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The African Diaspora – experienceafrica

Posted By on August 9, 2015

The African Diaspora

Introduction to the African Diaspora across the World

When once were dispersions, there now is Diaspora[i]. As illustrated by this quote, the notion of Diaspora underlines the specificity of some migration phenomenon, thereby contributing to make sense out of certain transnational movements.

Etymologically, the word diaspora, meaning dispersal, stems from the Greek sporo (seed), and speira (to spree). Originally, it was used in the Antique tradition to refer to the dispersion of Hellenic establishments around the Mediterranean Sea[ii]. Later on, in the biblical tradition, it was used to discuss the dispersal of the Jewish People.

Since the 1980s-90s, Diasporas have become the focus of numerous academic research and publications in the field of social sciences, gradually referring to more and more different communities around the world. Today, Diasporas can be defined as national migrant communities living in interaction among themselves and with their country of origin[iii]. The notion of diaspora must be distinguished with other phenomenon of migration, as the importance of the ties between members of the Diasporas and their country of origin is prevalent.

The nature of these ties is diverse: they can be political, economic, cultural as well as social and academic. Often, Diasporas are also linked to a founding myth related to their place of origin and to the conditions under which they were forced or urged to leave their motherland. As a matter of fact, according to Dominique Schnapper[iv], many Diasporas are built on a major event, often dramatic, which ties a community together, despite its geographical dispersion. This is, for example, the case for the Jewish Diaspora, which appeared after the destruction of the Temple and the annexation of Judea by Romans.

As of today, the African Diaspora is one of the most important in the world in terms of numbers. According to the African Union, the African Diaspora is composed of people of African origin living outside of the continent, irrespective of their citizenship and nationality, and who are willing to contribute to the development of the continent and the building of the African Union[v].

Three main periods can be identified, when it comes to giving an overview of the history of African Diasporas. Historically, the first wave of forced African migrations began during the Transatlantic Slave Trade (16th-19th century). Europeans captured or bought African slaves, mostly from West Africa, and brought them to Europe, and later on to South and North America. The number of Africans who were shipped across the Atlantic is estimated to be around 12 million[vi].

This population movement can be considered as the migration that paved the way for the constitution of the first African community outside of Africa. In point of fact, slave trade can be considered as the founding myth of the African Diaspora in Europe and in America. Many Africans were deported out of Africa during this period, but the feeling of belonging to a community, the African community, did not disappear. In a way, this feeling became even stronger.

The transatlantic slave trade contributed mostly to creating a large community of African origins in the American continent, especially in the US and in Brazil. This diaspora belongs to the first wave of migration, and is often referred to as the historical diaspora. It is to be differentiated, from later movements of population of the 1960s, in the sense that these migrants blended more into local populations, partly losing the connection with their land of origin. The members of this diaspora tend to be more attached to Africa as a continent of origin, rather than linked to a specific country in Africa. They are still considered as part of the diaspora. In fact, if the concrete connection to their land of origin was often lost throughout generations, symbolic ties were kept, which will be assessed later on in this paper.

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Bnai Brith Wikipedia

Posted By on August 9, 2015

Bnai Brith (Hebrisch ; deutsch Shne des Bundes), auch Bnai Brith oder im deutschsprachigen Raum (bis zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus) Unabhngiger Orden Bne Briss (U.O.B.B.) oder Bnei Bri genannt, ist eine jdische Organisation, die im Jahre 1843 in New York als geheime Loge von zwlf jdischen Einwanderern aus Deutschland gegrndet wurde und sich laut Selbstdarstellung der Frderung von Toleranz, Humanitt und Wohlfahrt widmet. Ein weiteres Ziel von Bnai Brith ist die Aufklrung ber das Judentum und die Erziehung innerhalb des Judentums. Zurzeit gibt es rund 500.000 organisierte Mitglieder in ungefhr 60 Staaten. Damit ist Bnai Brith eine der grten jdischen internationalen Vereinigungen. Das Verffentlichungsorgan ist die Bnai Brith International Jewish Monthly.

Mit Grologen, Hauptlogen und Distrikten ist Bnai Brith hnlich wie die Freimaurerei aufgebaut, versteht sich aber nicht als mit dieser Bewegung verbunden.

Die Zentrale ist in Washington, D.C., dort betreibt die Organisation auch ein Museum zur jdischen Geschichte (das Bnai Brith Klutznick National Jewish Museum).

1897 ffnete sich die Organisation auch fr Frauen. So entstanden zu dieser Zeit auch im Deutschen Reich die Bnai-Brith-Schwesternverbnde, die sich zu dem verhltnismig liberaleren Jdischen Frauenbund abgrenzten. Seit 1990 nimmt Bnai Brith International Frauen als Vollmitglieder auf. Die selbstorganisierte, dem Bnai Brith angeschlossene Frauenorganisation nennt sich Bnai Brith Women und behauptet weiterhin ihren unabhngigen Status.

