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Machba (Merkaz haCHishuvim haBein-Universitai, the Israeli Interuniversity Computer Center) has an informative Israel Academic Network(ILAN) FAQ. The Israeli Internet Society is another good source of information.
Shamash The Jewish Network, a project of, includes texts of the tanach, divrei torah, kosher traveler's database, and email list newsletter archives. Shamash provides the web service that brings you this page.
The Virtual Jerusalem server in Israel includes Hebrew software, yeshiva information, divrei torah, holocaust information, and mailing list newsletter archives.
Maven provides an index of Jewish and Israeli web links. Maven supersedes Matthew Album's A-Z Index, formerly at ORT in London.
Walla is an Israeli web index fashioned after Yahoo, in Hebrew.
Jmerica Digital Jewish Life is a global Jewish web portal, based in Florida.
Localista is a free classified site (a la Craig's List) for Israelis around the world. Even better in Hebrew.
The United States Embassy, Israel, has a web site with information about US-Israel diplomatic relations.
The Internet Law Library (originally maintained by the U.S. House of Representatives) maintains an Israeli Law web page. Haim Ravia has a good survey of Israeli Law links.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem provides several Hebrew/English web servers. JewishNet - Global Jewish Information Server, formerly at HUJI, is now available at its own web site.
Janglo is the largest online community for English-speakers in Israel.
BeHadrei Haredim is a large online Haredi forum, hosted by Hyde Park Forums.
Morash is an Italian Jewish web portal. La porta dell'ebraismo italiano in rete.
TopJ and IsraelFR are Francophone Jewish web portals. Les pages francophones sur Isral et le Judasme.
Aurora is a web portal for the Spanish speaking Jewish world, with information in Spanish as well as English and Hebrew. Todo sobre Israel y el Judaismo en Espaol. is an Israeli web portal for Bukharan Jews.
Dianne Romm's Jewish Internet Guide is available on the web as well as in book form.
The Kopelman Foundation has put the entire 12-volume contents of the original 1906 edition of the Jewish Encyclopedia on the web.
Younger web surfers should check out the index of children's Jewish web sites.
Jewishnet has a comprehensive list of Jewish and Israeli Mailing Lists from around the net. Shamash has descriptions and archives of their lists.
Information about the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Israel Defense Forces have have information about their work and history, in Hebrew and English.
Kibbutz information for Artzi and Takam movements. HaKibbutz HaDati is the umbrella organization for orthodox Zionist kibbutzim.
The Project Oren Kibbutz Institutes have a web site for the Kibbutz Program Center, with information on work and ulpan programs during the school year or the summer.
The US Army Area Handbook on Israel is an in-depth document available from the Library of Congress.
Encyclopedia entry for Israel in the CIA World Factbook at the CIA.
Bezeq, Israel's telephone company, provides directory assistance, White Pages in Hebrew, and Yellow Pages in Hebrew and English.
Intellicast provides four-day weather forecasts for Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Information about the flags of Israel at the CRW Flags of the World web site.
Check out Live images from the Western Wall, brought to you by Aish HaTorah.
The Tel Aviv Guide promotes tourism to Tel Aviv.
The web site for the city of Karmiel, Gateway to the Galilee.
The web site for the Golan Heights with political information and pictures.
The Jewish Virtual Library has a good overview of the many Israeli political parties Some of Israel's political parties have web pages: Avoda-Meimad (Labor), Hadash (Communist), Hok Hateva, Yerukim (Green), Likud, Maavak (Socialist), Meretz, and Ale Yarok (Green Leaf).
IRIS: Information Regarding Israeli Security is an organization concerned with Israel's security needs.
The Women in Green have a web site with information about their political organization.
The Betar/Tagar web site has information on their Zionist organization.
The Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research at Tel Aviv University has a list of peace links.
The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies is a research organization that advocates capitalist economic policy in Israel.
The Jerusalem Post has a web site with an extensive selection of stories from their Israeli daily English newspaper.
