministry of Education attempted to revise textbooks regarding the Battle of Okinawa, lessening the involvement of the Japanese military in Okinawan civilian mass suicides.[73][74]

Allegations of historical revisionism have been made regarding Pakistani textbooks in that they are laced with Indophobic and Islamist bias. Pakistan's use of officially published textbooks has been criticized for using schools to more subtly foster religious extremism, whitewashing Muslim conquests on the Indian subcontinent and promoting "expansive pan-Islamic imaginings" that "detect the beginnings of Pakistan in the birth of Islam on the Arabian peninsula".[75] Since 2001, the Pakistani government has stated that curriculum reforms have been underway by the Ministry of Education.[76][77][78]

In the 1990s following a massive western media coverage of the Yugoslav civil war, there was a rise of the publications considering the matter on historical revisionism of the Ex-Yugoslav region. One of the most prominent authors on the field of historical revisionism in the 1990s considering the newly emerged republics is Sir Noel Malcolm and his works Bosnia: A Short History (1994) and Kosovo: A Short History (1998), that have seen a robust debate among historians following their release. For example, following the release of Kosovo: A Short History (1998), the merits of the book were the subject of an extended debate in Foreign Affairs. Critics said that Malcolm's book Kosovo: A Short History (1998) was "marred by his sympathies for its ethnic Albanian separatists, anti-Serbian bias, and illusions about the Balkans". In late 1999, Thomas Emmert of the history faculty of Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota reviewed the book in Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans Online and while praising aspects of the book also asserted that it was "shaped by the author's overriding determination to challenge Serbian myths", that Malcolm was "partisan", and also complained that the book made a "transparent attempt to prove that the main Serbian myths are false".

In May 2009, Russian president, Dmitri Medvedev, established the History Commission of Russia (formally, the Presidential Commission of the Russian Federation to Counter Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia's Interests) to counter aggressive attempts to rewrite history to Russian disadvantage, yet Alexander Cherkasov of the Memorial human-rights group, called it a regression to Soviet-era control.[81] Historian Isaak Rozental says, "Their [the Kremlin's] approach is not to study history but to use it."[82]

On 23 February 2005, the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) conservative majority at the French National Assembly voted a law compelling history textbooks and teachers to "acknowledge and recognize in particular the positive role of the French presence abroad, especially in North Africa".[83] Criticized by historians and teachers, among them Pierre Vidal-Naquet, who refused to recognise the French Parliament's right to influence the way history is written (despite the French Holocaust denial laws, see Loi Gayssot). That law was also challenged by left-wing parties and the former French colonies; critics argued that the law was tantamount to refusing to acknowledge the racism inherent to French colonialism, and that the law proper is a form of historical revisionism.[note 5][84][85]

Some countries have criminalised historical revisionism of historic events such as the Holocaust. The Council of Europe defines it as the "denial, gross minimisation, approval or justification of genocide or crimes against humanity" (article 6, Additional Protocol to the Convention on cybercrime).

Some council-member states proposed an additional protocol to the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention, addressing materials and "acts of racist or xenophobic nature committed through computer networks"; it was negotiated from late 2001 to early 2002, and, on 7 November 2002, the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers adopted the protocol's final text[86] titled Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cyber-crime, Concerning the Criminalisation of Acts of a Racist and Xenophobic Nature Committed through Computer Systems, ("Protocol").[87] It opened on 28 January 2003, and became current on 1 March 2006; as of 30 November 2011, 20 States have signed and ratified the Protocol, and 15 others have signed, but not yet ratified it (including Canada and South Africa).[88]

The Protocol requires participant States to criminalise the dissemination of racist and xenophobic material, and of racist and xenophobic threats and insults through computer networks, such as the Internet.[89] Article 6, Section 1 of the Protocol specifically covers Holocaust Denial, and other genocides recognised as such by international courts, established since 1945, by relevant international legal instruments. Section 2 of Article 6 allows a Party to the Protocol, at their discretion, only to prosecute the violator if the crime is committed with the intent to incite hatred or discrimination or violence; or to use a reservation, by allowing a Party not to apply Article 6 either partly or entirely.[90] The Council of Europe's Explanatory Report of the Protocol says that the "European Court of Human Rights has made it clear that the denial or revision of 'clearly established historical facts such as the Holocaust ... would be removed from the protection of Article 10 by Article 17' of the European Convention on Human Rights" (see the Lehideux and Isorni judgement of 23 September 1998);[90]

