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Bret Stephens Highlights: Iran, Palestine, Israel, and Jewish Identit – Video

Posted By on March 7, 2015

Bret Stephens Highlights: Iran, Palestine, Israel, and Jewish Identit Subscribe for more videos like this: Join Bret Stephens with Fareed Zakaria as they discuss U.S. fore..

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Bret Stephens Highlights: Iran, Palestine, Israel, and Jewish Identit - Video

Ukraine MH 17 Plane Crash. Jewish Witchcraft and Gaza Invasion. Illuminati Freem – Video

Posted By on March 7, 2015

Ukraine MH 17 Plane Crash.

Continued here:
Ukraine MH 17 Plane Crash. Jewish Witchcraft and Gaza Invasion. Illuminati Freem - Video

The Economist Judaism and the Jews “Alive and well” – Video

Posted By on March 7, 2015

The Economist Judaism and the Jews "Alive and well" Bible in the News This past week the Economist carried a special section on Judaism and the Jews entitled "Alive and well". While the Economist is not known ... By: yuliparyanti

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The Economist Judaism and the Jews "Alive and well" - Video


Posted By on March 7, 2015


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Ancient Israel: Away from Home: Jewish Refugees and Resettlemen – Video

Posted By on March 7, 2015

Ancient Israel: Away from Home: Jewish Refugees and Resettlemen For course related materials please visit. For course related materials please visit Ancient Israel: Away from Home: Jewish Refugees and Resettlemen Ancient Israel: Away from Home: Jewish..

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Ancient Israel: Away from Home: Jewish Refugees and Resettlemen - Video

Does The Babylonian Talmud REALLY Call The Virgin Mary a Whore? – Video

Posted By on March 7, 2015

Does The Babylonian Talmud REALLY Call The Virgin Mary a Whore? BIBLICALRESEARCHLABS


See the original post here:

Does The Babylonian Talmud REALLY Call The Virgin Mary a Whore? - Video

Rav A. Somekh – Talmud Kiddushin 16 – Video

Posted By on March 7, 2015

Rav A. Somekh - Talmud Kiddushin 16
Corso di Talmud 5775 - Trattato di Kiddushn - Primo Capitolo. 2.3.2015, Milano - Residenza Arzaga. Registrazione D. Piazza.

By: Rabbinato Milano

Original post:

Rav A. Somekh - Talmud Kiddushin 16 - Video

David Serero sings Yedit Nefesh at la Synagogue de la Victoire in Paris – Video

Posted By on March 7, 2015

David Serero sings Yedit Nefesh at la Synagogue de la Victoire in Paris
David Serero sings Yedit Nefesh at la Synagogue de la Victoire in Paris. November 2013

By: David Serero

Continued here:

David Serero sings Yedit Nefesh at la Synagogue de la Victoire in Paris - Video

Hoffman: Awaken to the treasures in your midst

Posted By on March 7, 2015

There is a story I like from the Hasidic tradition about a man who left his home on a quest to find a treasure. He wanted to find the meaning of life; something he had come to believe he couldn't find in the hum-drum routine of his everyday experience. So he started on a journey in search of this treasure.

The first night he slept out under the stars. And before he climbed under his blanket, he took his shoes off and put them in the road pointing in the direction toward which he was heading. Then he went to sleep. That night a prankster turned the man's shoes in the opposite direction, so when the man woke up the next morning and put his shoes on, he started out in the direction from which he had come.

He traveled some distance, and then noticed a house that looked a lot like his house. He went inside the house and was greeted by a family of people who looked remarkably like his family. And, according to the legend, the man then decided to settle down there, and when he did, promptly discovered the treasure for which he had searched.

The moral of the story, of course, is that more often than not, the treasures we are looking for in life and the opportunities we get for a centered and meaningful existence those things are all right here. We don't have to go searching for them in some exotic location, or fool ourselves into thinking that if only this or that circumstance in our life was different, we would finally arrive and, at long last, be content.

The story from the ancient rabbis is wise because it suggests just the opposite. Its simple message is that if you want to find meaning in life, what you need to do is just open your eyes to what you already have and then commit yourself to employ the values you most admire in the places you most frequent and among the people in your ordinary sphere of contacts.

I think Jesus had something similar in mind when he once told his disciples, Dont go rushing around looking for the Kingdom of God; saying Look, here it is, or Lo, there it is. For the Kingdom of God is within you.

Maybe the day on which you are reading this article seems to you like an ordinary day. But if you were to see today as the opportunity to look with freshness on the people in your life, and to live out, in whatever large or small way you can, the values you most admire, then I would suggest to you that today is not ordinary at all. It will be a day on which you experience God.

Here is the original post:

Hoffman: Awaken to the treasures in your midst

Volokh Conspiracy: The phony end of liberal Zionism meme, part 4

Posted By on March 7, 2015

This series is a response to claims by various Jewish leftists such as Antony Lerman thatwhile it used to be okay to be a liberal Zionist, nowadays Israel politics is so right-wing that being a liberal Zionist is a contradiction in terms. While it was fine to be pro-Israel through the 1990s, when the dream still lived, now they can only regretfully watch from afar as Israel sinks into militarism, chauvinism, and general illiberalism.

In Part I of this series, I pointed out (a) that theonly feasible alternatives to Zionism are themselves illiberal, and (b) contrary to claims from various leftists who have abandoned Israel,its entirely false that Israeli politics have taken a sudden swing to the right, and in fact the Israeli polity is significantly more liberal on the issue of territorial compromise with the Palestinians than it was, say, in the 1980s.

In Part II of this series, I noted that claims of increasing anti-Arab racism in Israel are false, and that in fact, despite factors that would lead one to expect anti-Arab sentiment in Israel to rise, it has in fact fallen slightly.

In Part III of this series, I explained that just before his assassination Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, representing the center-left Labor Party and hailed as a great peacemaker, took public positions on negotiations with the Palestinians that overall areto the rightof the positions taken by the current Netanyahu government.

For this installment, I commend to you this article by Evelyn Gordon, who elaborates on all of the points above and more. In particular, she also points to the liberalization of the Israeli economy from its Socialist roots. This might not seem to be something American liberals would inherently appreciate, but back in the days of Labor Party socialism when the government owned most of Israels largest companies, ones employment prospects were tied to ones connection with the political elite and the extent one was in favor with the Histadrut labor federation, itself an illiberal notion; worse yet, the political elite and labor leadership was overwhelmingly composed of Jews of European origin, leading to what amounted to state-sponsored discrimination against Mizrahi (Eastern) Jews. More generally, Gordon notes that discrimination against Mizrahim has diminished significantly. (What she doesnt note, but I will, is that Ashkenazi-Mizrahi marriages are so common today that within a generation or two discussions of the social and economic divide between the two groups will be anachronistic).

Moreover, not only are Israeli Arabs becoming more integrated in Israeli society, especially with regard to higher education and the burgeoning high-tech industry, but the progress has been both dramatic and recent.

In short, concludes Gordon, Israeli politics [with regard to the Palestinian issue] have shifted sharply to the left; ideas once confined to the far-left fringe are now mainstream. And civil rights, democracy, and treatment of minorities have all been improving. So as Ive noted before, if left-wing Jews are abandoning ties to Israel, its not becauseIsrael has changed for the worse, but because they have.

David Bernstein is the George Mason University Foundation Professor at the George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, VA. He is the author of Rehabilitating Lochner: Defending Individual Rights Against Progressive Reform (2011); You Can't Say That! The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties from Antidiscrimination Laws (2003);

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Volokh Conspiracy: The phony end of liberal Zionism meme, part 4

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