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LORD's Word(03 22 14)PT6 Esau is Edom, Seir, Idumea Not Ashkenazi – Video

Posted By on April 1, 2014

LORD #39;s Word(03 22 14)PT6 Esau is Edom, Seir, Idumea Not Ashkenazi

By: Gms Arkansas

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Los fabulosos 90s en el lanzamiento de ecko – Video

Posted By on April 1, 2014

Los fabulosos 90s en el lanzamiento de ecko
Lanzamiento de ecko.

By: Dave Ashkenazi

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Los fabulosos 90s en el lanzamiento de ecko - Video

Ashkenazi – New World Encyclopedia – Info:Main Page – New …

Posted By on April 1, 2014

From New World Encyclopedia

Ashkenazi Jews, also known as Ashkenazic Jews or Ashkenazim, are Jews descended from the medieval Jewish communities of the Rhineland"Ashkenaz" being the Medieval Hebrew name for Germany. They are distinguished from Sephardic Jews, the other main group of European Jewry, who arrived earlier in Europe and lived primarily in Spain.

Many Ashkenazim later migrated, largely eastward, forming communities in Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere between the tenth and nineteenth centuries. From medieval times until the mid-twentieth century, the lingua franca among Ashkenazi Jews was primarily Yiddish.

The Ashkenazi Jews developed a distinct liturgy and culture, influenced to varying degrees, by interaction with surrounding peoples, predominantly Germans, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubians, Hungarians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Letts, Belarusians, and Russians.

Although in the eleventh century they comprised only three percent of the world's Jewish population, Ashkenazi Jews accounted for 92 percent of the world's Jews in 1931, and today make up approximately 80 percent of Jews worldwide. Most Jewish communities with extended histories in Europe are Ashkenazim, with the exception of Sephardic Jews associated with the Mediterranean region. A significant portion of the Jews who migrated from Europe to other continents in the past two centuries are Eastern Ashkenazim, particularly in the United States. Ashkenazi Jews have made major contributions to world culture in terms of science, literature, economics, and the arts.

Ashkenaz is a Medieval Hebrew name for Germany. European Jews came to be called "Ashkenaz" because the main centers of Jewish learning were located in Germany.

The Ashkenazi Jewish population originated in the Middle East. When they arrived in northern France and the Rhineland sometime around 800-1000 C.E., the Ashkenazi Jews brought with them both Rabbinic Judaism and the Babylonian Talmudic culture that underlies it. Yiddish, once spoken by the vast majority of Ashkenazi Jewry, is a Jewish language which developed from the Middle High German vernacular, heavily influenced by Hebrew and Aramaic.

After the forced Jewish exile from Jerusalem in 70 C.E. and the complete Roman takeover of Judea following the Bar Kochba rebellion of 132-135 C.E., Jews continued to be a majority of the population in Palestine for several hundred years. In Palestine and Mesopotamia, where Jewish religious scholarship was centered, the majority of Jews were still engaged in farming. Trade was also a common occupation, facilitated by the easy mobility of traders through the dispersed Jewish communities.

In the late Roman Empire, small numbers of Jews are known to have lived in Cologne and Trier, as well as in what is now France. However, it is unclear whether there is any continuity between these late Roman communities and the distinct Ashkenazi Jewish culture that began to emerge about 500 years later.

In Mesopotamia and in Persian lands free of Roman imperial domination, Jewish life had a long history. Since the conquest of Judea by Nebuchadnezzar II in the early sixth century B.C.E., "Babylonian Jews" had always been the leading diaspora community, rivaling the leadership of Palestine. When conditions for Jews began to deteriorate in the western Roman Empire, many of the religious leaders of Judea and Galilee fled to the east. At the academies of Pumbeditha and Sura near Babylon, Rabbinic Judaism based on talmudic learning began to emerge and assert its authority over Jewish life throughout the diaspora. Rabbinic Judaism also created a religious mandate for literacy, requiring all Jewish males to learn Hebrew and read from the Torah. This emphasis on literacy and learning a second language would eventually be of great benefit to the Jews, allowing them to take on commercial and financial roles within Gentile societies where literacy was often quite low.

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Ashkenazi (people) — Encyclopedia Britannica

Posted By on April 1, 2014

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Ashkenazi,plural Ashkenazim, from Hebrew Ashkenaz (Germany), member of the Jews who lived in the Rhineland valley and in neighbouring France before their migration eastward to Slavic lands (e.g., Poland, Lithuania, Russia) after the Crusades (11th13th century) and their descendants. After the 17th-century persecutions in eastern Europe, large numbers of these Jews resettled in western Europe, where they assimilated, as they had done in eastern Europe, with other Jewish communities. In time, all Jews who had adopted the German rite synagogue ritual were referred to as Ashkenazim to distinguish them from Sephardic (Spanish rite) Jews. Ashkenazim differ from Sephardim in their pronunciation of Hebrew, in cultural traditions, in synagogue cantillation (chanting), in their widespread use of Yiddish (until the 20th century), and especially in synagogue liturgy.