Two of the English-speaking states in Europe, Ireland and the United Kingdom, have not signed the additional protocol, (the third, Malta, signed on 28 January 2003, but has not yet ratified it).[91] On 8 July 2005 Canada became the only non-European state to sign the convention. They were joined by South Africa in April 2008. The United States government does not believe that the final version of the Protocol is consistent with the United States' First Amendment Constitutional rights and has informed the Council of Europe that the United States will not become a Party to the protocol.[89][92]

There are various domestic laws against negationism and hate speech (which may encompass negationism), in sixteen different countries including

Additionally, the Netherlands considers denying the Holocaust as a hate crime which is a punishable offense.[95] Wider use of domestic laws include the 1990 French Gayssot Act that prohibits any "racist, anti-Semitic or xenophobic" speech.,[95] and the Czech Republic[96] and the Ukraine[97] have criminalised the denial and the minimisation of Communist-era crimes.

In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), by George Orwell, the government of Oceania continually revises historical records to concord with the contemporary political explanations of The Party. When Oceania is at war with Eurasia, the public records (newspapers, cinema, television) indicate that Oceania has been always at war with Eurasia; yet, when Eurasia and Oceania are no longer fighting each other, the historical records are subjected to negationism; thus, the populace are brainwashed to believe that Oceania and Eurasia always have been allies against East Asia.

The protagonist of the story, Winston Smith, is an editor in the Ministry of Truth, responsible for effecting the continual historical revisionism that will negate the contradictions of the past upon the contemporary world of Oceania.[98][99] To cope with the psychological stresses of life during wartime, Smith begins a diary, in which he observes that He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future, and so illustrates the principal, ideological purpose of historical negationism.[100]

"[R]evisionists" are understood as "negationists" in order to differentiate them from "historical revisionists" since their goal is either to prove that the Holocaust did not exist or to introduce confusion regarding the victims and German executioners regardless of historical and scientific methodology and evidence. For those reasons, the term "revisionism" is often considered confusing since it conceals misleading ideologies that purport to avoid disapproval by presenting "revisions" of the past based on pseudo-scientific methods, while really they are a part of negationism.

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Israel Matzav

Posted By on January 22, 2016

Travel Day I am traveling to the US today. What's unusual is that I am traveling without a computer (a new one awaits me there), and for most of the day I will not have WiFi access either.

To the extent that I can post anything, it will likely be to my Twitter account, which you can follow here.

When I arrive in the US (in the evening US Eastern time), I will have access to the Twitter account on my phone, and will try to post more. But I will not have a computer before Monday morning.

See you soon!

Labels: personal stuff, travel

The 'Palestine' Liberation Organization (PLO) has slammed Republican Presidential candidate and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx) for calling it a terror organization (Hat Tip: Jack W via Director Blue).

"There has been no administration to date that has supported Iran and the Palestinian terrorist organizations more than the Obama administration," Stethem said in his prepared testimony.

"If there is a party to be condemned for their actions, it is Israel, which continues to defy international law with impunity because of the blind support it receives from people like Senator Cruz and other senators," the organization said. "It is time for Israel apologists on the Hill to put U.S. national interests ahead of those of the current extreme right-wing government in Israel."

Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, John Kerry, Palestinian terrorism, PLO, Ted Cruz, terror victim suits in US

Shabbat Shalom everyone!

Labels: Football, Israel's football team, New England Patriots, Tom Brady

Labels: California, Islamic terrorism

What could go wrong?

Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Vladimir Putin

Labels: California, ISIS, Islamic State, Islamic terrorism

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Mudar Zahran).


Labels: Facebook, Jordan is Palestine, Mudar Zahran

The group was founded to 'break down barriers' between Jews and Arabs, and is described as a forum for Jews and Arabs to meet and discuss their world views. The goal is to create a 'pluralistic, equal and inclusive' student body.

The first meeting will include a 'warming' session in which the group will break off into pairs so that a Jew and an Arab can get to know each other better. The group describes itself as non-political, and is sponsored in cooperation with the Student Union.

