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What is Zionism? | True Torah Jews

Posted By on October 22, 2015

Zionism is a movement founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896 whose goal is the return of Jews to Eretz Yisrael, or Zion, the Jewish synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.

The name of "Zionism" comes from the hill Zion, the hill on which the Temple of Jerusalem was situated.

Supporters of this movement are called "Zionists".

Today there is much confusion among Jews over the meaning of the term Zionism. It means different things to different people.

The reason for this is that historically, Zionism has been a movement dominated by secularist Jews. Herzl and most of his colleagues were assimilated Jews, who did not believe in or practice the Torah. Some Zionists were vehemently anti-religious, and saw the Torah and mitzvos as outdated rituals with no place in their modern state.

Yet the essence of the Zionist idea - that Jews should return to the Holy Land and establish a government - is not inherently secular, and in fact the Zionist movement had some religious members from the very beginning.

Some Jews today use Zionism as a synonym for Israeli secularism, and thus support the State of Israel while claiming to be anti-Zionist. These people's only complaint about the State of Israel is that it is not religious enough. They hope for the day when the state will be dominated by the religious parties.

But this is not the meaning of the term Zionism as used on this site. When we talk about Zionism here, we are refering to the concept that Jews should rise up, emancipate themselves from exile without waiting for the messiah, and establish a Jewish government in the Holy Land. Using Jewish texts, we demonstrate that this concept is against the Torah and has been opposed by rabbis in all generations.

There have been hundreds of rabbis over the past century who spoke out against the Zionist movement. But because of the ambiguity of the term, it is not always possible to prove that a given rabbi meant to oppose the concept of Zionism, rather than just secularism. For this reason, religious Zionists often make the claim that much rabbinic opposition to Zionism was only because it was a secular movement. On the "Rabbinic Quotations" section of this site, we have avoided this confusion by carefully selecting those quotations that are clearly against the concept of Zionism itself. As the reader will see, these quotations alone are enough proof that almost all of the greatest sages and leaders of the Jewish people opposed the establishment of a Jewish state.

What is Zionism? | True Torah Jews

Judaism is not Zionism – Neturei Karta

Posted By on October 22, 2015

We would like to take a few minutes of your time to prevent you from making a terrible mistake that may have disastrous results for many.

You have always without a doubt heard and read much about the political crises in the Middle East in which the State of Israel plays a central role. This is, in fact, an ongoing series of crises with potential to bring the greatest misfortune on the entire world. Tragically many believe that Zionism and Judaism are identical. Thus they conclude that the entire Jewish people is responsible for the actions of the Zionist government and the world crises which emanates from it. This is a Grave Error!

The truth is that the Jewish faith and Zionism are two very different philosophies. They are as opposite as day and night. The Jewish people have existed for thousands of years. In their two thousand years of Divinely decreed exile no Jew ever sought to end this exile and establish independent political sovereignty anywhere. The people's sole purpose was the study and fulfillment of the Divine commandments of the Torah.

The Zionist movement created the Israeli state. The latter is a persuasion less than one hundred years old. Its essential goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement. From Zionism's inception the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people stood in staunch opposition to it.

To this day Torah Jewry remains forever loyal to its faith. Zionists want the world to believe that they are the representatives of the entire Jewish people. This is false! The Jewish people never chose them as their leaders.

The Zionists have deceived many well meaning Jewish people via terror, trickery and false propaganda. They have at their disposal the use of a nearly universally subservient media. Whoever attempts to criticize them puts his livelihood and, at times, his very life in danger.

However, despite the media blackout and easy resort to terror the simple truth remains unrefuted and irrefutable: ACCORDING TO THE JEWISH FAITH AND TORAH LAW THE JEWISH PEOPLE ARE FORBIDDEN TO HAVE THEIR OWN STATE WHILE AWAITING THE MESSIANIC ERA!

The Creator gave us the Holy Land thousands of years ago. Yet, when we sinned, He took it away and sent us into exile. Since that time our task is to wait for Him to send the Messiah. At that time, the Creator alone, without any human being lifting a hand or saying a word, will bring us together and take us out of exile. He will likewise establish universal peace among all mankind and all will serve Him in good will.

Some religious Jews, confused by Zionist propaganda quote Biblical verses that state that G-d gave the children of Israel the Holy Land. They overlook, unfortunately, those verses which say that He took it away due to our sins. They further ignore those prophecies which explicitly describe the last exile's conclusion as a Divine, not a human process.

The Creator has commanded every Jew to follow the ways of peace and to be loyal to the country where he lives.

Torah true Jewry waits patiently for the Messianic redemption. They have nothing to do with any kind of pseudo "Jewish State" and its aggressions against other peoples. They have a deep sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians who have suffered the most from Zionism's false teachings and barbaric actions. The Zionist state is not a Jewish state. The Zionists alone are the only ones responsible for their actions. Authentic Jewry has and will continue to oppose the very existence of this blasphemous state.

May all mankind witness the true redemption.

Go here to read the rest:
Judaism is not Zionism - Neturei Karta

Zionism Explained

Posted By on October 22, 2015

Zionism and its relationship to Israel, Palestine and the wider Middle East

Zionism is the belief in a Jewish homeland for the Jewish people, in Israel.

It is the Jewish people's instantiation of the basic human right of self determination.

There are many definitions of Zionism, but the key point remains that expressed in the box above; a homeland for the Jewish people in Israel.

Some try and paint Zionism as evil incarnate, claiming a Jewish homeland is a racist concept and involves a country for one ethnic group / religion. This is nonsense, at least as far as Zionism and Israel and concerned (Saudi Arabia by contrast DOES insist no religion but Islam can be practised and Jews are not allowed in the country). Since it's earliest days leaders of the Zionist movement have called for the integration of Arab population in Israel. About 20% of the Israeli population is not Jewish, putting an instant lie to this claim.

The only reference "supporting" this view is charter of Hamas, which is at the end of the day a terrorist organisation. The HAmas charter claims that the goal of Zionism was to expand and slowly take over all of the Arab countries in the Middle East. They base this on the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", an antisemitic forgery used by the Nazis and others to justify killing Jews. When you see these sorts of claims made about Israel you can have a fair idea of their source and the huge impact such propoganda has had in the past and in some places continues to have. Read more about anti-Zionist groups and their propoganda

The roots of Zionism go back to the first exile when the Babylonians invaded Israel in 586 BCE. The Jews returned, but in 70 CE the Romans invaded. The Jews, seeking their independance staged a revolt against Roman rule. In the Bar Kochba revolt of 132-135 CE about half a million Jews were killed by the Romans. The Jews were again exiled, though they continued to yearn for Zion (Jerusalem), pray facing the site of the temple, and include Israel in their hope dreams and prayers.

You can read more in our brief into, or look at our History of Zionism.

While there is always opposition to government policies (from any government, in any age), and this is right and proper, some people when it comes to Israel take this a huge step further.

These people do not believe that Jews deserve human rights. These people are against the very existance of Israel, the homeland for the Jewish people. These people spend their time spreading hate.

We call these people antisemites. This is not just our definition, but consistent with the European Union definition of antisemitism. You can see more in our resources on antisemitism.

