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Soho Rep. Gala Evacuated After Building's Support Beam Cracks

Posted By on April 1, 2014

Soho Repertory Theater's annual spring gala was almost held tonight at the Angel Orensanz Center, an ornate 19th century Gothic revival synagogue on the Lower East Sides Norfolk Street. Its a very hip synagogue. This is temple Beth Kerouac, comedian Richard Lewis joked to Daily Intelligencer upon arrival. Lewis was one of the many boldface names in attendance, along with Bobby Cannavale, Steve Earle and presenters Gretchen Mol and Tim Blake Nelson.

Unfortunately, what the synagogue boasted in hipness it evidently lacked in structural integrity: around 7:15 p.m., a large crack was heard throughout the building. According to an FDNY member on scene, one of the support beams of the second floor balcony had cracked, causing the floor to sag. It felt like, on the left side of the balcony space, the floor kind of gave way, said guest Adrian Bethea, who had been standing on the balcony at the time.

Still, most of the patrons continued with their cocktails and mini crostinis as if nothing had happened, unfazed by the rapidly multiplying number of firefighters in attendance. Who invited FDNY? commented one guest, as a smiling Richard Lewis handed out fist-bumps to New Yorks bravest.

Even after the building was finally evacuated, the festivities continued: while the organizers didnt go full Claire Underwood and hold the gala on the front steps, the 500 or so displaced patrons were treated to a performance by a marching band and then a rendition of Feel Alright by Steve Earle. Best city in the world. Its amazing, said Lisa Nelson. Youve got all these fabulous people here, and spontaneous theater breaks out.

Not everyone was able to make light of the events, which ultimately resulted in the cancellation of the acclaimed off-broadway companys most important fundraising event. Im heartbroken, said the evenings honoree, Board Chair Jon Dembrow. This is very damaging to the organization.

Its nothing short of awful, said presenter Tim Blake Nelson. But I guess you live in New York, and on every block is history. And we wanted to have our benefit in a place that exemplifies that. And you dont know what kind of risks youre ever taking.

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Soho Rep. Gala Evacuated After Building's Support Beam Cracks

Music and the Sephardic oral tradition: a life spent documenting Jewish musical heritage – Video

Posted By on April 1, 2014

Music and the Sephardic oral tradition: a life spent documenting Jewish musical heritage
In the Sephardic Jewish tradition, songs have had many functions, from the empowerment of women to the teaching of rituals. One musicologist has spent her pr...

By: JewishNewsOne

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Music and the Sephardic oral tradition: a life spent documenting Jewish musical heritage - Video

Jewish Virtual Library Sephardim

Posted By on April 1, 2014

by Rebecca Weiner

The descendants of Jews who left Spain or Portugal after the 1492 expulsion are referred to as Sephardim. The word Sephardim comes from the Hebrew word for Spain, Sepharad, that is stated in the Bible.

It is believed that Jews have lived in Spain since the era of King Solomon (c.965-930 B.C.E.). Little information can be found on these Jews until the beginning of the first century. We do know that in 305 C.E., the Council of Toledo passed an edict forbidding Jews from blessing the crops of non-Jews and prohibiting Jews and non-Jews from eating together.

- Visigoth Rule - The Golden Age - Christian Rule, Inquisition & Expulsion - Exiled Sephardic Communities - World War II-Present - Language - Religious Practices

In 409 C.E., the Visigoths conquered Spain. The Visigoths were Arian Christians, followers of Arius who reasoned that Jesus could not logically co-exist with God and must therefore be subservient to him.

In 587 C.E., King Reccared, the Visigoth king in Spain, converted to Roman Catholicism and made it the state religion. Subsequently, the Church was to exert powerful influence on all aspects of social life. Almost immediately, in 589 C.E., a canon was passed forbidding the marriage between Christians and Jews; and in 612 C.E., the Council of Gundemar of Toledo ordered that all Jews submit to baptism within the year.

In 638 C.E., the Arian Visigoths declared that only Catholics could live in Spain.