But there's more to this than meetings. The notice I pasted above, in Hebrew and Arabic, informs the students that those who attend these 'warming' sessions will each receive a NIS 4,000 (a bit more than $1,000) grant in exchange for attending 84 academic hours' worth of sessions (one three-hour weekly meeting on 28 Tuesdays during the course of the year. The group is limited to 14 students - seven Jews and seven Arabs - and is moderated by a Jewish woman and an Arab woman.

Hebrew University is a public institution, which means that this program is being paid for by the Israeli government, and by you, the Israeli taxpayer (and overseas donor).

For those of you who wonder why this kind of program is problematic, please consider this article published in the New York Daily News by Dr. Daniel Gordis three weeks ago:

What could go wrong?

Labels: Arab-Israeli conflict, Arabic, Hebrew University, multi-culturalism

Labels: al-Jazeera, anti-Israel media bias, BBC bias, CNN lies, Haaretz, Israel's Hebrew Palestinian daily, MSNBC

The police officer was seriously wounded in the incident, which was obviously deliberate.

Let's go to the videotape.

Labels: Hebron, Palestinian terrorism, Palestinian terrorists

Here is the original post:
Israel Matzav

National Jewish Health Highlands Ranch: Network of Locations

Posted By on January 22, 2016

8671 S Quebec Street, Suite 120 Highlands Ranch, CO 80130 303.703.3646 (Sleep Studies 303.270.2708)

View map and get driving directions.

National Jewish Health at Highlands Ranchbrings the best in asthma, allergy, and immunology care even closer to home.

National Jewish Health is committed to providing convenient access to world-renowned care. TheHighlands Ranchlocation offers comprehensive allergy and immunology care for all ages.

Our patients benefit from the latest diagnostic technology and innovative treatment for conditions including:

Our fully accredited sleep medicine program is the region's largest and most comprehensive sleep disorders center.

If you are going to have allergy testing performed, review our materials on intradermal and prick skin testing.

To request a copy of your medical records, please download and fill out the authorization form (PDF).

National Jewish Health in Highlands Ranch is staffed by a team of highly skilled physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals with expertise in adult and pediatric asthma, allergy, and immunology.

To reach the on-call physician after hours, please call 303.703.3646.

Physician and healthcare professionals, please call 303.703.3646.

View post:
National Jewish Health Highlands Ranch: Network of Locations

Egypt: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News – The Huffington Post

Posted By on January 22, 2016

The terrorist attacks on Paris, a nerve centre of European culture, was a dj vu moment. Nearly 15 years ago, 9/11 had evoked similar sentiments: shock, disbelief and confusion.

Raza Rumi

Writer, journalist and international development practitioner. Faculty, Ithaca College; C.Editor at The Friday Times, Fellow at National Endowment for Democracy, Washington D.C.

Ruminations about assimilation come naturally to Jews in North America at the winter holiday season. How much should a parent insist that Hanukkah is part of public school celebrations that give students a heavy dose of Christmas?

This week, I visited the Egyptian National Museum in Cairo, Egypt, which houses the most extensive collection of Pharaonic antiquities and treasures in the world and I truly had a blast in the past.

Chaker Khazaal

Writer, Reporter, Public Speaker and Author of the 'Confessions of a War Child' trilogy

The benefits of traveling are extensive -- and often surprising. Traveling has been accredited with the ability to heal, educate, and expand our horizons. The feeling of inspiration many of us get after traveling is undoubtedly one of the best consequences of a trip away.


Visiting, photographing, reviewing, and rating each hotel

I love traveling. I visited various countries alone or in the company of my best friend. I did not feel any fear before visiting the United Kingdom or...

Why is it that we can see B-list white actors, such as Gerard Butler, Christian Bale, Sigourney Weaver, Geoffrey Rush and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Egyptian gods and kings? Better yet, why is it that they can see themselves in those roles? But not A-list black actors such as Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Idris Elba or Kerry Washington?

A DKT Indonesia midwife counsels a client in her clinic in Jember, East Java. In 2014, this network of nearly 5,000 midwife clinics helped DKT Indon...

Sixty-eight years ago, following the recommendation of a decisive majority of the 11-member United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, the UN General Assembly met to consider Resolution 181. The measure called for the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states in the land west of the Jordan River

David Harris

AJC Executive Director, Edward and Sandra Meyer Office of the Executive Director; Senior Associate, St. Antony's College, Oxford (2009-11)

Her conversational tone pulls the reader in, so that I felt like a new friend she was explaining her customs to, and not an unwelcome voyeur peeking through a window. Humorous, lighthearted, respectful but not unduly submissive, Soad Nasr's book gives a glimpse into one woman's life in the Middle East that will break down stereotypes and create space for real understanding.