Der erste Ableger in Deutschland wurde 1882 in Berlin gegrndet. Der Vereinssitz befand sich in der Kleiststrae 10 in Berlin-Schneberg. 1924 wurde der Rabbiner Leo Baeck zum Groprsidenten des deutschen Distrikts gewhlt, der damals mehr als hundert Einzellogen umfasste. Seine Prsidentschaft dauerte von 1925 bis 1937.[1] Am 20. April 1938 mussten alle Logen aufgelst werden. Als Eigentmer des Gebudes Kleiststrae 10 fungierte ab 1938 die Gestapo. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg grndete sich der Orden in der Bundesrepublik neu.[2]

Ableger von Bnai Brith sind u.a. die 1913 gegrndete Anti-Defamation League und die auf Studierende spezialisierte Organisation Hillel.

Seit Mrz 1965 existiert in Berlin eine Gedenktafel im Jdischen Gemeindehaus in der Fasanenstrae.[3] In der Passauer Strae 4 residiert mit der Janusz-Korczak-Loge eine Bnai Brith-Loge.

Sigmund Freud war Mitglied der 1895 gegrndeten Wiener Loge von Bnai Brith, deren Prsident jahrelang der Philosoph Wilhelm Jerusalem gewesen ist.[4] Im Februar 2004 wurde in Frankreich die Pariser Loge nach ihm benannt.[5]

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Bnai Brith Wikipedia

Anne Frank Wikipdia

Posted By on August 9, 2015

Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre.

Le livre original avec la photo d'Anne Franck.

uvres principales


Annelies Marie Frank, plus connue sous le nom dAnne Frank, ne le 12 juin 1929 Francfort-sur-le-Main, en Allemagne, sous la Rpublique de Weimar, ayant vcu la majeure partie de sa vie aux Pays-Bas et morte en fvrier ou mars 1945 (environ deux mois avant la capitulation allemande) Bergen-Belsen en Allemagne nazie, fut une adolescente allemande juive ayant crit un journal intime, rapport dans le livre Le Journal d'Anne Frank, alors qu'elle se cachait avec sa famille et quatre amis Amsterdam pendant l'occupation allemande durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le but d'viter la Shoah.

La famille quitte Francfort pour Amsterdam la fin de lanne 1933 afin d'chapper aux perscutions nazies l'encontre des Juifs qui se multiplient depuis larrive au pouvoir d'Adolf Hitler en janvier. Alors que les dangers s'intensifient Amsterdam occup par les Allemands depuis mai 1940, les Frank se cachent en juillet 1942 dans un appartement secret amnag dans l'Annexe de l'entreprise Opekta d'Otto Frank, le pre. Anne a alors treize ans environ. Aprs deux ans passs dans ce refuge, le groupe est trahi et dport vers les camps d'extermination nazis. Sept mois aprs son arrestation, Anne meurt du typhus dans le camp de Bergen-Belsen quelques jours aprs le dcs de sa sur Margot, et quelques semaines avant la libration du camp .

Son pre Otto, l'unique survivant du groupe, revient Amsterdam la fin de la guerre et apprend que le journal d'Anne dans lequel elle relate sa vision des vnements depuis le 12 juin 1942 jusqu'au 1er aot 1944 a t prserv. Convaincu du caractre unique de l'uvre de sa fille, Otto dcide de la faire diter et le texte original en nerlandais est publi en 1947 sous le titre Het Achterhuis: Dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 1 Augustus 1944 (L'arrire-cour: notes du journal du 12 juin 1942 au 1eraot 1944). Dcrit comme le travail d'un esprit mr et perspicace, l'uvre donne un point de vue intime et particulier sur la vie quotidienne pendant l'occupation par les nazis et ce journal d'une adolescente au destin tragique a fait d'Anne Frank l'une des victimes emblmatiques de la Shoah. En effet ce Journal a t traduit du nerlandais en de nombreuses langues et est devenu l'un des livres les plus lus dans le monde et plusieurs films, tlfilms, pices de thtre et opras en ont t tirs.