The situation improved in 711 when Spain fell under the rule of the Muslim Moors. Both Muslims and Jews built a civilization, based in Cordoba, known as Al-Andalus, which was more advanced than any civilization in Europe at that time. Jews were able to coexist peacefully with their neighbors; however, they were still treated as dhimmis, "People of the Book" (Jews and Christians) who are protected under Islamic law. Jews did not have complete autonomy and had to pay a special tax, the jizha , but were able to freely practice their religion.

The era of Muslim rule in Spain (8th-11th century) was considered the "Golden Age" for Spanish Jewry. Jewish intellectual and spiritual life flourished and many Jews served in Spanish courts. Jewish economic expansion was unparalleled. In Toledo, Jews were involved in translating Arabic texts to the romance languages, as well as translating Greek and Hebrew texts into Arabic. Jews also contributed to botany, geography, medicine, mathematics, poetry and philosophy.

A number of well-known Jewish physicians practiced during this period, including Hasdai Ibn Shaprut (915-970), who was the doctor for the Caliph (leader of Spain). Many famous Jewish figures lived during the Golden Age and contributed to making this a flourishing period for Jewish thought. These included Samuel Ha-Nagid, Moses ibn Ezra, Solomon ibn Gabirol Judah Halevi and Moses Maimonides.

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Jewish Virtual Library Sephardim

Spains Apology: Muslims too Deserve Correction of Historical Wrongs

Posted By on April 1, 2014

Mar 26 2014 / 7:02 am

By Faisal Kutty

The Spanish governments offer of the right of return to the descendants of Jews expelled in 1492 is a bit late, but nevertheless worthy of praise says Rabbi Pinchas Godlschmidt, the president of the Conference of European Rabbis. The Rabbi was responding to Spains new law approved by the cabinet on Feb. 7th granting citizenship to all those who can prove their Sephardic origin. The law amends a previous version announced in 2012, which granted citizenship only to qualified Sephardic Jews and did not allow them to retain other citizenships. The old law also did not extend to the descendants of those coerced to convert to Catholicism, known as Marranos (swine in Spanish).

The current version of the law still to be ratified by the Parliament is seen as a way to correct a historical wrong for the expulsion of Jews from Spain. What of the unknown number of Muslims and their descendants expelled?

The Edict of Expulsion (also known as the Alhambra Decree) issued on March 31, 1492 by the Catholic Monarchs of Spain (Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon) ordered Jews to convert or to leave the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon. This was just after the fall of Muslim Grenada in January 1492. A decade or so after the fall and the Alhambra Decree, Muslims were also forced to convert or leave. In fact, between 1609 (Valencia) and 1614 (Castile), even those Muslims who had converted to Christianity and their descendants (the Moriscos) were forcibly thrown out. Between 275,000 and 350,000 people left and mostly settled in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

Spanish Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardn said the law has a deep historic meaning but that it also reflects the reality of Spain as an open and plural society. An openness that apparently does not extend to Muslims. In 2006 a left-wing party in the Andalusian parliament sought to introduce a bill granting Spanish citizenship to the descendants of Moriscos. The bill failed. The double standard is not lost on many Muslims and descendants of Moriscos particularly those in Spain and North Africa.

Representatives of the Moriscos in Morocco and Algeria have already written to Spanish Authorities. Najib Loubaris, the president of LAssociation pour la Mmoire des Andalous, a group representing Moroccan Moriscos strongly chastised the Spanish government. The government should grant the same rights to all those who were expelled, Loubaris is quoted in the Guardian. Otherwise the decision is selective, not to mention racist. The call is echoed by Spains leading Islamic group the Junta Islmica.

While many of the descendants of the Jews may return, consulates in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have reportedly already been flooded with requests; the situation with Muslims may be different. It is not known exactly how many Muslims stayed underground and how many left. Moreover, it will be difficult for most Muslim descendants to trace their ancestry because they melted away in Spain or wherever they ended up unlike the Jews who kept to themselves out of fear of further persecution. Moreover, according to University of Cordoba law Professor, Antonio Manuel Rodrguez Ramos, it is unlikely that the government will encourage the investigation into Muslim descendants. He argues though hundreds of thousands left, the majority did not leave but rather stayed back and created a culture that can be described as most authentic and most Hispanic. He suggests digging too deep into Muslim descendants would simply highlight a truth that most Spaniards would like to ignore. The danger is that we will have to recognize that the majority of the Spanish population is of Muslim descent, says the Professor. Its an effort to hide our history, to hide our memory.