Certainly, looting has been occurring since there was buried treasure. But ISIS and its sympathizers have taken it to a new level. They are intentionally targeting the symbols that define our culture as a means to destroy our spirit.

Deborah Lehr

Chairman and Founder, the Antiquities Coalition, CEO, Basilinna;Senior Fellow, The Paulson Institute

Terrorism aimed at civilians leads to justifiable fears about our dangerous world. If we love to travel we need to continue to travel: exploring and enjoying, staying savvy, smart -- and comfortable.

Lea Lane

Author, Travel Tales I Couldn't Put in the Guidebooks

Violent extremism knows no particular faith. It is rather a perversion of the human condition, and must be dealt with as such. It is important that we refrain from demonizing Muslims without cause -- not because it is good for Muslims, but because our future ability to eradicate the menace of terror depends on it.

Emigrating from Gaza legally is an option open to only a vanishingly small percentage of residents. And that's why some, like hundreds of thousands of others from Syria, Eritrea, Iraq and elsewhere, turn to illegal, dangerous means.

I'll pray that the politicization of death ends soon. And for people to recognize the irony of dismissing victims anywhere and everywhere based on politics, race, color and religion.

Caught between military rule and increasing violence from Islamist groups, there is less space for peaceful dissent. Perceiving threat everywhere, the government is becoming a new sacred cow, inscrutable and unquestionable even to the most established and unimpeachable critical voices.

Tanya Monforte

Research Fellow at McGill Center for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism

"Sticks and stones will break my bones. But words will never harm me." Journalists, academicians and activists at a seminar in Egypt this month would beg to differ, notably since hate speech by and via various media can take a life of its own and lead to untold damage.

Originally posted here:
Egypt: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News - The Huffington Post

Egypt Country Profile – National Geographic Kids

Posted By on January 22, 2016


The first people to live on the banks of the Nile were hunters and fishermen, who settled there over 8,000 years ago. They learned to grow crops and raise animals, and they began to build villages and towns. They traded with their neighbors and learned to sail boats. By 3000 B.C., a civilization was established.

Around 3100 B.C., the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt were unified under a powerful king, later called a pharaoh. These kings built huge pyramids, temples, and other monuments. They also conquered other lands.

By 1000 B.C., Egypt had split into smaller parts and the kingdom was in decline. Strong neighbors attacked and took over Egyptian territory. In 31 B.C., Egypt fell under Roman control. In A.D. 640, Muslim warriors took over Egypt and founded the modern capital, Cairo. They ruled for several centuries. In the 16th century, Egypt became part of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

European powers played an increasing role in Egypt starting in the late 18th century. In 1882, the British invaded and occupied Egypt. The British wanted control of the Suez Canal, which linked the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea and greatly shortened the sailing trip from Asia to Europe. Egypt gained full independence from Great Britain in 1952 and took control of the Suez Canal in 1956.

Egypt and other neighboring Arab countries fought a series of wars with the Jewish state of Israel into the 1970s. In 1979 Egypt and Israel signed a peace agreement.

In 2011, a popular uprising toppled Egypt's long-time president, Hosni Mubarek. The country has held several democratic elections since 2011, but the role of the military in government remains strong.

Read the original:
Egypt Country Profile - National Geographic Kids

Fact Monster- Egypt

Posted By on January 22, 2016

Facts & Figures

Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces: Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi (2011)

President: Gen. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (2014)

Prime Minister: Ibrahim Mehlib (2014)

Land area: 384,344 sq mi (995,451 sq km); total area: 386,662 sq mi (1,001,450 sq km)

Population (2014 est.): 86,895,099 (growth rate: 1.84%); birth rate: 23.35/1000; infant mortality rate: 22.41/1000; life expectancy: 73.45

Capital and largest city (2011 est.): Cairo, 11.169 million

Other large cities: Alexandria, 4.494 million (2011)

Monetary unit: Egyptian pound

More Facts & Figures

Egypt, at the northeast corner of Africa on the Mediterranean Sea, is bordered on the west by Libya, on the south by the Sudan, and on the east by the Red Sea and Israel. It is nearly one and one-half times the size of Texas. Egypt is divided into two unequal, extremely arid regions by the landscape's dominant feature, the northward-flowing Nile River. The Nile starts 100 mi (161 km) south of the Mediterranean and fans out to a sea front of 155 mi between the cities of Alexandria and Port Said.