Anne Frank, seconde fille d'Otto Heinrich Frank (12 mai 188919 aot 1980) et d'Edith Frank-Hollnder (16 janvier 19006 janvier 1945), naquit le 12 juin 1929 Francfort-sur-le-Main en Allemagne. Elle avait une sur prnomme Margot (16 fvrier 1926 mars 1945). Son nom de naissance tait Annelies Marie, mais pour sa famille et ses amis, elle tait simplement Anne. Son pre l'appelait parfois Annelein (petite Anne). La famille vcut dans une communaut mixte de citoyens juifs et non-juifs, et les enfants grandirent en ctoyant des amis de confession catholique, protestante et juive. Les Frank taient juifs rformistes, pratiquant beaucoup des traditions de la foi juive, sans observer l'ensemble des coutumes. Dans la famille, Edith tait la plus dvoue sa foi. Otto Frank, ancien officier allemand dcor pendant la Premire Guerre mondiale, voulait poursuivre ses tudes et possdait une importante bibliothque; les deux parents encourageaient leurs filles lire. En mars 1933, les lections pour renouveler le conseil municipal de Francfort virent le parti nazi d'Adolf Hitler l'emporter. Des manifestations antismites eurent immdiatement lieu, et les Frank commencrent craindre pour leur scurit s'ils restaient en Allemagne. Plus tard la mme anne, Edith et les enfants se rendirent Aix-la-Chapelle (Allemagne) pour habiter avec Rosa Hollnder, la mre d'Edith. Otto Frank resta Francfort, mais aprs avoir reu une offre pour dmarrer une affaire Amsterdam, il s'y rendit pour organiser la socit et prparer la venue de sa famille.

Otto commena travailler chez Opekta Works, une socit qui vendait la pectine extraite des fruits, et trouva un appartement Merwedeplein dans la banlieue d'Amsterdam. En fvrier 1934, Edith et les enfants arrivrent Amsterdam et les deux filles furent inscrites l'cole; Margot dans une cole publique et Anne dans une cole montessorienne. Margot montra ses facults en arithmtique et Anne dcouvrit ses aptitudes la lecture et l'criture. Son amie Hannah Goslar se rappela plus tard que pendant sa tendre enfance, Anne Frank crivait rgulirement, cachant ses crits avec sa main et refusant de discuter du contenu de ceux-ci. Ces crits prcoces n'ont pas travers l'histoire jusqu' nous et ont t gars. Anne et Margot avaient deux personnalits bien distinctes; Margot tait manire, rserve et studieuse tandis qu'Anne tait expressive, nergique et extravertie. En 1938, Otto Frank dmarra une seconde affaire en partenariat avec Hermann van Pels, un boucher qui avait fui Osnabrck en Allemagne avec sa famille. En 1939, la mre d'Edith vint vivre avec les Frank et resta avec eux jusqu' sa mort en janvier 1942. En mai 1940, l'Allemagne envahit les Pays-Bas. Le gouvernement d'occupation commena perscuter les Juifs en instaurant des lois rpressives et discriminatoires, et l'inscription obligatoire et la sgrgation des Juifs s'ensuivirent rapidement. Margot et Anne excellaient alors dans leurs tudes et avaient de nombreux amis, mais l'application d'un dcret statuant que les enfants juifs ne pouvaient suivre des cours que dans des coles juives, elles furent inscrites au Lyce juif.

Pour son treizime anniversaire le 12 juin 1942, Anne reut un carnet qu'elle avait montr son pre dans un magasin quelques jours plus tt. Lorsqu'elle crit, elle s'adresse Kitty, une amie imaginaire. Bien que ce ft un livre d'autographes, reli avec un morceau de tissu rouge et blanc et muni d'une petite fermeture l'avant, Anne avait dj dcid de l'utiliser comme journal. Elle commena y crire presque immdiatement, se dcrivant personnellement, dcrivant sa famille et ses amis, sa vie l'cole, ses admirateurs et les endroits du voisinage qu'elle aimait visiter. Si ces premiers crits montrent que sa vie tait celle d'une colire typique, ils abordent galement les changements dont Anne a t tmoin depuis le dbut de l'occupation allemande. Quelques rfrences sont apparemment occasionnelles et non soulignes. Nanmoins en quelques passages, Anne fournit plus de dtails sur l'oppression grandissante. Par exemple, elle crit propos de l'toile jaune que les Juifs taient obligs de porter en public, et elle lista quelques restrictions et perscutions qui bouleversrent la vie de la population juive d'Amsterdam.

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Anne Frank Wikipdia

Anna Frank – Wikipedia

Posted By on August 9, 2015

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank, (pronuncia olandese: [nlis mari n frk], tedesca: [anlis mai an fak]; ascolta[?info]), nome italianizzato in Anna Frank, (Francoforte sul Meno, 12 giugno 1929 Bergen-Belsen, febbraio 1945[1][2][3]), stata una ragazza e scrittrice ebrea tedesca, divenuta un simbolo della Shoah per il suo diario scritto nel periodo in cui lei e la sua famiglia si nascondevano dai nazisti e per la sua tragica morte nel campo di concentramento di Bergen-Belsen.