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Know what Zionism is, or only the propoganda?

When talking about people's political views the best bet is to ask them.

Articles Our collection on Zionism, Israel, and Anti-Zionism

Definitions A collection of definitions of Zionism

Zionism in brief A brief into to Zionism

Zionism Blog Discussion and commentary

Read more from the original source:
Zionism Explained

History of Zionism – Save Your Heritage

Posted By on October 22, 2015



Very few Americans can tell you what the word means or what it's all about. Most think it's just a cute term for Jews returning to Israel or having to do with the Jewish religion.

It's more. Much more. And it's not cute at all.

Winston Churchill didn't even know which was worse

Communism or Zionism!

Zionism versus Bolshevism


Illustrated Sunday Herald (London)

February 8, 1920, page 5

Mr. Churchill's authorship of this article has been authenticated by one of the world's leading Churchill bibliographers, Richard Heinzkill, of the University of Eugene, Oregon.

A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People

By the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill.

SOME people like Jews and some do not; but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world.

And it may well be that this same astounding race may at the present time be in the actual process of producing another system of morals and philosophy, as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent, which, if not arrested would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered possible. It would almost seem as if the gospel of Christ and the gospel of Antichrist were destined to originate among the same people; and that this mystic and mysterious race had been chosen for the supreme manifestations, both of the divine and the diabolical.

The National Russian Jews, in spite of the disabilities under which they have suffered, have managed to play an honourable and successful part in the national life even of Russia. As bankers and industrialists they have strenuously promoted the development of Russia's economic resources, and they were foremost in the creation of those remarkable organisations, the Russian Co-operative Societies. In politics their support has been given, for the most part, to liberal and progressive movements, and they have been among the staunchest upholders of friendship with France and Great Britain.

International Jews.

In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus--Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

Terrorist Jews.

There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and an the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution: by these international and for the most part atheistic Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek -- all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.

The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing.

"Protector of the Jews."

Needless to say, the most intense passions of revenge have been excited in the breasts of the Russian people. Wherever General Denikin's authority could reach, protection was always accorded to the Jewish population, and strenuous efforts were made by his officers to prevent reprisals and to punish those guilty of them. So much was this the case that the Petlurist propaganda against General Denikin denounced him as the Protector of the Jews. The Misses Healy, nieces of Mr. Tim Healy, relating their personal experiences in Kieff, have declared that to their knowledge on more than one occasion officers who committed offences against Jews were reduced to the ranks and sent out of the city to the front. But the hordes of brigands by whom the whole vast expanse of the Russian Empire is becoming infested do not hesitate. to gratify their lust for blood and for revenge at the expense of the innocent Jewish population whenever an opportunity occurs. The brigand Makhno, the hordes of Petlura and of Gregorieff, who signalised their every success by the most brutal massacres, everywhere found among the half-stupefied, half-infuriated population an eager response to anti-Semitism in its worst and foulest forms. The fact that in many cases Jewish interests and Jewish places of worship are excepted by the Bolsheviks from their universal hostility has tended more and more to associate the Jewish race in Russia with the villainies which are now being perpetrated.

A Home for the Jews.

Zionism offers the third sphere to the political conceptions of the Jewish race. In violent contrast to international communism.

Zionism has already become a factor in the political convulsions of Russia, as a powerful competing influence in Bolshevik circles with the international communistic system. Nothing could be more significant than the fury with which Trotsky has attacked the Zionists generally, and Dr. Weissmann in particular. The cruel penetration of his mind leaves him in no doubt that his schemes of a world-wide communistic State under Jewish domination are directly thwarted and hindered by this new ideal, which directs the energies and the hopes of Jews in every land towards a simpler, a truer, and a far more attainable goal. The struggle which is now beginning between the Zionist and Bolshevik Jews is little less than a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people.

The article is reproduced without editing apart from typographical

Zionism and Bolshevism are Jewish

They're one and the same -- and both are evil

the following is edited from the following site:


The word "Zionism" has several different meanings:

1. An ideology - Zionist ideology holds that the Jews are a people or nation like any other, and should gather together in a single homeland. Zionism was self-consciously the Jewish analogue of Italian and German national liberation movements of the nineteenth century. The term "Zionism" was apparently coined in 1891 by the Austrian publicist Nathan Birnbaum, to describe the new ideology, but it was used retroactively to describe earlier efforts and ideas to return the Jews to their homeland for whatever reasons, and it is applied to Evangelical Christians who want people of the Jewish religion to return to Israel in order to hasten the second coming. "Christian Zionism" is also used to describe any Christian support for Israel.

2. A descriptive term - The term "Zionism" was apparently coined in 1891 by the Austrian publicist Nathan Birnbaum, to describe the new ideology. It is also used to describe anyone who believes Jews should return to their ancient homeland.

3. A political movement - The Zionist movement was founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897

ZIONISM gets its name from "ZION", a hill in Jerusalem. Zionist ideas evolved over time and were influenced by circumstances as well as by social and cultural movements popular in Europe at different times, including socialism, nationalism and colonialism.

Even though the modern Zionist movement started in 1897, Jews maintained a connection with Palestine from the earliest days. In 1000 AD, prior to the Crusades, the Jewish community in Palestine is estimated to have numbered as many as 300,000. Most were either killed or exiled and only about 1000 families remained. In their exile, religion became the medium for preserving Jewish culture and ties to Palestine and from time to time small numbers of Jews settled there in answer to rabbinical calls.

At no time between the Roman exile and the rise of modern Zionism was there a movement to settle Palestine with the main body of European or Eastern Jews. Their connection to Palestine remained cultural and spiritual and they awaited the coming of the Messiah before they returned. By the mid-19th century about 17,000 Jews lived in Palestine, primarily on the charity of others. Only a few engaged in crafts trade or productive work.

In 1836 the Rothschilds attempted to purchase Palestine, or at least the Temple Mount, for the Jews and the end of the 1830s saw attempts by the Jews to settle in Palestine, but the Khedive of Egypt would not allow this. It wouldn't be until the end of the 19th century that Jews would finally get organized into a movement called Haskalah that would push them into modern Zionism.

Haskalah promoted assimilation in Germany but also set in motion the study of Hebrew as a secular language, the creation of a Hebrew press and literature, the creation of a Jewish cultural life outside the framework of rabbinical and religious Judaism, and the movement to bring Jews into "productive" occupations and agriculture. Before this, Jews spoke the language of the country where they lived. Hebrew was only a written language, the spoken language being "lost" centuries earlier and even the written language only being used by the highly educated Jewish elite, mainly Rabbis.

While some Jews converted to Christianity and assimilated and others dropped their religious beliefs but considered themselves Jews, others considered both of these groups to be Jews. Zionists declared that JEWS ARE A PEOPLE, albiet without a country. And in order to have power, they would need a national homeland. This homelessness was the cause of the "Jewish Problem," and if this "problem" wasn't solved more anti-Jewish sentiment would occurr in Europe as they became more educated and enlightened.