Today Ashkenazim constitute more than 80 percent of all the Jews in the world, vastly outnumbering Sephardic Jews. In the late 20th century, Ashkenazic Jews numbered more than 11 million. In Israel the numbers of Ashkenazim and Sephardim are roughly equal, and the chief rabbinate has both an Ashkenazic and a Sephardic chief rabbi on equal footing. All Reform and Conservative Jewish congregations belong to the Ashkenazic tradition. Compare Sephardi.

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Ashkenazi (people) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Israel Meir Kin is a threat to all Jewish women

Posted By on April 1, 2014

A little over a thousand years ago, Rabbenu Gershom of Mainz, the leading scholar of Ashkenazi Jewry, enacted bold legal measures to protect Jewish women from abuse.

Last week a fellow named Israel Meir Kin poked his finger in Rabbenu Gershoms eye, and now every Jewish woman is at risk.

In his day, Rabbenu Gershom began to notice a disturbing and outrageous trend. Husbands, who found that they now fancied another woman, were taking advantage of the Biblical law allowing them to divorce their wives unilaterally and virtually without cause. And with the stroke of a pen, and the cold delivery of a divorce document, they were shattering the lives of their wives and families. Rabbenu Gershom strode into the breach and proclaimed a ban of excommunication against any man who divorced his wife without her consent. And to insure these husbands who lusted after another woman wouldnt simply marry their new love without divorcing their first wives, he placed the same ban of excommunication on any man who married more than one wife, effectively ending the practice of polygamy in Ashkenaz. Rabbenu Gershom was determined that Jewish women would no longer be subject to this kind of abuse at the hands of their husbands.

In our day, Israel Meir Kin has undone Rabbenu Gershoms work. This past Thursday, as about 30 of us stood in protest, he blatantly violated Rabbenu Gershoms ban, by marrying a second woman without divorcing his wife. As if it were not enough that for the past 9 years he has spitefully been refusing to grant a Jewish divorce to his wife Lonna (allegedly unless she were to pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars), he has now completed his journey of shame by toppling the age-old ban on polygamy. (See the articles in this past Saturdays New York Times, and the Jewish Journal.

Make no mistake. Israel Meir Kins actions are not merely outrageous and despicable. His actions threaten all of our daughters and all of our sisters. I can guarantee you that at this very moment there are men who are watching, waiting to see whether Israel Meir Kin gets away with this. And if he does, there will be more Israel Meir Kins. And every single married Jewish woman will be shorn of the protection Rabbenu Gershom had afforded women for the past millennium.

If you know Israel Meir Kin, a physicians assistant now residing in Las Vegas, Nevada, or if you know someone who knows him, you must act now. Bring whatever legal form of social or economic pressure to bear on him that you can. This is a moment that has the potential to wreak havoc and misery for generations to come. Unless we act to stop it.

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Israel Meir Kin is a threat to all Jewish women

30 mart siyaset Bad Romance Iran saber rattling strains US Israel relationship 2 seim vide – Video

Posted By on April 1, 2014

30 mart siyaset Bad Romance Iran saber rattling strains US Israel relationship 2 seim vide By: omersiyasi4747

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30 mart siyaset Bad Romance Iran saber rattling strains US Israel relationship 2 seim vide - Video

2:30PM Class – Speak Unto The Children Of Israel That They Go Forward – Wade Webster – Video

Posted By on March 31, 2014

2:30PM Class - Speak Unto The Children Of Israel That They Go Forward - Wade Webster "Wade Webster - Speak Unto The Children Of Israel That They Go Forward 2014 - Memphis School of Preaching Lectureship Theme: STILL STANDING: BUT NOT STANDING... By: Memphis School of Preaching

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2:30PM Class - Speak Unto The Children Of Israel That They Go Forward - Wade Webster - Video

Surviving the Holocaust in the Ukraine (Full Documentary) – Video

Posted By on March 31, 2014

Surviving the Holocaust in the Ukraine (Full Documentary) Surviving the Holocaust in the Ukraine (Full Documentary) . 2013 This documentary as well as the rest of these documentaries shown here relate to important t... By: Frank Dully

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Surviving the Holocaust in the Ukraine (Full Documentary) - Video

Former Israel PM Olmert Convicted Of Bribery – Video

Posted By on March 31, 2014

Former Israel PM Olmert Convicted Of Bribery By: Please like PigMine #39;s FaceBook page here: Subscribe to By: PigMine5

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Former Israel PM Olmert Convicted Of Bribery - Video

Salaam Palestine ! [CARNET DE VOYAGE] en Terre d’Humanit – Gense du projet 3/3 – Video

Posted By on March 31, 2014

Salaam Palestine ! [CARNET DE VOYAGE] en Terre d #39;Humanit - Gense du projet 3/3 Salam Palestine ! [CARNET DE VOYAGE] en Terre d #39;Humanit Textes - Vronique Massenot Dessins - Bruno Pilorget Photos - Marc Abel Prface de Alain Gresh Un ca... By: Jean-Thierry Debord

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Salaam Palestine ! [CARNET DE VOYAGE] en Terre d'Humanit - Gense du projet 3/3 - Video

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