Visse parte della sua vita ad Amsterdam nei Paesi Bassi, dove la famiglia si era rifugiata dopo l'ascesa al potere dei nazisti in Germania. Fu privata della cittadinanza tedesca nel 1935, divenendo cos apolide e nel proprio diario scrisse che ormai si sentiva olandese e che dopo la guerra avrebbe voluto ottenere la cittadinanza dei Paesi Bassi, Paese nel quale era cresciuta.

Seconda figlia di Otto Heinrich Frank (12 maggio 1889 - 19 agosto 1980) e di sua moglie Edith Frank (16 gennaio 1900 - 6 gennaio 1945) nata Hollnder, apparteneva ad una famiglia di patrioti tedeschi che prestarono servizio durante la Prima guerra mondiale. Aveva una sorella maggiore, Margot Elisabeth Frank (16 febbraio 1926 - febbraio 1945). Nel 1933, Adolf Hitler vinse le elezioni in Germania.

Il crescente numero di manifestazioni antisemite al seguito della vittoria di Hitler indussero Otto Frank a cogliere al volo l'occasione di trasferirsi ad Amsterdam, nei Paesi Bassi. L avvi una ditta producente pectina per la realizzazione di marmellate, la Opekta Works. Nel 1938 Otto avvi una seconda ditta, per la distribuzione di sale da conservazione, erbe e spezie, la Pectacon.

Il 10 maggio 1940, l'esercito tedesco invase l'Olanda. I Frank furono costretti a sottostare alle leggi razziali. Il 12 giugno 1942, Anne ricevette per il suo tredicesimo compleanno un quadernino a quadretti bianco e rosso[4], sul quale inizier a scrivere il Diario, inizialmente sotto forma di annotazioni a proposito della scuola e degli amici, quindi come immaginaria corrispondenza con le protagoniste di una popolare serie di romanzi per ragazze "Joop ter Heul" della scrittrice olandese Cissy van Marxveldt, di cui lei e le amiche erano accanite lettrici.

Meno di un mese dopo, il 6 luglio 1942, la famiglia Frank dovette nascondersi con la famiglia nell'Achterhuis (alloggio segreto, letteralmente "retrocasa" dall'olandese), un piccolo spazio a due piani posto sopra i locali della Opekta di Otto, in seguito ad un invito a comparire inviato alla sorella di Anne, Margot, da parte della polizia tedesca. L'alloggio segreto era situato in un vecchio - ed abbastanza tipico - edificio sul Canale Prinsengracht, nella parte ovest di Amsterdam, a circa un isolato dalla Westerkerk.[5] La porta d'ingresso dell'Achterhuis venne in seguito nascosta dietro una libreria girevole.

Nel nascondiglio trovarono rifugio otto persone:

La famiglia Van Pels raggiunse i Frank il 13 luglio 1942; il dentista Pfeffer arriv il 16 novembre 1942. I clandestini erano aiutati da persone esterne: Miep Gies, Jan Gies, Johannes Kleiman, Victor Kugler, Bep Voskuilj, il signor Voskuilj (padre di Bep) e la moglie di Kleiman, quasi tutti collaboratori nelle ditte del padre di Anne. Portavano ai clandestini cibo, notizie e ogni cosa di cui avessero bisogno, rischiando la vita. Tali persone erano anche le uniche ad essere al corrente del nascondiglio dei clandestini.

Durante il periodo di clandestinit, Anne scrive il celeberrimo Diario, descrivendo con considerevole talento le paure causate dal vivere in clandestinit, i sentimenti per Peter, i conflitti con i genitori e gli altri compagni di sventura e le sue aspirazioni di diventare scrittrice ed ottenere la cittadinanza olandese. Alcuni brani del diario in cui la ragazza, ormai alle soglie della pubert, annota i propri dubbi e curiosit riguardo al sesso, vennero in seguito espunte dalle prime versioni date alle stampe, cos come una serie di annotazioni della giovane in merito ai suoi dubbi circa l'affiatamento dei propri genitori.

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Anna Frank - Wikipedia

Racing West – NEAR LIVE: NASCAR West irwindale

Posted By on August 9, 2015

NEAR LIVE: Apple Cup at Yakima Speedway Join Shari G at the Apple Cup! Near Live NEAR LIVE: NASCAR West irwindale Join Andy D at Irwindale for Near Live Coverage of Saturday Night's Main Event Near Live The Speedway At Willow Springs- 2015 Summer Season Presented by Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse in Colton and San Dimas Website: Facebook: We are thrilled to announce the 2015 racing season schedule for The Speedway At Willow Springs International Raceway. Our 2015 season will include 9 events, Two Destruction in the Desert events, and a WHOLE lot of fun. .: Full Story NEAR LIVE ARCHIVE: Kern County Raceway Park

Kern County Late Models Spec-Mods & NASCAR West

The NASCAR K & N Pro Series, West is starting its 2015 season at the high banked, state of the art speedway with a 150-lapper. Kern County Raceway will also host its top two NASCAR Whelen All-American Series Weekly racing divisions on the highly anticipated night. The NASCAR Late Models will compete in a 75 lap feature and the NASCAR Spec-Mods will battle it out for 50 laps in the first race of the year for the top two divisions at Kern County Raceway.