With respect to the Jews expelled and their descendants, Rabbi Goldschmidt argued that in addition to this right of return, they need an official apology and that all Jewish monuments now being used as museums and churches be re-assigned again for Jewish use and control to amend the historical mistakes.

Whatever the truth of the matter with respect to Muslims, echoing the Rabbi, Spain must apologize to Muslims and their descendants and restore their monuments.

The rest is here:

Spains Apology: Muslims too Deserve Correction of Historical Wrongs

See Beyonce Visit Anne Frank House in Amsterdam – Video

Posted By on April 1, 2014

See Beyonce Visit Anne Frank House in Amsterdam Nick Lachey interviewed his ex-girlfriend Kristin Cavallari and it was awkward. Like Us on Facebook!: Follow Us On Twitter!: h. Beyonce makes a special trip ...

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See Beyonce Visit Anne Frank House in Amsterdam - Video

Hasidism – Home | Jewish Virtual Library

Posted By on April 1, 2014

The Hasidic movement started in the 1700's (CE) in Eastern Europe in response to a void felt by many average observant Jews of the day. The founder of Hasidism, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (referred to as the "Besht," an acronym of his name) was a great scholar and mystic, devoted to both the revealed, outer aspect, and hidden, inner aspect of Torah. He and his followers, without veering from a commitment to Torah, created a way of Jewish life that emphasized the ability of all Jews to grow closer to Gd via everything that we do, say, and think. In contrast to the somewhat intellectual style of the mainstream Jewish leaders of his day and their emphasis on the primacy of Torah study, the Besht emphasized a constant focus on attachment to Gd and Torah no matter what one is involved with.

Early on, a schism developed between the Hasidic and nonHasidic (i.e., Misnagdim, lit. "opponents") Jewish movements, primarily over real or imagined issues of halachic observance. The opposition was based on concern that the Hasidim were neglecting the laws regarding appropriate times for prayer, and perhaps concern about the exuberance of Hasidic worship, or a concern that it might be an offshoot of false messiahs Shabbtai Zvi or Jacob Frank. Within a generation or two, the rift was closed. Since then, many Hasidic practices have influenced the Misnagdim, while the Misnagdim, in turn, moderated some of the extremes of early Hasidism. Nevertheless, the dispute between particular groups of Hasidim and Misnagdim continues to this day, especially in Israel.

Today, Hasidim are differentiated from other Orthodox Jews by their devotion to a dynastic leader (referred to as a "Rebbe"), their wearing of distinctive clothing and a greater than average study of the inner aspects of Torah.

There are perhaps a dozen major Hasidic movements today, the largest of which (with perhaps 100,000 followers) is the Lubavitch group headquartered in Brooklyn, NY. Other groups include the Bobov, Bostoner, Belzer, Gerer, Satmar, Vizhnitz, Breslov, Puppa, Bianer, Munkacz, and Rimnitz. In Israel, the major Hasidic groups besides the Lubavitch include: Gor (Gerer), Viznitz and Bealz (Belzer).

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Hasidism - Home | Jewish Virtual Library

Hasidic Park No Longer Allowed To Be Sex-Segregated

Posted By on April 1, 2014

An allegedly gender-segregated park run by a Hasidic enclave in Orange County will now be subject to strict NYCLU and ACLU oversight, thanks to a lawsuit that was settled this week.

Last year, both the NYCLU and ACLU sued Satmar-run village Kiryas Joel, an enclave in Monroe, NY, claiming that the village had been requiring men and women to use separate equipment and paths in a 283-acre public park built in April. The park was reportedly built using "special financing" obtained by the village's mayor, and the constitutional watchdog groups had unsuccessfully requested financial documents through the Freedom of Information Act in hopes of tracking the park's funds, before filing a suit. "Public parks cannot segregate based on sex any more than they can on race or national origin, NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman said in a statement in December. New Yorkers have every right to know if this is happening here and if tax dollars are supporting something so blatantly unlawful."