Moses Hess, a secular Jew, first called for a Jewish national movement in 1862. The problem was, Palestine belonged to the Ottoman Empire. Yet by 1870 the first groups of Jewish immigrants had purchased land in Palestine in order to settle in their "homeland."

Where did this money come from? The Rothschild family was the main philanthropists giving aid to Jewish settlers. They planted vineyards and orange orchards. These settlers were nominally religious since Zionism frowned on religion and the religious Jewish establishment frowned on Zionism. In 1882, 150 Yemenite Jews made their way to Palestine although out of 25,000 persons, most were from Eastern Europe. Many returned to their places of origin, defeated by disease, poverty and unemployment.

In 1896 Theodor Herzl published The Jewish State, his plan for creating a Jewish state. This led to the first Zionish Congress in Basle, Switzerland, in August, 1897. Afterwards, Herzl bragged about founded the Jewish State at the congress. The Basle congress marked the foundation of modern Zionism as a world political movement.

At first Herzl tried diplomatic activity to accomplish his goal of a Jewish homeland. He attempted to gain a charter from the Sultan of Turkey to get Palestine. He was not successful. He then negotiated with the British regarding the possibility of settling the Jews on the island of Cyprus, the Sinai Peninsula, the El Arish region or Uganda. He didn't care where, he just wanted a homeland. Herzl died in 1904 before he saw he dream become true. In 1949 his remains were moved to a mountain in western Jerusalem which became Mount Herzl. Today it's a major military cemetery.

Eastern European Jews insisted on Palestine as the Jewish homeland so that became the focus of the Zionist movement.

Not waiting for permission, Jews began settling in Palestine by the thousand at the turn of the century. By World War I approximately 100,000 Jews had immigrated to Palestine. They arrived with the ideals of socialist Zionism but had no graining in agriculture, had poor physical stamina, and couldn't compete with the Arab peasants. The Arabs would not hire the Jews because they couldn't work or speak Arabic. Clashes were inevitable between the Jews who had been there for decades and the new Jews. Attempting to force the two to get along, Arab labor was boycotted. The discrimination of the native population had begun.

Kibbutz collective settlements, later to become a large component of Communism, was established in Palestine by the Jews. They discriminated against the Arabs, stole their land, and gave the jobs to fellow Jews. The kibbutz collective settlements suited the socialist/communist ideals of the settlers and the practical requirements of Zionism. Because what most people don't realize is that

Zionism is Communism

The kibbutz movement was to become the backbone of Labor Zionism in Palestine and eventually provided political and military leadership. Kibbitzim provided ideal places for hiding arms from the British and recruiting and training troops. The communist kipputz collectives were the training grounds for communism

The Zionists worked for a political solution, ultimately gaining victory in the Balfour Declaration.

Signed by Arthur James Balfour, British Foreign Secretary

There are Jews who do not believe in Zionism

The following comes from

Jews Against Zionism

The Definition of Zionism

Zionism is a movement founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896 whose goal is the return of Jews to Eretz Yisrael, or Zion, the Jewish synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.

The name of "Zionism" comes from the hill Zion, the hill on which the Temple of Jerusalem was situated.

Supporters of this movement are called "Zionists".

Theodor Herzl

The term "Zionism" was first introduced in 1893 by Nathan Birmbaum, but Theodor Herzl, an Austrian Jew born to a prosperous, emancipated Budapest family, is recognized as the founder of the Zionist idealogy when he published his book in 1896, "The Jewish State", where he declared that the cure for anti-semitism was the establishment of a Jewish state. As he saw it, the best place to establish this state was in Palestine.

While Herzl claimed that the establishment of a "Jewish" state would cure anti-Semitism, he also promoted anti-Semitism to further his cause.

It is essential that the sufferings of Jews.. . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends. (From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16)

Benny Morris (the Israeli Historian), described how Herzl foresaw how anti-Semitism could be "harnessed" for the realization of Zionism. He stated:

"Herzl regarded Zionism's triumph as inevitable, not only because life in Europe was ever more untenable for Jews, but also because it was in Europe's interests to rid the Jews and relieved of anti-Semitism: The European political establishment would eventually be persuaded to promote Zionism. Herzl recognized that anti-Semitism would be HARNESSED to his own--Zionist-purposes." (Righteous Victims, p. 21)

Zionism Promotes Anti-Semitism

Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, recognized that anti-Semitism would further his cause, the creation of a separate state for Jews. To solve the Jewish Question, he maintained we must, above all, make it an international political issue.

Herzl wrote that Zionism offered the world a welcome final solution of the Jewish question.

Aren't we taught that Hitler said that?

Propaganda at its best!

Blame someone else!

In his Diaries, page 19, Herzl stated Anti-Semites will become our surest friends, anti-Semitic countries our allies.

Zionist reliance on Anti-Semitism to further their goals continues to this day. Studies of immigration records reflect increased immigration to the Zionist state during times of increased anti-Semitism. Without a continued inflow of Jewish immigrants to the state of "Israel", it is estimated that within a decade the Jewish population of the Zionist state will become the minority.

In order to maintain a Jewish majority in the state of "Israel", its leaders promote anti-Semitism throughout the world to "encourage" Jews to leave their homelands and seek "refuge".

Over the recent years there has been a dramatic rise in hate rhetoric and hate crimes targeted toward Jews:

Anti-Semitic acts are on the rise across Europe and beyond. From Antwerp and London to Berlin and Istanbul, Jews are living in fear.

On November 17, 2003 Zionist leader, Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister, told Jews in Italy the best way to escape "a great wave of anti-Semitism" is to move and settle in the state of Israel. This has been the Zionist ideology from the beginning to the present time. "The best solution to anti-Semitism is immigration to Israel. It is the only place on Earth where Jews can live as Jews," he said.

July 28, 2004: 200 French Jews emigrated to Israel following a wave of Anti-Semitism. They were personally greeted by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who recently urged French Jews to flee to Israel to escape rising anti-Semitism.

On July 18, 2004, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon urged all French Jews to move to Israel immediately to escape anti-Semitism. He told a meeting of the American Jewish Association in Jerusalem that Jews around the world should relocate to Israel as early as possible. But for those living in France, he added, moving was a "must" because of rising violence against Jews there. "

The Zionist War on Nazi Germany

Most people are not aware that in March, 1933, long before Hitler became the undisputed leader of Germany and began restricting the rights of German Jews, the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest at Madison Square Garden and called for an American boycott of German goods.

The Daily Express (London) published an article on March 24, 1933 announcing that the Jews had already launched their boycott against Germany and described a forthcoming "holy war". The Express urged Jews everywhere to boycott German goods and demonstrate against German economic interests.

The Express said that Germany was "now confronted with an international boycott of its trade, its finances, and its industry....In London, New York, Paris and Warsaw, Jewish businessmen are united to go on an economic crusade."

The article went on, "worldwide preparations are being made to organize protest demonstrations."

On March 27, 1933 the planned protest at Madison Square Garden was attended by 40,000 protestors (New York Daily News headlines: "40,000 Roar Protest Here Against Hitler").