Near Live with Andy D

Lucas Oil Modified Series presented by LoanMart.

Lucas Oil I 10 Speedway

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Racing West - NEAR LIVE: NASCAR West irwindale

Israel Defense Forces – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted By on August 9, 2015

Military of Israel

Israel Defense Forces logo

Flag of the Israel Defense Forces

United States (1968present)[5] Czechoslovakia (1948)[6] Germany (1998present)[7]

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF; Hebrew: Tzva Hahagana LeYisra'el(helpinfo), lit. "The Army of Defense for Israel", commonly known in Israel by the Hebrew acronym Tzahal (), are the military forces of the State of Israel. They consist of the ground forces, air force, and navy. The IDF is headed by its Chief of General Staff, the Ramatkal, subordinate to the Defense Minister of Israel; Lieutenant general (Rav Aluf) Gadi Eizenkot has served as Chief of Staff since 2015.

An order from Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion on 26 May 1948 officially set up the Israel Defense Forces as a conscript army formed out of the paramilitary group Haganah, incorporating the militant groups Irgun and Lehi. The IDF served as Israel's armed forces in all the country's major military operationsincluding the 1948 War of Independence, 19511956 Retribution operations, 1956 Sinai War, 19641967 War over Water, 1967 Six-Day War, 19671970 War of Attrition, 1968 Battle of Karameh, 1973 Operation Spring of Youth, 1973 Yom Kippur War, 1976 Operation Entebbe, 1978 Operation Litani, 1982 Lebanon War, 19822000 South Lebanon conflict, 19871993 First Intifada, 20002005 Second Intifada, 2002 Operation Defensive Shield, 2006 Lebanon War, 20082009 Operation Cast Lead, 2012 Operation Pillar of Defense, and 2014 Operation Protective Edge. The number of wars and border conflicts in which the IDF has been involved in its short history makes it one of the most battle-trained armed forces in the world.[9][10] While originally the IDF operated on three frontsagainst Lebanon and Syria in the north, Jordan and Iraq in the east, and Egypt in the southafter the 1979 EgyptianIsraeli Peace Treaty, it has concentrated its activities in southern Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories, including the First and the Second Intifada.

The Israel Defense Forces differs from most armed forces in the world in many ways. Differences include the mandatory conscription of women and its structure, which emphasizes close relations between the army, navy, and air force. Since its founding, the IDF has been specifically designed to match Israel's unique security situation. The IDF is one of Israeli society's most prominent institutions, influencing the country's economy, culture and political scene. In 1965, the Israel Defense Forces was awarded the Israel Prize for its contribution to education.[11] The IDF uses several technologies developed in Israel, many of them made specifically to match the IDF's needs, such as the Merkava main battle tank, Achzarit armoured personnel carrier, high tech weapons systems, the Iron Dome missile defense system, Trophy active protection system for vehicles, and the Galil and Tavor assault rifles. The Uzi submachine gun was invented in Israel and used by the IDF until December 2003, ending a service that began in 1954. Following 1967, the IDF has close military relations with the United States,[12] including development cooperation, such as on the F-15I jet, THEL laser defense system, and the Arrow missile defense system.

The IDF traces its roots to Jewish paramilitary organizations in the New Yishuv, starting with the Second Aliyah (1904 to 1914).[13] The first such organization was Bar-Giora, founded in September 1907. It was converted to Hashomer in April 1909, which operated until the British Mandate of Palestine came into being in 1920. Hashomer was an elitist organization with narrow scope, and was mainly created to protect against criminal gangs seeking to steal property. During World War I, the forerunners of the Haganah/IDF were the Zion Mule Corps and the Jewish Legion, both of which were part of the British Army. After the Arab riots against Jews in April 1920, the Yishuv's leadership saw the need to create a nationwide underground defense organization, and the Haganah was founded in June of the same year. The Haganah became a full-scale defense force after the 19361939 Arab revolt in Palestine with an organized structure, consisting of three main unitsthe Field Corps, Guard Corps, and the Palmach. During World War II the successor to the Jewish Legion of World War I was the Jewish Brigade.