Egyptian history dates back to about 4000 B.C. , when the kingdoms of upper and lower Egypt, already highly sophisticated, were united. Egypt's golden age coincided with the 18th and 19th dynasties (16th to 13th century B.C. ), during which the empire was established. Persia conquered Egypt in 525 B.C. , Alexander the Great subdued it in 332 B.C. , and then the dynasty of the Ptolemies ruled the land until 30 B.C. , when Cleopatra, last of the line, committed suicide and Egypt became a Roman, then Byzantine, province. Arab caliphs ruled Egypt from 641 until 1517, when the Turks took it for their Ottoman Empire.

Napolon's armies occupied the country from 1798 to 1801. In 1805, Mohammed Ali, leader of a band of Albanian soldiers, became pasha of Egypt. After completion of the Suez Canal in 1869, the French and British took increasing interest in Egypt. British troops occupied Egypt in 1882, and British resident agents became its actual administrators, though it remained under nominal Turkish sovereignty. In 1914, this fiction was ended, and Egypt became a protectorate of Britain.

Egyptian nationalism, led by Zaghlul Pasha and the Wafd Party, forced Britain to relinquish its claims on the country. Egypt became an independent sovereign state on Feb. 28, 1922, with Fu'ad I as its king. In 1936, by an Anglo-Egyptian treaty of alliance, all British troops and officials were to be withdrawn, except from the Suez Canal Zone. When World War II started, Egypt remained neutral.

See original here:
Fact Monster- Egypt

Housing Locations – B’nai B’rith International

Posted By on January 22, 2016


Glen East Senior Housing 114 Seniors Drive Dothan, AL 36303 Email: Phone: 334-671-2999


B'nai B'rith House of Tucson I & II 4414 E. Second Street Tucson, AZ 85711 Email: Phone: 520-327-2200 Fax: 520-327-0080

Gerd & Inge Strauss B'nai B'rith Manor on Pantano 370 N. Pantano Road Tucson, AZ 85710 Phone: 520-722-9015 Fax: 520-722-9325


Levi Towers 240 Prospect Street Hot Springs, AR 71901 Email: Phone: 501-623-8419 Fax: 501-623-2133


B'nai B'rith Golden Years Apartments 11330 Otsego Street North Hollywood, CA Email: Phone: 818-762-6001 Fax: 818-762-1954


Fountain Heights B'nai B'rith Senior Housing 345 Fountain Street New Haven, CT 06515 Email: Phone: 203-387-4082 Fax: 203-387-4097


B'nai B'rith House 8000 Society Drive Claymont, DE 19703 Email: Phone: 302-798-6846 Fax: 302-798-2275


B'nai B'rith Apartments of Deerfield Beach I, II, & III 299 SW Third Avenue Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Phone: 954-426-5577 Fax: 954-426-0137


Sam J. Stone B'nai B'rith Covenant Apartments I & II 215 W. Sam J. Stone Avenue Peoria, IL 61605 Email: Phone: 309-676-0041 Fax: 309-676-5626


B'nai B'rith Homecrest House I, II, & III 14508 Homecrest Road Silver Spring, MD 20906 Email: Website: Phone: 301-598-4000, ext. 79 Fax: 301-598-6485


Irving B. Matross Covenant House I, II, & III 30 Washington Street Boston, MA 02146 Email: Phone: 617-277-8932 Fax: 617-734-4797


Covenant House I & II-CHAI Apartments 8 Millstone Campus, #2000 St. Louis, MO 63146 Email: Phone: 314-432-1610 Fax: 314-432-4058


B'nai B'rith Chesilhurst House, Inc. 124 Whitehorse Pike Chesilhurst, NJ 08089 Email: Phone: 856-809-9111

B'nai B'rith Elmwood House 444 North Elmwood Road Marlton, NJ 08053 Email: Phone: 856-810-1140

Originally posted here:
Housing Locations - B'nai B'rith International

Ernst Nolte and Holocaust Revisionism – Abbie Conant

Posted By on January 22, 2016

Ernst Nolte and Holocaust Revisionism

To the gen-mus list:

July 10, 2000

Last month we were discussing the women's orchestra in Auswchwitz and it was suggested that more emphasis should be placed on the "gray areas" of the Holocaust. I think this comment might have seemed strange to some, and so I would like to provide information about the intellectual background here in Germany from which the suggestion -might- have derived. There have also been some recent controversial developments in Germany related to the Holocaust and historical research that might be of interest to historians on this list.