Though the village's legal representation, Donald Nichol, maintained last week that Kiryas Joel "does not have any policy of directing, endorsing, or enforcing illegal segregation on the basis of sex in public places or programs," the village has agreed to a settlement [pdf] allowing the ACLU and NYCLU to visit the park twice each summer for the next three summers, to ensure no segregation is enforced. In addition, the groups reported that signage in the park indicating that certain areas were men-only and women-only has been removed.

When the lawsuit was first filed in December, Council Member David Greenfield, who represents Brooklyn neighborhoods Borough Park, Midwood and Bensonhurst, criticized the NYCLU and ACLU for "picking on these Hasidic Jews," arguing that they should be permitted to police their park without "fear of government intrusion."

The village has been the subject of recent news reports, after announcing a proposal to annex 507 acres of land currently owned by Monroe. Many Monroe residents oppose this plan, arguing that the heavily government-subsidized village is "sucking the county bone dry," according to Westchester News 12.

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Hasidic Park No Longer Allowed To Be Sex-Segregated

Developer Lamm loses 2 challenges

Posted By on April 1, 2014

Published: 2:00 AM - 04/01/14

MONTICELLO Developer Shalom Lamm lost two courtroom skirmishes Monday in the electoral battle for Bloomingburg that centers around his 396-home Hasidic development.

First, Sullivan County Supreme Court Judge Stephan Schick denied a request by Lamm's lawyers to recuse himself because they say Schick's wife made pre-election social media postings that disparaged Lamm, his project and the Hasidic community. The posts allegedly referred to Hasidim as "greedy people" who must be stopped and should be in "orange jumpsuits," Lamm's lawyer John Ciampoli told Schick.

Before denying the motion, Schick said he "had no knowledge" of the postings until Lamm's lawyers showed them to him. He also said "it hasn't affected me one way or another."

Schick this week plans to settle the challenges to 121 voters in the March election that has project opponent Frank Gerardi leading Mayor Mark Berentsen, a Lamm supporter, by an 81-25 margin.

In the courtroom crowded with project opponents, Schick denied a motion by Lamm's lawyers to dismiss the case. They said the challenges to registered voters should have been settled before the election. The Sullivan County Board of Elections last week ruled on the challenges with the vast majority of the challenges made by project opponents upheld and those made by project supporters thrown out. Lamm was one of the voters whose residency and vote was challenged - and upheld by the Board.

Schick will have a hearing on the rulings of the Board Wednesday.

Read more:

Developer Lamm loses 2 challenges

Hasidic Jew Who Claimed To Be "Knockout Game" Victim Simply Fell Down

Posted By on April 1, 2014


by D.L. Chandler (@dlchandler123) March 27, 2014, 15:35pm

A Hasidic Jew visiting from London claiming he was attacked by unknown assailants in Brooklyn set off a hate crime investigation by the NYPD. Now, the gentleman has rescinded his claims and said the he simply fell down and was not a knockout game victim.

The 65-year-old man was in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn Tuesday when he told NYPD officials he was attacked from behind around 2:30 a.m. As expected, the police launched an investigation and marked the incident as a hate crime.

This morning, as reported by Gothamist, the man changed his story and said that he fell and injured himself instead of being attacked by a pack of brutes. City Council Member David Greenfield didn't help matters by egging on the story without all the facts, saying that the brutal attack was part of a growing knockout game trend in Brooklyn.

The gentleman has since returned to London, and police have not revealed any further details in the case.


Photo: C. Macsurak/Wikipedia Commons

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Hasidic Jew Who Claimed To Be "Knockout Game" Victim Simply Fell Down

Hasidic Tourist Attacked In Brooklyn In Possible Hate Crime

Posted By on April 1, 2014

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Hasidic Tourist Attacked In Brooklyn In Possible Hate Crime

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