The IDF was founded following the establishment of the State of Israel, after Defense Minister and Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion issued an order on 26 May 1948. The order called for the establishment of the Israel Defense Forces, and the abolishment of all other Jewish armed forces. Although Ben-Gurion had no legal authority to issue such an order, the order was made legal by the cabinet on 31 May.[14]

The two other Jewish underground organizations, Irgun and Lehi, agreed to join the IDF if they would be able to form independent units and agreed not to make independent arms purchases. This was the background for the dispute which led to the Altalena Affair, following a confrontation regarding the weapons purchased by the Irgun. This resulted in a battle between Irgun members and the newly created IDF. It ended when the ship carrying the arms was shelled. Following the affair, all independent Irgun and Lehi units were either disbanded or merged into the IDF. The Palmach, a strong lobby within the Haganah, also joined the IDF with provisions, and Ben Gurion responded by disbanding its staff in 1949, after which many senior Palmach officers retired, notably its first commander, Yitzhak Sadeh.

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Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Benjamin Netanyahu, Likud Party win big in Israeli …

Posted By on August 9, 2015

Benjamin Netanyahu will remain Israel's prime minister.

After intense campaigning, Netanyahu was re-elected for a fourth term. With 99.5 percent of the ballots counted, Netaynahu's Likud Party won 29 or 30 of the 120 seats in the Israeli Parliament, YNet news reported Wednesday morning local time.

The Zionist Union alliance, his center-left rival led by Isaac Herzog, garnered 24 seats.

When pre-election polls Friday showed Herzog with a near five-seat lead over the Likud party, Netanyahu stepped up last minute campaigning that included a promise no Palestinian state would be established with him as Israel's leader.

More from the Washington Examiner

ATLANTA -- It's likely the Donald Trump melodrama is the only news you've heard from the RedState Gathering of conservatives in Atlanta. But something unusual happened here, and it had nothing to do with Trump.

A parade of Republican presidential candidates marched through -- Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker -- and not one of them bombed. Not one underwhelmed, disappointed, or mailed it in. Instead, the GOP hopefuls were sharp, fired-up, and focused, even as the embarrassments of the latest Trump controversy threatened to overshadow it all.

08/09/15 3:53 AM

Election results showed his last minute campaigning as well as his speech on the importance of a nuclear Iran to Congress earlier this month worked in his favor.

"I am proud of the Israeli people that, in the moment of truth, knew how to separate between what's important or what's not and to stand up for what's important," Netanyahu told a crowd early Wednesday morning at Likud's election party in Tel Aviv, according to the New York Times. "For the most important thing for all of us, which is real security, social economy and strong leadership."

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Benjamin Netanyahu, Likud Party win big in Israeli ...

Hamas – Wikipedia

Posted By on August 9, 2015

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

ams, acronimo di arakat al-Muqwama al-Islmiyya (in arabo: , Movimento Islamico di Resistenza, ovvero , "entusiasmo, zelo, spirito combattente") un'organizzazione palestinese, di carattere politico, paramilitare e terrorista secondo l'Unione europea, in base alla posizione comune del suo Consiglio (2005/847/PESC del 29 novembre 2005),[3] gli Stati Uniti[4] e l'Australia.[5]

Fondata dallo Shaykh Ahmad Yasin, Abd al-Azz al-Rants e Mahmud al-Zahar nel 1987, sotto la pressione dell'inizio della Prima Intifada, come braccio operativo dei Fratelli Musulmani, per combattere lo Stato di Israele, la cui presenza nella Palestina storica viene considerata illegittima. Durante la Seconda Intifada, nel periodo che va dal 2000 al 2005, ha effettuato svariati attentati suicidi contro l'esercito israeliano e contro la popolazione civile dello Stato ebraico, che hanno provocato centinaia di vittime civili e militari.[6] Hamas gestisce anche ampi programmi sociali, e ha guadagnato popolarit nella societ palestinese con l'istituzione di ospedali, sistemi di istruzione, biblioteche e altri servizi in tutta la Striscia di Gaza.[7]

Lo Statuto di Hamas propone la cancellazione dello Stato di Israele e la sua sostituzione con uno Stato islamico palestinese. La stessa Carta dichiara che "non esiste soluzione alla questione palestinese se non nel jihad".[8][9] Ciononostante, nel luglio 2009, Khaled Mesh'al, capo dell'ufficio politico di stanza a Damasco, ha dichiarato che Hamas era intenzionato a cooperare con una "soluzione del conflitto Arabo-Israeliano che includesse uno stato Palestinese sui confini del 1967", a condizione che ai rifugiati palestinesi venisse riconosciuto il diritto al ritorno in Israele e che Gerusalemme Est fosse riconosciuta come capitale del nuovo stato.[10][11] Tale risoluzione, ovvero l'accettazione della soluzione a due Stati, stata ripetuta varie volte dagli esponenti di Hamas e dai suoi sostenitori[12][13][14][15]. D'altra parte, Israele sembra accettare solo formalmente tale soluzione [16].