In June, one of Germany's most prestigious literary prizes went to historian, Ernst Nolte, (a Professor at the Free University of Berlin) who has sought to partially justify the Holocaust by asserting it was in essence a riposte to Bolshevism[1]. He received the Konrad Adenauer Prize for literature, causing an uproar that has filled German newspapers with invective and divided one of Germany's leading historical institutes.

The prize is awarded by the Munich-based Deutschland Foundation which is conservative, but had not been considered reactionary or revisionist.

Accepting the prize, Mr. Nolte said, ''We should leave behind the view that the opposite of National Socialist goals is always good and right.'' He added that because Nazism was the ''strongest of all counter forces'' to Bolshevism, a movement with wide Jewish support, Hitler may have had ''rational'' reasons for attacking the Jews[2].

_The New York Times_ writes that the timing of the prize is particularly delicate because this is a "period of some intellectual ferment in Europe." The success of Austrian rightist Jorg Haider in steering his Freedom Party into government has emboldened the right in other regions of Europe. "In Germany and France," the Times writes, "a conservative reaction is evident against what the French call 'the angelic left,' which is accused of imposing a stifling political correctness on debate and of backing a multi-cultural tide that will sweep away the European nation state."

Unease and anger in Germany over the prize has been accentuated by the fact that another prominent historian, Horst Moller, the director of the distinguished Institute for Contemporary History, chose to make the speech honoring Mr. Nolte. Perhaps this intellectual climate might help list members understand why they would be asked to examine the "gray areas" of the Holocaust, a notion that in many respects seems an invitation to revisionism.

For those interested, historian Benjamin B. Weber, provides a criticism of Nolte's writings in an article entitled "Shades of Revisionism: Holocaust Denial and the Conservative Call to Reinterpret German History[3]." Weber suggests that the appeal of Nolte's writings stems from the desire of some to believe that "the roots of the Holocaust do not lie in German antisemitism, but rather in the Bolshevik revolution," a view that would "shift the blame from the German people to the communist Soviets." Most scholars scoff at Nolte's notion that the revolution of 1917 created a situation in which the German people were locked in a struggle to the death with European Jewry. Weber, however, asks us to imagine the effect Nolte's ideas could have on young Germans today "who have difficulty accepting that their relatives belonged to a flagrantly criminal society[4]." Nolte's distinguished reputation and academic credentials help lull young people into thinking the Holocaust was a defensive action.

Similar ideas have also shaped US politics. Unfounded concerns about "Jewish Bolshivists" caused anti-Semiticism to influence the "House Un-American Activities Committee" in the USA during the 1950s. Two of the most active McCarthyites, Richard Nixon and Ronald Regan, later became highly influential US Presidents.

Perhaps this helps explain why Nolte has a following among the far-right in the USA. In an article entitled "Nazifying the Germans," Ralph Raico, a rightist Professor of History at Buffalo State College, reiterates and extols Nolte's work. Raico agrees with Nolte that, "Keeping the Nazi period constantly before our eyes serves the ideological interests of a number of "influential groups" including "Zionists" and "American globalists." Raico also complains that Hitler is used as a case against Americian isolationism [5]. His views are widely represented in the American far-right.

Like many authors, including both Nolte and members of the more moderate-right, Raico feels we are in the "midst of a vast campaign to delegitimize western civilization" (a criticism also often leveled at the "new musicology.") Racio suggests that, "The obsession with the never-ending guilt of the Germans...advances the ends of those who look forward to the extinction of the nation-state and national identity, especially in the West."

Nolte agrees, and provides an even more specific theory. He asserts that radical feminism joins Third World anti-Occidentalism and multiculturalism to "instrumentalize" the Holocaust for political purposes. He feels these groups place the Holocaust in the context of "various genocides by the predatory and conquering West, so that 'homo hitlerensis' ultimately appears as merely a special case of 'homo occidentalis.'" According to Nolte, the purpose of this leftist portrayal of the West as genocidal is to strike at "the cultural and linguistic homogeneity of the national states, achieved over centuries, and open the gates to a massive immigration," so that in the end the nations of the West should cease to exist. The trouble with Nolte's thought seems to be that it trivializes atrocities Western nations have indeed committed.