Read more here:
History of Zionism - Save Your Heritage

Herut – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted By on October 21, 2015

Herut (Hebrew: , Freedom) was the major right-wing nationalist[1]political party in Israel from 1948 until its formal merger into Likud in 1988. It was an adherent of Revisionist Zionism and was initially known in part for its militia actions; it became more moderate from the 1950s.

Herut was founded by Menachem Begin on 15 June 1948 as a successor to the Revisionist Irgun, a militant paramilitary group in Mandate Palestine. The new party was a challenge to the Hatzohar party established by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Herut also established an eponymous newspaper, with many of its founding journalists defecting from Hatzohar's HaMashkif. Herut's political expectations were high as the first election approached in 1949. It took credit for driving the British government out and as a young movement, reflecting the esprit of the nation, it perceived its image as being more attractive than the old establishment. They hoped to win 25 seats, which would place them second and make them leader of the opposition, with potential for future gain of government power. This analysis was shared by other parties.[2]

Objection to withdrawal of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and negotiations with Arab states was the party's main platform in the first election. The party vigorously opposed the ceasefire agreements with the Arab states, both before and after the election. Herut differentiated itself by refusing to recognise the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Jordan after the armistice, and frequently used the slogan "To the banks of the Jordan River" in claiming Israel's right to the whole of Eretz Israel/Palestine. According to Joseph Heller, Herut was a one-issue party intent on expanding Israel's borders.[3]

Herut's socio-economic platform represented a clear shift to the right, with support for private initiative but also for legislation preventing the trusts from exploiting workers. Begin was at first careful not to appear anti-socialist, stressing his opposition to monopolies and trusts, and also demanding that "all public utility works and basic industries must be nationalized."[3] Herut was from the outset inclined to sympathise with the underdog and, according to Hannah Torok Yablonka, "tended to serve as a lodestone for society's misfits".[4] Herut won 14 seats with 11.5 per cent of the votes, making it the fourth-largest party in the Knesset; Hatzohar, on the other hand, failed to cross the electoral threshold of 1 per cent and disbanded shortly thereafter.[citation needed]

The party was renowned for its right-wing views and militia actions, and considered[by whom?] to be outside the mainstream. The practical differences between Herut and Mapai, however, were less dramatic than the rhetoric suggested. Factors to consider[clarification needed] include the establishment's interest in ostracising its Herut rival, and Herut's need, as an opposition party, to emphasise those differences and reflect their core voter's instincts.[5]

The party and its leader, Begin, had met fierce resistance from the Labor Zionist establishment in Israel and abroad. They were criticised by Jewish intellectuals on the occasion of Begin's visit to New York City in an open letter to The New York Times on 4 December 1948. The letter condemned Herut as "akin to Nazi and Fascist parties" and as a "Terrorist party". It was signed by over twenty prominent Jewish intellectuals, including Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Zellig Harris and Sidney Hook.

Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine... It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin's political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents... Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.[6]

The hostility between Begin and Israel's first Prime Minister, the Mapai leader, David Ben-Gurion, which had begun over the Altalena Affair was evident in the Knesset. Ben-Gurion coined the phrase "without Herut and Maki" (Maki was the Communist Party of Israel), a reference to his position that he would include any party in his coalition, except those two. In fact, Herut was approached at least three times (1952, 1955 and 1961) by Mapai for government negotiations but Begin turned down the offers each time, suspecting that they were designed to divide his party.[7] The ostracism also expressed itself in the Prime Minister's refusal to refer to Begin by name from the Knesset Podium, using instead the phrase "the person who sits next to M. K. Badar", and boycotting his Knesset speeches.[5][8]

Ben-Gurion's policy of ostracising Revisionism was performed systematically, as seen in the legal exclusion of fallen Irgun and Lehi fighters from public commemoration and from benefits to their families.[9] Herut members were excluded from the highest bureaucratic and military positions.[8]

In the municipal elections of 1950 Herut lost voters to the centrist General Zionists, who also attracted disillusioned voters from Mapai and established themselves as a tough opposition rival to Herut. At the second national convention, Begin was challenged by more radical elements of his party. They wanted a more dynamic leadership and thought he had adapted himself to the system. At the convention, Begin's proposal to send children abroad for security reasons, although there was a precedent for such a measure, sounded defeatist and was unanimously rejected. It was considered to have hurt the party's image. In March 1951 Herut lost two of its Knesset seats, with the defection of Ari Jabotinsky and Hillel Kook from the party to sit as independent MKs. Referring to previous written commitments, the party sought to revoke their Knesset membership but the issue was still not settled by the next election three months later.[2]

Critics of the party leadership pointed out that the party had changed and lost its status as a radical avant-garde party. Uncompromising candidates had been removed from the party list for the upcoming elections, economic questions loomed large in the propaganda[clarification needed] and Mapai had co-opted some of the Herut agenda, not least by declaring Jerusalem as Israel's capital. These critics and outside commentators thought that Herut seemed irrelevant.[2]

In the 1951 elections Herut won eight seats, six less than previously. Begin resigned as leader, a move he had considered before the election because of the internal criticism.[citation needed] He was replaced by Aryeh Ben-Eliezer, whose leadership was nipped in the bud when he suffered a heart attack in late 1951. Ya'akov Rubin became party chairman in his stead.[citation needed]

As a young party without institutions paralleling those of Mapai, who were predominant in most areas of social life, Herut was at a serious disadvantage. Its leaders were politically inexperienced and clung to the principle of not as representatives of the entire nation accepting financial support from any interest groups. Yhey were prevented from building a strong and competent party structure because of this.[4]

The Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany of 1952 bought Begin back into politics. It gave the party new momentum and it proved an effective weapon against the General Zionists. The Reparations Agreement awoke strong sentiments in the nation and Begin encouraged civil disobedience during the debate on the affair. The largest demonstrations gathered 15,000 people, and Herut reached far beyond its own constituency. The party let the issue fade from the agenda only after having wrested a maximum of political capital from it.[2][10]

The third national convention included a fierce debate about democracy and legitimate political actions. There was strong sentiment in favour of using the barricades but Begin vigorously resisted it. The government of the nation, he claimed, could only be established via the ballot box. The convention gave Begin important legitimacy by sending a message to the public that the party was lawabiding and democratic. At the same time, it secured the support of the hardliners who would not compromise on its principles.[2]

Economic and fiscal policy were given greater emphasis, and the party attacked the Histadrut for its dual role as employer and trade union. It proposed to outlaw such concentration of power and also abolish party control of agricultural settlements. Herut reasoned that workers were empowered by private enterprise. A 25 per cent tax[clarification needed] cut was also envisioned.[11]

In the 1955 election the party nearly doubled its seats to 15 and became the second-largest party in the Knesset behind Mapai. Apart from an improved campaign, the accomplishment was attributed to the activist party platform in a situation of deteriorating security, to more support from recent immigrants and other disgruntled elements,[2] and to disillusionment with the economic situation. The Kastner trial also played into Herut's hands,[4] when, together with Maki, they helped bring down Moshe Sharett's government in 1954 through a motion of no-confidence over the government's position in the trial.[citation needed]