Hamas in passato ha descritto il suo conflitto con Israele come politico e non religioso[17][17][18][19] ma alcuni giornalisti e gruppi di opinione sostengono che lo Statuto di Hamas e le dichiarazioni dei leader di Hamas siano state influenzate da teorie complottiste .[20]

Inoltre nel 2006 Isma'il Haniyeh,leader di Hamas all'epoca ha dichiarato:Se Israele dichiarasse di dare ai palestinesi uno Stato e ridare loro tutti i loro diritti, allora saremmo pronti a riconoscerli.

L'ala politica di Hamas ha vinto numerose elezioni amministrative locali in Gaza, Qalqilya, e Nablus. Nel gennaio 2006 con una vittoria a sorpresa alle elezioni legislative in Palestina del 2006 con il 44% circa dei voti, Hamas ottenne 74 dei 132 seggi della camera, mentre al-Fath, con il 41% circa dei voti ne ottenne solo 45. La distribuzione del voto per era molto differente nei vari territori: le principali basi elettorali di Hamas erano nella Striscia di Gaza, mentre quelle del Fatah erano concentrate in Cisgiordania. Questo lasci subito presagire che, se i due partiti non avessero trovato un compromesso, sarebbe potuta scoppiare una lotta per il controllo dei due territori nei quali ciascuno dei due partiti era pi radicato.[21]

A seguito della Battaglia di Gaza (2007) Hamas prese il controllo completo dell'omonima Striscia; nel quadro di tali eventi e tra accuse di illegalit[22][23] a loro volta i funzionari eletti di Hamas furono eliminati fisicamente o allontanati dalle loro posizioni dall'Autorit Nazionale Palestinese in Cisgiordania e i loro incarichi furono assunti da esponenti del Fath e da membri indipendenti. Il 18 giugno 2007, il Presidente palestinese Mahmud Abbas (Fath) ha emesso un decreto che mette fuorilegge le milizie di Hamas.[24]

Hamas elencata tra le organizzazioni terroristiche dal Canada,[25] da Israele,[26] dal Giappone,[27] e dagli Stati Uniti,[28] ed bandita dalla Giordania.[29]Australia[30] e Regno Unito[31] elencano solo l'ala militare di Hamas, le Brigate Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, come organizzazione terroristica. Gli Stati Uniti hanno adottato misure contro Hamas a livello internazionale.[32]. inoltre, l'Egitto ha denominato come organizzazione terroristica sia l'entit politica che armata di hamas[33].

L'Unione europea considera Hamas come gruppo terroristico dal 2003, nonostante una sentenza della corte di giustizia di dicembre 2014 in cui il tribunale stabilisce di aver preso la decisione di iscrivere il gruppo nella lista dei gruppi terroristici per un vizio di forma, dato che l'iscrizione era basata su imputazioni fattuali ricavate dai mezzi di comunicazione o da Internet e non su elementi esaminati in modo concreto[34][35]. Gli effetti rimangono comunque tuttora in vigore, dato che l'UE ha annunciato che far appello contro la decisione di rimuovere il gruppo dalla lista[36].

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Gaza – Wikipedia

Posted By on August 9, 2015

Gaza (Arabisch: Ghaza - ) is de belangrijkste stad in de Gazastrook. Ter onderscheiding van de Gazastrook wordt de stad ook wel aangeduid als Gaza-Stad.

De bevolking van Gaza bedraagt ongeveer 450.000 mensen. Gaza valt sinds 1995 onder het bestuur van de Palestijnse Autoriteit. In Gaza is een kantoor van de Palestijnse Autoriteit gevestigd.

Gaza heeft een zeer lange geschiedenis; de eerste referentie naar de (oude) stad kwam van de Egyptische farao Thoetmosis II in de 15e eeuw v.Chr.. Onder Echnaton werd rond 1400 v.Chr. het Kananitisch gebied ingedeeld in drie Egyptische hoofdprovincies: twee in Syri en een in Palestina met Gaza als hoofdstad. Egypte werkte met functionarissen ter plaatse uit eigen streek. In de 12e eeuw v.Chr. was Gaza een van de bekendste Filistijnse steden van de Pentapolis samen met Askelon, Asdod, Ekron en Gath. Deze welvarende liga stond in die tijd onder leiding van een seren (opperhoofd).

In 1187 v.Chr. deden de Zeevolken, waaronder de P-r-s-t, de Filistijnen, een poging Egypte binnen te vallen. Bij tegenaanvallen van de farao werd het gedeelte van het oude Kanan dat later Isral en Judah zou worden vernietigd. In Medinet Habu zijn daar inscripties van Ramses III over te vinden. Later mochten deze volken (Filistijnen, Tjekker en mogelijk ook Denyen) zich aan de kustweg vestigen ("De weg van de Filistijnen"). Gaza, Ashdod, Ekron, Gath en Ashkelon vormden samen de Pentapolis, de vijf bekendste Filistijnse steden. Deze vijf steden vormden een liga onder leiding van een seren (opperhoofd). Ze vertonen een archeologisch verband met de Myceense cultuur. Zij namen de lokale Kananitische cultuur aan, maar er blijkt ook Indo-Europese invloed uit een aantal Filistijnse woorden.