In the mid 1980s, Jrgen Habermas, a professor of social philosophy at the University of Frankfurt, attacked Nolte's views. A lively public debate evolved in Germany known as the "Historikerstreit" ("The Historian's Conflict.") in which Nolte was represented by the conservative _Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung_ and Habermas by the liberal weekly _Die Zeit_. Habermas suggested that Nolte's revisionism was primarily a political issue stemming from the fact that many Germans born after 1945 are irritated at being held responsible for the crimes of their parents. Habermas criticized the revisionists for attempting to provide Germans with a history that would alleviate their sense of guilt. Rather than providing a more palatable interpretation of the German past, he demanded that historians leave it intact and that Germany face up to the horrors of Nazism. Habermas further suggested that revisionism would ultimately only discredit Germany.

Nolte's writings, however, are widely applauded and represent themes that helped fuel Jorg Haider's rise to power in Austria. As the _New York Times_ notes, "With Haiderism thriving in neighboring Austria, the ground has become fertile in Germany for a nationalist and right-wing intellectual awaking. It is fed by weariness, even anger, at what is seen as Germany's eternal victimization for the Holocaust, and irritation at the multi-cultural message from a Red-Green government[6]."

In any case, Nolte and other members of the German right question the "intellectual tyranny" of the left and demand it recognize rational motivations for the "gray areas" of the Holocaust. Nolte's critics, however, feel he and his followers advocate a dangerous and politically motivated historical revisionism.

William Osborne (You may forward this post. Please include the endnotes.)

[1] For a full report on the award to Nolte and the controversy surrounding it see Roger Cohen, "Hitler Apologist Wins German Honor, and a Storm Breaks Out" _The New York Times_ (June 21, 2000.) A copy is available on the web at <> [2] ibid. [3] Benjamin B. Weber, "Shades of Revisionism: Holocaust Denial and the Conservative Call to Reinterpret German History" _History Review_ (vol. 6, December 1994.) The journal is published by the University of Vermont. The article is available on the web at <> [4] ibid. [5] Ralph Raico, "Nazifying the Germans," July10, 2000 <> [6] Roger Cohen, "Hitler Apologist Wins German Honor, and a Storm Breaks Out" _The New York Times_ (June 21, 2000.)

More here:
Ernst Nolte and Holocaust Revisionism - Abbie Conant

Syria – U.S. Department of State

Posted By on January 22, 2016

Country Profiles Select a Country or Other Area Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas, The Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Curacao Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia, The Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

See the original post:
Syria - U.S. Department of State

Huge oil discovery in Golan Heights – Israeli media –

Posted By on January 22, 2016

A big oil deposit has been found in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, with enough reserves to last Israel for decades, according to the country's media.

The Israeli presence in the Golan Heights is in dispute. The region is internationally recognized Syrian territory that has been occupied by Israel since the 1967 Six-Day War between Israel and several Arab states. UN Resolution 242 (1967) demands the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from the territories occupied in the conflict. Israel disagrees with the wording of the resolution, saying the territories are disputable.

Reportedly, the potential production may reach billions of barrels, while Israel consumes 270,000 barrels per day. Israel currently imports up to three quarters of its oil from the semi-autonomous Kurdish region in Iraq, the Financial Times reported in August.

"We are talking about a strata which is 350 meters thick and what is important is the thickness and the porosity. On average in the world strata are 20-30 meters thick, so this is ten times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities. The important thing is to know the oil is in the rock and that's what we now know," Israel business website Globes quotesYuval Bartov, chief geologist of Afek Oil and Gas as saying. Afek is a subsidiary of the Americas Genie Energy.

The reported discovery coincides with the civil war raging in Syria. Israel has been accused of taking advantage of the conflict. The Israeli-occupied Golan Heights also border Syrian territory controlled by anti-government rebels. Israel hasreportedly provided medical aid to the rebels and has responded to rocket fire from rebel-controlled territory by striking Syrian Army positions. Israel's explanation has been that it "holds the Syrian military responsible for all events stemming from its territory."

See more here:
Huge oil discovery in Golan Heights - Israeli media -

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