Herut added another seat in the 1959 elections, feeding on feelings of resentment against the dominant left that existed mainly among new Sephardi and Mizrahi immigrants. The party failed, however, to maintain the momentum of the previous election and to make substantial gains as had been hoped. As the young nation grew stronger, the public did not feel the same existential dread, lessening the impact of Herut's activist message, especially after the Suez crisis, in which Ben-Gurion's performance was perceived favourably. The Wadi Salib riots a few months before the election caused the government to play the role of maintainer of law and order, which resonated well among the middle class. Mapai exploited the situation successfully by depicting Begin as dangerous.[2]

Herut helped bring down the government again in 1961 when they and the General Zionists tabled a motion of no confidence over the government's investigation into the earlier Lavon Affair; in the resulting 1961 election, the party maintained its 17 seats. Toward the end of the Fifth Knesset in 1965, and in preparation for the upcoming election, Herut joined with the Liberal Party (itself a recent merger of the General Zionists and the Progressive Party) to form Gahal (a Hebrew acronym for the Herut-Liberal Bloc (Hebrew: -, Gush Herut-Libralim)), although each party remained independent within the alliance. The merger helped moderate Herut's political isolation and created a right-wing opposition bloc with a broader base and more realistic chance to lead the government. The full alliance did not survive however, because seven members of the Liberal Party, mostly former Progressives, soon defected from the Liberals and formed the Independent Liberals; they disagreed with the merger, identifying Herut and Begin as too right-wing. Mapai also experienced defections at the time, and the Knesset session closed with Gahal holding 27 seats, second only to Mapai's remaining 34.[citation needed]

Over time the public perception of both Herut and its leader had changed, despite the ostracism imposed by Prime Minister BenGurion. Begin had remained the main opposition figure, against the dominant politicians of the left, particularly in debates regarding such heated issues as the Lavon investigation and Israel's relationships to Germany. This prominence evaded much of the ostracism's impact, and BenGurion's hostility became ever more savage. He eventually started to liken Begin to Hitler an attitude that backfired, making Begin to stand out as a victim.[citation needed] The political climate took a favourable turn for Revisionism and Herut in mid-1963, when Levi Eshkol replaced BenGurion as Prime and Defense Minister.[2] A government resolution in March 1964 calling for the reinternment of Zeev Jabotinsky's remains in Israel attests to this. Fallen Irgun and Lehi militants also began to be commemorated more equally, with their reputations being rehabilitated.[9]

In the 1965 elections, Gahal won only 26 seats, well below that of the left's new Alignment, which won 45. In Herut's search for a scapegoat, its leadership was questioned by many; they considered that Begin, despite his achievements, brought an indelible stigma from his militant days before and around independence, scaring off voters. Internal opposition arose and Herut's eighth convention in June 1966 became turbulent. The opposition group sensed that Begin's leadership position was too strong to challenge, so they concentrated on winning control over the party organization. They won overwhelming victories in all votes for the composition of party institutions. Begin responded by putting his own political future at stake. He threatened to leave the party chair and maybe also his seat in Knesset. Begin's move mobilized delegates in emphatic support for him, but the party convention still ended with great internal tension, and without a party chairman; the chair would be vacant for eight months. Party opposition to Begin' leadership came to a showdown a month after the convention, when Haim Amsterdam, an assistant to one of the opposition leaders, Shmuel Tamir, published a devastating attack on Begin in Ha'aretz; this led to the suspension of Tamir's party membership. The leaders of the opposition then established a new party in Knesset, the Free Center, with the loss of three seats for Herut. After this revolt, Begin returned to party leadership.[2][8]

Gahal joined the government on the first day of the Six-Day War, with both Begin and the Liberal's Yosef Sapir becoming a Minister without Portfolio; Ben-Gurion's Rafi also joined,[12] with Moshe Dayan becoming Defense Minister. The national unity government was Begin's own brainchild.[citation needed] This had a significant positive effect on his image. Critics agree that it was a major turning point in Herut's road to power, since it granted it the legitimacy it had been denied up until then. The national unity government was more than an emergency solution in a time of existential danger; it reflected a relaxation of ideological tension, which enabled the government to outlive the emergency.[13] Moreover, Begin and Ben-Gurion were reconciled. Ben-Gurion needed him in his bitter rivalry with Eshkol and Begin surprised his adversary by proposing to Eshkol that he should step aside in favor of Ben-Gurion as the leader of an emergency government. The proposition was turned down, but BenGurion, who recently had compared Begin to Hitler now praised his responsibility and patriotism.[2]

The outcome of the war strengthened Herut. The principle of the indivisibility of the land had seemed as an archaic principle with little practical significance, but now it emerged from the fringe of consciousness to the core of national thought. Begin saw it as his first mission in the government to secure the fruits of the victory by preventing territorial withdrawal and promoting settlement. Despite the breakaway of the Free Center, Gahal retained its representation in the Knesset in the 1969 elections, and several of their candidates were elected as mayors. Herut was included in the new government of Golda Meir with six ministers (out of 24). The recruitment of MajorGeneral Ezer Weizman, the first general to join Herut and a nephew of Israel's first President, was a considerable public relations achievement. The Government participation did not last long, since Gahal left in early 1970 over the acceptance of the Rogers Plan, which included an approval of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, a move that was largely dictated by Begin.[2]

In September 1973 Gahal merged with the Free Centre, the National List and the non-parliamentary Movement for Greater Israel to create Likud, again with all parties retaining their independence within the union. Within Likud, Herut continued to be the dominant party. In the 1973 elections, Likud capitalized on the Governments neglect in the Yom Kippur War and gained seven seats, totalling 39.

In the following years, Likud sharply criticized the Governments accords with Egypt and Syria. Stormy demonstrations where organized in conjunction with Gush Emunim, signifying an important political alliance. In the 1977 elections, Likud emerged victorious with 43 mandates, the first time the right had won an election. Begin became Prime Minister, retaining his post in the 1981 elections. In 1983 he stood down, and Yitzhak Shamir took over as Herut (and therefore Likud) party leader and Prime Minister.

The party was finally disbanded in 1988 when Likud dissolved its internal factions to become a unitary party.

In 1998 Benny Begin (son of Menachem Begin), Michael Kleiner and David Re'em broke away from Likud in protest at Benjamin Netanyahu's agreement to the Wye River Memorandum and the Hebron Agreement, which had ceded land to the Palestinians. They named their new party Herut The National Movement, and tried to claim it as the successor to the original party. However, in reality it was a new and separate party.

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Herut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hendon United Synagogue

Posted By on October 21, 2015


Welcome to the the largest and most inclusive shul in Hendon.

Within our community you will find a full range of activities for all ages and lifestages within a vibrant, modern orthodox framework. This pack highlights just a few of the activities that take place regularly on the Synagogue campus and I am sure that you will find something here for you.

Our synagogue has served the community for over 60 years and has seen many changes both within our membership and beyond. Throughout that time, Hendon United Synagogue has adapted to meet its members needs in a huge variety of ways.

Noahdescribed at the start of the Sedrah (Bereishit 6:9) as ish tzaddik (a righteous man)saw the depraved and violent world around him and attempted to separate himself from it. He feared that he might become corrupted by his neighbours if he came too close to them. Instead of trying to redeem them, he built an ark to protect himself, hoping that they would observe his righteousness and change their ways.