The Israeli daily newspaper Ha'Aretz has a web site with stories from its daily English edition, in association with the International Herald Tribune. They also publish daily in Hebrew. Maariv publishes as on the web as NRG daily in Hebrew. Yediot Achronot also publish daily on the web in Hebrew.
Globes is Israel's financial daily newspaper, in Hebrew and English.
Israel Internet News Agency provides news on controversial events from Israel in times of crisis.
Media Watch International's Honest Reporting service encourages accurate reporting of events in the Middle East.
The Middle East Media and Research Institute is an independent, non-profit organization providing translations of the Arab media and original analysis and research on developments in the Middle East.
DebkaFile provides daily reports and analysis on Middle East politics and international affairs, in English and Hebrew.
Kol Yisrael, the Israel Broadcast Authority, has a web site with information on its programming, networks, and rebroadcasters worldwide. You can listen to today's English news in RealAudio.
Several Israeli radio stations broadcast live over the web using RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, or streaming mp3 WinAmp
The Offshore Radio Guide has an overview of Israeli Offshore Radio.
The JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) is an international news service with a web site providing comprehensive coverage of Jewish and Israeli events. They also offer subscription services available by email or fax.
The Jewish Chronicle has a web site with stories from their British weekly newspaper. The Jewish Telegraph is Britain's regional Jewish newspaper.
The Israel Information Office in Scotland provides a daily news roundup.
Middle East news from 1st Headlines, BBC, NPR, the New York Times, Salon Time, UN, World News Network, and Yahoo.
Link TV Mosaic provides a daily roundup of TV news from the Arab press, in English translation (Apple QuickTime format).
Jewish Forward has a web site with sample stories from their American weekly newspaper.
The Jewish World Review publishes their magazine daily on the web.
Tikkun Magazine has articles from recent issues and information on their San Francisco synagogue, with a focus on Jewish Renewal.
Der Yiddisher Tam-Tam, a bi-monthly newsletter for Yiddish students, published in Paris, in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format. Note that it's in A4 format, so if you're printing on 8.5x11 paper, use a "shrink to fit" option.
The Yiddish Voice of Brookline, MA, has a web site with information on its radio programming, and pointers to other Yiddish resources on the net.
Large American Jewish weeklies include The Jewish Press and the Jewish Week in New York, the Jewish Journal in Los Angeles, the Florida Jewish Journal the Jewish Exponent in Philadelphia, the Chicago Jewish News, J Weekly in San Francisco, the Jewish Advocate in Boston, and the Jewish Times in Baltimore.
The Jewish Post of New York has a web site with selections from their bimonthly newspaper.
The Jewish News of Greater Phoenix has a web site with Phoenix resources and content from their weekly newspaper.
B'tzedek, the journal of responsible Jewish commentary, has a web site with articles from their bimonthly magazine, published in Israel.
TV Radio World has information about all aspects of Israeli broadcast media.
The Dutch weekly Niew Israelitisch Weekblad has a web page with subscription information and Israeli links in Dutch.
Rabbi Nachum Shifren, the Surfing Rabbi of Jewish Surfers International, publishes Surf & Soul magazine for the Jewish surfer. And I don't mean web surfer, I mean surf's up, cowabunga, mamash!
Plotz the zine for the farklempt.
Heeb Magazine, the new Jew review. The kids your rabbis warned you about. From Jennifer Bleyer, former publisher of the zine Mazel-Tov Cocktail (Jew-Core).
JewSchool, Jewlicious, Mimaamakim, Bang It Out, Hasidic Rebel and Balagan are a few Jewish-flavored blogs. As a rule, bloggers point to other like-minded bloggers, so check them out. Netring has a list of Israeli blogs.
Jews With Questions (including FrumTeens) has discussions about life, thought, practice, and observance, for young orthodox Jews.
Jewish Heritage Online Magazine is published monthly, with articles on a variety of topics on a chosen theme.
See the "How to read Hebrew documents" section of this page for reading Hebrew News links and other Hebrew web pages.
The web services at Shamash, Virtual Jerusalem, and Chabad have large Jewish archives.
