A Short History of the Jews Ben Klassen – The End of Zion
Posted By simmons on May 25, 2015
Excerpt from: Natures Eternal Religion by Ben Klassen (1973)
Masters of Deceit A Short History of the Jews
Nature in her infinite wisdom has put the highest premium on survival of the species. In her profuse variety Nature has brought forth creatures of all kinds, fish and fowl, animal and vegetable, insect and bacteria. Some creatures like the cardinal and bluebird are beautiful to behold. Others like the scorpion fish and the lizard are not. Some creatures are flesh eating. Others are herbivorous. Some animals, like cows, forage on the grass of the meadows. Others like the coyote, the wolf and the tiger are predatory. Other creatures like cockroaches, mosquitoes and maggots are parasitic. Each creature has its means of existence and survival and its means of perpetuating its species. In all, the will to live and perpetuate its own kind is intensely strong. If it were not, the species would soon have died out.
In the human species there is one race that stands out above all others in the intensity and fierceness in its will to survive that is the Jewish race. How this one race has survived and stayed intact through all the convulsions and upheavals of history for 5,000 years is something remarkable to behold.
Whereas some of the ancient races of recorded history such as the Babylonians, the Romans, the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, as a race, have all gone down the sinkhole of history the Jew has survived. Not only has he survived, but he has become the slave- master of all the other races of the world, although he only numbers a small percentage of the worlds population.
Whereas the glorious White Race has been a builder, explorer and creator of civilizations, of governments and nations, the Jew has been none of these. On the contrary, he has been the very antithesis of the noble White Man. Throughout his history, which goes back more than 5,000 years, during which he has remained united as a race, the Jew has been the parasite and predator on the backs of those nations who have been his unwilling hosts. The Jew has never been a creator, nor a builder, nor a producer, like the members of the White Race. On the contrary, he has been a destroyer of civilizations, a plunderer of nations, and a killer who invented the very idea of genocide in the earliest stages of his own history. All we have to do is read their own Old Testament to find that in page after page after page they slew, killed and plundered one tribe after another. One nation after another was put to the sword, man, woman and child.
Yes, indeed, the Jews are a blood-thirsty race. They have survived over a long period of time, although they have been scattered throughout the other nations of the world. They have been a plague on the body of mankind from the earliest dawn of recorded history. Nor has that plague abated in modern times. In fact, today it is more deadly than ever, and since we, the White Race, are the chief target and the chief victims marked for destruction, it behooves us to take a close look, and study our destroyer.
It is a fascinating and horror-filled history. It is an ugly story. But study it we must, and understand it we must, if we are to extricate ourselves from our plight and fulfill the obligation that Nature has placed upon us: namely, the survival of our very own species, the noblest creation on the face of the earth: the White Race.
The history of mankind is filled with wars and conflict, but of all the conflicts that have ensued between the different nations and the different races, there is only one race that has aroused the most violent antagonisms no matter where they settled that race is the Jewish race.
Throughout all the turmoil of history and all the wars, conflicts and massacres, sooner or later the two conflicting parties settled down and either reconciled their differences, and lived peacefully together, or they went elsewhere to live. Not so with the Jews, however. The Jew has never been reconciled with the host nation upon whose back he feeds. Nor have the Jews peacefully migrated to other countries. The history of the Jews demonstrates two things: first, that there has never been a reconciliation between them and their hosts, and second, that no nation has ever succeeded in barring them permanently. Furthermore, as the Jews bored into their host nations and became more and more reprehensible and intolerable, the host nation generally has turned on them and tried to expel them from their national body. However, in no case has a victimized nation been successful in expelling them permanently. In fact, it is surprising that in every case where Jews were expelled from a nation, often under conditions of humiliation and suffering, within a few years the Jews have returned. Not only have they usually returned, but they then set about with increased viciousness to destroy the host nation upon whom they had previously fed like a parasite. The Jews have since time immemorial been culture destroyers and civilization destroyers. The Jewish problem has been on the back of all nations for at least the past 5,000 years.
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A Short History of the Jews Ben Klassen - The End of Zion