The Jewish people came into being not through Noah but through Abraham. Unlike Noah, Abraham symbolised the involvement of the tzaddik with his surroundings: the moment he heard of G-ds intention to destroy Sodom, he begged and prayed for mercy. An ability to feel a connection to the

environment to attempt to improve the entire world rather than practise isolationwas essential if the Jewish people were to thrive.

According to the Zohar (the great mystical work), although Noahs generation were worthy of receiving the Torah possessing as they did tremendous energy and drive their potential strengths were channelled in inappropriate directions, towards evil and destructive behaviour. Noah sawthese external negative traits and distanced himself from them. If he had taken the time to look closer, he would have discovered the significant positive potential that lay dormant behind the outer wrapping a potential that awaited the tzaddiks touch to uncover its goodness and bring it to fruition.

Rabbi Mordechai and Judy Ginsbury joined Hendon United Synagogue in February 1999. Prior to this they had spent nearly 14 years as Rabbi and Rebbetzen of the Prestwich Hebrew Congregation in Manchester.

During their tenure with us they have endeared themselves to the Community with their warm, intelligent and welcoming approach and have enhanced and furthered Hendons reputation as a dynamic and vibrant Kehilla.

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Hendon United Synagogue

RationalWiki:Webshites – RationalWiki

Posted By on October 21, 2015

The following is a list of webshites which may benefit from RationalWiki's snarkful analysis. Be on the lookout for stuff to submit to our What is going on in the clogosphere? page, and to Fundies Say The Darndest Things, but be forewarned, prolonged exposure may result in the following side effects: nausea, depression, high blood pressure, loss of IQ, periodic outbursts of hysterical guffaws, broken keyboards and monitors. Remember to keep Poe's Law in mind.

In the past, RationalWiki has avoided linking to racist sites. Although there is no fixed policy, we err on the side of caution. If you must see them, and they're not linked from the articles below, Google them by name and read the cached versions of the pages.

These sites tend to go well beyond conspiracies into one-stop nuttery shopping. Here is where you may find besides the conspiracy theories: Christian and New Age woo side by side, anti-Semitism and seeming opposition to same on the same site, alt-meds, UFOs, cryptozoology and those all-knowing lizard people.

Read the original:
RationalWiki:Webshites - RationalWiki

AMERICA VANQUISHED, Part 2: America under Jewish Rule

Posted By on October 21, 2015

When the world looks at America, what it sees is an Israeli colony. Paul Craig Roberts

America has been taken over.

Slowly and imperceptibly, duped by lies and lulled into complacency, Americans have let their country slip into the hands of a fifth column: of a hostile ethnic elite whose primary allegiance is to Israel, a country built on stolen land and engaged in systematic genocide.

This is the rogue state that is arguably responsible for the greatest mass murder in history: the catastrophe of 9-11. If scientific evidence and forensic logic are anything to go on, Israel has to be suspect number one here, given its unbroken record of terrorism and its endless breaches of international law. Any country that can orchestrate such a spectacular crime and get away with itwhile somehow managing to pin the blame on nineteen Arabs with box cuttersis clearly a force to be reckoned with.

More than 200 senior military, intelligence, and law enforcement officials, including two generals, have now questioned the 9-11 Commissions report. They have been joined by over 1500 top architects and engineers, 250 pilots and aviation experts, 400 university professors, and 250 survivors and their families. David Ray Griffin, author of eleven books on 9-11 and a distinguished professor emeritus, has concluded definitively: All the proffered evidence that America was attacked by Muslims on 9-11 appears to have been fabricated.

Dr Alan Sabrosky, former director of the Army War College, has upped the ante and unequivocally identified Israel as the guilty party. What we need to stand up and say is not only did they [the Israelis] attack the USS Liberty, but that it is 100 percent certain 9/11 was a Mossad operation.

If any further proof were needed of Americas abject enslavement to Zionist interests, however, it would be Obamas humiliation at the hands of Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this year. This humiliation has occurred on three separate occasions: in September 2009, in July 2010, and again only last May. Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank writes almost gloatingly of Obama flying the white flag of surrender in the White Housewhere he sat routed and humiliated.

Obamas offense?

He had asked the Israelis to observe international law by stopping settlement construction on Palestinian land. He had pleaded with them to withdraw to the 1967 borders, in accordance with UN Resolution 242a reasonable enough request which every American President before him has asked the Israelis to consider in the interests of peace.

The Israeli Prime Ministers response? Israel will NOT return to the indefensible boundaries of 1967!

So how is it that this rude and recalcitrant ally of America still continues to receive its $3 billion a year subsidy? Is America so besotted with love for the Jewish state that it cannot say No? Silly question. Since it rests on the Chomskyite assumption that America is still the lord and master and little Israel the dependent colony.

The riddle is easily solved if one turns Chomskys assumption on its head: organized Jewry, having taken over America, has transformed it into an Israeli colony. The $8.2 million per day that the American taxpayer pays his Jewish master is not a subsidy. It is tribute money. It is a tax or levy imposed on a vanquished people by their conquerors.

Hear the note of contempt for ones own President in this extraordinary account of Obamas humiliation at the hands of Netanyahu, his Jewish victor:

Netanyahu beat Obama like a red-headed stepchild; he played him like a fiddle; he pounded him like a big brass drum. The Prime Minister of Israel danced rings around his arrogant, professorial opponent. The Prime Minister mopped the floor with our guy.Bibi ripped him to shredsdemonstrating to the whole world that the Prime Minister of Israel has substantially more support in both the House and the Senate than the President of the United States.

I guess that says it all. Poor Obama. He has been symbolically castrated and buried in excrement up to the neck. Those 29 standing ovations Netanyahu received in Congress were equivalent to a lump of spit in the Presidents face.

According to political pundit Philip Giraldi, this was the first time in recorded history that a small nation with less than eight million citizens has subjugated a much larger country with a population of more than 310 million.

The Zionization of America is complete, with AIPAC appointing the government and 60 million Christian Zionists ready to die for their new masters in Jerusalem.

America is now Israels slave.

Ive never seen a President stand up to them. They always get what they want. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. (Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1983)

At this point I feel the need to apologize for the picture of the finger-wagging rabbi at the end of Part 1 of this essay, together with the inflammatory words he is purported to have uttered about the Jewish desire for world domination. I can hear my critics cry: Silly airhead, why do you spout all this Protocolian poppycock? Dont you know the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an anti-Semitic forgery?

Yes, I confess with a sigh that I have heard the word forgery often advanced as a reason not to read this brilliant political treatise, second only to Platos Republic in its profundity.

What I am saying, however, has nothing to do with the Protocols.I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am a historian who is interested only in facts. Truth alone stirs my heart.

Lets take another quick look at Zionism.

In a recent essay called Why Palestine is Important, Israel Shamir presents a picture that puts this entire Protocolian nonsense into perspective:

Palestine is important because it is believed to be a linchpin of Empire, one of the key points necessary to control the world. Such was the conviction of the 19th century British Empire-builders of the Rhodes variety.Once an arcane theory developed by HJ Mackinder, it has grown up to become a driving force behind globalism . Mackinder planned the subjugation of the whole planet to the Empire . Napoleon [had earlier] toyed with the idea of planting Jews in Palestine as Frances foot soldiers, but there were no takers among Jews. The Brits achieved what the French could not.