In 1150 v. Chr leidden interne strubbelingen in Egypte tot terugtrekking van hun garnizoenen uit Beth Shean, de Jordaanvallei, Megiddo en Gaza.

In 734 v.Chr. vormde Pekach, de koning van Isral, een coalitie met Damascus, Ammon, Moab, Edom en enkele oude Filistijnse stadstaten tegen de Assyrische koning Tiglatpileser III, die een garnizoen legerde in Gaza.

In 670 v.Chr. werd Yurza, een Kananitische stad (nu Tell Jemmeh), tien kilometer ten zuiden van Gaza, op de zuidelijke oever van de Besor-rivier, veroverd en ingenomen door de Assyrische koning Esarhaddon op weg om Egypte te veroveren. Hij noemde Gaza "Arsa bij de beek van Egypte". Gedurende het grootste deel van de zevende eeuw v.Chr. bleef Gaza een belangrijk Assyrisch administratief centrum. Het werd na de val van Assyri (612) en enkele jaren van verwarring, overgenomen door de Babylonirs en, na 539, de Perzen.

Alexander de Grote veroverde de stad op de Perzen in het najaar van 332. Hij doodde de laatste Perzische garnizoenscommandant persoonlijk. Na Alexanders eigen dood in 323 was het gebied omstreden tussen zijn opvolgers, de Diadochen. Ptolemaeus I en Seleucus I Nicator versloegen bij Gaza in 312 v.Chr. Demetrius Poliorcetes, de zoon van Antigonus I Monophthalmus. Tot 200 behoorde de stad tot het Ptolemasche Rijk, daarna tot het Seleucidische.

In 145 v.Chr. werd Gaza veroverd door Jonathan Makkabes, een van de vier broers van Judas Makkabes. Volgens Flavius Josephus werd Gaza omstreeks 100 v.Chr., toen een havenstad van het koninkrijk der Nabateers, op hun koning Aretas II veroverd door Alexander Jannaeus; een tiental jaren later werd de stad echter weer door de Nabatese koning Obodas I heroverd[2]. Alexander Jannaeus wist Obodas' zoon Aretas III echter te verslaan en de kust te veroveren. Hij hield wreed huis in Gaza.

Gaza werd helemaal herbouwd in de tijd van Herodes I en cadeau gedaan aan keizerin Livia. Later maakte de stad deel uit van de provincie Judaea, die na de Bar Kochba-opstand werd omgedoopt tot Palaestina.

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Gaza - Wikipedia

A year after Gaza war, no rebuilding and an uneasy future …

Posted By on August 9, 2015

BEIT HANOUN, Gaza Ali Wahdan, a maths teacher from Gaza, lost his wife, 11 members of his family and a leg to Israeli bombardment of the town of Beit Hanoun, in the north of the Gaza Strip, during last year's war between Israel and Hamas.

Nearly 12 months on, doctors have decided to amputate his other leg. It is a cruel reminder of how little progress he has made since the 50-day war. In almost all respects, his life and prospects have crumbled.

"The war ended, but my tragedy did not," said the pale 36-year-old, moving himself around in a motorized wheelchair. "I spent the past year going from one hospital to another.

"A year ago I was a teacher standing before my students. Today I am helpless to serve even my children."

The war did come to an end. But on either side, those caught up in it are still struggling to deal with the fallout. Israel and Hamas too are trying to work out whether the truce they have is stable or if the next war is just around the corner.

In Gaza, the impact of the conflict is everywhere. More than 12,000 homes destroyed and 100,000 damaged, with none so far rebuilt. Tens of thousands left homeless. Two-thirds of the 1.8 million people recipients of U.N. aid in one form or another.

More than 500 children were among the 2,100 Palestinians, the majority of them civilians, who were killed. Seventy-three Israelis, almost all soldiers, were killed.

"The despair, destitution and denial of dignity resulting from last years war and the blockade are a fact of life for ordinary people in Gaza," said Pierre Krahenbuhl, head of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency, Gaza's main provider of aid. "This situation represents a time-bomb for the region."

Wahdan and what remains of his family are sheltering in a home built of wood, blue plastic sheeting and metal panels, a far cry from the four-story building they once occupied. They have a refrigerator but little to cook with.

Across the frontier in Israel, where constant mortar and rocket fire from Gaza rained down ahead of and during the conflict, the impact is less visible but no less real.

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A year after Gaza war, no rebuilding and an uneasy future ...

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