Eric Simon keeps a list of Torah study opportunities on the net at AishDas, with many pointers to Yeshivot and other organizations who provide Divrei Torah, including web sites and mailings lists.
Full Hebrew text of the Tanach, Talmud Bavli, and Talmud Yerushalmi is available from Snunit at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem for web browsing.
The Talmud Bavli is available from Rabbi Dovid Kraus' E-Daf as browsable GIF images. Audio daf yomi shiurim (daily Talmud lessons) are available in Yiddish from Rav Avrohom Karp ZT"L of Montreal and English from Rav Grossman of LA. This site has a good list of other daf yomi links.
Psalms on Line has information on the Psalms, and promotes reciting them.
Partners in Torah is a free program that where you can find a partner to learn Jewish topics either in person or over the telephone.
Sacred-texts has various sacred Jewish texts on line, including much of M.L. Rodkinson's 1918 English translation of the Talmud.
The Society for the Preservation of Hebrew Books has scanned copies of over 1000 seforim, mostly from American rabbis, available for free, in PDF format. Seforim Online has also has scanned seforim, from many sources.
Mechon Mamre has all these texts, along with Mishna, Tosefta, and Rambam's Mishneh Torah, available for downloading with DOS browsing software in the free MTR package. They provide many of these on the web also, along with full text of the Tanach with vowels and punctuation, readable if you have a new-fangled web browser that can handle HTML 4.0 RTL (right to left support).
ORT has an extensive site called Navigating the Bible, with the full text of the Torah and Haftarah portions, in English, Russian, and Hebrew, including cantillation sound with Real Audio, usable by bar/bat mitzvah students.
There are several English translations of the Torah available on line. ORT provides the Torah in Hebrew with vowels and ta'amim, in hand-written-style script, transliterated into Roman letters, RealAudio cantillation, and Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan's Living Torah English translation and light commentary. Mnemtronix provides a search engine with the Metsudah English translation of the Torah. Breslov provides the whole Tanach, from the JPS 1917 English translation.
Ellie Wackerman has a web site that teaches Torah and Haftarah cantillation including those for the chagim, with music text and WAV and Real Audio sound files.
The Bar Ilan Responsa Project has a web site that describes their research, making the great well of Jewish knowledge and tradition available using computer tools.
Israel Science and Technology has a list of Israeli yeshivot and other study programs.
The Global Learning Network and Project Genesis at has a rich assortment of Divrei Torah online, including their Hypertext Halacha English translation of the Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Berurah.
The AishDas Society is committed to the promotion of more meaningful worship in the Orthodox Jewish community. The Aishdas Torahnet index links to hundreds of torah study sites around the web.
Search Divrei Torah at Shamash.
Ohr Somayach Yeshiva in Jerusalem offers weekly Divrei Torah and special publications like the excellent commentary on the Haggadah by Malbim (R. Meir Leibush ben Yechiel Michael, Bucharest 1809-1879).
Aish Hatorah sponsors many programs around the world, including the Discovery seminars, and the Jerusalem Fellowships.
The OU/NCSY Israel Center publishes Torah Tidbits weekly, with divrei torah related information such as iconic pictures and statistics relating to the week's sedra.
Jewish America publishes weekly divrei torah, including comments from a women's perspective and dikduk studies.
Uncle Eli's Haggadah is a commentary on the seder in rhyme, for children, by Prof. Eliezer Segal at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Dr. Seuss after four glasses of wine. Professor Segal also has a web page with an image of a page of the Babylonian Talmud with hypertext links describing all the elements of page. Jacob's Special Sukkah Guest is a Sukkot story for children by Agnes Romer Segal.
Emily Sper writes, illustrates, and designs Jewish children's books and games.
Mordechai Torczyner's WebShas is a hypertext index to the Babylonian Talmud.
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Berger has an introductory web page illustrating and describing the form of the Hebrew alphabet used in writing STAM (Sifrei Torah, Tefillin, and Mezuzot). Mordechai Pinchas has a site with discussion of soferut, including descriptions of letter forms and a diary of his learning experiences.
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