Zionism, in other words, according to Shamirs recent take on the subject, was a British inspiration and a tool in the armory of Pax Britannica. It was the way the Brits intended to conquer the world. They would plonk the unwanted Jews in Palestine as their proxies. Israel, in effect, was to be a British colony. And Lord Balfour, when he drew up the famous Balfour Declaration in 1917, had a glint in his beady little eye. He was more interested in advancing the designs of the British Empire than in being nice to the Jews.

If all this is trueand I think it possibly iswe can see what happened next. By 1948 the British Empire had collapsed in ruins. It was no longer in a position to use Israel as its cats paw. Another emerging nation however, the chief beneficiary of World War II, certainly was. This was America. Yet even as far back as 1948, America was largely controlled by its Jews. Their influence, though it was to grow by leaps and bounds after 1967, was enormous even in 1948.

It was the Jews who twisted President Trumans arm and got him to give his full backing to their fledgling state. It was the Jews again, through the vengeful Morgenthau, as I indicated in Part 1 of this essay, who were to make life a living hell for the conquered Germans in the aftermath of World War II. The Jews were always in the background, it seems, the shadowy lurkers in the cabbage patch of history.

The colony that the Brits had failed to acquire in the Middle East, Israel, was inherited by America. So Chomsky was right after all. To start with, anyway. Israel was to be Americas aircraft carrier in the Middle East. The Americans would use it as a gigantic military base from which to plunder Arab oil. Nor would they have any problems with Ben Gurions dreams of a Greater Israel stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates. After all, why not give the Jews what they wanted?

Greater Israel was simply to be an extension of America: its fifty-first state.

Things didnt work out as planned. The best-laid schemes of mice and men, we are told, often go askew. The tables were turned on the simple-minded Americans. The Jews were much smarter than their WASP masters could ever be. They had acquired through three thousand years of bitter experience the arts of duplicity and cunning. Guile was their genetic patrimony. They were the Ultimate Survivors.

One has to hand it to the Jews. The hitherto oppressed decided to become the oppressors. The former victims decided to take on the role of predators. The cats paw decided it would rather be the Cat from now onand it became the Cats Pajamas.

In short, the Jews took over America and turned it into a Jewish colony. As simple as that. Their American hosts were hoist with their own petard.

But why worry? American Jews are Americans, are they not? If theyre smart enough to take over America, as they have demonstrably done, why shouldnt they proceed to the next logical step and take over the worldyes, dominate the world through America? No one denies this is Americas aim: full spectrum dominance. So if the Jews control America, and if America controls the world, doesnt it follow logically that the Jews control the world? The logic is irrefutable.

Jewish world domination takes on a different perspective when viewed through this historical prism. No conspiracy theories here. No hook-nosed Jews grasping the globe in their cruel talons. No Illuminati trying to sodomize your children and drink their blood. Just logic. Just history. Just America striving for full-spectrum dominance with Jews leading the pack.

You could say the wild-eyed dreams of the Protocols have at last been realized, but not in the way their original masterminds intended.

Allow me now to present the testimony of Eustace Mullins, if only for the vivid pictures he presents to the mind of the terrors endured by millions of Russian Christians in Bolshevik Russia when it was under Jewish hegemony. Could this be the fate of American Christians in the not too distant future?

There are too many well documented massacres in history in which the Jews tortured and murdered their victims with the greatest glee, gloating in such barbaric practices as tearing out the hearts of women and children and smearing the blood on their faces.

The orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish triumph in Russia [after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917] has never been equaled in the history of the world. The Jews were free to indulge their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims.

Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain.

Others were placed in boxesthen hungry rats placed in the boxes to gnaw upon their bodies. Some were nailed to the ceiling by their fingers or by their feet, and left hanging until they died of exhaustion.

Others were chained to the floor and hot lead poured into their mouths. Many were tied to horses and dragged through the streets of the city, while the mob attacked them with rocks and kicked them to death.

Mothers were taken to the public square and their babies snatched from their arms.the baby [was] tossed into the air while another member of the mob rushed to catch it on the tip of his bayonet.

Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies. (See here)

We should never forget what happened when Jews were a hostile elite in the USSR, Prof. Kevin MacDonald notes bleakly. The loathing and contempt for the traditional people and culture of Russia was a major factor in the avid Jewish participation in the greatest crimes of the 20th century.

MacDonald is referring to the systematic murder of over 50 million Russians under Lenin and Stalin: a period of mass murder spanning 36 years (1917-1953).

The new American eliteas I pointed out in Part 1 of this article, America as an Israeli Colonyis a Jewish elite. Exactly like the elite in Bolshevik Russia and Stalins USSR. And it is essentially a hostile elite that loathes the nation it rules.

So we need to watch out.

Because what happened to millions of Russians in the first half of the 20th centurysystematic genocidecould well happen to millions of Americans in the foreseeable future.

It is quite possible, Kevin MacDonald muses, that we are entering into a racial dystopia of unimaginable cruelty.

The extraordinary success of the Jews, who make up only 2.5 percent of Americas population, can be attributed to meticulous organization, coordination and networking. This advantageous cohesiveness derives from an evolutionary characteristic of the Jews: an exceptionally strong ethnocentricism which has enabled them to infiltrate almost every single organization that could possibly threaten them as a group. In America, highly gifted Jews whose primary loyalty is to Israel have managed to insinuate their way into key policy positions, including the Departments of Treasury and State, the Pentagon, the National Security Council and the White House.

Over the past 24 months not a single policy maker [James Petras tells us] has voiced any criticism of Israels most heinous crimes, ranging from the savaging of Gaza to the massacre of the humanitarian flotilla and the expansion of new settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank.Many of the leading Zionist policy makers rose to power through a deliberate strategy of infiltrating the government to shape policy promoting Israels interest over and above the interests of the US populace.

If the goyim have lost the game of life and their hard-won freedoms to the Jews, it was because they didnt know they were playing a game in the first place. A game for the highest possible stakes.

A game called Survival.

The world that awaits us, if our New Masters prevail, will be a grim dystopia. It will be a spiritual wasteland in which an unprincipled elite rides roughshod over the teeming masses. It will be a cruel world of exploitation, moral darkness, and unspeakable brutality.

Death solves all problems, Stalin quipped cynically. No man, no problem. When mass extermination becomes the miracle cure, exciting times can be expected.

In Otto Friedrichs widely acclaimed Holocaust study, The Kingdom of Auschwitz, a concentration camp survivor is quoted as saying:

Concentration camp existence taught us that the whole world is really like a concentration camp. The world is ruled by neither justice nor morality. Crime is not punished nor virtue rewarded. The world is ruled by power. We are laying the foundation for some new, monstrous civilization.

So this is where we are now: in the eye of the storm.

America, once a democracy, is now a crypto-fascist country ruled by a corporate and cosmopolitan elite. There is no freedom, no democracy, and no government accountability in Amerika, a fascist state, Paul Craig Roberts concludes ruefully in one of his recent essays.

