9-11 Review: Holocaust Denial Versus 9-11 Truth
Posted By simmons on June 24, 2015
The association of challenges to the official myth of 9/11 with deniers of the Nazi Holocaust of Jews is one of the more potent weapons in the arsenal of the apologists for the official myth, although its use so far has been limited. In a column in Scientific American attacking the 9/11 "conspiracy theories" Michael Shermer states:
The mistaken belief that a handful of unexplained anomalies can undermine a well-established theory lies at the heart of all conspiratorial thinking (as well as creationism, Holocaust denial and the various crank theories of physics).
Following this, Shermer launches into a straw-man attack against 9-11 Research implying that the website embraces the same "conspiratorial thinking" as Holocaust denial, despite the fact that 9-11 Research does not endorse Holocaust denial or Holocaust revisionism, and avoids uncritically linking to websites that do. It is easy to find writers and websites that openly mix 9/11 skepticism with Holocaust denial or revisionism. Some of the more prominent ones are:
In January of 2007 CNN devoted a segment of Paula Zahn NOW to attacking all 9/11 'conspiracy theorists' as racists who assert that Jews were behind the attack.
Christopher Bollyn, writing for the American Free Press, was the source of numerous original stories on the 9/11 coverup. Bollyn -- whose prolific work suggests he is a hard-working reporter -- was the apparent source of numerous stories including:
Apparently because of his original reporting, Bollyn's work has been widely cited and copied. Unfortunately, this is also true of a number of hoaxes that Bollyn has promoted -- perhaps unknowingly.
The fact that Bollyn is extensively sourced in 9/11 skeptics' literature, combined with the fact that his employer, the American Free Press, has neo-Nazi associations, gives defenders of the official 9/11 myth effective ammunition with which to attack their critics. Although publications of the American Free Press are generally free of racist, white-supremicist, or anti-Semitic content, its sister publication, The Barnes Review overtly promotes such ideologies. Consider the following facts.
The American Free Press was founded by Willis Carto, believed by some critics to be the leading exponent of anti-Semitism in the United States in the latter half of the 20th century. Carto, widely considered a white supremacist, was co-founder of the Institute for Historical Review, which has championed Holocaust revisionism and has been accused of being a neo-Nazi organization. Carto also founded The Barnes Review, and the Liberty Lobby, best known for publishing the now-defunct paper The Spotlight. Carto and other editors from The Spotlight went on to establish the American Free Press.
Eric Hufschmid was one of the first researchers of the 9/11 attack to come to prominence, with his 2002 book Painful Questions , and his 2003 video Painful Deceptions. Both of these highly original works pair the idea that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were felled by controlled demolition with the idea that the Pentagon was hit by a small aircraft such as a Global Hawk drone rather than Flight 77. Neither the book nor the video betray Hufschmid as a Holocaust denier or racist -- positions he has since openly embraced or been accused of. However, less publicized writings of Hufschmid foreshadow these things, such as one with the punchline, 'Duh! The Jews!':
The Jews are simply exploiting the suffering and death of their fellow Jews. The moment a Jew suffers or dies, the other Jews look for ways to exploit the situation. It reminds me of the way cockroaches immediately begin eating one another when one of them dies.
Original post:
9-11 Review: Holocaust Denial Versus 9-11 Truth