The Jews, fulfilling the wildest dreams conjured up in the Protocols, stand surveying the killing fields of the world they have conquered. Iraq and Afghanistan lie in ruins, thanks to their machinations. Iran lies in the cross-hairs, awaiting its expected doom. And meanwhile in America, as the body bags are flown in from foreign parts and the lurid circus of bread and games grinds on relentlessly, there is nothing much to live for except sex and death.

Stalins willing executioners, the Jews, are now the ruling elite in America. As in Weimar Germany, the Jews make most of the money and help to create a culture of neo-paganism and nihilism, decadence and despair. Nothing has changed except the country.

Russia, Germany, America they all went down like skittles in a row.

Here is the original post:
AMERICA VANQUISHED, Part 2: America under Jewish Rule

Diaspora | Judaism |

Posted By on October 21, 2015

Diaspora,( Greek: Dispersion)Hebrew Galut (Exile), TorahBBC Hulton Picture Librarythe dispersion of Jews among the Gentiles after the Babylonian Exile; or the aggregate of Jews or Jewish communities scattered in exile outside Palestine or present-day Israel. Although the term refers to the physical dispersal of Jews throughout the world, it also carries religious, philosophical, political, and eschatological connotations, inasmuch as the Jews perceive a special relationship between the land of Israel and themselves. Interpretations of this relationship range from the messianic hope of traditional Judaism for the eventual ingathering of the exiles to the view of Reform Judaism that the dispersal of the Jews was providentially arranged by God to foster pure monotheism throughout the world.

The first significant Jewish Diaspora was the result of the Babylonian Exile of 586 bc. After the Babylonians conquered the Kingdom of Judah, part of the Jewish population was deported into slavery. Although Cyrus the Great, the Persian conqueror of Babylonia, permitted the Jews to return to their homeland in 538 bc, part of the Jewish community voluntarily remained behind.

The largest, most significant, and culturally most creative Jewish Diaspora in early Jewish history flourished in Alexandria, where, in the 1st century bc, 40 percent of the population was Jewish. Around the 1st century ad, an estimated 5,000,000 Jews lived outside Palestine, about four-fifths of them within the Roman Empire, but they looked to Palestine as the centre of their religious and cultural life. Diaspora Jews thus far outnumbered the Jews in Palestine even before the destruction of Jerusalem in ad 70. Thereafter, the chief centres of Judaism shifted from country to country (e.g., Babylonia, Persia, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, and the United States), and Jewish communities gradually adopted distinctive languages, rituals, and cultures, some submerging themselves in non-Jewish environments more completely than others. While some lived in peace, others became victims of violent anti-Semitism.

Jews hold widely divergent views about the role of Diaspora Jewry and the desirability and significance of maintaining a national identity. While the vast majority of Orthodox Jews support the Zionist movement (the return of Jews to Israel), some Orthodox Jews go so far as to oppose the modern nation of Israel as a godless and secular state, defying Gods will to send his Messiah at the time he has preordained.

According to the theory of shelilat ha-galut (denial of the exile), espoused by many Israelis, Jewish life and culture are doomed in the Diaspora because of assimilation and acculturation, and only those Jews who migrate to Israel have hope for continued existence as Jews. It should be noted that neither this position nor any other favourable to Israel holds that Israel is the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy regarding the coming of the messianic era.

Although Reform Jews still commonly maintain that the Diaspora in the United States and elsewhere is a valid expression of Gods will, the Central Conference of American Rabbis in 1937 officially abrogated the Pittsburgh Platform of 1885, which declared that Jews should no longer look forward to a return to Israel. This new policy actively encouraged Jews to support the establishment of a Jewish homeland. On the other hand, the American Council for Judaism, founded in 1943 but now moribund, declared that Jews are Jews in a religious sense only and any support given to a Jewish homeland in Palestine would be an act of disloyalty to their countries of residence.

Support for a national Jewish state was notably greater after the wholesale annihilation of Jews during World War II. Of the estimated 14 million Jews in the world today, about 4 million reside in Israel, about 4.5 million in the United States, and about 2.2 million in Russia, Ukraine, and other republics formerly of the Soviet Union.

Visit link:
Diaspora | Judaism |

Israel arrests Hamas co-founder, accusing him of inciting …

Posted By on October 20, 2015

Published October 20, 2015

Israeli forces arrested one of the co-founders of the Hamas militant group Tuesday, accusing him of inciting recent violence that has resulted in the deaths of nine Israelis, many in stabbing attacks.

The military said Hassan Yousef was arrested near Ramallah. It marks the most high-profile arrest since a wave of unrest swept through the region a month ago.

The military said Yousef had been "actively instigating and inciting terrorism" by encouraging attacks against Israelis. Military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner told the Associated Press, "Hamas' leaders cannot expect to propagate violence and terror from the comfort of their living rooms and pulpits of their mosques."

Yousef's eldest son, Mosab, spied for Israel between 1997 and 2007.

Also Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was "fanning the flames" of recent violence.

Speaking at a press conference with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Netanyahu blamed Abbas for incitement.

"President Abbas has not condemned a single one of the 30 terrorist attacks against Israelis over the last month and he continues to glorify the terrorists as heroes," Netanyahu said.

Ban is in the region calling for calm in an attempt to curb weeks of violence that has killed 10 Israelis, 43 Palestinians and an Eritrean migrant worker.

On Tuesday evening, Israel's military said its forces killed a Palestinian during a clash along the border with the Gaza Strip. A military statement said the soldiers identified Palestinians preparing to attack soldiers on the Gaza border and "foiled the attack, firing toward the snipers, hits were confirmed."

It said the attackers are from the same cell that has fired on forces near the border before. Gaza health official Ashraf al-Kidra said three Palestinians were injured as well.

Earlier, a Palestinian attacker rammed his car into a group of Israelis waiting at a bus stop at a junction on the outskirts of Jerusalem in the West Bank, the Israeli military said. He then attempted to stab bystanders. A civilian and a soldier were injured in the attack before the attacker was shot and killed, it said.

That attack came soon after a 24-year-old Palestinian was shot dead by Israeli forces after he stabbed an Israeli military officer and lightly wounded him, the Israeli military and Palestinian health officials said. The military said it happened during a violent Palestinian protest.

In a separate incident in the West Bank, an Israeli man was killed after being run over during a clash with Palestinians. The man exited his car after Palestinian demonstrators threw stones at it and he began to hit passing Palestinian cars with a large stick, according to an Associated Press photographer who witnessed the incident. The man hit a passing truck with the stick, and the truck ran the man over. The Israeli military confirmed his death.

The truck driver turned himself in, saying he hit the Israeli by accident while trying to swerve out of the way, according to a Palestinian security official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

Ban called for calm during a press conference with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and said "no society should live in fear."

"My visit reflects the sense of global alarm at the dangerous escalation in violence between Israelis and Palestinians," he said. "I am here to encourage and support all efforts to lower tensions and prevent the situation from spinning out of control."

Ban added, "It's not too late to avoid a broader crisis."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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